A Complete Health Guide

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A Complete Health guide-

Our health is our legacy. A seed that when nurtured can grow and continue to blossom over time. Optimal health is your complete physical, emotional, and relational well-being.

It’s not just the absence or prevention of disease but taking an active role in the vitality of those parts that make up your whole. It’s feeling good in your body; a sense of freedom in your body that gives you the tools to live to your fullest.

Your highest form of health is unique to you. It’s going to be different for everyone. It may be helpful to connect with a health coach to get clear and set some health goals.

Achieving optimal health is primarily a mindset; it’s about choosing and deciding to live with intention. A quick exercise is to ask yourself ‘what things can I do every day to reach my optimal health?’

Maybe it has to do with your eating habits, what you’re choosing to put into your body. Or perhaps you need to develop a daily stretching routine or make a date with friends.  You can create your health manifesto to guide you toward optimal health.

Because optimal health looks and feels different for everyone, it’s important to remember you own it! Your health and taking care and control of it is your responsibility, and it has a ripple effect.

When you take care of yourself you can be the best version of yourself no matter your role (partner, friend, parent, family, employee) you can connect in meaningful ways that can span generations.

Living with the intention to make simple edits to your health can cause transformation.  The steps to achieve optimal health are available and straightforward. Your biggest challenge is to decide you want to take those steps. And knowing the everlasting benefits, it’s hard to pass up.

Yoga for Everyone

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Yoga exercises combine breathing exercises with physical postures – simple and effective body movements that strengthen one’s back, firm the stomach, and redistribute body weight.

While yoga evolved as a spiritual practice in Hinduism, more commonly now, a part of yoga, known as Asana, has grown popular as a form of purely physical exercise. Today, yoga exercises have little or nothing to do with Hinduism or spirituality but are simply a way of keeping fit and healthy.

Yoga has its roots in ancient texts like the Vedas and the Upanishads. Technically speaking it’s a Hindu spiritual discipline though parts of it, like breath control, mediation, and other body postures are practiced by many for weight loss, better health and to get rid of stress.

Yogis claim that treatments have benefited patients of autism, asthma, and even cancer as they make the body more receptive to cure and healing.

You’ll find everything you ever needed to know about yoga including the various yoga asanas, for better sex life and how it helps battle ailments like diabetes, stress and depression, arthritis, belly fat, and even menstrual pain.

Yoga has several interesting health benefits too. Yoga can actually help you deal with a variety of issues, it improves your sexual health, helps you lose weight, improves your stamina, and even beats migraines and insomnia.

Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? Well, here are the health benefits of yoga that you must know about. Yoga shouldn’t just be a fitness regime but it should be a way of life.

While many of us resort to yoga as a weight loss solution, there’s much more to it. From helping you lose weight to improving your mental well-being, yoga is your one-stop solution for all the problems. If you are a beginner it is ideal to take it slowly and steadily.

Ensure that you are equipped with all the proper resources like a proper yoga mat and a right yoga guru and maintain hygiene before attending a yoga class. It is also advised to wear proper clothes while performing yoga.

Yoga for weight loss- There are various yoga asanas that can be specified for an effective and easy weight loss like Ardhachandrasana or Virbhadrasana. You can also get rid of fat from your problem areas like thighs and buttocks by performing asanas that target those specific areas.

Yoga is an excellent way to lose weight when compared to exercising at the gym or simply dieting. If practiced regularly and performed with the right technique yoga can help you lose weight and keep it off completely.

It is light on the joints and the chances of injury are very less. Weight-loss in yoga is accompanied by the building and toning of muscles.

Yoga for wellness – From building a strong immune system to helping you improve your lung function yoga is the answer for all your ailments.

It not only can help control blood sugar levels of diabetics but also help beat addiction. It also helps improve digestion and can also treat eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia.

Pranayama- Breathing is an integral part of yoga, and no yoga asana can help you if it is not coupled with proper breathing. Deep breathing is like a process of detoxification as it supplies your body with oxygen and eliminates toxins from the body.

Deep breathing also aids blood circulation throughout the body and helps in rejuvenating it. If you feel stressed out, or have anxiety bout, taking a deep breath can help you feel better instantly.

Different types of pranayams like Shitali pranayam help in relaxing and cooling down the body. Bhastrika pranayama is a yoga asana which helps relieve stress and indigestion.

One most common type of breathing technique called Anulom vilom pranayam is ideal for those suffering from diabetes and heart disease.

Yoga for sexual health – We often encounter stressful situations at work and in our personal lives which take a huge toll on our sexual health. Erectile dysfunction, infertility, and performance anxiety are the most common forms of sexual disorders that people encounter.

Yoga helps to tackle these too and also helps improving one’s sexual health. Yoga asanas like Gomukhasana and Bhujangasana are helpful to beat premature ejaculation and last longer during sex.

Yoga can also help you achieve orgasm and enjoy sex. Kundalini yoga can also be performed to enhance one’s sexual energy and help understand your partner’s sexual needs.

Yoga for beauty- Acne, pimples, freckles, hair breakages, brittleness, and other skin and hair related woes can also be tackled effectively by yoga. From giving you glowing skin to improve the health of your hair yoga should be an integral part of beauty regime.

The yogic approach to health and beauty is a perfect blend of posture combined with rhythmic breathing, which helps in purifying various nerves. You can tackle your hair loss problem yoga poses like Utthanasana and Vajrasana.

For acne-free skin, you should practice asanas like shirshasana and paschimottanasana. Including yoga as a part of your daily life can save the money you spend on beauty products.

Some benefits of yoga are:

Increasing Flexibility – some yoga exercises work on the various joints of the body including those joints that are never really exercised.

Increasing lubrication of the joints, ligaments, and tendons – likewise, the well-researched yoga positions exercise the different tendons and ligaments of the body.

Detoxification – By gently stretching muscles and joints as well as “massaging” the various organs, yoga exercises help improve blood circulation to various parts of the body.

This helps in the flushing out of toxins as well as providing nourishment to various parts of the body, which of course leads to benefits such as delayed aging and increased energy.

Toning of the muscles – Yoga exercises help to stimulate muscles that have become flaccid or weak to shed excess flab, and this is useful in weight loss programs.

Developing a healthy lifestyle- Good health is more than just not being ill. Physical fitness is one key element of good health that many do not pay enough attention to. Fitness simply means having efficient blood circulation, muscular strength and stamina, and good balance.

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To enjoy life more, it’s important to take care of our physical wellness by following a healthy lifestyle.

What is the definition of wellness? “a multidimensional state of being describing the existence of positive health in an individual as exemplified by quality of life and a sense of well-being.”

In terms of physical wellness, one of the first measurements of your fitness is the performance of your heart. Your heart is inextricably linked to all your other body organs, as its contractions are crucial to help pump blood around the body. If your heart stops working, your whole body shuts down.

Being a muscular organ, the heart depends on the lungs to supply oxygen to keep it functioning well. That’s why, to maintain physical wellness, you need a combination of some form of aerobic exercise, coupled with a healthy diet to prevent arteriosclerosis, the build-up of arterial plaque that can lead to heart and circulation problems.

That’s why it’s important to schedule some form of aerobic exercise into your lifestyle. The three most common forms of aerobic exercises are- running, swimming, and cycling. For beginners or those whose current fitness level is low, walking is a good start.

There are also many simple exercises that you can do at home, like stretching, yoga, pilates, and so on. The important thing is to get started!

Children’s Health

As parents, we want the very best for our children, especially in the area of children’s health. This means we need to have a basic understanding of common childhood diseases and illness and know how to choose and administer appropriate treatment, especially for simple ailments or minor fevers. We need to take responsibility for our kids’ health, and not just delegate this to our family doctor.

Rather than resorting to chemically-based drugs and useless medications, as well as unnecessary visits to the doctor each time our children feel unwell, we hope these guidelines can provide practical tips and advice on how to use natural healing to maintain good health for kids and to help strengthen their natural immune systems and natural body defenses against common childhood diseases.

Although we are by no means advocating that you do not bring your sick child to see the family doctor or pediatrician, we suggest that you explore ways in which you can help your child tap into their natural healing ability. We also would like to suggest that you focus on prevention rather than cure, and explore ways to help boost your child’s natural immunity against common children’s illnesses.

Women’s Health

Women’s health is defined as health issues specific to the female anatomy, often related to the female genitalia and breasts or to conditions caused by hormones specific to, or most notable in, women. Women’s health issues include menstruation and pre-menstrual problems; menopause and post-menopause issues; breast, uterine and cervical cancers, other “female” diseases such as osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, ovarian cysts, vaginal infections, and STDs.

Besides these ailments, women’s health is an issue that has been much debated, especially where reproductive health is concerned. In countries where contraception is difficult to access, campaigns for readily available contraception are conducted on the same lines. Conversely, there have also been campaigns against potentially dangerous forms of contraception such as defective IUDs.

The woman, as child-bearer, has always been the nurturer, often taking care of every family member except themselves. In modern times, she has also taken on the role of an income earner and runs the danger of wearing herself out combining her roles as super-mom, super-wife, super-executive, super-cook, super-chauffeur, and perfect housewife – all in all, the perfect woman, thus compromising on her health.

To make matters worse, a recent survey highlights another troubling aspect of the current financial crisis: many women have failed to seek health care for themselves or their families to save money. Findings also indicate that many women say their health has gotten worse over the past five years and that the primary cause women cite for this decline is stress.

We hope this simple guide for Women’s Health will help you get a better understanding of a variety of issues from common health problems faced by women and simple steps you can take to prevent them; physical wellness and fitness to beauty, to a healthy diet and nutrition for you and your family.

Men’s Health

Today, in spite of comprehensive research into men’s health (e.g. diet, exercise, fitness, health care, etc.), we have yet to see the average male life expectancy or life span exceed that of women. However, the topic of male health isn’t a popular topic of conversation. Nonetheless, it is vital to engage men on this issue.

Men tend to have a higher mortality rate than women at every age. There are many reasons that may account for this, but none have been proven to be conclusive. Even though many diverse factors may adversely affect men and health, that has not stopped researchers from looking for the main cause of the shorter life expectancy in men, including:

* men tend to have a higher percentage of risk-taking or unhealthy habits and behavior e.g. speeding, traffic accidents, alcohol abuse, poor diet, smoking, drug abuse, suicides, drowning, etc.

* men are at higher risk of dying from terminal diseases like strokes (cerebrovascular accidents), heart attacks (coronary heart disease), emphysema, lung cancer, colorectal cancer, diabetes mellitus type II, kidney disease, etc.

* men tend to be loners and may not have strong social support networks compared to women. Even in times of trouble or crises e.g. depression, they do not look for help or assistance to help them get through this period.

Despite these factors, health for men should still be a top personal priority. Improving men’s health should not be left to the doctor’s or government’s purview. It starts with a personal commitment and continuous education.

Men can and should take steps to improve their health and life by:

* Taking steps to identify your current state of health by going for a thorough medical examination e.g. hormone levels e.g. testosterone, thyroid, tumor markers, Etc.,

* Educating yourself about healthy eating, exercise, and healthy living. Be engaged and proactive by following a health blog, or reading health magazines or books.

* Consulting your doctor, personal trainer or health coach to learn how to improve health for men. Be honest and open about your family history, exercise routine, eating habits and diet, sexual behavior, and your medical history.

* Take daily or weekly steps to work towards a healthy lifestyle. Implement a healthy and safe diet plan if you’re overweight. Engage a weight loss or health coach to help you plan a realistic and safe weight loss program.

* Be part of a support network or group of like-minded individuals who are proactive about health and exercise. Look for jogging clubs or exercise groups in your community club for example.

* Male sexual health. One of the most important aspects of health in men is their sexual health. Unfortunately, it is oftentimes the first thing that is affected by lifestyle (alcohol, smoking, etc.), disease, medication (e.g. antihypertensives, antidepressants, drugs, etc), mental health, stressful life changes, etc.

Emotional Health and Wellness

Emotional health or wellness refers to your overall psychological well-being – how you feel about yourself, how you interact with others, and your ability to manage your feelings and deal with day-to-day challenges and stressors.

Being emotionally healthy doesn’t just mean the absence of mental disorders like depression, anxiety, or other psychological issues.

Emotional well-being means you have:

  • A sense of contentment
  • A sense of meaning and purpose in life
  • A passion for life and the ability to laugh and have fun
  • A sense of balance between work and play, rest and activity, etc
  • The ability to build and maintain fulfilling relationships
  • The ability to deal with stress positively and bounce back from adversity
  • The flexibility to learn new things and adapt to change
  • Self-confidence and healthy self-esteem

People who enjoy emotional wellness live life to the fullest, know how to have fun and at the same time, be able to cope with life’s inevitable challenges and stresses. They have strong relationships that provide a good support structure for them when faced with adversity.

We all go through road bumps in our life journey – disappointments, frustrations, loss, change, giving rise to sorrow, anger, anxiety, and stress. People who are emotionally strong have better resilience than those who are more likely to cave in to stress. They are able to move past their challenges and not allow their emotions to control them.

Unfortunately, many people take their emotional well-being for granted – focusing on it only when they develop disorders. But just as it requires effort and discipline to build or maintain physical health, so it is with emotional health. There are simple things you can do to achieve happiness and contentment in life, build resilience against adversity, and simply have more fun!


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A Complete health guide for health Tips

  1. Stress is a common cause of tiredness and other lifestyle diseases. Practice yoga and other remedies to ease stress.
  2. Your mental health is as important as your physical health. Take some time to relax and make additional efforts to improve mental health.
  3. Meditation can help relax the mind and relieve stress. Beat stress with mindful meditation every day.
  4. Your brain needs to be active and solving puzzles, crosswords, or playing brain games can help achieve that. You can play these games on your phones while traveling too.
  5. Communication and socializing are good stress busters. Make time to meet people or catch up with friends. You can even talk to your spouse or family every day on light topics to refresh the mind.
  6. Mobile phones, tablets, and computers not only harm your eyes but take most of your time during the day. Switch off all your devices for an hour and engage in other activities.
  7. Switch off your television and mobile phones before you go to bed as the blue light interferes with your sleep.
  8. Deep breathing is one of the most effective techniques to relieve stress and anxiety. It also helps you sleep better. Practice deep breathing at regular intervals during the day.
  9. Just like mental health, emotional well-being is also important. You can maintain a diary and write about how your day was. This will not only improve concentration but relieve you of any emotional burden that you are facing subconsciously.
  10. Kids and pets offer unconditional love and spread cheer. Play with them for at least 15 minutes with them to feel re-energized and happy.
  11. Outdoor activities benefit you physically and mentally. Go for picnics on weekends or engage in outdoor sports with family and friends. You can even take a 10-minute walk in the nearby park to steer clear of your anxiety.
  12. Waking up early has a lot of health benefits and makes you feel energetic. It will also give you time for exercise.
  13. Take a bath every morning. This will keep body odor away and help you feel fresh.
  14. Clean your ears with water and cotton buds regularly to avoid ear infections.
  15. Clean your headphones once a week to avoid dirt from entering the ears. Avoid listening to loud music with headphones on to prevent damage to the eardrums.
  16. If you wish to have healthy and long hair, a proper cleansing routine is a must. Wash and condition your hair regularly with a mild shampoo and conditioner.
  17. A weekly warm coconut oil massage can help you relax and restore the lost nutrients in your hair. All you need is 5 minutes to warm the oil and massage it on your scalp and head.
  18. Avoid using hair dryers every day. Let your hair dry naturally to avoid damage to the hair.
  19. Combing your hair regularly is the easiest way to maintain healthy hair.
  20. Vision problems increase with age. Hence, it is important to get a comprehensive eye exam every 6 months. You can also follow these natural remedies for better eyesight.
  21. If you are constantly working on the computer or watching a lot of television, you can relax your eyes with the palming technique.
  22. Protect your eyes from the harmful UV rays, pollen, and dust that may lead to infections by wearing sunglasses whenever you step out.
  23. For a pimple and acne free glowing skin, follow a cleansing routine every day. Use a toner and gentle face wash and moisturize your face every day. You can follow this cleanup routine every day for clear skin.
  24. Don’t pick your pimples or blackheads. Clean your face properly and use natural remedies to get rid of blackheads and pimples.
  25. The sun causes excessive damage to the skin even in winters. Hence always apply a good layer of sunscreen before you step out in the sun.
  26. Cleaning your face at night is equally important. Wash your face daily before going to bed.
  27. Scrub your body with a pumice stone or loofah at least twice a week to get rid of the dead skin and prevent ingrown hair.
  28. If you have applied make-up, remove it with a good quality make-up remover and wash your face after that. Moisturize your face after removing the make-up to avoid skin breakouts.
  29. Expired skincare products can be extremely harmful to your skin. Discard them even if they have not been used enough.
  30. Oily, fried, and spicy food is the cause of many ailments and skin damage. Avoid these as much as you can for maximum health benefits.
  31. Nuts and dry fruits are not just a healthy snack but have several benefits on your health, hair, skin and even nails. Snack on them every day.
  32. Dental problems and bad oral hygiene can lead to several infections and diseases. Maintaining proper oral hygiene is a must. Brush your teeth twice a day in the morning and at night before going to bed.
  33. Flossing helps remove dirt from the crevices where toothbrushes are not very effective. Floss every day and after meals if possible.
  34. Gargle after every meal. Gargle every time to eat or drink something to get rid of food particles that stick to your teeth and cause mouth odor.
  35. Cleaning your tongue is as important as brushing. It also keeps bacteria away thereby preventing bad odor.
  36. Change your toothbrush every two months or whenever you have a throat infection. This will prevent the infection from recurring.
  37. Nail-biting is not a good habit and can lead to stomach infections as nails carry a lot of dirt in them. Stop biting or putting your nails in your mouth.
  38. Trim your nails regularly or keep them clean to avoid dirt from settling in them and leading to infections.
  39. Decaying food particles, bacteria, dehydration are some of the causes of bad breath. Use natural remedies to get rid of bad breath along with proper oral hygiene.
  40. Avoid infections by not sharing personal hygiene products like toothbrushes and razors.
  41. If you have been prescribed any medication, complete the course and take it regularly to avoid health complications and cure the ailment.
  42. There are endless benefits to drinking water. Keep yourself hydrated and diseases at bay by drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day.
  43. Proper nutrition is the solution to most of your health problems. Eat fresh and healthy foods every day to maintain overall health.
  44. Lack of sleep can lead to many side effects like poor concentration, fatigue, and mood swings. Your body needs at least 6-8 hours of sound sleep every night.
  45. You know the ill-effects of smoking and if you still continue to smoke, quit today.
  46. Reduce alcohol intake to once a week in moderation or on occasions. It just adds empty calories to the body and damages the liver in the long term.
  47. It is important to poop every day. Your body needs to throw out the waste from the body. If you are unable to follow the routine, incorporate foods that help clear constipation and make passing stools easy.
  48. Begin your day with a glass of honey and lime juice mixed with lukewarm water. It is a great remedy for constipation and weight loss and helps detox the body too.
  49. Start your day with at least 6 rounds of Surya Namaskar. It energizes the body and mind and makes you feel active all day.
  50. A comprehensive health check-up is a must of all ages. Opt for annual health check-ups to prevent chronic diseases and to identify other ailments if any at the initial stage.
  51. No physical activity is one of the leading causes of lifestyle diseases. Engage in some form of exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. You can walk, jog, and take stairs or dance.
  52. Sitting for long hours at your desk leads to weight gain and back and neck pains too. Get up from your seat every half an hour and walk a few steps.
  53. Excess caffeine can cause constipation and acidity and can also slow your sex drive. Reduce excessive intake of caffeine if you want to keep healthy and lose weight.
  54. Wearing clean clothes and shoes is important to keep infections and odor at bay. Wash your clothes and dry them regularly.
  55. Ensure that your shoes are dry and free from fungus especially during monsoons.
  56. A clean home helps keep infections away. Use disinfectants while mopping and dust your furniture and other household items regularly to get rid of bacteria.
  57. Garbage or water accumulated near potted plants is breeding ground for mosquitoes and insects. Dispose of your garbage every day and clean plates of potted plants weekly.
  58. There are several natural remedies to get rid of ants, cockroaches, and other insects at home. Use them to avoid food contamination.
  59. Change your bed sheet and pillow covers regularly and dry them in the sun after washing.
  60. Your hands touch several things and come in contact with dust and bacteria throughout the day. Washing them before meals are important to save yourself from indigestion and other infections.
  61. If you do not have a water source near you, use a hand sanitizer before meals to keep your hands free from bacteria.
  62. While Indian food uses a lot of oil, try and reduce the amount of oil you use to maintain the heart health and cholesterol levels. Choosing the right cooking oil is also important.
  63. Eating a few cloves of garlic every day helps control cholesterol and high blood pressure. It also helps keep viral infections and colds at bay.
  64. Curry leaves are beneficial for your skin, hair, and health. Chewing curry leaves or incorporating them in your meals has a host of health benefits.
  65. Vegetables and fruits are sprayed with harmful chemicals and pesticides. It is important that you wash them properly before cooking them or eating them raw.
  66. Turmeric has natural healing properties. It helps prevent cold, sore throat, and other infections away. Here are 10 ways turmeric is beneficial to your health.
  67. Spices like cloves, cinnamon, and peppers are very effective for weight loss, boosting sex life, and in preventing oral problems. Add them to your daily food for maximum benefits.
  68. For increasing your protein intake, consume eggs every day. For vegetarians, include soya beans in your diet.
  69. Consuming vegetable juice is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. Drink the juice of any vegetable like lauki, carrot, palak, or beetroot every day for glowing skin and lowering cholesterol. Read 9 vegetable juices you must try.
  70. Curd is a rich source of calcium and a great digestive aid. It also provides a cooling effect on the body. Add a bowl of curd to your daily meals.
  71. Diet high in fiber like leafy vegetables and whole grains helps aid digestion and bowel movements and improve hemoglobin levels in the body.
  72. Colorful vegetables and fruits pack a lot of health benefits and hence must be consumed every day.
  73. Milk is a source of protein and calcium. Hence, it is advised to drink one glass of milk every day. You can opt for toned milk if you are trying to lose weight.
  74. Dals and pulses add a distinctive taste to food along with the high nutrient value. They are rich in fiber, protein, vitamins, and must be a part of your daily meals.
  75. Potassium-rich foods like bananas, sweet potato help get rid of excess water and help minimize the middle waist and hence must be a part of your daily diet.
  76. If you suffer from constipation, have Triphala every night and add natural fibers to your diet.
  77. Avoid artificial sweeteners like sugar-free, flavored water as they are difficult to digest. They can cause bloating and gas too. Here are some more facts about artificial sweeteners
  78. Maida and wheat flour products like bread result in bloating and weight gain. Whole wheat options should be chosen as they are rich in fibers.
  79. Too much sugar can lead to weight gain and obesity along with other diseases. Try cutting down the intake of sugar to 2 teaspoons per day.
  80. Junk and processed food are rich in calories and lack nutrients. It is the leading cause of obesity and hence must be avoided at all times.
  81. Expired food products must be discarded immediately to avoid food infections and stomach upset.
  82. Green tea helps in cleansing the body and boosting metabolism. Switch your cup of coffee or regular tea with green tea at least once a day preferably before meals.
  83. Your breakfast must be the heaviest meal of the day as you can burn maximum calories and digest the carbohydrates. Do not skip breakfast.
  84. Keep dinner as light as possible. You can consume soups and salads two days a week for dinner. Also, eat dinner at least 2 hours before bedtime for proper digestion.
  85. Don t starve yourself to lose weight. Instead, eat at regular intervals of 2-3 hours so that the body does not convert the food into fats.
  86. At parties and functions, avoid over-eating. This can cause indigestion and lead to other health issues in the long run.
  87. Concentrate on your food and make time to eat your meals. This helps you chew your food properly and enjoy it which in turn helps the body absorb maximum nutrients from it.
  88. A visit to the gynecologist/ andrologist is a must for both men and women. Get a comprehensive check-up done to avoid STDs or other infections especially if you are intimate with more than one person.
  89. Wash your genitals properly every time you visit the washroom and after intercourse. You can use a mild soap to clean the area and avoid infections.
  90. Wear fresh underwear, bras, vests, and socks every day. Soiled underclothes can lead to several complications and skin irritations.
  91. Being sexually active is good for your health. Masturbate regularly or if you are in a relationship have sex regularly.
  92. Bend your knees while picking up heavy weights to avoid knee and back pain.
  93. Maintaining a correct posture while sitting or standing will help keep back and spine problems at bay. Always sit and stand erect and use good chairs for sitting.
  94. A right set of pillows and mattresses is very essential for a good night s sleep and to avoid back pain and stiffness in the neck. Invest in good mattresses and pillows.
  95. Body odor can be a big put off and is also a sign of poor personal hygiene. You can follow these home remedies to smell fresh all day.
  96. Once back from work, wash your feet and hands properly. If possible, take a bath.
  97. A warm bath before bed helps the body relax and get a good night s sleep.
  98. Your feet suffer a lot of strain throughout the day. Massage the foot arch for a few minutes every night with a good foot cream. This will prevent foot aches.
  99. Using the right footwear while working out is of utmost importance. Lack of it can lead to severe injuries or pain in the joints and knees or back.
  100. Vaccines are available for adults as well as kids. Get those vaccines from time to time to avoid chronic illnesses.
  101. Lastly, love yourself and take care of your body by following the health tips, eating right, and being physically fit for long and healthy life.

Diet Plan

You are indeed what you eat. If you have been feeling stressed or tire easily, it could be due in part to the food you have been eating. It’s important that you understand the basics of healthy eating and follow a healthy diet plan that would help you not only tap into your positive energy but stay healthy as well.

Dietitian’s plan is based on optimizing the Krebs’ cycle, a specific metabolic pathway within the cells of our body, where the basic components of food — carbohydrates, protein, and fats — are oxidized for energy. The Krebs’ cycle takes place inside the mitochondria or ‘power plant’ of cells and provides the energy required for the organism to function.

Disruptions in the normal production of mitochondrial energy can contribute to a wide range of metabolic disturbances and symptoms, including fatigue, immune system dysfunction, dementia, depression, behavioral disturbances, attention deficiency, muscle weakness and pain, angina, heart disease, diabetes, skin rashes, and hair loss.

Your dietitian will work with you to design a plan that is suited to your particular circumstances and dietary preferences. The focus is on developing long-term changes in food choices. Frequent contact with the dietitian during the period of diet adjustment will improve the success rate and compliance.

Maintenance Diet Plan - India | Indian Diet/Meal Plan For Weight Loss To Lose 10Kg In 15 Days - YouTube

The Importance of Good Nutrition

The Importance of Good Food

The Importance of Good Nutrition-

Human nutrition, the process by which substances in food are transformed into body tissues and provide energy for the full range of physical and mental activities that make up human life.

The importance of good nutrition is interdisciplinary in character, involving not only physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology but also fields such as psychology and anthropology, which explore the influence of attitudes, beliefs, preferences, and cultural traditions on food choices.

Human nutrition further touches on economics and political science as the world community recognizes and responds to the suffering and death caused by malnutrition. The ultimate goal of nutritional science is to promote optimal health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer as well as to prevent classic nutritional deficiency diseases.

Click here for Why Nutrition is Important –

Most people know good nutrition and physical activity can help maintain a healthy weight. But the benefits of good nutrition go beyond weight. Good nutrition can help:

  • Reduce the risk of some diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, stroke, some type of cancers, and osteoporosis
  • Reduce high blood pressure
  • Lower high cholesterol
  • Improve your well-being
  • Improve your ability to fight off illness
  • Improve your ability to recover from illness or injury
  • Increase your energy level

What is good nutrition- Good nutrition means your body gets all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals it needs to work its best. Plan your meals and snacks to include nutrient-dense foods that are also low in calories.

Tips for eating well-

Eat plenty of fruit

To get the benefit of the natural fiber in fruits, you should eat fruit whole rather than as juices.

 Eat plenty of vegetables

Eat a variety of colors and types of vegetables every day.

 Eat plenty of whole grains

At least half of the cereals, bread, crackers, and pasta you eat should be made from whole grains.

 Choose low fat or fat-free milk

These provide calcium and vitamin D to help keep your bones strong.

 Choose lean meats

Lean cuts of meat and poultry have less fat and fewer calories but are still good sources of protein.

 Try other sources of protein

Try replacing meats and poultry with fish, beans, or tofu.

How to fix 5 common eating problems

As you age, you may lose interest in eating and cooking. Small changes can help you overcome some of the challenges of eating well.

1. Food no longer tastes good.

Try new recipes or adding different herbs and spices. Some medicines can affect your appetite or sense of taste – talk to your doctor.

2. Chewing difficulty.

Try softer foods like cooked vegetables, beans, eggs, applesauce, and canned fruit. Talk to your doctor or dentist if there is a problem with your teeth or gums.

3. Poor digestion.

Talk to your doctor or registered dietician to figure out which foods to avoid while still maintaining a balanced diet.

4. Eating alone.

Try dining out with family, friends, or neighbors. See if your local senior center hosts group meals.

5. Difficulty shopping or cooking.

Check with your local senior center for programs that can help you with shopping or preparing meals.

Nutrition and physical activity-

Food provides energy for physical activity. As you get more active and more fit, and/or as you lose weight, your energy needs (how many calories you need) may change. To get the energy you require, you need to get the proper amount of:

  • Protein, which is needed to maintain and rebuild tissues such as muscles.
  • Carbohydrates, which is the body’s preferred source of energy.
  • Fat, which also provides energy.
  • Water, to replace water lost through activity.

Eating a diet that is varied, balanced, and moderate can provide you with all the nutrients the body needs without getting too much or too little of any one nutrient.

  • Balance means eating the recommended number of servings from each food group most days.
  • Variety within each food group (for example, eating different fruits from the fruit group instead of eating only apples) ensures that you will get all the nutrients you need since no one food provides every nutrient. Eating a wide variety of foods will also help you avoid eating too much of any substance that may be harmful.
  • Moderation means eating a little of everything but nothing in excess. All foods can fit into a healthy diet if you eat everything in moderation.

Those who are very active or who are athletes may have special nutritional needs. They usually don’t need more protein than other people, but they do need more carbohydrates (grains, vegetables, fruits) than the amount recommended for the average person. Carbohydrate is stored as ready energy in the liver and muscles, and this supply is used up very quickly during exercise. Endurance athletes (such as runners and cyclists) need a particularly large amount of carbohydrates. The carbohydrate needs to be eaten right before and during exercise because the body cannot store a lot of carbohydrates.


Click here for Why Nutrition is Important –

Importance of good nutrition

The six classes of nutrients found in foods are carbohydrates, lipids (mostly fats and oils), proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water. Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins constitute the bulk of the diet, amounting together to about 500 grams (just over one pound) per day in actual weight. These macronutrients provide raw materials for tissue building and maintenance as well as fuel to run the myriad of physiological and metabolic activities that sustain life. In contrast are the micronutrients, which are not themselves energy sources but facilitate metabolic processes throughout the body: vitamins, of which humans need about 300 milligrams per day in the diet, and minerals, of which about 20 grams per day are needed. The last nutrient category is water, which provides the medium in which all the body’s metabolic processes occur.

A nutrient is considered “essential” if it must be taken in from outside the body—in most cases, from food. (See table.) These nutrients are discussed in this section. Although they are separated into categories for purposes of discussion, one should keep in mind that nutrients work in collaboration with each other in the body, not as isolated entities.

Macronutrients are nutrients that people need in relatively large quantities.


Sugar, starch, and fiber are types of carbohydrates.

Sugars are simple carbs. The body quickly breaks down and absorbs sugars and processes starch. They can provide rapid energy, but they do not leave a person feeling full. They can also cause a spike in blood sugar levels. Frequent sugar spikes increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and its complications.

Fiber is also a carbohydrate. The body breaks down some types of fiber and uses them for energy others are metabolized by gut bacteria, while other types pass through the body.

Fiber and unprocessed starch are complex carbs. It takes the body some time to break down and absorb complex carbs. After eating fiber, a person will feel full for longer. Fiber may also reduce the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and colorectal cancer. Complex carbs are a more healthful choice than sugars and refined carbs.


Proteins consist of amino acids, which are organic compounds that occur naturally.

There are 20 amino acids. Some of these are essential, which means people need to obtain them from food. The body can make others.

Some foods provide complete protein, which means they contain all the essential amino acids the body needs. Other foods contain various combinations of amino acids.

Most plant-based foods do not contain complete protein, so a person who follows a vegan diet needs to eat a range of foods throughout the day that provides the essential amino acids.


Fats are essential for:

  • lubricating joints
  • helping organs produce hormones
  • enabling the body to absorb certain vitamins
  • reducing inflammation
  • preserving brain health

Too much fat can lead to obesity, high cholesterol, liver disease, and other health problems.

However, the type of fat a person eats makes a difference. Unsaturated fats, such as olive oil, are more healthful than saturated fats, which tend to come from animals.


The adult human body is up to 60% water, and it needs water for many processes. Water contains no calories, and it does not provide energy.

Many people recommend consuming 2 liters, or 8 glasses, of water a day, but it can also come from dietary sources, such as fruit and vegetables. Adequate hydration will result in pale yellow urine.

Requirements will also depend on an individual’s body size and age, environmental factors, activity levels, health status, and so on.


Micronutrients are essential in small amounts. They include vitamins and minerals. Manufacturers sometimes add these to foods. Examples include fortified cereals and rice.


The body needs carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.

It also needs dietary minerals, such as iron, potassium, and so on.

In most cases, a varied and balanced diet will provide the minerals a person needs. If a deficiency occurs, a doctor may recommend supplements.


Potassium is an electrolyte. It enables the kidneys, the heart, the muscles, and the nerves to work properly. Dietary Guidelines recommend that adults consume 4,700 milligrams (mg) of potassium each day.

Too little can lead to high blood pressure, stroke, and kidney stones.

Too much may be harmful to people with kidney disease.

Avocados, coconut water, bananas, dried fruit, squash, beans, and lentils are good sources.


Sodium is an electrolyte that helps:

  • maintain nerve and muscle function
  • regulate fluid levels in the body

Too little can lead to hyponatremia. Symptoms include lethargy, confusion, and fatigue.

Too much can lead to high blood pressure, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Table salt, which is made up of sodium and chloride, is a popular condiment. However, most people consume too much sodium, as it already occurs naturally in most foods.

Experts urge people not to add table salt to their diet. Current guidelines recommend consuming no more than 2,300 mg of sodium a day, or around one teaspoon.

This recommendation includes both naturally-occurring sources, as well as salt a person adds to their food. People with high blood pressure or kidney disease should eat less.


The body needs calcium to form bones and teeth. It also supports the nervous system, cardiovascular health, and other functions.

Too little can cause bones and teeth to weaken. Symptoms of a severe deficiency include tingling in the fingers and changes in heart rhythm, which can be life-threatening.

Too much can lead to constipation, kidney stones, and reduced absorption of other minerals.

Current guidelines for adults recommend consuming 1,000 mg a day, and 1,200 mg for women aged 51 and over.

Good sources include dairy products, tofu, legumes, and green, leafy vegetables.


Phosphorus is present in all body cells and contributes to the health of the bones and teeth.

Too little phosphorus can lead to bone diseases, affect appetite, muscle strength, and coordination. It can also result in anemia, a higher risk of infection, burning or prickling sensations in the skin, and confusion.

Too much in the diet is unlikely to cause health problems though toxicity is possible from supplements, medications, and phosphorus metabolism problems.

Adults should aim to consume around 700 mg of phosphorus each day. Good sources include dairy products, salmon, lentils, and cashews.


Magnesium contributes to muscle and nerve function. It helps regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and it enables the body to produce proteins, bone, and DNA.

Too little magnesium can eventually lead to weakness, nausea, tiredness, restless legs, sleep conditions, and other symptoms.

Too much can result in digestive and, eventually, heart problems.

Nuts, spinach, and beans are good sources of magnesium. Adult females need 320 mg of magnesium each day, and adult males need 420 mg.


Zinc plays a role in the health of body cells, the immune system, wound healing, and the creation of proteins.

Too little can lead to hair loss, skin sores, changes in taste or smell, and diarrhea, but this is rare.

Too much can lead to digestive problems and headaches.

Adult females need 8 mg of zinc a day, and adult males need 11 mg. Dietary sources include oysters, beef, fortified breakfast cereals, and baked beans.


Iron is crucial for the formation of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to all parts of the body. It also plays a role in forming connective tissue and creating hormones.

Too little can result in anemia, including digestive issues, weakness, and difficulty thinking. Learn more here about iron deficiency.

Too much can lead to digestive problems, and very high levels can be fatal.

Good sources include fortified cereals, beef liver, lentils, spinach, and tofu. Adults need 8 mg of iron a day, but females need 18 mg during their reproductive years.


The body uses manganese to produce energy, it plays a role in blood clotting, and it supports the immune system.

Too little can result in weak bones in children, skin rashes in men, and mood changes in women.

Too much can lead to tremors, muscle spasms, and other symptoms, but only with very high amounts.

Mussels, hazelnuts, brown rice, chickpeas, and spinach all provide manganese. Male adults need 2.3 mg of manganese each day, and females need 1.8 mg.


Copper helps the body make energy and produce connective tissues and blood vessels.

Too little copper can lead to tiredness, patches of light skin, high cholesterol, and connective tissue disorders. This is rare.

Too much copper can result in liver damage, abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea. Too much copper also reduces the absorption of zinc.

Good sources include beef liver, oysters, potatoes, mushrooms, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds. Adults need 900 micrograms (mcg) of copper each day.


Selenium is made up of over 24 selenoproteins, and it plays a crucial role in reproductive and thyroid health. As an antioxidant, it can also prevent cell damage.

Too much selenium can cause garlic breath, diarrhea, irritability, skin rashes, brittle hair or nails, and other symptoms.

Too little can result in heart disease, infertility in men, and arthritis.

Adults need 55 mcg of selenium a day.

Brazil nuts are an excellent source of selenium. Other plant sources include spinach, oatmeal, and baked beans. Tuna, ham, and enriched macaroni are all excellent sources.

Nutrient composition of selected fruits, fruit products, Vegetables, and Vegetable products (per 100 g)*
fruit or fruit product energy (kcal) water (g) carbohydrate (g) vitamin C (mg) vitamin A (IU) fat (g) protein (g)
apple, juice 47 87.93 11.68 0.9 1 0.11 0.06
apple, whole 59 83.9 15.25 5.7 53 0.36 0.19
apricot 48 86.35 11.12 10 2,612 0.39 1.4
avocado 161 74.27 2.11 7.9 61 15.32 1.98
banana 92 74.26 23.43 9.1 81 0.48 1.03
grape 63 81.3 17.15 4 100 0.35 0.63
grapefruit 32 90.89 8.08 34.4 124 0.1 0.63
orange 47 86.75 11.75 53.2 205 0.12 0.94
peach 43 87.66 11.1 6.6 535 0.09 0.7
pear 59 83.81 15.11 4 20 0.4 0.39
plum 55 85.2 13.01 9.5 323 0.62 0.79
watermelon 32 91.51 7.18 9.6 366 0.43 0.62

Vegetables/Vegetable Products energy (kcal) water (g) carbohydrate (g) vitamin C (mg) vitamin A (IU) fat (g) protein (g)
asparagus, raw 23 92.4 4.54 13.2 583 0.2 2.28
cabbage, raw 25 92.15 5.43 32.2 133 0.27 1.44
carrots, raw 43 87.79 10.14 9.3 28,129 0.19 1.03
Chinese cabbage, raw 13 95.32 2.18 45 3,000 0.2 1.5
corn, sweet, raw 86 75.96 19.02 6.8 281 1.18 3.22
corn on the cob, frozen 98 71.79 23.5 7.2 246 0.78 3.28
lettuce, iceberg, raw 13 95.89 2.09 3.9 330 0.19 1.01
peas, green, frozen 77 79.93 13.7 18 727 0.37 5.21
peas, green, raw 81 78.86 14.46 40 640 0.4 5.42
potato chips 536 1.9 52.9 31.1 0 34.6 7
potatoes, mashed, dry flakes 354 6.51 81.21 83.6 0 0.39 8.35
potatoes, raw 79 78.96 17.98 19.7 0 0.1 2.07
tomato juice, canned 17 93.9 4.23 18.3 556 0.06 0.76
tomatoes, red, ripe 21 93.76 4.64 19.1 628 0.33 0.85
tomatoes, sun-dried 258 14.56 55.76 39.2 874 2.97 14.11
*Values shown are approximations; actual nutrient composition can vary greatly depending on such factors as growing conditions, time of harvest, and storage.

Click here for Vitamins and its Sources –

People need small amounts of various vitamins. Some of these, such as vitamin C, are also antioxidants. This means they help protect cells from damage by removing toxic molecules, known as free radicals, from the body.

Vitamins can be:

Water-soluble: The eight B vitamins and vitamin C

Fat-soluble: Vitamins A, D, E, and K

Learn more about vitamins here.

Water-soluble vitamins

People need to consume water-soluble vitamins regularly because the body removes them more quickly, and it cannot store them easily.

Vitamin Effect of too little Effect of too much Sources
B-1 (thiamin) Beriberi Unclear, as the body excretes it in the urine. Fortified cereals and rice, pork, trout, black beans
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
B-2 (riboflavin) Hormonal problems, skin disorders, swelling in the mouth and throat Unclear, as the body excretes it in the urine. Beef liver, breakfast cereal, oats, yogurt, mushrooms, almonds
B-3 (niacin) Pellagra, including skin changes, red tongue, digestive and neurological symptoms Facial flushing, burning, itching, headaches, rashes, and dizziness Beef liver, chicken breast, brown rice, fortified cereals, peanuts.
B-5 (pantothenic acid) Numbness and burning in hands and feet, fatigue, stomach pain Digestive problems at high doses. Breakfast cereal, beef liver, shiitake mushroom, sunflower seeds
B-6 (pyridoxamine, pyridoxal) Anemia, itchy rash, skin changes, swollen tongue Nerve damage, loss of muscle control Chickpeas, beef liver, tuna, chicken breast, fortified cereals, potatoes
B-7 (biotin) Hair loss, rashes around the eyes and other body openings, conjunctivitis Unclear Beef liver, egg, salmon, sunflower seeds, sweet potato
B-9 (folic acid, folate) Weakness, fatigue, difficulty focusing, heart palpitations, shortness of breath May increase cancer risk Beef liver, spinach, black-eyed peas, fortified cereal, asparagus
B-12 (cobalamins) Anemia, fatigue, constipation, weight loss, neurological changes No adverse effects reported Clams, beef liver, fortified yeasts, plant milk, and breakfast cereals, some oily fish.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Scurvy, including fatigue, skin rash, gum inflammation, poor wound healing Nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps Citrus fruits, berries, red and green peppers, kiwi fruit, broccoli, baked potatoes, fortified juices.

Fat-soluble vitamins

The body absorbs fat-soluble vitamins through the intestines with the help of fats (lipids). The body can store them and does not remove them quickly. People who follow a low-fat diet may not be able to absorb enough of these vitamins. If too many build up, problems can arise.

Vitamin Effect of too little Effect of too much Sources
Vitamin A (retinoids) Night blindness Pressure on the brain, nausea, dizziness, skin irritation, joint and bone pain, orange pigmented skin color Sweet potato, beef liver, spinach, and other dark leafy greens, carrots, winter squash
Vitamin D Poor bone formation and weak bones Anorexia, weight loss, changes in heart rhythm, damage to the cardiovascular system and kidneys Sunlight exposure plus dietary sources: cod liver oil, oily fish, dairy products, fortified juices
Vitamin E Peripheral neuropathy, retinopathy, reduced immune response May reduce the ability of blood to clot Wheatgerm, nuts, seeds, sunflower and safflower oil, spinach
Vitamin K Bleeding and hemorrhaging in severe cases No adverse effects but it may interact with blood thinners and other drugs Leafy, green vegetables, soybeans, edamame, okra, natto

Multivitamins are available for purchase in stores or online, but people should speak to their doctor before taking any supplements, to check that they are suitable for them to use.


Some nutrients also act as antioxidants. These may be vitamins, minerals, proteins, or other types of molecules. They help the body remove toxic substances known as free radicals or reactive oxygen species. If too many of these substances remain in the body, cell damage and disease can result.

Nutrition is the study of food and how it affects the body. People need to consume a varied diet to obtain a wide range of nutrients.

Some people choose to follow a specific diet, in which they focus on certain foods and avoid others. People who do this may need to plan carefully to ensure they obtain all the necessary vitamins to maintain their health.

A diet that is rich in plant-based foods and that limits added animal fats, processed foods, and added sugar and salt is most likely to benefit a person’s health.

The energy value and nutrient content of some common foods
food energy (kcal) carbohydrate (g) protein (g) fat(g) water (g)
whole wheat bread (1 slice, 28 g) 69 12.9 2.7 1.2 10.6
white bread (1 slice, 25 g) 67 12.4 2 0.9 9.2
white rice, short-grain, enriched, cooked (1 cup, 186 g) 242 53.4 4.4 0.4 127.5
low-fat milk (2%) (8 fl oz, 244 g) 121 11.7 8.1 4.7 17.7
butter (1 tsp, 5 g) 36 0 0 4.1 0.8
cheddar cheese (1 oz, 28 g) 114 0.4 7.1 9.4 10.4
lean ground beef, broiled, medium (3.5 oz, 100 g) 272 0 24.7 18.5 55.7
tuna, light, canned in oil, drained (3 oz, 85 g) 168 0 24.8 7 50.9
potato, boiled, without skin (1 medium, 135 g) 117 27.2 2.5 0.1 103.9
green peas, frozen, boiled (1/2 cup, 80 g) 62 11.4 4.1 0.2 63.6
cabbage, red, raw (1/2 cup shredded, 35 g) 9 2.1 0.5 0.1 32
orange, navel, raw (1 fruit, 131 g) 60 15.2 1.3 0.1 113.7
apple, raw, with skin (1 medium, 138 g) 81 21 0.3 0.5 115.8
white sugar, granulated (1 tsp, 4 g) 15 4 0 0 0
