International Yoga Day 2020

International Yoga Day 2020

International Yoga Day 2020-

UN theme for International Yoga day 2020 is “Yoga for Health – Yoga at Home”.

In 2015, June 21, the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere, when Lord Shiva is believed to have imparted the knowledge of yoga to the world, was adopted as the International Day of Yoga by the United Nations was proposed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the United Nations General Assembly in 2014.

Yoga is an ancient physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in India. The word ‘yoga’ derives from Sanskrit and means to join or to unite, symbolizing the union of body and consciousness.

Today it is practiced in various forms around the world and continues to grow in popularity. But yoga is more than physical activity.

In the words of one of its most famous practitioners, the late B. K. S. Iyengar, “Yoga cultivates the ways of maintaining a balanced attitude in day-to-day life and endows skill in the performance of one’s actions.”

Yoga is an important part of Indian culture and civilization. The practice of yoga is not just beneficial for the body alone; it brings it in alignment with the mind and soul too through the breath.

Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being.

It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world, and nature. By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help in well being. Let us work towards adopting an International Yoga Day. – Prime Minister of India, UN General assembly.

I feel every day should be yoga day for all so that everyone remains always healthy and the immune system remains strong.

5 Tips for Teaching Yoga to Your Kids - Yoga Fever

Click here for Yoga for kids –

You might be wondering whether it’s safe or even beneficial for your kids to practice yoga. Good news – it’s both! Kids can practice many yoga poses without any risk and get the same benefits that adults do.

These benefits include; increased flexibility and fitness, mindfulness, and relaxation.

Yoga is a great form of exercise for people who are looking to stay in shape with a low-impact activity. Of course, not all yoga poses are ideal for children. Like adults, they need to master the basics before moving on to more advanced stretches.

Here we list yoga poses that are safe and easy to get your children started. These poses are not in a particular sequence, but we’ve indicated the stretches you should do together, at the beginning and end of the practice.

You can choose a few of these poses to master or cycle through them all, spending a minute or two on each. In any case, your child should never push themselves or do anything that hurts.

It may even be advisable to consult a specialist before having a child take on a new exercise routine.

Mountain Pose

Mountain Pose | Tadasana | How to do Mountain Pose and it's Benefits

A great pose to begin with, this is the foundation of most standing stretches. Begin with feet planted firmly on the ground, big toes touching but heels slightly apart. Arms should be by your side with hands facing forwards.

The back of your head, neck, and back should be straight and aligned. Hold this pose for at least one minute. It will set you up for the rest of your practice.

Upward Salute

Upward Salute | Yoga by Numbers, Inc.

In Mountain Pose, take a deep breath in. Upon exhaling, raise the arms up, bringing the palms together overhead. Your shoulders should be in line with your arms.

So keep your arms parallel above your head if your shoulders and arms can’t line up when your palms are touching. This is a straightforward pose for children to try and it’s grounding.

Cat Pose

Cat Pose, Bitilasana: Yoga Poses Stretch - Yoga Lily | Yoga ...

It’s always good to get kids’ imagination going and poses named after animals do just that! For Cat Pose, get down on hands and knees, then curl the spine upwards.

This should involve drawing the head and shoulders in towards the stomach. Bonus points for the best meow!

Cow Pose

3 Best Yoga Poses for a Hangover From Cow Pose to Corpse

Cow Pose goes hand in hand with Cat Pose; they’re most beneficial when done together in sequence. From Cat Pose, round the spine in the other direction, with shoulders open and head facing upwards.

To get the benefit of this stretch, alternate with Cat Pose, so you would hold each pose for a few seconds before moving into the other. Watch out for this one, once you tell your little ones to get into ‘Cow Pose’ you may hear some mooing!

Child’s Pose

Health & Beauty Spot: Childs Pose or Balasana - Yoga Instructions ...

Kids will love this one because it’s named after them! Plus, it helps that it’s a relaxing recovery stretch. Get down onto your knees and rest your bottom on your heels.

Separate the knees outwards while bending forward so that the chest can either rest on top of or between the knees. Arms are either stretched out in front or back towards the feet.

You may have to remind your little ones that they can’t stay in this pose for the whole session!

Happy Baby

Yoga for Kids: 5 Fun Asanas for Your Little One

For even younger children, or those that sometimes act like it, get them into the Happy Baby Pose! Lying on the back, bring the knees into the chest. Hold the outsides of the feet, or shins – wherever is comfortable.

Open the legs a little wider than the torso, bringing the knees towards the armpits. In this position, rock side to side (like a baby.) This will massage the lower back and is sure to get a few gurgles, even from parents!

Tree Pose

Tree pose

Rather than emphasizing flexibility, this pose works on balance. Start off in Mountain Pose and put your weight onto either left or right foot. Bend the opposite knee, lifting that foot. Grab your lifted foot and bring it closer to your groin.

Plant the sole of the lifted foot against the opposite leg at the ankle, shin or thigh – whichever is most comfortable. At the same time, twist the knee outwards. Toes should be pointing down to the floor.

Get kids to concentrate on a fixed point to keep their balance. After holding for a few seconds, release the foot and lower it to the floor. Repeat on the opposite side.

Your little one will enjoy seeing how long they can balance without having to put their foot down. There will be some inevitable giggles as they have to drop their foot a few times at the start.

Cobra Pose

Lying on the floor on your belly, stretch your legs out behind you with the tops of your feet touching the floor. Place the palms of your hands on the floor, under your shoulders.

Your elbows should be pointing to the sky. Squeeze them towards one another and use this momentum to lift your chest off the ground. As you lower yourself out of this pose, exhale. Hissing optional!

Eagle Pose

Your guide to Eagle! What are your favorite cues for Garudasana ...

This one will have your little one all tied in knots! They’ll love the challenge of perfecting this pose and will be sure to have a few giggles. In Mountain pose, slightly bend both knees and lift one foot.

Try to stay balanced as you cross the lifted thigh over the other. With the toes pointing to the floor, hook the lifted foot around the opposite calf. See if you can get your toes peeking out at the side of the calf.

While still balancing on one foot, stretch your arms straight out in front of you. Cross the opposite arm to the bent leg over the other arm. Bend the elbows so that the forearms lift up.

Your palms should be facing away from one another. Now try crossing the forearms and pressing the palms together. Lift the arms towards the sky and hold for 30 seconds. Now try to untangle yourself!

Corpse Pose

Why is lying in Corpse Pose (Savasana) recommended after yoga? - Quora

Creep out your kids when you tell them to get into this pose! It may seem like an easy pose, after all, how hard can lie on your back be? Yet, to make this pose effective, you want to achieve total relaxation.

This is often difficult enough in itself. Corpse Pose should always be the last position in a yoga sequence as you wind down. You may need some blankets for this, to prop up your head or drape over yourself. Or, pop a sweater on because relaxing lowers the body’s temperature.

This is the only pose on the list which requires you not to move for the most part, because we know that kids can’t always stay still! But, once they’ve gone through all these poses, they will be glad to rest for a while.

To get into the position, sit on your bottom with feet planted on the ground (with knees bent). With a straight back, lean back onto the elbows and then slowly onto the ground.

From there, stretch one leg out after the other. Make sure feet are facing away from one another, without forcing them. You should feel relaxed and loose. Arms should be stretched away from your body with the palms of the hands facing upwards.

Your head should be resting on the floor and tucked into the back of the neck. Close your eyes, relax the face, and let the tongue feel heavy. Concentrate on your breathing, inhaling through the nose, and exhaling from the mouth.

Stay in this pose for about 5 minutes and try to empty your mind. To get up, roll onto one side and using the opposite hand, push yourself off the ground into a seated position.


Data Protection Act 1998 - Guidelines for Psychologists (2009) | BPS

Click here for Guidelines for Yoga Practitioners for COVId-19 –

Yoga is a discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. It is an art and science of healthy living. Yoga leads to perfect harmony between mind and body, man and nature, individual consciousness, and universal consciousness.

Yoga helps to build up psycho-physiological health, emotional harmony; and manage daily stress and its consequences.

Yoga is also useful in conditions where stress is believed to play a role. Various yogic practices such as Yogasanas, Pranayama, Dhyana (meditation), cleansing and relaxation practices, etc. are known to help modulate the physiological response to stressors.

Several randomized controlled studies have shown the efficacy of Yogic practices in the management of non-communicable diseases like hypertension, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), bronchial asthma, diabetes, sleep disorders, depression, obesity, etc. that can be comorbid conditions in patients with COVID 19.

Yoga has also been shown to be useful in vulnerable populations such as the elderly, children. The function of the immune system is critical in the human response to infectious disease. A growing body of evidence identifies stress as a cofactor in infectious disease susceptibility and outcomes.

Studies on yoga in managing flu symptoms during an Influenza season have shown promising results. A recent randomized trial comparing meditation and exercise with wait-list control among adults aged 50 years and older found significant reductions in ARI illness during the cold season with mindfulness meditation.

Yoga is also known to increase mucosal immunity by increasing Salivary Beta Defensin-2 levels in the elderly population Considering that they are a vulnerable group to contract such infections, yoga may be useful as a preventive measure.

Yoga practices such as Kriya, Yogasana, and Pranayama have been shown to reduce airway reactivity in elderly subjects with asthma and COPD. Thus, sufficient evidence exists to justify testing the hypothesis that training in Yoga Meditation can reduce susceptibility to ARI illness. Neti kriya is useful in acute coryza and symptoms of a cold.

  1. To improve general immunity among the population.
  2. Prehabilitation of vulnerable populations (children, elderly, and those with comorbid conditions such as diabetes and hypertension) and to those patients in isolation/quarantine with or without mild symptoms.
  3. To add-on Yoga-based interventions and Meditation practices in COVID-19 cases in isolation and hospitalization for psychosocial care

Common Yoga Protocol  Forty-Five-minute module: The Common Yoga Protocol of IDY that was developed by a team of leading Yoga experts / Yoga Masters includes safe practices to improve the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health of the population.

Regular practice on empty stomach is recommended to improve immune resilience. Twenty and ten-minute modules are recommended for children, adults, Youths and the elderly population to be repeated twice a day (morning and evening).

Apart from CYP; Jalaneti, Sutraneti, and Bhastrika Kriyas are recommended once or twice in a week and Yoga Nidra for 20-30 minutes twice or thrice a week.

Yogic Diet: Follow the recommendations as per the medical advice on diet for your condition of diabetes, or heart disease, etc. and add-on these concepts from yoga that promotes mental health.

This includes wholesome nutritious freshly cooked traditional home-cooked food with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits (with restrictions as per your disease condition) with added traditional spices in moderate quantities, consumed at regular timings.

Abstinence from substance abuse including tobacco, alcohol and other addictive drugs

To reduce disease susceptibility in high-risk population This guideline recommends evidence-based safe and simple yoga practices as mentioned above that promote the health of the respiratory, cardiovascular, and immune systems.

To add-on Yoga based lifestyle to hospitalized cases without acute respiratory distress.

As these subjects are hospitalized and they remain in bed without respiratory distress, the meditative practices without breath awareness practiced repeatedly is recommended.

The practice of deep relaxation of the body, slowing down of the breathing rate, and calming down of the mind using any of the practices from any school of Yoga for twenty minutes repeated once every 3-4 hours during the day time using audio instructions is recommended.

Some examples include mindfulness meditation, transcendental meditation, yoganidra, progressive relaxation, quick relaxation, deep relaxation, etc.

Yoga Practices for prevention, rehabilitation and to increase Immunity
increase immunity.
Srl Yoga Practices Do’s Dont’s Benefits
1. ShodhanaKriya (Yogic cleansing practices)   Jalaneti, Sutra Neti, Use lukewarm water for cleansing.
Jalneti must be followed by kapalabhati to remove all water from nasal passage.
Neti, is  advised to
practice weekly once or twice.
Should avoid in case of epistaxis, middle ear infection, and recent ENT surgery. Neti helps in cleansing sinuses,   beneficial in allergic conditions and reduces upper airway reactivity)
2. Yogic SūkṣmaVyāyāmas / shithilikaranavyaya mas/ Pawanamuktasana series (Joint movements):   Neck movements Shoulder rotation Trunk movement Knee movement
Ankle rotation
Move the joints as far as possible.
Do it slowly with breath awareness
Do not overstrain. Avoid this practice in case of severe joint pain and illness. Joint movements help to increase blood circulation and reduce stiffness which enhances joint flexibility.
It helps to facilitate asana practices.
3. Yogasana:
Standing, Sitting, Prone&Supine lying
Do it with breath awareness.
Cardiac patients shall do with care as advised by Yoga experts.
Asanas that involve chest expansion preferred
Simplified version/s shall be followed by beginners and elderly population
Please avoid this practice in case of cardiac disorders, abdominal hernia,inflammation, ulcers, recent abdominal surgery & vertigo.
Hypertensive patients should bend with care. Do not try to bend beyond the limits and do not overdo the lateral
Ushtrasana, UtthanaMandukasana, Tadasana, Trikonasana, Vakrasana, Bhujangasana, Sarala Matsyasanaetc. practices improves chest expansion and cardio- pulmonary functions.
4. Kapalabhati 40-60 strokes per minute Hypertensive, cardiac problems, patients with respiratory distress, slipped disc patients should not do it.
Better to practice
it early in the morning on an empty stomach
It improves pulmonary functions and reduces secretions.
Very useful preparatory practice for pranayama practice
It helps to cleanse frontal sinuses.
5. Breathing & Pranayama: Sectional breathing Nadishodhana Ujjayi
The breath should be slow, steady, and controlled.   It should not be forced or restricted in any way.
Initially start the practice with few repetitions and gradually increase the number of repetitions.
If possible, maintain the ratio of 1:2 for inhalation and exhalation
In the case of any cardiac disorders start with few repetitions and gradually increase the number of repetitions. Don’t practice retention or hold at the initial stage. Nadishodhan pranayama reduces sympathetic activity and stimulates vagal  (parasympathetic) activity and decreases stress and anxiety.
Ujjayi increases oxygen saturation in the body.
Bhramari pranayama similar to humming may increase Nasal Nitric Oxide (NO), which may improve blood flow to the ciliary epithelium and has anti- inflammatory action.
6 Yoga Nidra Follow mentally with Don’t open the eyes until Reduction in
(Pratyaahara) awareness as per the asked. sympathetic arousal and
instructions are given during Don’t sleep reduced emotional
practices. Don’t ask any questions distress and improves
Keep the eyes closed during the practice even quality of sleep.
during the practice and if any questions arise in Rejuvenate the body and
avoid body movements. the mind. helps to keep the mind
Gradually increase the calm
duration of the practice
7. Meditative For beginners, soothing Don’t open your eyes Meditation helps to
practices music may be played in Don’t shake your body. reduces anxiety and
Breath awareness, the background during Don’t be judgemental stress by reduce the
Dharana&Dhyana) meditation or to observe with thoughts cortisol level and
the breath. enhance the alpha brain
Practice it as long as you wave.
can. Makes the body stable
and calm the mind
Balance the functions of
neuroendocrine system
thereby enhance the
immune system.


Practices Name of the Practice Duration (Minutes)
A Starting Prayer 30 seconds
B Loosening Practices (SukṣmaVyāyāma /
Neck Bending 2 minutes
Shoulder movement
Trunk Movement
C Yoga Practices
Āsanas performed
in standing posture
Tadāsana (The Palm tree posture) 1 minute
ArdhaChakrāsana (The Half wheel posture) 1 minute
Āsana performed
in sitting posture
Sasakāsana (The Hare posture) 1 minute
Āsana performed
while lying on the stomach
Bhujangāsana (The Cobra posture) 1 minute
Āsana performed
while lying on the back
PawanaMuktāsana (The Wind releasing posture) 1 minute
D Pranayama (AnulomaViloma /Nadiswhodhana Pranayama)
The Alternate nostril breathing (2 rounds)
1 minute
E Dhyāna The Meditation 1 minute
Closing Sankalpa/ Shanti patha 30 seconds
Total Duration = 10 minutes


Practices Name of the Practice Duration (Minutes)
Starting Prayer 30 seconds
Loosening Practices (SukṣmaVyāyāma /
Neck Bending 2.5 minutes
Shoulder movement
Trunk Movement
Yoga Practices
Āsanas performed in standing posture Tadāsana (The Palm tree posture) 1 minute
PadaHatasana(The Hands to the feet
posture)/ArdhaChakrāsana (The Half wheel posture)
2 minutes
Trikonāsana (The Triangle posture) 1 minute
Āsanas performed in sitting posture Bhadrāsana (The Firm/Auspicious posture) 1 minute
ArdhaUshtrāsana (The Half camel posture ) 1 minute
Sasakāsana (The Hare posture ) 1 minute
Vakrāsana (The Seated twist posture) 1 minute
Āsana performed while
lying on the stomach
Bhujangāsana (The Cobra posture) 1 minute
Āsana performed while
lying on the back
PawanaMuktāsana (The Wind releasing posture) 1 minute
Kriya Kaphalabhati  (The Shining skull practice ) 1 round,
30 cycles each
1 minute
Pranayama AnulomaViloma Pranayama (The Alternate nostril
breathing) (5 rounds)
2 minutes
Bhramari  Pranayama(BhramariRechaka) (The Bee
sound breathing) (3 rounds)
1.5 minutes
Dhyāna The Meditation 2 minutes
Closing Sankalp/ Shanti patha 30 seconds
Total Duration = 20 minutes


Practices Name of the Practice Duration (Minutes)
Starting Prayer 1
Loosening Practices (SukṣmaVyāyāma / CālanaKriyā) Neck Bending 2
Shoulder movement 2
Trunk Movement 1
Knee Movement 1
Yoga Practices
Āsanas performed in standing posture Tadāsana (The Palm tree posture ) 1
Vrikshāsana (The Tree posture) 2
Pada-hastāsana (The Hands to the feet posture) 1
ArdhaChakrāsana  (The Half wheel posture) 1
Trikonāsana (The Triangle posture) 2
Āsanas performed in sitting posture Bhadrāsana (The Firm/auspicious posture) 1
Vajrāsana  The Thunderbolt/diamond posture) 1
ArdhaUshtrāsana (The Half camel posture ) 1
Ushtrāsana (The Camel posture ) 1
Sasakāsana (The Hare posture) 1
UtthanaMandukāsana (The Stretched up-frog posture ) 1
Vakrāsana (The Seated twist posture) 2
Āsanas performed while lying on the stomach Makarāsana  (The Crocodile posture ) 1
Bhujangāsana (The Cobra posture) 1
Shalabhāsana (The Locust posture) 1
Āsanas performed while lying on the back Setubandhāsana (The Bridge posture ) 1
Utthanapadāsana (The Raised leg posture) 0.5
ArdhaHalāsana (The Half plough posture) 0.5
PawanaMuktāsana (The Wind releasing posture ) 2
Shavāsana (The Corpse posture ) 2
Kriya Kaphalabhati  (The Shining skull practice ) 2
Pranayama AnulomaViloma Pranayama (The Alternate nostril
Ujjayee Pranayama (The Hissing breathing) (5 rounds) 2
(Bhramari Pranayama) (BhramariRechaka )The Bee sound
breathing) (5 rounds)
Dhyāna The Meditation 5
Closing Sankalpa shanti patha 1
Total Duration = 45
Note : 1. Yoganindra for 20minutes is advised for twice or thrice a week
2. Jalneti and sutraneti may be practiced once or twice a week
 Two Fit Moms: 8 Scary Yoga Poses To Stop Dreading | Yoga + Fear ...

Click here for Yoga Poses by Anatomy –

Poses for your knees – Weak in the knees? When performed mindfully, these yoga poses can help prevent knee problems and disease and help you regain strength and flexibility after an injury.

Easy Pose – ( Sukhasana )

Big Toe Pose ( Padangusthasana )

Bound angle pose ( Baddha Konasana )

Bridge pose (

Extended side angle pose ( Utthita parsvakonasana )

Extended triangle pose ( Utthita trikonasana )

Garland Pose ( Malasana )

Half frog pose ( Ardha Bhekasana )

Heron pose ( Krounchasana )

Lion pose ( Simhasana )

Lord of the dance pose ( Natrajasana )

Lotus pose ( Padmasana )

Noose pose  ( Pasasana )

One-legged King Pigeon pose ( Eka Pada Rajakapotasana )

Standing forward Bend ( Uttanasana )

Standing Split ( Urdhva Parsarita Eka Padasana )

Poses for your Hips

Feel like a Happy Baby again: These yoga poses will open tight hips, freeing your body, mind, and spirit and alleviating back pain.

Bharadvjas Twist ( Bharadvajasana )

Boat pose ( Paripurna Navasana )

Child’s pose ( Balasana )

Cow Face ( Gomukhasana )

King Pigeon pose ( Kapotasana )

Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi  I

Poses for your Lower back –

Looking to target your lower back? Try asanas like Downward-Facing Dog and Extended Triangle Pose, which strengthen and stretch your back. Plus, yoga for lower back pain.

Chair pose ( Utkatasana )

Crabe pose ( Bakasana )

Dolphin pose (

Dolphin plank pose (

Downward facing dog ( Adho Mukh Svanasana )

Extended puppy pose ( Uttana Shishoasana )

Firefly pose ( Tittibhasana )

Locust pose ( Salabhasana )

Cow pose ( Bitilasana ) 


Top Yoga safety Tips for Beginners – 

When people first start looking into yoga, they often look into the best poses or routines for a specific ailment or area or jump right into a yoga class. The amount of yoga-related injuries nearly doubled in 13 years! And most injuries are completely preventable if you follow safe practices.

It’s very easy for you to get injured when something is new and unfamiliar, so keep the following tips in mind as you begin to build your practice in order to prevent injury:

  1. Don’t push yourself deeper or further if it’s not feasible.
  2. Remind yourself that it is not a competition.
  3. Mind your joints, align knees over middle toes, always!
  4. Don’t dump into your wrists.
  5. Don’t lock into your joints, It’s always better to micro-bend.
  6. Keep a slight bend in the knees in forwarding folds.
  7. Protect the lower back by engaging the core or supporting if necessary.
  8. Watch your head and neck alignment.
  9. Rotation happens from the “square” of joints, nowhere else.
  10. Breath – helps control your blood pressure.



Click here for Do's and Don'ts of Yoga practice –


    • Śauca means cleanliness – an important prerequisite for Yoga practice. It includes cleanliness of surroundings, body, and mind.
    • Asanas should be practiced on an empty stomach. Consume a small amount of honey in lukewarm water if you feel weak.
    • Bladder and bowels should be empty before starting Yogic practices.
    • Practice sessions should start with a prayer or an invocation as it creates a conducive environment to relax the mind.
    • Yogic practices shall be performed slowly, in a relaxed manner, with an awareness of the body and breath.
    • A Warm-up or loosening exercise and stretches before asanas are mandatory to avoid injuries.
    • Asanas should be done slowly and one should move to advanced postures with practice.
    • Try to eat Satvik food (Avoid meat, eggs, onion, garlic, and mushrooms from diet).
    • Stay hydrated before going into yoga practice
    • Wear supportive and comfortable clothing. Light and comfortable cotton clothes are preferred to facilitate easy movement of the body.
    • Yoga should be practiced in a well-ventilated room with a pleasant draft of air
    • Use a mat with a good grip to do Yogasanas
    • Be aware of breathing while doing Yogasanas.
    • Complete the yoga session with relaxation techniques to cool down
    • Do not hold the breath unless it is specially mentioned to do so during the practice.
    • Breathing should be always through the nostrils unless instructed otherwise.
    • Do not hold the body tight or give undue jerks to the body.
    • Perform the practices according to one’s capacity. It takes some time to get good results, so persistent and regular practice is very essential.
    • There are contra-indications/ limitations for each Yoga practice and such contra-indications should always be kept in mind.
    • Yoga session should end with meditation/ deep silence / Sankalpa / Śānti pāṭha etc.


  1. Yoga should not be performed in a state of exhaustion, illness, in a hurry, or in acute stress conditions.
  2. Women should refrain from regular yoga practice especially asanas during their menses. Relaxation techniques and pranayama can be done instead.
  3. Don’t perform yoga immediately after meals. Wait until 2 to 3 hours after a large meal.
  4. Don’t shower or drink water or eat food for 30 minutes after doing yoga.
  5. During illness, surgeries, or any sprains or fractures, one should refrain from Yoga Practice. They can resume yoga after consulting experts.
  6. Don’t do strenuous exercises after yoga.
  7. Don’t practice yoga in adverse and extreme weather conditions (too hot, too cold or humid)
  8. According to the yoga texts for the spiritual seeker, one needs to follow The Yamas or restraints. They are the basic principles that are to be followed to lead spiritual growth.
  9. They include Ahiṃsā (अहिंसा): Nonviolence; Satya (सत्य): Truthfulness; Asteya (अस्तेय): Not stealing; Brahmacharya (ब्रह्मचर्य): Marital fidelity, sexual restraint; Aparigraha (अपरिग्रहः): Non-avarice, non-possessiveness. Other attributes such as Kṣamā (क्षमा): Patience, forgiveness; Dhrti (धृति): Fortitude, perseverance with the aim to reach the goal, Dayā (दया): Compassion Ārjava (आर्जव): Non-hypocrisy, sincerity, Mitāhāra (मिताहार): Measured diet, etc are also to be adopted.
  • Consult health experts if you have any health condition or you are pregnant before doing yoga practice.


    Search results for "benefits" | Yoga In My School

    Click here for Benefits of Yoga –

    If you’re a passionate yoga practitioner, you’ve probably noticed some yoga benefits maybe you’re sleeping better or getting fewer colds or just feeling more relaxed and at ease. But if you’ve ever tried telling a newbie about the benefits of yoga, you might find that explanations like “It increases the flow of prana” or “It brings energy up your spine” fall on deaf or skeptical ears.

    As it happens, Western science is starting to provide some concrete clues as to how yoga works to improve health, heal aches and pains, and keep sickness at bay. Once you understand them, you’ll have even more motivation to step onto your mat, and you probably won’t feel so tongue-tied the next time someone wants Western proof.

    Yoga improves your health in the following ways – 

    1. Improves Flexibility – Improved flexibility is one of the first and most obvious benefits of yoga. During your first class, you probably won’t be able to touch your toes, never mind do a backbend. But if you stick with it, you’ll notice a gradual loosening, and eventually, seemingly impossible poses will become possible. You’ll also probably notice that aches and pains start to disappear.
    2. Builds muscle strength – Strong muscles do more than looking good. They also protect us from conditions like arthritis and back pain and help prevent falls in elderly people. And when you build strength through yoga, you balance it with flexibility.
    3. Perfects your posture – Your head is like a bowling ball—big, round, and heavy. When it’s balanced directly over an erect spine, it takes much less work for your neck and back muscles to support it.  Poor posture can cause back, neck, and other muscle and joint problems.
    4. Prevents cartilage and joint breakdowns – Each time you practice yoga, you take your joints through their full range of motion. This can help prevent degenerative arthritis or mitigate disability by “squeezing and soaking” areas of cartilage that normally aren’t used.  Joint cartilage is like a sponge; it receives fresh nutrients only when its fluid is squeezed out and a new supply can be soaked up.
    5. Protects your spine – Spinal disks—the shock absorbers between the vertebrae that can herniate and compress nerves—crave movement. That’s the only way they get their nutrients. If you’ve got a well-balanced asana practice with plenty of backbends, forward bends, and twists, you’ll help keep your disks supple.
    6. Betters your bone health – It’s well documented that weight-bearing exercise strengthens bones and helps ward off osteoporosis. Many postures in yoga require that you lift your own weight. And some, like Downward- and Upward-Facing Dog, help strengthen the arm bones, which are particularly vulnerable to osteoporotic fractures.
    7. Increases your blood flow – Yoga gets your blood flowing. More specifically, the relaxation exercises you learn in yoga can help your circulation, especially in your hands and feet. Yoga also gets more oxygen to your cells, which function better as a result.
    8. Drains your lymph and boosts your immunity – When you contract and stretch muscles, move organs around, and come in and out of yoga postures, you increase the drainage of lymph (a viscous fluid rich in immune cells). This helps the lymphatic system fight infection, destroy cancerous cells, and dispose of the toxic waste products of cellular functioning.
    9. Ups your heart rate – yoga practice lowers the resting heart rate, increases endurance, and can improve your maximum uptake of oxygen during exercise—all reflections of improved aerobic conditioning. One study found that subjects who were taught only pranayama could do more exercise with less oxygen.
    10. Drops your blood pressure –  If you’ve got high blood pressure, you might benefit from yoga. The effects of savasana ( corpse pose) with simply lying on the couch regularly will show a drop in diastolic blood pressure.
    11. Founds a healthy lifestyle – Move more, eat less—that’s the adage of many a dieter. Yoga can help on both fronts. A regular practice gets you moving and burns calories and the spiritual and emotional dimensions of your practice may encourage you to address any eating and weight problems on a deeper level. Yoga may also inspire you to become a more conscious eater.
    12. Helps you focus – An important component of yoga is focusing on the present. Studies have found that regular yoga practice improves coordination, reaction time, memory, and even IQ scores. People who practice Transcendental Meditation demonstrate the ability to solve problems and acquire and recall information better.
    13. Relaxes your system – Yoga encourages you to relax, slow your breath, and focus on the present, shifting the balance from the sympathetic nervous system (or the fight-or-flight response) to the parasympathetic nervous system. The latter is calming and restorative; it lowers breathing and heart rates, decreases blood pressure, and increases blood flow to the intestines and reproductive organs.
    14. Improves your balance – Regularly practicing yoga increases proprioception (the ability to feel what your body is doing and where it is in space) and improves balance. Better balance could mean fewer falls. For all of us, postures like Tree Pose can make us feel less wobbly on and off the mat.
    15. Maintains your nervous system – Some advanced yogis can control their bodies in extraordinary ways, many of which are mediated by the nervous system. Scientists have monitored yogis who could induce unusual heart rhythms, generate specific brain-wave patterns, and, using a meditation technique, raise the temperature of their hands by 15 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Advantages and benefits of Yoga are numerous so form a habit of practicing yoga daily.

    Quotes from Yoga Gurus

    “Yoga does not transform the way we see things; it transforms the person who sees.” –B.K.S. Iyengar 

    “I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the highest source. I salute that source in you. Let us work together for unity and love”  -Gandhi

    “Yoga is a dance between control and surrender – between pushing and letting go – and when to push and when to let go becomes part of the creative process, part of the open-ended exploration of your being.”  -Joel Kramer

    “Yoga is not about what you do. It is about how you do it.” –Adriene Mishler

    “I was looking for someone to inspire me, motivate me, support me, keep me focused… Someone who would love me, cherish me, make me happy, and I realized all along that I was looking for myself.” -Unknown

    “In karma yoga, no effort is ever lost, and there is no harm. Even a little practice of this discipline protects one from great fear of birth and death.” -Bhagavad Gita

    “The attitude of gratitude is the highest yoga.” –Yogi Bhajan

    “Without proper breathing, yoga postures are nothing more than calisthenics.” –Rachel Schaeffer

    “In our uniquely human capacity to connect movement with breath and spiritual meaning, yoga is born.” –Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa

    “Do not feel lonely. The entire universe is inside of you.” -Rumi

    “I am standing on my own altar; The poses are my prayers” -B.K.S. Iyengar

    “True meditation is about being fully present with everything that is including discomfort and challenges. It is not an escape from life.” -Craig Hamilton

    “The nature of yoga is to shine the light of awareness into the darkest corners of the body.”  –Jason Crandell

    “For me, yoga is not just a workout – it’s about working on yourself.” -Mary Glover

    “Yoga is the study of balance, and balance is the aim of all living creatures: it is our home.” –Rolf Gates

    “Yoga has sly, clever ways of short-circuiting the mental patterns that cause anxiety.” -Baxter Bell

    “The chakras are very intelligent. They are like the software of the whole computer body.” -Dharma Mittra

    “The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind, and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life.” -B.K.S. Iyengar

    “Yoga is essentially a practice for your soul, working through the medium of your body.” -Tara Fraser

    “Meditation is like a gym in which you develop the powerful mental muscles of calm and insight” -Ajahn Brahm

    “Practicing yoga during the day is a matter of keeping your eyes on the road and one ear turned toward the infinite.” – Erich Schiffmann

    “You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes a day unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour.” -Old Zen Saying

     “Chair pose is a defiance of spirit, showing how high you can reach even when you’re forced down.” -Terri Guillemets


    Yoga Poses Pdf Hindi - Health Fzl99

    50 Yoga Poses


    Precautions after Lockdown

    precautions after lockdown

    Precautions after Lockdown

    After a prolonged lockdown, all countries are set to restart basic activities one by one.

    Some factories and offices have started working with limited workers and employees, local markets for daily needs of common people are opening for a limited period every day, and public transport including rail, bus, and taxis have started operating with a limited number of passengers.

    Globally Government has given notices about what could be opened and what not. Again, the states have their respective clearance and control. In any case, life is going to normalize slowly post Covid19 lockdown but with lots of precautions after lockdown

    But that doesn’t mean we have fully controlled the unhindered progress of COVID-19. Still, the human race is far from getting control over this pandemic.

    So, post lockdown we should take all possible coronavirus precautions and this time with more sincerity.

    Coronavirus: Twitter, Nike, Google, Amazon take emergency precautions

    Click here for Safety Tips post Lockdown:

    We have strictly maintained social distancing as per the government directives during the lockdown.

    You must have noticed that most of the markets were closed, factories and offices were dead silent, and roads were completely empty.

    The situation is changing now. We could see a few cars and buses plying, a few airplanes are crossing our skies, and news channels are showing the railway has started its services in controlled conditions.

    So, our responsibilities and risks have increased manifold now than before. So, now you have to set out of your house taking all precautionary measures.

    Following tips to be followed rigorously for a long time as precautions after lockdown-

    1. Use private/own vehicles while commuting.
    2. Keep distance from others while in a mode of public transport.
    3. Use masks, gloves, and keep sanitizer always with you while going out.
    4. Maintain social distancing in the market and public places.
    5. Use online services as much as possible.
    6. Sanitize your hands after touching every alien surface.
    7. Don’t touch your mouth, face, and nose as this will increases the risk of infection.
    8. Make sure you do not sneeze or cough in open.
    9. Ensure that everyone gets temperature checked before entering office, society, and any premises. Also, make it mandatory.
    10. Prefer not to eat outside food.
    11. If you find any COVID symptoms like cold, fever, breathlessness, or loss of sense of taste or smell – stop going to the office with immediate effect and seek medical health, and tell others to do the same if it happens to them as well.
    12. Carry your stationery from home to reduce the risk of being contaminated through office stationery.
    13. Any place where the notion of social distancing is supposed to not live up should be avoided.
    14. Sanitize your hands every now and then, and ensure supremely precautious surroundings in office washrooms.

    Click here for A checklist of precautions to guard against Covid19-

    As lockdown rules are gradually relaxed, there must be a raft of questions whirling in your mind. Should you step out? Is it safe? What precautions must you do?

    Here is a primer gathered guidelines to help you stay prepared to get back into your routine.

    Many of us have started going to the office, especially those who aren’t in the red zone. Some workplaces have started operating with employees coming in a staggered manner; though all workplaces are taking every precaution to protect the employees from any possible harm, yet the fear of getting infected remains.

    While work might resume and people will start traveling to the office and their workplace, it will still take time for our lives to return to normal, right?

    No matter how many precautionary measures are taken by organizations for the safety of their employees, it is also the responsibility of respective office goers to ensure that he or she takes necessary measures to stay safe.

    In case you have started going office or are soon going to do so, here are a few you should take into account seriously to help you cope up with life in an office after the lockdown is over.

    What are the most common ways in which the Virus spreads – The virus is known to spread from person-to-person between people within six feet of each other, through respiratory droplets when a person with the virus sneezes or coughs, even those who do not show any symptoms.

    Best tips to avoid getting infected –

    Take precautions while traveling: While your office may be a safe place to return but traveling to your workplace in public transport or otherwise may not be so safe.

    Hence, it is very important to maintain social distancing from a co-passenger; use a mask and avoid touching any kind of surfaces (like a door handle or a seat) unnecessarily, in case you are using public transport to commute to work.

    Next, try making digital transactions to pay your fare instead of using money; it’s safer that way. Also, if possible, avoid traveling during peak hours; Ask if your working hours can be adjusted to meet your traveling requirements.

    What are the best tips to avoid getting infected:

    • Wash hands frequently,
    • avoid close human contact,
    • cover mouth and nose with a cloth face cover,
    • clean and disinfect surfaces that are frequently touched.

    How do you ensure that hands are washed properly:

    Follow 5 steps:

    1. Wet your hands,
    2. lather with soap and water,
    3. scrub for at least 20 seconds,
    4. rinse and then dry fully.
    5. A sanitizer with 60 percent alcohol can be used when water is not available

    Don’t share food or eat outside:

    Ordering food from outside or share your colleague’s lunch under the current circumstances will only increase your risk of getting infected. So, carry your food/lunch/snack from home and never share it with others or eat other’s tiffin in office.

    Is it necessary to wear a specific type of mask?

    No, simple mask or cloth face coverings are effective. Avoid surgical masks or N-95 respirators as they are critical supplies for healthcare workers.

    How can face masks be kept clean:

    Regular mask to be changed every day and cloth face masks can be easily cleaned in a washing machine should suffice in properly washing a face covering.  Researchers advise that cloth masks should be washed in 160°F water with soap or detergent and recommends soaking them for five minutes in a bleach solution.

    No handshakes, No touching surfaces: Handshakes, hugs, or any kind of physical contact like an encouraging pat on the back is an absolute no-no.

    Should children also wear face masks: everyone 2 years and older wear a cloth face covering that covers their nose and mouth when they are out in the community. Cloth face coverings should, however, not be put on babies or children younger than 2 because of the danger of suffocation.

    What should I ensure before resuming work: Ensure there are temperature checks, ample supply of tissues, gloves when necessary, access to soap, clean running water, and drying materials or alcohol-based hand sanitizers containing at least 60 percent alcohol at their worksite.

     How long should self-isolation be done after testing positive?

    People who’ve tested positive need to isolate at home for at least seven days after symptoms first appeared, wait at least 72 hours after the fever is gone, and hold off until respiratory symptoms have improved.

     Other safety measures related to face masks: Be careful not to touch eyes, nose, and mouth when removing their face covering and wash hands immediately after removing.


    Click here for Checklist workplaces should take as they reopen after lockdown-

     Coronavirus has forced the entire world to adapt to change quickly and rapidly. Even after the lockdown ends, Offices all over the world will have to take a large number of precautions for their employees.

    This COVID-19 pandemic has put the spotlight and importance on the facility management services with a focus on cleaning disinfecting and sanitization. It has called for a renewed view for hygiene and overall facility management to adapt to the new set of challenges through differentiated services.

    These will be the rules –

    • Staff will not go to each other’s cabin or meeting stops.
    • Ban on mass lunch.
    • Will bring Tiffin from home.
    • No entry at the workplace without sanitation and thermal check-up.
    • Overall proactive services and maintenance programs for here on.
    • The cafeteria and canteen will remain closed, try to distance yourself.
    • Keeping details of medics and authorities, reach out details handy.
    • Social distancing is mandatory among customers.
    • Move away from an acidic-based cleansing material towards better options.
    • The workplace entry gate, buildings, bank’s currency chest, offices, ATMs, parking and e-lobby, etc. will be continuously sanitized.
    • Sanitation or water-soap-washbasin will have to be arranged at the entry gate.
    • A daily update call on COVID status should be a part of the standard operating procedure.
    • Employees will be asked to come from their vehicles only, a suggestion to avoid public transport.
    • Touchless taps and soap dispensers will gain more importance towards new normal.
    • The advice to avoid manual forms transactions will work only on e-copy.
    • Keeping a track of occupants and visitors along with a look at symptom visibility for security purposes.

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    Post Covid-19 life

    Post Covid-19 Life

    Post Covid-19 Life

    Post Covid-19 life could give rise to a new era of human development. Otherwise, economic and social development may falter for decades. Covid-19 could do for the biomedical industry What the Y2K scare did for the Indian IT sector

    The Gita (like the Upanishads)is not a mere religious text in the conventional sense of the term. It is an in-depth study
    of the nature of consciousness and a practical guide to exploring its depths. Above all, it is an exhortation to shake off
    negativity and depression, the inner enemies, and fight the outer enemy depicted as the epitome of evil, degradation, and destruction.

    Click here for How to move towards economic recovery –

    We are now (globally) living through the most uncertain moment of our times. Many countries have been in lockdown since early March 2020. Even Japan, once a beacon of hope for controlling COVID-19, is now moving toward total isolation.

    Many political leaders realize that physical distancing might be the norm for at least several months. They wonder how—or if—they can maintain indefinite lockdowns without compromising the livelihoods of their people.

    Political leaders aren’t alone in their fears. As the pandemic continues its exponential course, workers in most countries wonder what will become of their jobs when the lockdowns end.

    Businesses struggling to pay their employees and cover operational costs wonder if they will have clients or customers when they reopen. Banks and investors realize that many companies, especially small and midsize ones, will default and are trying to protect both financial stability and public savings.

    Meanwhile, governments are working to calculate the magnitude of the shock and sharpening their tools to save economies from collapse. They know that history will judge them by the decisions they make now.

    This daunting scenario poses several basic questions. How can we save both lives and livelihoods? Which decisions are best managed by governments?

    How can they evaluate the risks that experts predict from a prolonged lockdown, such as starvation, domestic violence, and chronic depression—as well as protect jobs, income security, food supplies, and the general welfare of the most vulnerable people among us?

    How and to what extent should they try to save banks, prevent fiscal ruin, and safeguard future generations?

    Governments could address all these questions strategically. In effect, they are caring for two patients who react to the same medicine—physical distancing—in very different ways. The first patient is the public-health system.

    Physical distancing might cure or alleviate its symptoms but could exacerbate those of the second patient, the economy. This trade-off suggests a physical-distancing strategy for governments: ensuring the health system’s ability to deal with COVID-19 and protecting the economy.

    Table 1 shows how different levels of physical isolation affect economic conditions. A recession could occur if faltering demand, restricted supply, and lost income reach critical levels.

    The differences between scenarios could be tenfold: a country that applies physical distancing in a lax way and ends it too soon could face zero GDP growth, but if the same country imposed a very strict and prolonged quarantine, GDP might plunge by 20 percent. In some Western economies, the latter scenario might increase government control of strategic sectors.

    Physical distancing could affect the workforce profoundly

    Impact of prolonged distancing on livelihoods

    Refer Table-1           

    Countries can avoid the worst scenarios if they work quickly along three principal lines of action :

    • first, minimizing the impact of physical distancing on the economy;
    • second, spending deeply to keep it afloat; and
    • third, spending even more to accelerate the crisis recovery and to close historical gaps.

    Minimize the economic impact of physical distancing

    Recently we have observed how different isolation strategies can have different effects on the ability of countries to save both lives and livelihoods. Policies for localized physical distancing at the regional, sectoral, or individual level might have better results than blanket lockdowns of entire countries.

    The time has, therefore, come to quantify the impact of lockdowns on people’s livelihoods.

    Advanced analytics could help countries estimate—with a high level of confidence—the shock to the economy by aggregating data on power consumption, debit- and credit-card spending, applications for unemployment insurance, default rates, and tax collections.

    Individual countries that implement localized physical distancing might be able to keep track of how many people are in the streets at any given time and how much economic activity those people generate.

    But approaches to physical distancing will probably vary a good deal from country to country, depending on how they balance public-health issues with privacy concerns. Countries could plan prolonged lockdowns for the elderly and children and estimate their levels of consumption.

    They could quantify the number of employees in essential sectors that continue to operate (health, security, food and beverages, agriculture, utilities, and transportation). They could determine which regions or states should remain under complete lockdown and which sectors are operating under strict health protocols in other places.

    And they could track how many people are working from home in each sector and their contributions to the economy.

    Analyzing a granular level of information might help countries quantify the weekly impact of physical distancing on various key indicators by region and by the economic sector. 

    This granular level of information might help countries quantify the weekly impact of physical distancing on GDP, productivity, aggregated demand, income loss, unemployment, poverty, and fiscal-deficit levels by region and by the economic sector. If countries knew all that information, they would know the cost of the lockdowns on the livelihoods of their people.

    Refer Table -2

    Spend deeply to keep the economy afloat

    Armed with information on the economic impact of physical-distancing strategies, governments can prepare their next moves.

    Refer Table-3

    To recover from the pandemic’s health and economic consequences, we must uphold the social contract—the implicit relationship between individuals and institutions.

    The market economy and the social fabric that holds it together will be deeply compromised, or perhaps undermined, if massive numbers of jobs are lost, vendors can’t fulfill their contracts, tenants can’t make their rent, borrowers default at scale, and taxes go unpaid.

    Governments could, therefore, quantify the minimum level of income that households need to cover their basic necessities, the minimum level of liquidity that companies need to cover their costs (including payrolls) and to protect their long-term solvency, the minimum liquidity levels that banks need to support defaults, and the minimum amount of money that governments need to supply all those requirements. Let’s examine each of them.

    Formal, informal, or independent workers will all have their own particular financial needs. So will vulnerable populations, such as people at higher risk of infection, which might not be able to return to work for some time.

    Leaders in the public sector should determine the level of support that each population segment requires and the appropriate distribution channels for fast delivery.

    Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) in India, for example, are conditional-cash-transfer (CCT) programs that support millions of vulnerable people. Such programs could temporarily expand to cover other segments of the population, such as informal and independent workers. It might also be necessary to consolidate databases and information systems and to digitize all payments.

    Since revenues have plummeted, many companies require help to safeguard employment.

    Their needs vary widely among sectors of the economy; professional-service firms, for example, usually have twice as many working-capital days as restaurants do. What’s more, physical distancing will affect different kinds of companies in different ways.

    As a first move to help them, several countries have already frozen short-term fiscal, parafiscal, and social security payments. Some are using innovative instruments to irrigate money—for instance, capitalizing national reinsurance agencies to cover most of the expected losses from the new loans required to bridge payroll payments and working capital.

    Banks can play a meaningful role during the crisis in two fundamental ways: lending money to companies in distress and recognizing that some companies simply can’t survive.

    If default rates on current loan portfolios skyrocket, the expected shock to incomes and to supply and demand could compromise the solvency of some banking systems.

    Besides thinking about loosening solvency and warranty regulations, governments might consider creative solutions, such as distinguishing among banks according to their credit portfolios to strengthen financial institutions’ balance sheets and injecting government-backed convertible loans against their long-term warrants and restructuring targets.

    Governments implemented these mechanisms successfully in other financial emergencies, such as the 1997 Asian market crisis, the 1999 Latin American crisis, and, most recently, the 2008 crisis in Europe and the United States.

    Strengthening the balance sheets of banks might not be enough to deal with the aftermath of COVID-19; governments might have to use monetary expansion through debt and equity emissions backed by central banks.

    Countries with deeper capital markets could not only securitize loans and new instruments but also use the financial strength and long-term view of pension funds and other institutional investors to ease short-term crisis-related pressures on public finance.

    Governments shouldn’t be shy about using such instruments extensively if that’s needed to keep economies running. Since such stimuli would have a cost, additional fiscal requirements could complement them in the medium term.

    To preserve national solvency, governments might also re-examine historical exemptions from taxation.

    Spend more to accelerate the crisis recovery and close historical gaps

    After countries estimate the size of the stimulus packages (like India has announced) needed to help households, companies, and financial systems, they can start designing additional, customized programs to restore demand and accelerate recovery.

    People who receive direct subsidies to stay at home could gradually return to work as each sector of the economy introduced new health and behavioral practices.

    Meanwhile, as many workers as possible should receive new job opportunities. To provide them, governments could introduce innovative labor regulations and help companies operate 24/7 under flexible schemes.

    They might also turn old-fashioned CCT programs into universal-income alternatives linked to new jobs in ambitious, government-led programs for infrastructure, housing, and industrial reconversion.

    Governments may also find it advisable to relax their regulatory regimes to help businesses not only reopen but also grow. Most countries have national, local, and sectoral regulations that were perfectly appropriate before the coming of COVID-19 but will be extremely expensive in the next normal.

    National programs to eliminate red tape at scale will help a good deal. Speed and flexibility are essential.

    Businesses in sectors facing strict physical-distancing policies might need additional long-term capital. Governments could use innovative special-purpose vehicles to inject fresh equity and provide fiscal incentives to attract long-term investors.

    Businesses receiving that sort of aid should expect to commit themselves to restructure: rescue packages could promote leaner operations, digital and industrial reconversions, the introduction of new channels, agile organizational structures, and innovative learning techniques.

    Governments could also ensure that such aid programs encourage competition—poorly designed policies that strengthen oligopolies and threaten the interests of consumers will be costly in the long run.

    Although governments should carefully weigh the impact of their aggressive programs against long-term fiscal sustainability, they can play a significant role in restoring demand for goods and services and in fostering investment in new business models.

    Many initiatives post covid-19 life

    • accelerating infrastructure projects;
    • fast-tracking private investment to build hospitals, schools, and other social projects;
    • encouraging urban renewal and very large housing projects; sponsoring the development of digital clusters to digitize government services;
    • easing investment conditions to take advantage of global supply chains; capturing near-shore production opportunities;
    • promoting large agribusiness developments, and stimulating exporting—could promote those goals. It is time to spend—but wisely.

    The COVID-19 pandemic is a global tragedy. But that shouldn’t—and needn’t—prevent us from finding innovative ways to accelerate progress. It would not be the first disaster to do so.

    This may be the right time to introduce fiscal, labor, pension, social, environmental, and economic reforms to speed up progress toward sustainable development.

    Ameliorating poverty, diminishing inequality, and protecting the environment could figure prominently in global and national agendas.

    Governments, companies, and social organizations could act quickly to promote full financial inclusion, the transition to cashless economies, and the provision of better and more efficient social and public services.

    Political leaders might condition access to massive economic-stimulus programs on efforts to reduce informality, rethink healthcare systems, digitize entire sectors of the economy to accelerate productivity, and encourage digital innovation—especially high-quality public education with universal internet access.

    Governments ought to act quickly. The first step is to understand the economic impact of the crisis in both the short and medium terms. Second, governments could inject the minimum viable liquidity to keep markets alive.

    Finally, they could expedite ambitious fiscal and monetary policies to accelerate recovery. In most economies and markets—national and international alike—ratios of debt to GDP will likely rise.

    Confidence that tax frameworks will gradually support next-normal debt levels will be necessary.

    Once the pandemic ends, countries around the world will probably find themselves more in debt than ever. If they restructure and innovate, attract investment, and increase their productivity, a new era of human development will begin.

    But if they spend haphazardly and imprudently, economic and social development might falter for decades to come. The societies, governments, institutions, companies, and people of the Earth now face basic choices. Let’s hope they think about them seriously.




    Click here for India Inc chalks out Plans after Covid-19 –

    India Inc has started preparing for life after the lockdown by chalking out Covid-19 risk mitigation plans including social distancing, remote working, and even temporary succession planning to ensure business survival even as the pandemic remains a clear and present danger.

    Wearing masks, isolated workspaces and remote working will be a norm when the lockdown eases up and corporates try to return to normalcy.

    Companies will have to strictly follow guidelines to ensure that employees are safe and business risks can be minimized, said the president of the industry association Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Ficci). “Employees, too, have to be proactive and compliance issues should be followed strictly”.

    No casual attitude (in terms of social distancing) should be tolerated.

    The Ficci advisory said organizations need to “communicate with employees frequently and with the right specificity to keep the workplaces prepared for infection prevention and ensure the health and safety of employees.

    Ficci has chalked out multiple scenarios of how the Covid-19 can evolve and issued guidelines and advisories to corporates on ways to tackle various challenges at the workplace. “Prepare temporary succession plans for key executive positions and critical roles and analyze if there is any high-risk work or any paper-based processes or processes that cannot be easily moved online and need a separate work plan,” it said.

    Following rules will be followed by all corporates- 

    • A detailed planning activity, where we need to identify which employees really need to come to work, even after the lockdown is lifted. Others can continue to work from home. That clarity is important.
    • Companies should ensure transportation for their workers. At the offices, there should be a series of checkpoints testing that can be done. There should be holding areas for colleagues to ensure that a red flag can be raised if someone’s feeling unwell.
    • We have to ensure there is no crowding in our office spaces, ensure that only 25 or 50% of the workspace is actually occupied.
    • A similar set of actions needs to be done with our support staff including security guards, receptionists, cafeteria staff. We have to ask if we really need all of them to come into work in the beginning or come in a staggered manner.
    • These have to be well thought out efforts to ensure that while we open up our offices, we take every step possible to minimize the impact on employees and ensure their well being and safety.
    • Arrange transport, from the staff member’s house to the office. The vehicles were sanitized; the drivers were tested before they picked them up.
    • Arrange paramedics to check every single person in the workplace twice a day.
    • Schedule shift duties in such a way that the same person doesn’t stay in office for a long period of time. So let there be five-hour rotational shifts.
    • Outsource the company to sanitize the office.
    • Try to make washing of hands fun and a way of life rather than a chore.
    • Support staff may not understand normal communication. So come up with exercising communication that is easy to understand, that also explained to them the importance of simple things like washing hands, wearing masks, Etc.,
    • Be compassionate. Don’t force the people to come to work but make it a voluntary system. Ask staff who are willing to come to work and if someone refuses to respect his decision. Understand it is not that person who is scared but the whole ecosystem at the back end around the individual, which consists of their family.

    These families could consist of very young children, very old parents, etc. Then there is a larger ecosystem with the building or the society they live in.

    If possible create accommodation for our staff, for those who are staying far away, close to the place of work so that they don’t have to go back home and antagonize family or neighbors in that process. These measures, no doubt, are capital intensive, but necessary.

    • Here certain things are non-negotiable. So every organization irrespective of its size will have to do testing, sanitizing of the workplace, have a doctor available. There will be other elements that are easier for a smaller company but pose significant challenges for a large company. This can include transportation. Larger organizations won’t be able to take control of the commute or put people in guest houses or other accommodation. That will put a significant financial strain on a lot of organizations. So there will be a reduction in the pace of operations. The focus has to be on enabling work from home, wherever possible so that it’s just a proportion of the employees that are impacted. Even when the lockdown is opened not everyone will be allowed into an office at the same time. Create rosters where teams come in at certain times during the day complete their work, and leave. So all of those will have to be taken into consideration and planned out so that we are able to organizations can be managed with minimum cost and maximum care.

    Click here for Steps required post control on Covid-19 –

    “It’s going to be step by step, there is going to be some trial and error, this is completely uncharted territory. No country in the world has worked this out yet … Globally everyone will have to work together and a way through.”

    There are timelines: in four weeks, the national cabinet of the state and federal governments will reevaluate lockdown measures to see if any can be relaxed or lifted; in six months, the government hopes that the extraordinary financial architecture inserted to prop up the country’s economy can start to be wound back. But social distancing may last for years until a vaccine is found or widespread community immunity is achieved.

    Critically, however, the country’s immediate road map should be more definitive on what, rather than when.

    Three conditions for easing restrictions

    The following points can be outlined as three key criteria that will guide the path back from Covid-19.

    • An increased capacity to test and a more extensive “sentinel testing” regime, which means testing rapidly and widely, including people who are asymptomatic, to understand just how widespread the virus is.
    • Contact tracing “lifted to an industrial capability”, to find and isolate all of the contacts of known infection. A key part of this will be encouraging all to download to their phones a tracing app, currently in production, modeled on like Aarogya Setu in India, which uses BlueTooth to alert users when they come into contact with a confirmed case.
    • Strengthened “local response capabilities” – essentially the ability to lock down hotspots where outbreaks occur, such as the one in Mumbai, Maharashtra. This will include multiple layers of government agencies, including, potentially, the military.

    For countries that have weathered the Covid-19 storm well so far,

    • the pressure on governments to reopen their societies and economies is intense: from business groups seeing entire industries laid barren;
    • from political commentators reading the economic data and seeing a sea of red; from families anxious to see children back in school;
    • from citizenry desperate to get back to work and reestablish some normality in their lives.

    But the risks of relaxing too much, too soon, are very real, and medical experts have warned against rushing to lift restrictions prematurely, potentially sparking a more deadly second wave and undermining the hard-won gains so far.

    Life under level three will still be tightly proscribed; contact with other people must still stay “very very limited”. But the number of people back at work will roughly double under level three, with the exemption on workplaces relaxed from “essential” to “safe”.

    Early childhood centers and schools will reopen for students up to year 10 under level three, but attendance would remain voluntary. Funerals and weddings with up to 20 people would be allowed under the relaxed regime. Electricians and plumbers can go back to work but must keep their distance from customers.

    Cafes, restaurants, malls, and retail shops must stay closed but food delivery, drive-through services, and online shopping will be allowed.

    Practical Steps –

    Global companies have to be predictive and proactive in their decision-making to preserve business continuity and build enterprise resilience.

    As companies navigate the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, there are a number of key issues corporate leaders should be thinking about, as well as steps they can take to not only react to severe business shocks now but also reshape their business and plan for recovery.

    We have identified five priorities for business leaders to consider – many based on perspectives and experiences from India and other countries in Asia, where COVID-19 impacted.

    1. Prioritize people safety and continuous engagement

    Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the employees in the workplace is essential. People are looking at their employer, community, and government leaders for guidance. Addressing their concerns in an open and transparent manner will go a long way to engaging them and reassuring business continuity.

    One of the adjustments companies have to make is to initiate or expand flexible work arrangements and other policies that allow people to work remotely (from home) and safely. Depending on the sector, companies will want to reorganize teams and reallocate resources and establish employee wellbeing programs and policies that support a safe working environment. Additionally, companies will want to produce regular communications that align with the current government and health authorities’ policies to help employees remain engaged as they and the organization navigate through the crisis.

    Finding ways to reimagine a business-as-usual environment that minimizes disruptions for the organization requires a fine balance. Where telecommuting or flexible work arrangements aren’t possible and companies must have workers on-site or in direct contact with customers, it is important to provide infection protection measures.

    To help companies provide safe work environments, some municipal governments are working with big data amassed by technology companies and mobile operators to develop a health QR code system that allows people to track their movements over the previous 14 days to prove that they haven’t visited any high-risk areas. Still, other governments centrally and locally are exempting or deferring, in part or in full, social insurance and rental payments.  

    Even with all these measures, there will be businesses that will experience workforce disruptions. Labor shortages and increased costs due to mobility restrictions that various state and local government authorities have imposed will impact businesses and also due to migrants moving to their home town. Companies that experience unique challenges, not covered by specific policies already issued, should seek advice from their local governments (like district Collector). Many governments have introduced fiscal stimulus and assistance programs for small businesses and sectors such as tourism and hospitality which have been severely impacted. Indian Government has announced a stimulus almost for all sectors of about 265 Billion Dollars.

    2. Reshape strategy for business continuity

    Most businesses are likely to experience significant disruption to their business-as-usual operations and will face business underperformance throughout the duration of the COVID-19 crisis. At the start of this crisis, supply chain challenges were significant for companies with exposure to China. But now the crisis has spread to Europe and the U.S, many more companies are experiencing operational disruption, as well as significant shifts in consumer demands and behavior impacting sectors from consumer and retail, to manufacturing, life sciences to automotive.

    To help address these challenges, companies should:

    • Evaluate short-term liquidity. Companies will want to instill the short-term cash flow monitoring discipline that allows them to predict cash flow pressures and intervene in a timely manner. They’ll also want to maintain strict discipline on working capital, particularly around collecting receivables and managing inventory build-up. Additionally, it’s important to be creative and proactively intervene to lighten the working capital cycle. Throughout the crisis, companies will want to maintain regular contact with suppliers to identify any potential risks.
    • Assess financial and operational risks and respond quickly. Companies will need to monitor direct cost escalations and their impact on overall product margins, intervening and renegotiating, where necessary. Companies that are slow to react or unable to renegotiate new terms and conditions may be vulnerable to the financial stress that could carry long-term implications.

    Just as companies need to monitor their in-house vulnerabilities, they also will need to monitor the pressures that may be impacting some of their customers, suppliers, contractors, or alliance partners. In particular, companies will want to stress test any tier one and tier two suppliers that may be impacted.

    This is especially important for sectors such as automotive and pharmaceutical, which are highly dependent on third-party suppliers. Finally, be aware of covenant breaches with banking facilities and other financial institutions relating to impairment risks in asset values, which may impact the health of the overall balance sheet.

    • Consider alternative supply chain options. Companies that source parts or materials from suppliers in areas significantly impacted by COVID-19 will want to look for alternatives. For example, a Japanese industrials manufacturer is considering moving the assembly of commercial air conditioners to Malaysia from the Hubei Province capital of Wuhan, which remains under lockdown. Similarly, a global apparel company is looking to move production of its products from facilities in Wuhan to Vietnam and Indonesia. Such quick moves will create a temporary capacity to meet customer obligations. Companies that have arrangements with agile manufacturing facilities to make spot buying decisions, or have loose contractual arrangements with various service providers and logistics providers, should consider the initial disruption as well as post-crisis scenarios given the potential for demand spikes. 
    • Determine how the COVID-19 crisis affects budgets and business plans. Companies will want to stress-test financial plans for multiple scenarios to understand the potential impact on financial performance and assess how long the impact may continue.

    If the impact is material and former budget assumptions and business plans are no longer relevant, companies should revise them to remain agile. Where the business is significantly impacted, companies will need to consider minimum operating requirements, including key dependencies of the workforce, vendors, location, and technology.

    There is also the issue of short-term capital demands for continuous business operations. Based on the outcome of the assessment, companies may need to look at near-term capital raising, debt refinancing or additional credit support from banks or investors, or policy supports from the government. At the same time, companies will need to review overall operating costs and consider slowing down or curtailing all non-essential expenses. 

    Communicate with relevant stakeholders

    Clear, transparent, and timely communications are necessary when creating a platform to reshape the business and to secure ongoing support from customers, employees, suppliers, creditors, investors, and regulatory authorities.

    • Companies will want to keep customers apprised of any impacts on product or service delivery. If contractual obligations cannot be met as a result of supplier or production disruption, it is important to maintain open lines of communication to revisit timelines or invoke “force majeure” or “act of God” clauses. Such proactive action will help to mitigate punitive damages or liabilities associated with disrupted customer obligations.
    • For employees, communications plans should try to find a balance between caution and maintaining a business-as-usual mindset.
    • Companies need to maintain regular contact with suppliers regarding their capability to deliver goods and services during the COVID-19 crisis and their recovery plans so that the company can consider alternative supply chain options in a timely manner.
    • Creditors and investors. Companies will want to review terms and conditions on loan contracts to identify sensitive debts and avoid vital technical debt breaches. These reviews will have the added benefit of giving companies a chance to proactively manage the dialogue and communications with creditors regarding any necessary amendments to existing terms or refinancing arrangements.
    • Government and regulators. When communicating with relevant stakeholders, companies will want to consult with their legal teams for advice on potential liabilities and with their business units regarding how to manage communications around ongoing breaches and collection of proof, if any.

    Companies have to ask themselves whether they have the right supply chain and agility to withstand a three-month disruption.

    4. Maximize the use of government support policies

    The government of India has released several financial, social insurance, and tax-related policies to support companies. Recently the US, UK, and many other developed nations have announced amendments to tax and financing policies.

    Companies should monitor nation-wide government and organizational opportunities for support and how they may best serve the individual circumstances of their situation. It is important to note that government support may differ based on jurisdiction and sector. Companies will need to identify and understand each offer of support and determine which ones are best for their organization.

    Finance Minister of India has published a series of policies to provide support for preventing and treating the epidemic, including:

    • Exempting and refunding value-added tax (VAT) for enterprises providing certain services for epidemic control or manufacturing key epidemic-related necessities.
    • Offering a full corporate income tax (CIT) deduction for purchasing equipment to manufacture epidemic prevention-related supplies.
    • Providing an individual income tax (IIT) exemptions on bonuses and allowances relevant personnel receive for treating the epidemic.
    • Issuing other policies that encourage public-benefit donations.

    Temporary social insurance contribution deductions and exemptions the STA and Ministry of Finance (MOF) have introduced also have helped to ease the burden on companies.

    Other countries impacted by the crisis, including Singapore and Japan, are introducing similar government policies. Companies should monitor the availability of these kinds of programs and use them to mitigate the risks they face.

    5. Build resilience in preparation for the new normal

    Once companies have solidified strategies based on stress tests and communicated any new directions with relevant stakeholders, they will need to execute based on revised plans while monitoring what continues to be a fluid situation. Senior management should report any material deviation from the plan in a timely manner so that their companies can take additional action to avoid further negative impact.

    Once the COVID-19 outbreak is controlled, companies will want to review and renew business continuity plans (BCP). They’ll want to assess how existing BCPs are working. If there are deficiencies, companies will want to identify root causes, whether it’s the timeliness of action, lack of infrastructure, labor shortages, or external environmental issues. Companies will then want to consider putting new internal guidelines in place based on lessons learned, as well as solid contingency plans to build resilience and better respond to future crises.

    Financial services organizations have an ethical opportunity to develop more agile products for working capital and short-term loans to support the economy.

    Plan for recovery now, not later 

    The COVID-19 crisis was impossible to predict with conventional wisdom and forecasting tools. However, there are many lessons companies can learn and carry forward once the crisis has passed and they’ve had a chance to analyze their response.

    In the meantime, companies should be making decisions and taking actions during the crisis with recovery in mind. When the crisis is over, it will be clear which companies have the resilience and agility to reshape their business strategy to thrive in the future.

    Longer-term, companies will need to consider how robust their business, management team, and initiatives were in facing the crisis. It will also be important to consider and reset the business assumptions that underpin the supply chain and other concentrations that many businesses have been exposed to overtime.

    Once the situation is mitigated, companies should reevaluate how robust their business management was facing the crisis, and then analyze options to become more resilient against future disruptions.


    Four actions to build resilience and reshape results


    Positivity in Pandemic

    “Often when you think you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else.”


    Covid 19 Poster with Earth in Protection Mask - Download Free ...

    Given the constant stream of negative news about the novel coronavirus pandemic, it’s easy to feel anxious and uncertain. Anxiety is also an understandable reaction, since coronavirus has made many of us change our daily routines, and threatens our sense of safety. It can be difficult to let go of these thoughts and feelings.

    But, we can also try to use anxiety to develop habits that can protect our mental health by adding positivity in times of such a huge pandemic.

    Our brain has the capacity to change and “rewire” in response to our experiences. We call this capacity “neural plasticity”. If we have recurrent, anxious thoughts, we are establishing neural connections that make thinking anxious thoughts easier for us the next time we do so.

    But we can also use anxious thoughts as triggers for engaging in activities and thoughts that help manage and reduce anxiety. In this way, we can transform anxiety into one of the first building blocks of habits ( positivity ) that can support our wellbeing when we face challenging circumstances.

    So the next time you notice anxious thoughts racing through your mind, or feel your shoulders tensing up from worry, try one of these activities to manage your anxiety – and change it into positive mental health habits in the future.

    “People today really value workplace flexibility and remote work because it allows them to focus their energies on work and life as opposed to commuting or other complications due to geography.”

    Click here for What is COVID-19?

    COVID-19 is the disease caused by an infection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, first identified in the city of Wuhan, in China’s Hubei province in December 2019. COVID-19 was previously known as the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) respiratory disease before the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the official name as COVID-19 in February 2020.

    The SARS-CoV-2 virus belongs to the family of viruses called coronaviruses, which also includes the viruses that cause the common cold, and the viruses that cause more serious infections such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which was caused by SARS-CoV in 2002, and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), which was caused by MERS-CoV in 2012.

    Like the other coronaviruses, the SARS-CoV-2 virus primarily causes respiratory tract infections, and the severity of the COVID-19 disease can range from mild to fatal. Serious illness from the infection is caused by the onset of pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

    The most common symptoms of COVID-19 include dry cough, fever, and shortness of breath. It is thought that symptoms can appear between 2-14 days after exposure although there have been isolated cases that suggest this may be longer. If you develop symptoms, you should stay at home to prevent the spread of the disease into the community.

    Wearing a face mask will help prevent the spread of the disease to others.

    According to research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, the median incubation period is estimated to be 5 days, and almost all (~98%) patients who have been infected will develop symptoms within 12 days.

    A new study suggests losing your sense of smell and taste is an early sign of COVID-19.

    Six new symptoms have been added to the list of COVID-19 symptoms to include: chills repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, and new loss of taste or smell.

    The SARS-CoV-2 virus is thought to spread from person-to-person via:
    • droplet transmission (large respiratory droplets that people sneeze, cough or drip)
    • aerosol transmission (when someone coughs or sneezes in the room)
    • contact transmission (touching a contaminated surface then touching your mouth, nose or eyes)
    • direct transmission (kissing, shaking hands, etc.)

    The best way to prevent infection is to avoid exposure to the virus.
    The most important way to prevent COVID-19 is to WASH YOUR HANDS.
    Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly with soap and water (lather for 20 seconds) OR use an alcohol-based (at least 60%) hand sanitizer.

    Other actions that help to prevent the spread of COVID-19:
    • avoid contact with others who are sick
    • avoid touching your mouth, nose, eyes or face
    • cover coughs and sneezes (into a tissue or into your elbow)
    • clean and disinfect surfaces (alcohol or bleach-based cleaning solutions work best for coronaviruses)
    • face masks will not protect you from COVID-19 directly, but can help in reminding you to avoid touching your face, and will help prevent the spread of the disease to others.
    • social distancing
    • self-isolation

    What to do if you are sick
    • Prevent the spread of COVID-19 if you are Sick (CDC)
    • Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendations (CDC)
    What to do if you come into contact with someone who is sick

    Stay at home. If you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or someone who is showing symptoms of COVID-19, it may take up to two weeks for your symptoms to present. To keep yourself and others safe, you should isolate yourself from other people for 14 days.

    What is Social Distancing – Social distancing means the physical separation of people. To practice social or physical distancing:
    • Stay at least 6 feet (2 meters) from other people
    • Do not gather in groups
    • Stay out of crowded places and avoid mass gatherings

    Risk Factors – Scientists are still researching risk factors for COVID-19 but data from China CDC suggest that the elderly, and people suffering from pre-existing medical conditions (such as heart disease, respiratory disease including asthma and COPD, or diabetes) have a higher risk of dying from the disease.

    There is research that suggests that smokers may be more susceptible to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. There is also evidence to suggest that people who use e-cigarettes (vaping) are at a much higher risk of developing serious respiratory infections.

    The secret of crisis management is not good vs. bad, it’s preventing the bad from getting worse

    Click here for COVID-19 Positivity

    Our article is designed to offer practical advice, provide some entertainment, foster a sense of social cohesion, and remind people of the good in the world during these strange and isolating times.

    With all the tragic things that are happening in the world as a result of the coronavirus, now might seem like an unusual time to talk about being positive. Yet staying positive is a core ingredient in the recipe for successful coping in a crisis.

    Now, more than ever is the time for us to be proactive about creating small moments of happiness in our days, given the findings in psychology research that positive emotions help us to undo the negative effects of stress. I’ll come to the research in a minute, but first, there are a few really practical things you can do to foster positive emotions.

    Savour the small moments: Even during a lockdown you still have many small moments to savor. The smell of coffee, the feel of the warm shower on your back, and so on. When you stop to take in these moments, rather than let them rush by on automatic pilot, you are giving your brain a chance to process the pleasure, which boosts your serotonin – the feel-good neurotransmitter that helps elevate your mood and make you feel calm.

    Strengthen your connections: for those of us in family lockdown, now is the opportunity to spend quality time with our loved ones. Take the time to hug your kids or partner, look them in the eyes, have long conversations with them – all of these gestures promote closeness and also boost your oxytocin, which is a hormone that bonds people and also has a calming effect on your body. When your oxytocin levels spike they tell your body to switch off cortisol, the stress hormone.

    Look for the good in others: These types of crises can bring out both the worst and the best in human nature. This week there were two Youtube clips that went viral in Australia about toilet paper. One was of three grown women fighting in Woolworths over a packet of toilet paper.

    The other was two young children dragging a large cart of toilet paper behind them and stopping at the homes of elderly people in their neighborhood to give them a roll. I like to think that the best in human nature is rising to the coronavirus challenge. Philanthropists are donating money to scientists to find a cure.

    Doctors and medical staff are working overtime to help sick patients. Neighborhoods are putting together care packages for people who are sleeping rough. People are posting positive messages on social media. Friends from across the globe reaching out to each other.

    When we tune into these positive and pro-social aspects of the crisis, we are united in hope. By tuning into these three silver linings, you can potentially change your brain chemistry and build up your energy stores to help you cope with the other aspects of your day that have been made more difficult.

    Taking charge of our mental health and capturing the small moments will help as we go further into the unknown, too. If we can foster positive emotions, the flow-on effects are well researched, and well documented. In fact, positive emotions are a key resource for us during the coronavirus crisis because they can do a number of things:
    Increase your resilience – Research has shown that when we experience positive emotions on the back of a stressful event, we bounce back more quickly and have a faster “cardiovascular recovery” time – our heart rate lowers and our blood pressure stabilizes more quickly when we are able to be positive.

    Increase your immunity – a study where people were deliberately infected with the influenza virus and rhinovirus found that those people who had more positive emotions were more likely to fight off the symptoms. People low on positive emotions were 2.9 times more likely to contract a respiratory illness in this study.

    Make you think more clearly – the way we feel influences the way we think. Positive emotions boost our problem-solving abilities as well as our judgment, decision-making, cognitive flexibility, and creativity. Staying positive will help you and your kids to be better at solving all the little problems that are being thrown our way right now, such as figuring out new technology platforms for working (and schooling) from home.

    Practice self-care When you feel anxious or overwhelmed, the simplest thing you can do is to just take three slow, deep breaths to calm down. Count slowly to four as you breathe in and then count slowly to five as you breathe out.
    This simple exercise helps increase activation in the parasympathetic nervous system, which is associated with resting and digesting.

    It also reduces the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for our fight or flight response – and is linked to anxiety. When possible, listening to your favorite upbeat song or a brief physical exercise at home can help improve your mental health and reduce anxiety.

    Do something relaxing – After waking up and just before you go to sleep, try to do things that are relaxing and uplifting. What you do early in the morning sets the mood for the day. If you notice having anxious thoughts soon after waking, try to think about something positive if you can. Or, do a few mindful stretches and focus on the sensations in your body.

    In the evening, try to avoid reading news or comments on social media about the virus spread extensively. Negative emotions experienced in the evening impact sleep quality. Listening to a calming podcast, practicing meditation, or relaxation techniques might help calm anxiety before bed.

    Notice the small things – Reading the latest news about COVID-19 and planning all the changes to your work, childcare, or travel plans can lead to a nearly constant stream of stressful or anxious thoughts. When you notice the worry building up, try to look or listen to the things around you.

    Notice flowers in your garden, clouds in the sky, or the sound of a bird outside and take a couple of minutes just to see or listen. This simple mindfulness practice not only gives your busy mind a bit of a break, but it also may reduce activity in the midline structures of the prefrontal cortex of the brain involved in anxious rumination. As a result, you may find that you start feeling less anxious.

    Do something to help – Some people might react to anxiety with hoarding behaviors. This is perhaps reflected in the panic-buying and stockpiling of groceries in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Others respond to anxiety with compassion, through prosocial behaviors such as helping or sharing. Prosocial behavior can protect our wellbeing.

    Put things into perspective – Our mind has a built-in negativity bias making us think of and remember negative events better than positive ones. From an evolutionary perspective, this was important so that we would remember not to eat certain foods that made us ill a second time, for example.

    But this also means that we notice and remember negative news over positive events. Knowing this, when you feel anxious try to make a conscious effort to overcome the negativity bias.

    This might mean changing your perspective and trying to remind yourself of the many positive things that have happened because of coronaviruses – such as examples of kindness, or reductions in pollution.

    Research shows that increased hope strongly predicts decreases in anxiety.

    Meditate or Pray Over 80% of adults in the USA identify as spiritual or religious. Spirituality and religiousness have been associated with better wellbeing, particularly because they give us a sense of purpose and meaning in life. Having a sense of purpose and meaning can also protect us against anxiety.

    You can use your feelings of anxiety as a reminder to meditate or say a short prayer. Even brief regular meditations may reduce anxiety levels.

    Of course, different activities might work better for different people. To get started, the next time you feel anxious to make a list of a couple of activities that you know will help calm you down. Then try to do these things the next time you feel anxious to eventually turn your negative thoughts and feelings into habits that support your mental health.

    In this way, you will be creating new connections in the brain that will associate anxiety with something positive instead of an endless spiral of negative thoughts and feelings. With practice, you may find that anxiety you may have in response to the negative headlines becomes less threatening and easier to let go of.

    Every dark cloud has a silver lining and this is your chance to thicken that lining and take charge of your mental health so that you come out of this experience stronger.

    “Today, give yourself permission to be outrageously kind,

    irrationally warm, improbably generous. I promise it will be a blast.” 

    Click here for Staying Positive during Lockdown –


    We all are hoping to get a moment that’s positive. News, WhatsApp, social media of other kinds, and plenty of government directives – all are pushing us to the brink of sadness, if not the depression of some kind. We know the virus is real, it’s fast-spreading and it’s here to stay for a bit for sure.

    So what can we do to stay happier? We take a look at the way of staying positive during coronavirus:

    1. Get moving: Physical activity is a great way to send positive hormonal signals up to your mind. Walk around the house. Get that skipping rope from the attic and put it to good use. If you have staircase access, do step-ups and shake up your calf muscles. Yoga or any form of such effort is good for mental and physical health.

    2. Cut down on food-: Stay light, eat less. This is because you are not spending time walking your usual steps (even the ones outside a fitness regime) like going to the store or walking from the parking lot to the office floor. Not to miss we are binge-watching, eating packaged foods, and even way too many biscuits over many cups of tea or coffee.

    3. Turn back time-: Dig up old albums and meet all the people when they were 10 years younger. Albums are memories. Rummaging through old stuff lifts the spirits by reminding us of the wonderful moments we have had. They also give us hope for better times.

    4. Read or Listen-: Sometimes taking a break from watching comes like a breath of fresh air. Listen to audio stories, films, podcasts. Pick up a light put, or get what you want, reading a good distraction and also makes you explore something different.

    5. Watch fun stuff-: Unlike any epidemic before, we now have the luxury of watching stuff to keep ourselves distracted. Try watching stuff that doesn’t panic you. Watch lighter videos, films, forwards that are funny. Basically find a way to get your mind off current events that make you gloomy.

    6. Help Out-: Could you possibly make meals or snacks for your elderly neighbors and drop it off contactless? Maybe a call or a WhatsApp message to check on them could be what they need to feel better and possibly what you need to feel like you are involved and caring.

    7. Support your staff, stores-: Call your staff that’s been off or working from home all these days. Call your house help and check if they need something that you can drop off. Positive strokes are needed by all.

    8. Send love in the mail-: Write a few nice words to a friend or family member and lift up your and their mood. People are feeling vulnerable around the world and any little thing can change their day.

    9. Learn-: An excellent time to learn and upskill and do more with yourself. If you have always wanted to start a podcast, now is the time. If you have wanted to learn how to bake, try easy recipes off the internet. Be productive and be engaged with something new if that’s your thing.

    10. Make a plan-: Routine is lovely and heaves during such times. Make a day plan. Check on the fridge. What do you need, what do you have. How can you innovate?

    11. Look to the past-: Get hope from your past resilience. You have likely endured other unforeseen major life disrupters like 9/11, major hurricanes, or the financial meltdown of 2008. You made it through! And you are stronger because of it. Know that you will get through this. Remind yourself of your resilience on a regular basis.

    12. Watch a funny video-: Thanks to the huge popularity of YouTube, there are thousands of videos that can help you take your mind off current events, if only for three minutes at a time. Start to bookmark the funniest among them so you can return for a repeat viewing whenever things feel gloomy.

    13. Look after your neighbors: You may be at low risk of severe consequences from the virus, but it may not be the same for your neighbors whose immune systems are compromised. The act of checking in on them (keeping social distancing) will not only make them feel good, but it will also make you feel good and remind you that there are others for whom this predicament is even more stressful.

    14. Support your favorite local business-: Maybe you’re heeding the social distancing advice and aren’t eager to sit in a crowded restaurant right now. And others feel the same way. Those empty seats aren’t helping that restaurant owner to pay staff or keep the restaurant in business. Buy a gift card to help the business owner now, and prepay for a wonderful meal you can have to celebrate when this pandemic is behind us.

    15. Send gifts in the mail-: It may not be wise to drop in on your loved ones with some fresh-baked goodies, so send them a card or gift in the mail. Unexpected treats can be huge pick-me-up-in times of stress. This is especially valuable to the elderly who are living in nursing homes. Many facilities have closed their doors to all visitors, making residents feel even more isolated and vulnerable.

    16. Take advantage of found time-: Take the opportunity to focus on some things because you had no time for and to accelerate progress on other product offerings. It’s liberating, and that’s what decides to focus on.

    17. Practice random acts of kindness-: Leave an envelope with a little gift for the Amazon Fresh delivery person who drops off your supplies outside your door. Or have a coffee delivered to your doorman. Your kindness doesn’t require a monetary outlay. Write an unsolicited book review for a friend of yours who is an author.

    Comment on a colleague’s LinkedIn post. Send a snail-mail note of appreciation to a friend or colleague. Many in the entire country of Italy broke out in song and applause to honor their healthcare workers. Thank the custodians in your building or workplace for their efforts to keep things safe.

    Think of those who could benefit from your thoughtfulness and generosity. Then act.

    18. Take a daily inventory-: Close your day, every day, with a positive acknowledgment of something you accomplished, learned, or are grateful for. It will help dilute some of the negativity you’ve absorbed and reminded you that not everything that’s happening right now is bad or depressing.

    On the personal and emotional front, think of what you want to do with yourself in the day and at the end of the day think of what all you managed to close. It’s not imperative that you stick to it, but this exercise in itself is a great way to checklist and checkoff your own things. It also does you good to have a refresher course of the way your day went.

    In times of constant negative messaging, you need an antidote so that you can keep your positive attitude and march forward with determination and hope. Be deliberate in activities that are positive, heartwarming, stress-reducing, and laughter-inducing! Together, we’ll get through this.

    Let’s be grateful – Be GRATEFUL. Because there is a very large group of people that don’t even some luxury for themselves, people who need to make ends meet with a small salary. Or who are working in health care and need to work LIKE MAD to keep our hospitals up and running? Shout-out and much love to these heroic people! And a lot of other people who are struggling.

    These people are currently struggling, even more, so be kind to others. Help where you can.
    Because, the biggest opportunity the Coronavirus is giving us, is the chance to get closer to one another. It is forcing us to work together. More than ever in the past few years, this situation is making sure that mankind is caring for one another and we’re reconnecting on a deeper level with each other and the world around us.




    There is hope
    This gives everyone hope for the future. I hope that on a global scale, we CAN accomplish things together. Together we are fighting to flatten the curve and slow the speed with which the virus is spreading. I believe in us. That we – when this Corona storm has passed – can also tackle other problems like the global climate crisis, together.

    We should take this virus seriously. Don’t be overconfident, thinking ‘it won’t get me!’. Help those close to you. But above all, stay calm and see the opportunities ahead.







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    You can measure yourself often,

    to stay motivated to reach your aspired size!

    For many of us, life has become a little more sedentary recently. Lockdown has taken away many typical day-to-day exertions: walking the kids to school, walking to a train station, going to the shops. These errands have been replaced by very little, bar a periodic lurch within our homes.

    All the tiny bits of energy we expend add up to our levels of NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis), which is everything outside of sleep, eating and sport, like walking, cleaning the house, climbing stairs and, under lockdown, our average NEAT has fallen through the floor. So should we be adapting our routines around food to compensate for our new state of inertia?

    Psychologists explains that we need to be aware of how lockdown will be affecting our habits. [Lockdown] is highly unstable and uncertain, which is likely to have an impact on our mental well being, so we are more naturally inclined to reach for feel-good foods. But we need to be careful of doing this too often, especially given that we don’t know how long we will be living under these conditions.

    If you engage in a pattern of over-eating and not exercising, this can have a negative impact on your mental well being. It can affect your attitude towards exercise which may consequently have an impact on your confidence and how you feel about yourself. This can become a vicious cycle.

    Your baggage you must carry through life.

    The more the excess baggage, the shorter the trip

    Click here for How to lose weight safely –

    You want to drop pounds, now. And you want to do it safely. But how?

    First, keep in mind that it’s best to lose weight gradually. It’s more likely to stay off. If you shed pounds too fast, you’ll lose muscle, bone, and water instead of fat.

    Our advice: Aim to lose 1-2 pounds per week, and avoid fad diets or products that make promises that sound too good to be true. It’s best to base your weight loss on changes you can stick with over time. For faster results, you’ll need to work with a dietitian, to make sure that you stay healthy and get the nutrients that you need.

    Make a Plan

    You’ve probably heard the saying, “calories in, calories out”; as in, you just need to burn more calories than you eat and drink.

    But it’s not that simple, as many people can tell you from their own experience.

    Your metabolism — how well your body turns calories into fuel — also matters. And if you cut too many calories, it’s bad for you. You slow down your metabolism, and that can make you fall short on some nutrients.

    There are many ways you can do this, without cutting calories too much. You could:

    • Cut back on portions.
    • Figure out how many calories you get in a usual day, and trim back a bit.
    • Read food labels to know how many calories are in each serving.
    • Drink more water, so you’re not so hungry.

    Whatever method you use, you’ll need to favor good-for-you foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean protein so you keep up good nutrition. Working with a dietitian is a good idea, so you make a plan that covers those needs.

    Get Accountability and Support

    Many apps can help you track your eating. Since you probably have your smartphone with you all the time, you can use it to keep up with your plan. Or keep a pen-and-paper food journal of what you ate and when.

    You’ll also want to have people on your side to help you stay motivated and to cheer you on. So ask your family and friends to support your efforts to lose weight.

    You might also want to join a weight loss group where you can talk about how it’s going with people who can relate. Or talk with someone you know who’s lost weight in a healthy way. Their encouragement is “contagious,” in a good way!

    Find Out What Drives You to Eat

    At the most basic level, food is fuel. It gives you energy to do things. But very few people eat just for that reason. It’s at every social gathering. And it’s where a lot of us turn when we have a rough day.

    You’ll need to know what makes you want to eat when you’re not hungry, and have a plan for those moments. The first step is finding out what your triggers are. Is it stress, anger, anxiety, or depression in a certain part of your life? Or is food your main reward when something good happens?

    Next, try to notice when those feelings come up, and have a plan ready to do something else instead of eating. Could you take a walk? Text a friend?

    Lastly, reward yourself for making a different choice. Just don’t use food as the reward.

    Reset What and When You Eat

    You don’t have to go vegan, gluten-free, or quit any particular food group to lose weight. In fact, you’re more likely to keep the pounds off for good if it’s something you can live with for the long term. But it does make sense to cut way down on, or totally cut out, empty calories.

    Limit added sugars. These are the sugars in cookies, cakes, sugar-sweetened drinks, and other items — not the sugars that are naturally in fruits, for instance. Sugary foods often have a lot of calories but few nutrients. Aim to spend less than 10% of your daily calories on added sugars.

    Be choosy about carbs. You can decide which ones you eat, and how much. Look for those that are low on the glycemic index (for instance, asparagus is lower on the glycemic index than a potato) or lower in carbs per serving than others. Whole grains are better choices than processed items, because processing removes key nutrients such as fiber, iron, and B vitamins. They may be added back, such as in “enriched” bread.

    Include protein. It’s satisfying and will help keep up your muscles. There are vegetarian and vegan sources (nuts, beans, and soy are a few), as well as lean meat, poultry, fish, and dairy.

    Most people get enough protein but could choose to get it from leaner sources, so you may already have plenty in your diet. Your exact protein needs depend on your age, gender, and how active you are.

    Make friends with good fats. Small amounts of fat can help you feel full and less like you’re on a diet. The better choices are those in fish, nuts and seeds, and olive oil. Those have unsaturated fats — polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats, specifically.

    Fill up on fiber. You can get that from vegetables, whole grains, fruits — any plant food will have fiber. Some have more than others. Top sources include artichokes, green peas, broccoli, lentils, and lima beans. Among fruits, raspberries lead the list.

    Eat more often. If you eat 5-6 times a day, it could keep hunger at bay. You could split your calories equally across all of those mini-meals, or make some bigger than others. You will need to plan portions so that you don’t end up eating more than you bargained for.

    What About Meal Replacements? These products will control your calories. They’re convenient and take the guesswork out of dieting.

    Again, though, you’ll need to change your eating habits to keep the weight off if you go off the meal replacements.

    Watch your drinks. One easy way to lose weight quickly is to cut out liquid calories, such as soda, juice, and alcohol. Replace them with zero-calorie drinks like lemon water, unsweetened tea, or black coffee.

    Diet drinks will save you calories, compared with sugary beverages. But if you then reach for a cookie or other treat because you’re still hungry or you think you saved   enough calories for it, that plan backfires.

    Should You Fast?

    You might think that fasting is a quick way to drop pounds. But experts don’t recommend it, because it’s not a long-term solution. It’s better to have an eating plan that you can stick to over time and fits into your lifestyle.

    All fasts aren’t the same. Some involve skipping all food. There are also fasts where you eat every other day. There hasn’t been a lot of research on how well off-and-on fasting works in the long run.

    During the first days of your fast, you may feel hungry and grumpy. You may also get constipated. And you won’t have the energy to do much, physically. Drink lots of water and take a daily multivitamin. You should also tell your doctor, especially if you take medications that will probably need to be adjusted.

    Remember that if you do fast, you’ll still need to change your eating habits once your fast ends.

    No matter how you kick-start your weight loss, the best way to keep it off is with long-lasting lifestyle changes, like a healthy eating plan and physical activity. If you’re not sure where to start, how many calories to cut, or how to do it safely, you might want to consult a registered dietitian.

    Planning for weight loss – Indeed, planning involves discipline – and that is a key trait that is evident among the “successful losers”. Maintain a 30-pound weight loss for at least a year – since many have lost much more, and kept it off for much longer.

    It is very difficult to lose weight and keep it off – and people who succeed must have discipline. People who are most successful plan their day to ensure that they stick to their eating plan and get regular physical activity. It takes effort to be successful in long-term weight management.

    Set following goals –

    Plan your daily food : First, take note of every bite of food you have during the day. You become more conscious of what you’re doing. It helps you monitor yourself, and make corrections in mid-course.  it’s research for your plan of action. Plans work better than platitudes.

    Focus on your high-risk time slots when you’re most likely to get off course. Just keep notes during that time period. You’ll quickly see problem habits: banana split vs. banana, the whole container of nuts vs. a handful.

    Set specific goals : You can’t just tell yourself to eat less junk food. Be specific – ‘I’m going to substitute popcorn for potato chips.’ That way you know exactly what to do. There’s no question.

    Consider your options : Keep lists of healthy foods and meals you love, and plan accordingly. You can think of five different breakfast, lunch, and dinner options. Then you’ll have some freedom – you can choose from your favorites. But your eating will be more structured. That’s what’s important.

    Shop wisely : A well-stocked fridge and pantry can make it easier to grab a healthy snack or prepare delicious meals that are also good for you. Keep basics like these on hand: low-fat milk and yogurt, eggs, peanut butter, a variety of fresh fruits (include berries and grapes) and vegetables (include carrots and celery), soybeans, garlic, whole grain pasta/bread, fish, and high-fiber cereal.

    Plan Healthy Treats : Low-fat cheese or yogurt, hummus with veggies, and fresh fruit are great choices. Keep them at home; That will help you eat the right foods when you’re starving – especially in the late afternoon.

    Do It Yourself : These are great prepare-ahead healthy meals that will keep you feeling full and help you control your weight:

    • Make a dried-fruit-and-nut mix for emergency snacking. (Be wary of granola, since it typically has lots of sugar) Pack small amounts in a little plastic bag.
    • Cook a big pot of homemade vegetable soup, which can be frozen for several lunches or dinners.
    • Try smoothies – blend low-fat yogurt and fruit – for a grab-and-go meal.
    • Mix up big salads or a pasta primavera with lots of veggies and whole-wheat pasta. Prepare large quantities so you can have a moderate-sized helping for dinner and then have leftovers for lunch the next day.

    Don’t Limit Yourself : It’s OK to eat breakfast food for snacks, lunch, or dinner. You can eat a hard-boiled egg or cereal any time, not just breakfast.


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     In the wake of COVID-19, the whole country has been put under a lockdown till May 2020. By staying indoors and practicing self-isolation, we can possibly break the chain of infection much sooner and restore normalcy. There are many ways to approach this quarantine. You can sit and sulk about how much you enjoyed being outside, or utilise this time to your benefit. Remember the New Year resolution you took to eat healthy and lose weight? Perhaps it’s time to do something about it. You could start with small, gradual steps.

    The goal is to plan your meals and simplify your cooking and  minimise ingredients. Focus on food that will ensure your health and immunity  are enhanced. 

    Start Your day : Start your day with Honey Lemon and Water. It supposedly helps rejuvenate you, rid your body of toxins and revs up your metabolism.

    Do Not Skip Breakfast : Skipping breakfast will not help you lose weight. You could miss out on essential nutrients and you may end up snacking more throughout the day because you feel hungry.

    Manage Your Calorie Intake : It’s really not rocket science: if you don’t want to out on weight, you have to stop eating more than your body needs. Even if before the mandatory isolation you have been living a relative sedentary lifestyle, being indoors for 99% of time means you are burning less calories than you used to. And this means you should eat less to adjust to this new lifestyle.

    Eat Regular Meals : Eating at regular times during the day helps burn calories at a faster rate. It also reduces the temptation to snack on foods high in fat and sugar.

    Try Intermittent Fasting :  You can drastically reduce calorie consumption by only eating in a certain time-window a day. Probably the most popular way is to do intermittent fasting. There are two ways to go about it: either the 5:2 diet or the 16:8 fast diet.

    With the 5:2 diet, you restrict calorie intake for two days a week, down to 700-800 calories, while for the rest of the weeks you eat normally. The 16:8 diet is a daily fast, where you eat only in an 8-hour window. With the latter, the most convenient way is to fast while you sleep: have your last meal at around 8 pm, and have the next one at 12 pm the next day.

    Eat Plenty of Fruits and Veg. : Fruit and veg are low in calories and fat, and high in fibre – 3 essential ingredients for successful weight loss. They also contain plenty of vitamins and minerals.

    Get More Active : Being active is key to losing weight and keeping it off. As well as providing lots of health benefits, exercise can help burn off the excess calories you cannot lose through diet alone.

    Drink Plenty of Water : People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger. You can end up consuming extra calories when a glass of water is really what you need. Drinking plenty of water can help metabolism and, most importantly, it can also help you feel fuller for longer.

    Use a Fitness Tracker : Although we are stuck indoors, having a fitness tracker or running watch around your wrist can still be beneficial. One of the more casual feature of these fitness wearables is the ‘movement reminder’ that prompts you, once every hour, to get up and walk for a bit. Now, being in isolation doesn’t help but getting off from the sofa periodically can be beneficial for your overall well being nevertheless, even if it is just to have a stretch or to put away some washing.

    Read Food Labels : Knowing how to read food labels can help you choose healthier options. Use the calorie information to work out how a particular food fits into your daily calorie allowance on the weight loss plan.

    Get a Smart Scale : Just like fitness trackers, bathroom scales – the smart scale variety – can also measure energy expenditure and tell you how many calories you burn, as well as other deets about your body, like bone/muscle mass ( BMI ) and, most importantly, body fat percentage.

    Eat High Fibre Foods : Foods containing lots of fibre can help keep you feeling full, which is perfect for losing weight. Fibre is only found in food from plants, such as fruit and veg, oats, wholegrain bread, brown rice and pasta, and beans, peas and lentils.

    Do HIIT Workouts : HIIT workouts have never really gone out of fashion but they are definitely ‘in’ at the moment, mainly because they are an effective way to burn calories and can be done indoors, using your body weight only, a kettlebell, dumbbells,  exercise bikes, rowing machines and basically everything you can think off. We have seen a gym water bottle tabata workout before, too.

    Do Not Ban Foods : Do not ban any foods from your weight loss plan, especially the ones you like. Banning foods will only make you crave them more. There’s no reason you cannot enjoy the occasional treat as long as you stay within your daily calorie allowance.

    Use Smaller Plates : Using smaller plates can help you eat smaller portions. By using smaller plates and bowls, you may be able to gradually get used to eating smaller portions without going hungry. It takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain it’s full, so eat slowly and stop eating before you feel full.

    Challenge Yourself : Best way to motivate yourself to move more and therefore to burn more calories more efficiently is set up a challenge for yourself. Although you can’t leave the house for leisure activities but you still have plenty of options. How about a 30-day push up challenge? Start with doing one on day one and double up every day and see if you can keep up with the pace.

    Cut Down on Alcohol : A standard glass of wine can contain as many calories as a piece of chocolate. Over time, drinking too much can easily contribute to weight gain.

    Have Protein at every Meal and Snack : Adding a source of lean or low-fat protein to each meal and snack will help keep you feeling full longer so you’re less likely to overeat. Try low-fat yogurt, small portion of nuts, peanut butter, eggs and beans. Opt for simple recipes like roasted nuts, Apple with peanut butter or homemade popcorn,

    Do Not Stock Junk Food : To avoid temptation, do not stock junk food – such as chocolate, biscuits, crisps and sweet fizzy drinks – at home. Instead, opt for healthy snacks, such as fruit, unsalted rice cakes, oat cakes, unsalted or unsweetened popcorn, and fruit juice.

    Plan Your Meals : Try to plan your breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks for the week, making sure you stick to your calorie allowance. You may find it helpful to make a weekly shopping list.

    Desserts should be healthy : Desserts, when healthy and simple, are the Best ! It is important to create small moments of fun and pleasure with uplifting and healthy food and your best option would be more fruit based desserts. It is healthier to use jaggery as sweetener.

    Switch to Lighter Alternatives : Whenever you can, use the low-fat versions of salad dressings, mayonnaise, dairy products, and other products. You can trim calories effortlessly if you use low-fat and lighter products, and if the product is mixed in with other ingredients, no one will ever notice.

    Get up every morning... | Fitness quotes, Motivation

    It is great to fill up with salads, use colorful and fresh ingredients in your salad

    to keep on track with your weight loss program.

    Click here for How to Lose Weight -

    There are many ways to lose a lot of weight fast. That said, many diet plans leave you feeling hungry or unsatisfied. These are major reasons why you might find it hard to stick to a diet.

    However, not all diets have this effect. Low carb diets are effective for weight loss and may be easier to stick to than other diets.

    Here’s a 3-step weight loss plan that employs a low carb diet and aims to:

    • significantly reduce your appetite
    • cause fast weight loss
    • improve your metabolic health at the same time

    Cut Back on Carbs : The most important part is to cut back on sugars and starches, or carbohydrates. When you do that, your hunger levels go down, and you generally end up eating significantly fewer calories. Instead of burning carbs for energy, your body now starts burning stored fat for energy.

    Another benefit of cutting carbs is that it lowers insulin levels, causing the kidneys to shed excess sodium and water. This reduces bloating and unnecessary water weight. According to some dietitians, it’s not uncommon to lose up to 10 pounds (4.5 kg) — sometimes more — in the first week of eating this way. This weight loss includes both body fat and water weight.

    One study in healthy women with obesity reported that a very low carb diet was more effective than a low fat diet for short-term weight loss. Research suggests that a low carb diet can reduce appetite, which may lead you to eat fewer calories without thinking about it or feeling hungry. Put simply, reducing carbs can lead to quick, easy weight loss.

    Eat Protein Fat and Vegetables : Each one of your meals should include a protein source, fat source, and low carb vegetables. As a general rule, try eating two to three meals per day. If you find yourself hungry in the afternoon, add a fourth meal.

    Constructing your meals in this way should bring your carb intake down to around 20–50 grams per day. To see how you can assemble your meals, check out this low carb meal plan and list of 101 healthy low carb recipes.

    Protein – Eating plenty of protein is an essential part of this plan. Evidence suggests that eating lots of protein may boost calorie expenditure by 80–100 calories per day.

    High protein diets can also reduce cravings and obsessive thoughts about food by 60%, reduce the desire to snack late at night by half, and make you feel full. In one study, people on a higher protein diet ate 441 fewer calories per day.

    When it comes to losing weight, protein is a crucial nutrient to think about.

    Healthy protein Source includes :

    • Meat: beef, chicken, pork, and lamb
    • Fish and seafood: salmon, trout, and shrimp
    • Eggs: whole eggs with the yolk
    • Plant-based proteins: beans, legumes, and soy

    Low carb vegetables –  Don’t be afraid to load your plate with low carb vegetables. They are packed with nutrients and you can eat very large amounts without going over 20–50 net carbs per day. A diet based mostly on lean protein sources and vegetables contains all the fiber, vitamins, and minerals you need to be healthy.

    Healthy low Card Vegetables – 

    • Broccoli, Asparagus, Mushrooms
    • Zucchini, Spinach, Avocados
    • Cauliflower, Green Beans, Lettuce, Cabbage
    • Garlic, Kale, Cucumbers, Brussels Sprouts
    • Celery, Tomatoes, Radishes.

    Healthy Fats – Don’t be afraid of eating fats. Trying to do low carb and low fat at the same time can make sticking to the diet very difficult.

    Sources of healthy fats include:

    • olive oil
    • coconut oil
    • avocado oil
    • butter

    Lift Weights three times a Week – You don’t need to exercise to lose weight on this plan, but it will have extra benefits. By lifting weights, you will burn lots of calories and prevent your metabolism from slowing down, which is a common side effect of losing weight.

    Studies on low carb diets show that you can gain a bit of muscle while losing significant amounts of body fat. Try going to the gym three to four times a week to lift weights. If you’re new to the gym, ask a trainer for some advice.

    If lifting weights is not an option for you, doing some cardio workouts like walking, jogging, running, cycling, or swimming will suffice. Both cardio and weightlifting can help with weight.

    Try doing a carb refeed once a week – If you need to, you can take one day off per week where you eat more carbs. Many people choose to do this on Saturday or Sunday. It’s important to stick to healthy carb sources like oats, rice, quinoa, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and fruit. If you must have a cheat meal and eat something unhealthy, do it on this day.

    Limit this to one higher carb day per week. If you aren’t reducing carbs enough, you might not experience weight loss. You might gain some water weight during your refeed day, and you will generally lose it again in the next 1–2 days.

    What About Calories and Portion Control – It’s not necessary to count calories as long as you keep your carb intake very low and stick to protein, fat, and low carb vegetables. However, if you want to count them, you can use a free online calculator.

    Enter your sex, weight, height, and activity levels. The calculator will tell you how many calories to eat per day to maintain your weight, lose weight, or lose weight fast. You can also download free, easy-to-use calorie counters from websites and app stores.

    How Fast Will You Lose Weight – You may lose 5–10 pounds (2.3–4.5 kg) of weight — sometimes more — in the first week of the diet plan, and then lose weight consistently after that. If you’re new to dieting, weight loss may happen more quickly. The more weight you have to lose, the faster you will lose it.

    For the first few days, you might feel a bit strange. Your body is used to running off carbs, and it can take time for it to get used to burning fat instead. Some people experience the “keto flu,” or “low carb flu.” It’s usually over within a few days. After the first few days, most people report feeling very good, with even more energy than before.

    Apart from weight loss, the low carb diet can improve your health in many ways:

    • blood sugar levels tend to significantly decrease on low carb diets
    • triglycerides tend to go down
    • LDL (bad) cholesterol goes down
    • HDL (good) cholesterol goes up
    • blood pressure improves significantly
    • low carb diets can be as easy to follow as low fat diets

    The Bottom Line – 

    By reducing carbs and lowering insulin levels, you’ll likely experience reduced appetite and hunger. This removes the main reasons it’s often difficult to maintain a weight loss plan. On this plan, you can likely eat healthy food until you’re full and still lose a significant amount of fat.

    The initial drop in water weight can lead to a drop in the scales within a few days. Fat loss takes longer. Studies comparing low carb and low fat diets suggest that a low carb diet might even make you lose up to two to three times as much weight as a typical low fat, calorie-restricted diet.

    If you have type 2 diabetes, talk to your healthcare provider before making changes, as this plan can reduce your need for medication.



    Losing Weight Cool Poster

    Click here for How to Avoid Weight Gaining During Lockdown -

    Going by contemporary social media humor, people across globe, though jokingly, appears to be quite concerned about the chances of weight gain during the period of lockdown.

    This is particularly true for otherwise active working individuals, who now face a double whammy of not being able to exercise along with unfettered access to food at home. This coupled with a rather urban concept of endless munching, clearly predisposes us to weight gain – with all its attendant medical and social problems.

    Given below are a few tips to prevent, or at least reduce the chances of weight gain during this period of restricted activity.

    Eat Healthy Eat Wisely Eat Timely : While it is right to assume that being home-bound leads to easy access to food and snacks, there is also a latent advantage in this, which is often ignored. With no options of eating out, we are restricted to home food – which tends to be healthier, low calorie and low trans-fat. To gain further advantage from this, we can resort to lower calorie snacks and food items such as sprouts or salads as a replacement for the usual fried options.

    Since most of us are not burning off calories during this period of lockdown, it is natural that our fuel foods intake should be lesser in this period. Carbohydrates (fuel foods) include food items such as bread, chapatis, rice, potato, etc. Intake of these should be curtailed during this period. Additionally, since the body does not need any energy during sleep, carbohydrates can be completely avoided at dinner. If satiety (satisfaction) is an issue with a curtailed intake of carbohydrates, we could increase the intake of low/non-carbohydrate food items such as pulses (dals), freshly cooked vegetables, fruits, etc.

    The importance of timely and regular meals cannot be over-emphasized. Body metabolism works best when nutritious food is ingested at regular intervals, rather than erratically. It is particularly important to avoid eating dinner very late and sleeping soon thereafter. This habit of regular meals should ideally be followed even when there is no lockdown. Finally, this habit is particularly relevant to diabetics, as it avoids erratic blood sugar levels.

    You are under social lockdown and not exercise lockdown – The physical and medical benefits of exercise are well known. There are two additional but lesser-known benefits of exercise, which are particularly relevant in crisis periods.

    First, exercise is a very good immunity booster – which may be needed should one, unfortunately, get infected with the COVID19. Secondly, exercise is a mood elevator and has anti-anxiety effects. Exercise, due to the release of chemicals called endorphins, leads to a feeling of happiness and reduces feelings of anxiety and depression.

    Now for some specific recommendations. Since we are completely home bound, we need to adopt exercises suitable for restricted areas. These could include simpler and less aggressive forms such as static running, skipping, etc., or more aggressive forms such as crunches Pilates, Aerobics or yoga.

    Needless to say, your exercise schedule must include all forms including stretching, muscle building/toning, and cardio respiratory exercises. Regarding timing, exercise can be performed at any time of the day – though I recommend adhering to a fixed time and duration.

    About duration, generally, 45 minutes to a an hour of daily exercise is adequate. Exercise should be performed most days in a week – if possible, every day. Different exercise schedules may be followed in order to avoid monotony and boredom, as well, as to exercise different muscle groups.

    Various sites on the internet offer a range of information on age-appropriate exercise advice and schedules.

    Its All in Mind – Like many other modern-day diseases, obesity also has a strong ‘mind’ component. While the country needs us to stay indoors at this time, it does not require us to eat more, become inactive and gain weight.

    In fact, to the contrary, this is the time for us to evolve as individuals and make amends for whatever may be wrong in our lifestyles. To that extent, winning over this tendency to eat more and exercise less, is also a mind game.

    Winning over our temptations seems daunting and un-achievable at first, but gets easier and achievable with the passage of time.

    Monitor Yourself – Human beings are result-oriented species. We like to objectively assess and evaluate responses to lifestyle choices. Fortunately, in the case of weight gain, measuring this benefit is very easy. Just use a weighing scale! How often? Once a week should be enough.

    Measuring body weight will give us a clear idea of where our body weight is headed. To conclude, it is possible to maintain our weight with a few lifestyle choices during this period of lockdown. After all, what we gain during this period, may take years to lose! Moreover, as one of the social media jokes goes, no one would like to be addressed as  “my dear elephants” at the end of this period.

    I’m not losing weight.

    I’m getting rid of it.

    I have no intention of finding it again.



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    Excuses Don't Get Results | Exercise And Weight Loss Motivational ...

    World Health Day 2020

    world health day 2019 know this year s theme and history of world ...

    From now on, never should we dare to forget the sacrifices that healthcare professionals

    make with the single motive to serve humanity.

    World Health Day 2020: History, theme & significance

    World Health Day is a global health awareness day celebrated every year on 7 April, under the auspices of the World Health Organization, as well as other related organizations. The World Health Day is held to mark WHO’s founding, and is seen as an opportunity by the organization to draw worldwide attention to a subject of major importance to global health each year.

    In 2020, World Health Day will focus on the vital role played by Doctors, nurses and all other health workers in providing health care around the world. The day is celebrated to spread information and awareness about the importance of health to human beings. On a global scale, world health day is celebrated every year with a specific theme.

    The theme brings out an underlying issue to the core and focuses the strategies of the current year on the particular theme. Issues and features listed with the theme are addressed throughout the year of operation.

    The World Health Day 2019 focused on universal health coverage.

    April 7: World Health Day – Dr Murali Mohan S

    Click here for World Health Day 2020 Theme -

    Just like World Health Day 2019 theme ‘Universal Health Coverage: everyone, everywhere’ this year also has a theme. This year’s World Health Day theme has been dedicated to the doctors and nurses who are fighting on the COVID19 front lines as the novel coronavirus continues to spread globally. These healthcare professionals are the real heroes shielding us from the threatening pandemic. To mark this day and to recognise the efforts of all those who have taken it upon their shoulders to fight this pandemic, we have compiled a list of quotes, slogans, and messages.

    • Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
    •  Eat healthy, think healthy, live healthy, life is all about a good state of mind in a happy space.
    •  Health is more important than anything else in the world, without health there is no other wealth.
    •  Your lifestyle decides your choice of health. Never compromise good health for anything in this world.
    •  Everything under the sun can be accomplished by a hale and hearty soul. Health creates opportunities for well being and prosperity.

    Following are World Health Day quotes that tell you the importance of staying fit

    1. Health is a blessing in one’s life that only the sick person can see.
    2. Your body follows what your mind says. Seek good health.
    3. A healthy outside starts from the inside.
    4. He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.
    5. In health there is freedom. Health is the first of all liberties.
    6. Life is not merely being alive, but being well.
    7. If you want good health, you have to take that first step. You cannot sit and wait for it to arrive.
    8. Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.
    9. A healthy body is a guest-chamber for the soul; a sick body is a prison.
    10. I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.

    Quotes for Health Professionals – 

    1. Healthcare professionals make a living by what they give, but they make a life by what they give.
    2. In nothing do men more nearly approach the gods than in giving health to men.
    3. It’s to the nurses and the doctors that we owe our sleeps right now.
    4. They fight for our existence as we sit in quarantine and complain of boredom.
    5. And when we make past this all, may we never forget the sacrifices that our healthcare heroes made for us.
    6. They are out at work so that you can be at home in good health.
    7. Nurses dispense comfort, compassion, and caring without even a prescription.
    8. When love and skills work together, expect a masterpiece. That’s what the healthcare professionals aim for, every single day.
    9. They save lives. They comfort the sick. You can’t expect that to be easy.
    10. From now on, never should we dare to forget the sacrifices that healthcare professionals make with the single motive to serve humanity.

    Quotes on importance of focusing on one’s health – 

    1. Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.
    2. To keep the body in good health is a duty, for otherwise, we shall not be able to trim the lamp of wisdom, and keep our mind strong and clear
    3. Life is not merely being alive, but being well.
    4. Keep your vitality. A life without health is like a river without water.
    5. The human body is the best picture of the human soul.
    6. Give a man health and a course to steer, and he’ll never stop to trouble about whether he’s happy or not.
    7. Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos – the trees, the clouds, everything.
    8. The greatest of follies is to sacrifice health for any other kind of happiness.
    9. Health is a large word. It embraces not the body only, but the mind and spirit as well; …and not today’s pain or pleasure alone, but the whole being and outlook of a man.
    10. Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of year.

    Slogans for Healthy Day – 

    1. Life without health is like hell!
    2. Be at ease without disease
    3.  If health is lost, everything is lost
    4. You are what you eat from your head down to your feet
    5. Prevention is better than cure!
    6. The groundwork of all happiness is health
    7. Stay at home for the health of those you care about
    8. When you’ve got your health, you got everything
    9. Never has staying healthy been so easy: stay at home!
    10. Healthcare is a right
    11. Eat right, Stay fit and live bright
    12. Your health is your key to prosperity
    13. Aim for good health and holistic living
    14. Sound health, abundant wealth
    15. Prioritize health, not wealth

    Healthy day messages for Health care Professionals – 

    Before everything else, it is the healthcare professionals across the world who deserve a big applause in the current pandemic for holding the fort for us. To appreciate their zealous efforts and dedicated efforts, here are world health day messages that you can send to all our heroes:

    1. Nurses may not be angels, but they are the next best thing.
    2. Only a life lived in the service to others is worth living.
    3. A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.
    4. Nurses are I.V. Leagues.
    5. Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity.
    6. In our job, you will never go home at the end of the day thinking that you haven’t done something valuable and important.
    7. Being a doctor offers the most complete and constant union of those three qualities which have the greatest charm for pure and active minds – novelty, utility, and charity.
    8. Observation, Reason, Human Understanding, Courage; these make the physician.
    9. People pay the healthcare professionals for their trouble; for their kindness, they still remain in his debt.
    10. Not all superheroes wear capes.

    Health day messages for Layman – 

    1. Sickness is the vengeance of nature for the violation of her laws.
    2. The crucial letters in wellness are we. Take care of you and your family this World Health Day!
    3. When you are young and healthy, a pandemic might not look like that much of a scare. However, by putting yourself at risk, you are also putting your family at risk. Pledge to be more responsible this World Health Day.
    4. They are going out to work so that you can stay safe at home. This World Health Day, respect the sacrifices that healthcare professionals make and stay at home.
    5. You have been provided with the rare opportunity to stay at home and save lives. Don’t mess this up.
    6. This World Health Day, let us all take a minute and pray for the well-being of those at the forefront of this health crisis.
    7. It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver. Practice social-distancing and take care of your and your family’s health this World Health Day.
    8. The greatest of follies is to sacrifice health for other kinds of happiness. Stay safe, stay healthy.
    9. A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings. Happy World Health Day!
    10.  Health is a blessing in one’s life that only the sick person can see. Learn from others’ mistakes, stay home, stay safe.

    World Health Day Quotes –

    • Life is no merely being alive but being well.
    • It is health that is real wealth and not coins of Gold and Silver.
    • He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything.
    • Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.
    • A healthy body is a guest chamber for the soul; a sick body is a prison.
    • Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that very important for good health.
    • Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.
    • When love and skills work together, expect a masterpiece. That’s what the healthcare professionals aim for, every single day.
    • To keep the body in good health is a duty, for otherwise we shall not be able to trim the lamp of wisdom and keep our mind strong and clear.

    World Health Day 2020 Theme, Images, Slogans, Quotes: Know Why 7 ...

    Click here for Know All About COVID19 -

    Cases of Covid-19 first emerged in late 2019, when a mysterious illness was reported in Wuhan, China. The cause of the disease was soon confirmed as a new kind of corona virus, and the infection has since spread to almost all countries around the world and become a pandemic.

    On 11 February the World Health Organization announced that the official name would be COVID19, a shortened version of corona virus disease 2019. The WHO refers to the specific virus that causes this disease as the COVID19 virus.

    The WHO’s definition of a confirmed case of COVID19 is a person shown by laboratory testing to be infected with the virus, irrespective of clinical signs and symptoms. The most commonly reported symptoms include a fever, dry cough and tiredness, and in mild cases people may get just a runny nose or a sore throat. In the most severe cases, people with the virus can develop difficulty in breathing, and may ultimately experience organ failure. Some cases are fatal.

    The virus can also be asymptomatic, causing no noticeable illness in some people – but these people are still contagious and can spread the virus. COVID19 is a respiratory illness and is largely spread via droplets in the air. These are typically expelled when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

    These can be difficult times for all of us as we hear about spread of COVID-19 from all over the world, through television, social media, newspapers, family and friends and other sources. The most common emotion faced by all is Fear. It makes us anxious, panicky and can even possibly make us think, say or do things that we might not consider appropriate under normal circumstances.

    Over a period of time COVID19 has been increasing all over day by day so all of us should know everything about COVID19. As on today there is no definite medical solution available so no one knows how long it will take to eradicate completely.  In such times following points will give you complete knowledge in terms of communication, prevention, treatment and many such related issues.

    How to communicate with COVID19 suspected or confirmed cases – 

    • Be respectful, Polite and Empathetic and use local language
    • Be aware that the suspected and confirmed cases, and any visitors accompanying them, may be stressed or afraid
    • The most important thing you can do is listen carefully to the questions and concerns
    • Answer any questions and provide correct information about COVID19
    • You may not have an answer for every question : since a lot is still unknown about  COVID19 and its fine to admit that
    • If available, share information pamphlets or handouts with your patients
    • Its okay to touch, or comfort suspected or confirmed patients when wearing personal protective equipment (PPE)
    • Gather accurate information from the patient:  their name, address, phone no., date of birth, travel history, list of symptoms etc
    • Explain the heathcare facility’s procedure for COVID19, such as isolation, and limited visitors, and the next steps
    • If a person has symptoms provide him/her a mask and guide on wearing and safe disposal of mask
    • If the patient is a child, the accompanied family member/guardian should be provided and informed on the appropriate use of PPE
    • Provide updates to visitors and family when possible

    Prevention – There’s currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease (COVID19).

    You can protect yourself and help prevent spreading the virus to others if you:

    • Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds, with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub
    • Cover your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue or flexed elbow when you cough or sneeze
    • Avoid close contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with people who are unwell
    • Stay home and self-isolate from others in the household if you feel unwell

    • Touch your eyes, nose, or mouth if your hands are not clean

    Treatment – There is no specific medicine to prevent or treat corona virus disease (COVID-19). People may need supportive care to help them breathe.

    Self Care – If you have mild symptoms, stay at home until you’ve recovered. You can relieve your symptoms if you:
    • rest and sleep
    • keep warm
    • drink plenty of liquids
    • use a room humidifier or take a hot shower to help ease a sore throat and cough

    Minding our minds during the COVID19

    Understanding the importance of Lockdown

    Lockdown is meant to prevent the spread of infection from one person to another, to protect ourselves and others. This means, not stepping out of the house except for buying necessities, reducing the number of trips outside, and ideally only a single, healthy family member making the trips when absolutely necessary. If there is anyone in the house who is very sick and may need to get medical help, you must be aware of the health facility nearest to you.

    Handling Social isolation

     Staying at home can be quite nice for some time, but can also be boring and restricting.

    Here are some ways to keep positive and cheerful.

    1. Be busy. Have a regular schedule. Help in doing some of the work at home.
    2. Distract yourself from negative emotions by listening to music, reading, watching an entertaining programme on television. If you had old hobbies like painting, gardening or stitching, go back to them. Rediscover your hobbies.
    3. Eat well and drink plenty of fluids.
    4. Be physically active. Do simple indoor exercises that will keep you fit and feeling fit.
    5. Sharing is caring. Understand if someone around you needs advice, food or other essentials. Be willing to share.
    6. Elderly people may feel confused, lost and need help. Offer them help by getting them what they need, their medicines, daily needs etc.,
    7. If you have children at home, keep them busy by allowing them to help in the household chores – make them feel responsible and acquire new skills.

    Focus on facts, reject rumors and theories

    Knowledge is power; the more you know about a certain issue, the less fearful you may feel. Make sure to access and believe only the most reliable sources of information for self-protection.

    1. Do not follow sensational news or social media posts which may impact your mental state. Do not spread or share any unverified news or information for self-protection
    2. Do not keep discussing all the time about who got sick and how. Instead learn about who got well and recovered
    3. Stick to the known advice- hand hygiene and keeping a physical distance from others. It is being careful about yourself, and also about care of others
    4. A common cold is not Corona infection. The symptoms of Corona have been well described. Follow etiquette of sneezing, coughing, avoiding spitting in public places etc.
    5. In most people, the Corona infection causes mild symptoms and the person only needs to follow social distancing till he/she stops being inefective, usually 2 weeks. Mild infection does not require a person to be admitted in hospital. Only people who have breathing difficulties need to be in hospital. Most people recover

    Handling emotional problems  

    1. At times of anxiety, practice breathing slowly for a few minutes. Try and distance the thoughts that are making you anxious. Think of something calm and serene, and slow down your mind helps
    2. When feeling angry and irritated, calming your mind, counting back from 10 to 1, distracting yourself
    3. Even when feeling afraid, deal with it by asking yourself:
      1. What is under my control?
      2. Am I unnecessarily worrying about the worst thing that can happen?
      3. When I have been stressed in the past, how have I managed?
      4. What are the things I can do to help myself and be positive?
    4. Feeling lonely or sad is also quite common. Stay connected with others. Communication can help you to connect with family and friends. Call up people whom you haven’t spoken to and surprise them. Discuss happy events, common interests, exchange cooking tips, share music
    5. If any of these emotions persist continuously for several days, despite your trying to get out of it, talk about it with someone. If the feelings worsen, a person may feel helpless, hopeless and feel that life is not worth living. If that happens, call at helpline number  for advice from a mental health professional or contact your doctor / mental health

    What is NOT advisable  

    1. Avoid tobacco, alcohol and other drugs. Use of tobacco or alcohol or other drugs to cope with emotions or boredom can worsen physical, mental health and reduce immunity. People who already have a substance use problem may require professional help, especially when they feel low in mood or
    2. Do not shun or judge people with a CoVid infection. While you need to maintain a physical distance and keep yourself safe to prevent such infection, remember they need care and concern. If you know someone who might have the infection, tell them about precautions, and how to get medical assistance, if required.
    3. If you happen to get infected with Corona, remember most people get better. Do not panic. Practice self-isolation and take medications that are advised.

    Emotional issues after recovery  

    1. While it is wonderful to recover from COVID19 infection, you may actually face stress after you have recovered and wish to get back into the community. You may have fear about your loved ones falling ill.
    2. People who do not understand the illness well may actually keep you at a distance, which is also very stressful and isolating.
    3. You may experience feelings of guilt that you were not able to work or care for others. This may lead to feelings of depression, helplessness or frustration.
    1. Use the ways mentioned earlier to deal with these feelings. Share your positive story that it is possible to recover from COVID19

    Recognise mental health problems in your near and dear ones  

    Just as you can recognise your own mental health problems, be sensitive to such problems in your near and dear ones, which may include:

    1. Changes in sleep patterns
    2. Difficulty in sleeping and concentrating
    3. Worsening of health problems
    4. Increased use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs

    Be supportive to them. If the problems persist, please contact the helpline or contact your doctor or a mental health professional.

    Persons with mental illness  

    Persons who had previous mental illness may face newer challenges during self- isolation or Covid19 infection:

    1. They would also have the same fears and stress as others which may worsen their previous mental health condition
    2. Social isolation may make them more withdrawn, moody and irritable
    3. They may not seek/ get easy access to medicines and counselling

    Help and support is vital for persons with mental illness from their families and other care givers. Health helplines can provide support, in addition to regular taking of prescribed medication, a regular daily routine, keeping engaged and positive.

    Remember, good mental status in the difficult times may win you the battle more easily!

    For More information on COVID19 click here 

    Click here for Myths about COVID19 -

    Exposing yourself to the sun or to temperatures higher than 25C degrees DOES NOT prevent COVID-19.

    You can catch COVID-19, no matter how sunny or hot the weather is. Countries with hot weather have reported cases of COVID-19. To protect yourself, make sure you clean your hands frequently and thoroughly and avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose.  Exposing yourself to the sun or to temperatures higher than 25C degrees does not prevent COVID19.

    You can recover from the coronavirus disease (COVID19). Catching the new coronavirus DOES NOT mean you will have it for life.

    Most of the people who catch COVID19 can recover and eliminate the virus from their bodies. If you catch the disease, make sure you treat your symptoms. If you have cough, fever, and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early – but call your health facility by telephone first. Most patients recover thanks to supportive care.

    Being able to hold your breath for 10 seconds or more without coughing or feeling discomfort DOES NOT mean you are free from COVID19 or any other lung disease.

    The most common symptoms of COVID19 are dry cough, tiredness and fever. Some people may develop more severe forms of the disease, such as pneumonia. The best way to confirm if you have  the virus producing COVID19 disease is with a laboratory test.  You cannot confirm it with this breathing exercise, which can even be dangerous.

    Drinking alcohol does not protect you against COVID19 and can be dangerous

    Frequent or excessive alcohol consumption can increase your risk of health problems.

    COVID19 virus can be transmitted in areas with hot and humid climates

    From the evidence so far, the COVID19 virus can be transmitted in ALL AREAS, including areas with hot and humid weather. Regardless of climate, adopt protective measures if you live in, or travel to an area reporting COVID19. The best way to protect yourself against COVID19 is by frequently cleaning your hands. By doing this you eliminate viruses that may be on your hands and avoid infection that could occur by then touching your eyes, mouth, and nose.

    Cold weather and snow cannot kill COVID19.

    There is no reason to believe that cold weather can kill COVID19 or other diseases. The normal human body temperature remains around 36.5°C to 37°C, regardless of the external temperature or weather. The most effective way to protect yourself against COVID19 is by frequently cleaning your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or washing them with soap and water.

    How effective are thermal scanners in detecting people infected with COVID19?

    Thermal scanners are effective in detecting people who have developed a fever (i.e. have a higher than normal body temperature) because of infection with the new coronavirus. However, they cannot detect people who are infected but are not yet sick with fever. This is because it takes between 2 and 10 days before people who are infected become sick and develop a fever.

    Can spraying alcohol or chlorine all over your body kill the new coronavirus?

    No. Spraying alcohol or chlorine all over your body will not kill viruses that have already entered your body. Spraying such substances can be harmful to clothes or mucous membranes (i.e. eyes, mouth). Be aware that both alcohol and chlorine can be useful to disinfect surfaces, but they need to be used under appropriate recommendations.

    Taking a hot bath does not prevent COVID19

    Taking a hot bath will not prevent you from catching COVID19. Your normal body temperature remains around 36.5°C to 37°C, regardless of the temperature of your bath or shower. Actually, taking a hot bath with extremely hot water can be harmful, as it can burn you. The best way to protect yourself against COVID19 is by frequently cleaning your hands. By doing this you eliminate viruses that may be on your hands and avoid infection that could occur by then touching your eyes, mouth, and nose.

    Do vaccines against pneumonia protect you against COVID19?

    No. Vaccines against pneumonia, such as pneumococcal vaccine and Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib) vaccine, do not provide protection against the new coronavirus. The virus is so new and different that it needs its own vaccine.

    Researchers are trying to develop a vaccine against COVID19, and WHO is supporting their efforts. Although these vaccines are not effective against COVID19, vaccination against respiratory illnesses is highly recommended to protect your health.

    COVID19 cannot be transmitted through mosquito bites.

    To date there has been no information nor evidence to suggest that COVID19 could be transmitted by mosquitoes. COVID19 is a respiratory virus which spreads primarily through droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose. To protect yourself, clean your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Also, avoid close contact with anyone who is coughing and sneezing.

    Can regularly rinsing your nose with saline help prevent infection with the new coronavirus?

    No. There is no evidence that regularly rinsing the nose with saline has protected people from infection with the new coronavirus. There is some limited evidence that regularly rinsing nose with saline can help people recover more quickly from the common cold. However, regularly rinsing the nose has not been shown to prevent respiratory infections.

    Does the new coronavirus affect older people, or are younger people also susceptible?

    People of all ages can be infected by the new COVID19. Older people, and people with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease) appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus.

    WHO advises people of all ages to take steps to protect themselves from the virus, for example by following good hand hygiene and good respiratory hygiene.

    Are hand dryers effective in killing the new corona virus?

    No. Hand dryers are not effective in killing the COVID19. To protect yourself against the new corona virus, you should frequently clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Once your hands are cleaned, you should dry them thoroughly by using paper towels or a warm air dryer.

    Are antibiotics effective in preventing and treating the new corona virus?

    No, antibiotics do not work against viruses, only bacteria. The new COVID19 is a virus and, therefore, antibiotics should not be used as a means of prevention or treatment. However, if you are hospitalized for the COVID19, you may receive antibiotics because bacterial co-infection is possible.

    Can an ultraviolet disinfection lamp kill COVID19?

    UV lamps should not be used to sterilize hands or other areas of skin as UV radiation can cause skin irritation.

    Are there any specific medicines to prevent or treat the new corona virus?

    To date, there is no specific medicine recommended to prevent or treat the new COVID19.

    However, those infected with the virus should receive appropriate care to relieve and treat symptoms, and those with severe illness should receive optimized supportive care. Some specific treatments are under investigation, and will be tested through clinical trials. WHO is helping to accelerate research and development efforts with a range or partners.

    History repeats itself. Came across this poem written in 1869, reprinted during 1919 Pandemic.

    This is Timeless….

    Key Messages – 

    On World Health Day 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has urged everyone in India to extend their gratitude to doctors, nurses, medical staff and healthcare workers who are at the forefront in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Exhorting people to strictly follow social distancing norm, Modi said, “This #WorldHealthDay, let us also ensure we follow practices like social distancing which will protect our own lives as well as the lives of others. May this day also inspire us towards focusing on personal fitness through the year, which would help improve our overall health”.

    Modi also shared a video of Bollywood celebrities singing Muskurayega India, which aims to boost people’s spirits in the fight against the novel Covid19. Captioning it, PM wrote, “India will fight. India will win! Good initiative by our film fraternity”

    Highlighting the risk this poses to peace and stability in the world, the United Nations’ Secretary-General Antonio Guterres issued an urgent appeal for action on Tuesday, calling on politicians to “forget political games” and come together for a “strong and effective response”.

    “The world is facing an unprecedented test. And this is the moment of truth,” he said.

    Indeed, the stakes could not be higher.

    Whether millions live or die depends on the decisions the world’s leaders take in the coming days and weeks. But analysts say the early signs are worrying.

    In the United States, President Donald Trump initially downplayed the severity of the threat, predicting the virus would “disappear” like “a miracle” one day, and dismissing growing concerns over the disease as a “hoax” by his political rivals. He only changed tack last week after polling showed an increasingly worried public and modelling predicted that 200,000 people could die in the US without drastic containment efforts.

    On March 11, as infections began to spike in hard-hit Italy, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel said some 70 percent of her country’s population would contract the virus – a sober warning that stood in stark contrast to pronouncements from other politicians at the time. A week later, the chancellor appealed to Germans in a dramatic television address to respect tough restrictions on movement and social contact.

    “The situation is serious; take it seriously,” she said. In a democracy, such curbs “should not be enacted lightly – and only ever temporarily. But at the moment they are essential in order to save lives.”

    In Singapore, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said “We are transparent – if there is bad news, we tell you. If there are things which need to be done, we also tell you,” he said. “If people do not trust you, even if you have the right measures, it is going to be very hard to get them implemented.”









    Healthy Snacks

    Image result for pictures of healthy snacks

    You may wonder if it’s possible to lose weight while not giving up snacks. If you choose healthy, whole-food options with a lot of protein and nutrients, snacks can be integral to weight loss. Some can even help keep you full throughout the day and limit your cravings for unhealthy foods.

    Healthy snacks are one of the keys to diet success. Snacking can keep you full, balance blood sugar levels, provide energy between meals, and even boost overall nutrient intake. However, what you select to eat as your daily snack and the quantity you eat during each snacking session can make all the difference to your overall health.

    One study found that healthy snacking is associated with more nutrient-dense eating. Another study found that women who reported two or more snacks per day had higher fruit and vegetable intakes compared to non-afternoon snackers.

    But, let’s face it: it can be difficult to find snacks that taste good and satisfy those hunger pangs while still acting as a wholesome part of your diet. Fried foods, greasy chips, and other foods often dominate our snacking habits. So, how can you make sure that the food you choose to enjoy between meals is serving your best interests?

    Image result for pictures of nutritious snacks

    Click here for Nutritious Snack Ideas -

    Below, you can find a list of our top 25 healthy snacks for all occasions based on the popularity of their tastes and textures, their balanced macronutrients, and their provision of essential vitamins and minerals.

    Bombay Ranch Broccoli Bites – One of the healthiest food around is the superfood veggie, broccoli. Broccoli provides a satisfying crunch that can be utilized to create an impressively nourishing treat with any number of delectable flavors. You can take this as a candidate for a midday snack.

    Chia Chips – Replace unhealthy, boring corn chips with these wholesome chia chips. Chips can be made with blend of wheat and bulgur flour and then pack with chia, flax, and sesame seeds to boost the nutritional value. An ounce of these crunchy treats contains only 150 calories.

    Pumpkin Salsa Pita – This pumpkin salsa pita plate provides a satisfying snack that serves up starches, protein, iron, magnesium, zinc, and other essential nutrients in every bite. The salsa spread is easy to make and pairs well with the soft warmth of heated pita bread. Boil some Garbanzo beans and sprinkle them along with some fresh cilantro atop the salsa to your liking.

    Honey Vanilla Energy Squares – After a workout, your muscles will be relieved to indulge in a compact snack packed with nutrients that will restore your energy reserves. Energy squares contain a wholesome blend of seeds, fruits and tofu powder seasoned with vanilla and honey offer restorative ambrosia that will become a fast favorite for your post-workout snack.

    Mixed Olives – Olives are an incredible snack food that is surprisingly versatile in flavor. While the treats can be eaten as is,  some simple preparation can add any number of tantalizing tastes to each bite. Stuff olives with blanched almonds or minced garlic to create an irresistible taste for any occasion, or mix them in olive oil and chili powder and place them in the oven for a delectable dish.

    Pecan Date Rolls – A perfect substitute for unhealthy sweets, these date rolls derive their sugary taste from the naturally delightful dates. The soft fruits are coated with creamy pecan pieces to add a crunchy texture to the treats- though the treats are also available with walnut pieces instead. The result blends two distinctive flavors seamlessly into rolls. Enjoy them as s sweet snack or light dessert.

    Dried mango – Dried mango is a sweet and chewy treat that will put your pep in your step at any time of the day. A natural source of energy, this naturally sugary fruit is best enjoyed during your midday lull. Unlike fresh mango, these dried delights can be eaten without creating a mess and can be stored and carried conveniently for weeks.

    Healthy Chocolate Vegan Truffles – Cravings for a chocolate treat requires swift satiation, and these truffles do the trick with a taste that is tremendously rich. Seasoned with shredded coconut, cocoa powder or almond flour their diverse flavors allow you to enjoy each bite. Each serving is only 70 calories and contains very little fat, all of which is the healthier unsaturated variety.

    Pineapple Sprouted Trail Mix – Trail mix is always a supremely satisfying option. The healthiest mixes combine protein-packed nuts and seeds with fibrous fruits to offer a wide range of nutrients. This particular mix features seasoning that offers a spicy sensation reminiscent of  Thai cuisine,  but you can find a  wide assortment of different mixes on this mix or you can create your own mix.

    Mix Nuts – Mix nuts are a super snack for any time of the day. Pair the nuts with few of your favorite fruits for a nutritious breakfast, toss then with leafy greens, and some lemon-infused extra virgin oil for a light salad or munch on the nuts for a simple snack between meals. You can enjoy the standard salted blend of brazil nuts, cashews almonds hazelnuts, and pecans, or a similar mixture that is seasoned with a more indulgent butter toffee blend.

    Red Rice Sesame Rounds – A light crisp with a full flavor that is ideal for munching when the urge to snack strikes. These red rice crackers offers little protein and about 100 calories in an ounce. The lightweight nature of snacks makes them a great means of satiating cravings without adding too much bulk to your diet, and the compact size and clean composition of the chips make them an ideal choice for consuming while at the moves, or at home.

    Turkish Figs – Turkish figs are a fantastic fruit that is often overlooked by those not already familiar with a moist texture and sweet savor. Every bite of these delectable figs is free of fats and cholesterol and offers a source of antioxidants, essential vitamins and minerals, and dietary fiber. This sweet treat is best enjoyed when paired with artisanal cheese and walnuts.

    Freeze-dried Banana Chips – One of the most beloved fruit is now as convenient as the potato Chip. Banana Chips in all forms offer a delicious source of essential minerals and dietary fiber that is both naturally sweet and without any harmful additives or artificial ingredients. While these freeze-dried bananas are the healthiest option and pair perfectly with natural, unsalted peanut butter, also carry plantain chips that are sure to satisfy your chip cravings.

    Wasabi Peas – A different kind of spice, wasabi delivers a potent provision of piquancy to peas that is sure to please. In addition to their nutrition, the supremely spicy snack provides a crunch that is sure to satisfy and a kick that will have you alert and focused after your midday snack session. A single ounce of these delectable bites contains 6 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber while only adding 120 calories to your daily intake.

    Homemade Granola Bars – One of the best treats you can eat to cull cravings is a masterfully crafted granola bars packed with fresh fruits, seeds and nuts. The wholesome components create a nutritional symphony more than 20% of Daily Value for both iron and vitamin C. Making a batch of these bars also supplies a plethora of snacks that can be stored and transported with ease.

    Chocolate Goji Berry Bars – Quell your chocolate cravings while adding essential nutrients to your diet with two scrumptious super foods packed into one palatable bar. Goji berries (Wolfberry) and quinoa puffs add antioxidants, protein and fiber to the snack while the combination of coconut oil and dark chocolate, and almond butter pack each bar with a creamy, crunchy texture and a full rich flavor.

    Quinoa Veggie Wrap – This veggie snack is simple to assemble and provides a well-rounded nutrient profile. Aside from cooking the quinoa, these wraps can be thrown together in almost no time. Carrots and spinach add a light crisp texture to the wrap while the addition of sun-dried tomatoes adds a tart taste that brings the dish together, While you can enjoy half a wrap for a light snack, a full wrap supplies enough fiber and protein to fill you up as healthful lunch plate.

    Image result for pictures of different snacks

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    Do you need gluten-free snacks, or are you just looking for healthy snack ideas packed with protein and not too much sugar?

    Whether you’re a purist who only eats whole foods, a foodie looking for new ideas, or a busy on-the-go professional, there’s a healthy snack on below given list for everyone. And you can filter through the list of healthy & filling snacks to find the best ones for you.

    Snacking throughout the day is an excellent way to stay energized and alert during even your busiest moments. Choosing delicious treats that are packed with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals will fuel your body and keep your blood sugar levels steady. Some studies have even found that grazing on healthy snacks has even been proven to prevent you from overeating at meals.

    Although fulfilling the occasional doughnut craving isn’t a bad thing, reaching for healthy snacks full of protein and other good-for-you ingredients more often will keep that sluggish, mid-afternoon blah feeling at bay. And with a little experimentation, you can find healthy snacks that satisfy all your cravings, whether you want something sweet, salty, or crunchy. The best snacks are the ones that are easy to make, taste great, and fill you up without weighing you down — like these healthy snack ideas and recipes.

    Snack Mix – Skip bags of pre-packaged trail mix and make your own instead. Once you pick your ingredients — we suggest pretzels, pecans, almonds, peanuts, Cheerios and pepitas — season them, drizzle with olive oil, and bake for 15 minutes.

    Roasted Broccoli – Artichoke Dip – Grab your favorite veggies and dip them into this creamy artichoke dip. It’s only 25 calories per 1/4 cup, so you can much away guilt-free.

    Peanut Butter and Jelly Muffins – You’ll only need one of these filling muffins to hold you over in-between meals — but it’ll be hard to resist having a second.

    Peach Melba Ice Pops – You’d never guess that these fruity peach ice pops are only 65 calories per serving.

    Tomato, Mozzarella, and Basil Scrambled Eggs in a Jar – Snacks in jars are just more fun. This light egg recipe has an impressive 19 g protein, too.

    Green Olive, Walnut and Pomegranate Dip –  This dip is packed with tasty veggies like green olives, pomegranate seeds, and walnuts for a quick bite.

    Honey-Garlic Cauliflower  –  These crispy bite-sized snacks will satisfy your salt cravings and surprise you with their bold flavor.

    Greek Feta Dip – This whipped feta dip is delicious served with toasted pita chips or vegetables like carrots and broccoli for dipping.

    Avocado Chips – If you thought there were no more uses for avocados, you were wrong. These avocado chips are perfect way to get the crunch you’ve been craving and all the added deliciousness of avocados.

    Zucchini Sushi – This fun take on a sushi-inspired snack will leave you full and satisfied. It only takes 20 minutes to make, and you can mix it up by using your favorite vegetables for different flavors and levels of crunch.

    Caprese Avocado Toast – This fun take on a sushi-inspired snack will leave you full and satisfied. It only takes 20 minutes to make, and you can mix it up by using your favorite vegetables for different flavors and levels of crunch.

    Chocolate Covered Clementines – These easy-to-make bite-sizes cuties hit the spot when you’re craving something equal parts sweet and salty.

    Spiced plums and Quinoa Muffins – Great to have as a healthy breakfast on-the-go, these muffins can be made on Sunday night and enjoyed the rest of the week: just cover with plastic wrap to keep them from drying out.

    Eggplant Parmesan Chips – Reach for these crispy eggplant chips, which take just under an hour in the oven, when the craving for something salty strikes.

    Peanut Butter protein Balls – These chewy balls, packed with protein, are a great on-the-go snack on a hectic day. These no-bake, poppable treats are made with peanut butter, oats, chocolate chips and a few different kinds of seeds full of rich antioxidants.

    Fauxtato Chips – Potato chips can be hard to resist, so it helps to keep a healthier option in reaching distance. These fauxtato chips, made from radishes (surprise!), are the perfect salty alternative.

    Sweet N Salty Chocolate Bar – Potato chips can be hard to resist, so it helps to keep a healthier option in reaching distance. These fauxtato chips, made from radishes (surprise!), are the perfect salty alternative.

    Jam Yogurt – For a sweet boost to your afternoon yogurt, just add jam. Mix 1 Tbsp jam with 1 container nonfat plain Greek yogurt for a filling snack that’s packed with protein. You will also need Organic reduced-sugar Strawberry Jam.

    Frozen Tropical Food Kebabs – A healthy alternative to popsicles, these fruit kebabs feature pieces of frozen mango and pineapple. For extra sweetness, add a drizzle of white chocolate on top. You will also need bamboo skewers.

    Spiced Edamame – Sprinkle a pinch of Asian 5-spice seasoning and sea salt on 1 cup steamed edamame (Whole, immature soybeans) for this tasty snack.

    Chocolate Chip Delight – Mix 1 Tbsp semisweet chocolate chips + 6 oz nonfat vanilla Greek yogurt for a late-night snack that curbs your sugar cravings.

    Peanut Butter Banana Freeze Bites – Slice one banana and spread 1 Tsp natural peanut butter on each side. Sandwich together, wrap in plastic wrap, and freeze for four hours. These are sure to satisfy sugar cravings after dinner.

    Celery with Cream Cheese – For a delicious low-calorie snack, spread 1 Tbsp reduced-fat cream cheese on each of four celery stalks. Add raisins for some sweetness.

    Mozzarella Sticks – Skip the fried breadcrumbs and dip one part-skim mozzarella stick in ¼ cup warmed marinara sauce for a healthier version of the appetizer.

    Cinnamon Popcorn – Sprinkle 2 Tsp ground cinnamon on four cups of air-popped popcorn for a low-calorie sweet treat.

    Lime Avocado – Drizzle ½ avocado with lime juice and sprinkle with black pepper. Remove the seed and enjoy with a spoon.

    Healthy Banana Milk Shake – In a blender, purée ½ avocado + 1 frozen ripe banana + 1 cup unsweetened almond milk + 1 tsp pure vanilla extract. Pour into 2 glasses.

    Cucumber Tea Sandwich – Bring your sandwich game to the next level with this recipe. Toast 1 slice of 100% whole-grain bread. Top with 2 Tbsp hummus + thinly sliced cucumbers and cut into four triangles.

    Java Jolt Smoothie – Blend ¾ cup cold coffee + ½ frozen sliced banana + 1 Tbsp chocolate syrup + ¼ cup nonfat vanilla yogurt + 3 to 5 ice cubes.

    Dark Chocolate Popcorn Clusters – With only 113 calories per cup, this heart-healthy recipe makes for the perfect snack. To make, melt ½ cup dark chocolate chips in the microwave, then stir in ½ tsp ground cinnamon + a pinch Kosher salt. In a large bowl, toss 8 cups air-popped popcorn + the melted chocolate to coat, then toss with ¼ cup toasted slivered almonds. Spread on a parchment-lined baking sheet and refrigerate until firm, at least 30 minutes. Break into clusters. You will also need dark chocolate chips as well.

    Nutty Apples – The kids will love munching on these apple snacks after school. Slice 1 apple and serve with 1 Tbsp natural peanut butter (or any other nut or seed butter).

    Image result for pictures of healthy breakfast

    Click here for Healthy Breakfast Recipes -

    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but do any of us truly know why? Besides the fact that breakfast foods are hands-down superior to the other two meals of the day (there are so many options!), your body actually benefits when you grab some grub before you head off to start your day.

    Studies have shown that eating soon after you wake up can help give your metabolism a boost, which can decrease levels of hunger later in the day, fight off fatigue, and give you extra energy all day long. And if that’s not enough, eating certain foods can even help you shed some extra weight, if you’re looking to do so. Regardless of whether you wake up starving for food, or are fine with a cup of coffee for the morning commute, these 15 healthy breakfast recipes that everyone will gobble up.

    English Breakfast Tray Bake – Barbara Mendez, of Barbara Mendez Nutrition, tells Woman’s Day that the best foods for weight loss are vegetables and protein, so this dish serves up both in a delicious and stylish way. This egg, sausage, and veggie dish is savory and will keep you full until lunch.

    Slow Cooker Maple-Berry Oatmeal – Oatmeal is “hearty and satisfying and filling,”. If you can’t get in some eggs, or go with oatmeal. Even though it won’t pack as much protein into your breakfast, it can help slow insulin response because of the high density of fiber. Get some antioxidants by adding berries on top.

    Bacon and Egg Cups – Cut down on carbs by indulging in these bite size breakfast bites that bake egg, cheese, and a bit of bacon into a toast cup.

    Egg in a Hole with Broiled Tomatoes – This breakfast is a hole in one! Get everything you want, and need with this egg and toast dish, served up with some lightly seasoned broiled tomatoes.

    Smoothie Bowl – Ditch the straw in favor of this thicker version that you can top with different fruit, granola, and more. Just be careful not to overindulge on toppings like chocolate and granola, which often can be unhealthy in large quantities.

    Breakfast Grain Bowl – Retire your dry cereal and try a new kind of breakfast. Add a variety of vegetables, some avocado, and egg. It will fill you up, and keep you full, unlike some sugary cereal.

    Fruit and Nut Bars – No baking required for this grab-and-go meal.The ideal breakfast for the person who says they “never have the time”.

    Ham and Cheese Egg Cups – Skip the carbs with these ham and egg cups that can be pre-made. You will have a lot more energy throughout the day with double the amount of protein from the eggs and meat. It will also keep you from snacking throughout the day.

    Pineapple, Ginger and Walnut Oatmeal – The ginger in this pineapple, ginger, and walnut oatmeal is known to help stimulate digestion, which can aide in weight loss. It’s also super delicious paired with the pineapple and walnut.

    Sweet Potato and Kale Frittata – This egg white based dish incorporates veggies of different textures like kale, sweet potato, and red onion with some goat cheese and garlic to create a truly savory breakfast. The egg whites provide protein without the fat from the yolks, and the veggies fuel you without the energy crash.

    Ricotta-Honey Toast with Berries – Sweetened ricotta is the perfect spread for toast. Toast bread and in a small bowl, mix together ricotta and honey. Spread ricotta on bread and top with berries.

    Sweet-n-Spicy Nuts – Battle hanger with this simple sweet-spicy nut mix of quinoa, honey, cayenne, and ginger.

    Brussels Sprout Chips – Preheat oven to 400°. In a large bowl, toss brussels sprouts with oil, Parmesan, and garlic powder and season with salt and pepper. Spread in an even layer on a medium baking sheet.  Bake 10 minutes, toss, and bake 8 to 10 minutes more, until crisp and golden. Garnish with more Parmesan and serve with caesar dressing for dipping. All the crunch none of the guilt.

    Green Bean Chips – Preheat oven to 300°. Combine green beans, oil, garlic powder, and crushed red pepper on a large baking sheet. Season with salt and pepper and toss to coat. Roast green beans until crisp, 1 hour and 20 minutes. (Start checking at 1 hour, just in case your oven runs hot!) Let cool 15 minutes, then serve with ranch dressing for dipping. These great perfectly crunchy in oven.

    Watermelon Fries – In a medium bowl, combine watermelon, lime zest, chili powder, and salt. Toss to combine. In a small bowl, whisk together yogurt, lime juice, and honey. Top with a pinch of chili powder. Serve watermelon fries with yogurt sauce on the side for dipping.

    Green Cucumber Cups – Cut cucumbers into 3” pieces. Using a melon baller or spoon, create a well in each cucumber. In a large bowl, combine tomatoes, olives, feta, dill, lemon juice, garlic, olive oil and oregano and stir until combined. Season with salt and pepper.  Spoon salad mixture into cucumbers. Garnish with more dill if desired and serve.

    Apple Chips – Preheat oven to 200°F. In a large bowl, toss apples with sugar and cinnamon. Place a cooling rack onto a baking sheet. Lay apples slices onto the baking sheet so that no apples overlap. Cook for 2-3 hours, flipping apples halfway through. Bake until dried out but still pliable. Apples will continue to crisp while cooling.

    Donut Apples – Divide cream cheese among three small bowls. In one bowl, add 1 teaspoon honey. In another bowl, add melted chocolate. In the last bowl, add remaining 1 teaspoon honey and pink food coloring. Stir each bowl together until combined. Slice apples and use a biscuit or cookie cutter to hollow out centers. Spread mixtures on apple slices and top with sprinkles.

    Dill Pickle Humus – Place chickpeas, dill pickles, tahini, oil, brine, and garlic into a food processor. Season with salt, pepper and red pepper flakes and blend until smooth. Pour into a bowl and drizzle with olive oil. Top with chopped pickles and dill and serve with pita chips and sliced veggies.

    Broccoli Cheesy Bread –  Preheat oven to 425° and line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. Microwave riced broccoli for 1 minute to steam. Carefully ring out extra moisture from the broccoli using paper towel or cheese cloth. Transfer broccoli to a large bowl and add egg, 1 cup mozzarella, Parmesan, and garlic. Season with oregano, salt, and pepper. Transfer dough to baking sheet and shape into a thin, round crust.  Bake until golden and dried out, 20 minutes. Top with with remaining 1/2 cup mozzarella and bake until cheese is melted and crust is crispy, 10 minutes more. Garnish with parsley and pepper flakes if using. Serve warm with marinara.

    Creamy Avocado Dip – In a medium bowl, mash avocados with a fork. Stir in yogurt, garlic, and lime juice and season generously with salt and pepper. Serve with chips and vegetables.

    Click here for Healthy Recipes to lose wight-

    If you’ve ever snacked your way through a jar of peanut butter in a day, you’re probably pretty damn convinced that snacking is your worst enemy when it comes to weight loss.

    But yeah, no. Snacks (you know, the healthy, well-portioned kind) can help ensure you don’t get so damn hungry you just say “screw it!” and give up on your whole diet. Still, whipping up your own perfectly portioned snack is way easier said than done. (Honestly, who knew a serving of peanut butter was only two measly tablespoons?!)

    Make things a whole lot easier on yourself and whip up one of these healthy snacks for weight-loss instead. Some are low-cal/high fiber and some are high fat/high protein. Basically, there’s something for everyone—and they’re all nutritionist-approved or direct from your favorite healthy food bloggers.

    Sweet Tail Mix – Your ideal healthy snack should combine a little of each of the macro nutrients—protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Love to rely on the combination of nuts and fruits, either fresh fruit or dried fruit for a longer shelf life. A small handful of trail mix should be your  favorite snacks that won’t spoil appetite for my next meal.

    Make it: Combine equal parts unsweetened dried fruit and unsalted roasted nuts. Reach for a quarter cup of the mixture when you need a boost.

    Per serving: 163 calories, 9 g fat (1 g saturated), 19 g carbs, 13 g sugar, 3 mg sodium, 2 g fiber, 5 g protein.

    Yogurt with Nuts and Berries – Younger adds a sprinkle of nuts to protein-rich fat-free yogurt for some satiating healthy fats. A small handful of berries or another chopped fruit will add texture and sweetness, plus filling fiber. It might sound basic, but it’s a classic snack for a reason.

    Make it: Combine 1/2 cup Greek yogurt, 2 tablespoons chopped nuts, and 1/2 cup berries in a bowl.

    Per serving: 205 calories, 11 g fat (0 g saturated), 13 g carbs, 7 g sugar, 43 mg sodium, 1 g fiber, 16 g protein.

    Sliced Tomato with a sprinkle of feta and Olive Oil – This savory dish will make your taste buds happy. Tomatoes pack umami flavor, while feta adds tang and a little bit of salt.

    Make it: Slice 1 medium tomato (or slice up 1/2 cup of cherry tomatoes), and top with 1 ounce feta and 1 teaspoon olive oil.

    Per serving: 133 calories, 11 g fat (5 g saturated), 5 g carbs, 4 g sugar, 265 mg sodium, 1 g fiber, 5 g protein.

    Baby Carrot with everything Humus – Carrots and hummus are a great snack as-is, but adding a sprinkle of everything bagel seasoning  will make your taste buds extra happy.

    Make it: Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of everything bagel seasoning on top of 1/4 cup of regular hummus. Eat with 1 cup of baby carrots.

    Per serving: 236 calories, 12 g fat (5 g saturated), 27 g carbs, 12 g sugar, 416 mg sodium, 10 g fiber, 6 g protein.

    Banana Split – A healthy version of the classic dessert by halving a banana, then topping it with yogurt and nuts. It’s a delicious combo of carbs, protein, and healthy fat—more importantly, it’s super-fun to eat.

    Make it: Slice a small banana in half vertically. Top the open banana face with 1/4 cup non-fat Greek yogurt and 2 tablespoons of chopped walnuts.

    Per serving: 242 calories, 10 g fat (1 g saturated), 33 g carbs, 18 g sugar, 23 mg sodium, 4 g fiber, 10 g protein.

    Egg on Toast – This healthy snack is great for breakfast lovers—it’s as satisfying as a meal, but the slightly smaller portion size won’t weigh you down. We recommend using hard-boiled eggs for convenience, which you can make ahead or buy. If you have access to a stove, you can also opt for a scrambled or fried egg.

    Make it: Toast a slice of whole-grain toast. Top with one egg, cooked to your preference.

    Per serving: 182 calories, 6 g fat (2 g saturated), 20 g carbs, 4 g sugar, 221 mg sodium, 3 g fiber, 11 g protein.

    Chocolate Milk – This might seem like just something for kids, but it’s actually a pretty great snack—especially for replenishing post-workout thanks to the simple carbs from the chocolate and the milk’s lactose.

    Make it: Stir 1 tablespoon chocolate syrup into 1 cup 2 percent milk.

    Per serving: 174 calories, 5 g fat (3 g saturated), 25 g carbs, 21 g sugar, 134 mg sodium, 1 g fiber, 8 g protein.

    White Beans and Olive Tapenade – Get obsessed with kalamata olive tapenade ( consists of puréed or finely-chopped olives, capers, and anchovies). It’s a great combo of fiber, fat, protein, and resistant starch that’ll keep you full and satisfied. Eat it by the spoonful, but you can also scoop it up with a few whole-grain pita chips or cucumber slices.

    Make it: Mix 1 teaspoon canned tapenade (such as Divinia) with 1/2 cup canned white beans (drained and rinsed).

    Per serving: 126 calories, 4 g fat (0 g saturated), 20 g carbs, 1 g sugar, 121 mg sodium, 6 g fiber, 6 g protein.

    Dates and Pistachios – It’s the usual fruit and nuts combo, but a little more sophisticated. Dates have a honey-like sweetness, which combines with the strong flavor of pistachios into a snack that feels like dessert.

    Make it: Combine 2 pitted dates with 2 tablespoons pistachios.

    Per serving: 213 calories, 7 g fat (1 g saturated), 40 g carbs, 33 g sugar, 35 mg sodium, 5 g fiber, 4 g protein.

    PB-Chocolate Apple Nachos – This sounds crazy-indulgent, but it’s actually a well-balanced snack. You’ll get protein and lots of fiber, which will help slow the digestion of the little bit of added sugar from dark chocolate (preventing a mid-afternoon crash).

    Make it: Thinly slice a medium apple, then drizzle them with 1 tablespoon natural peanut butter and 1/2 ounce melted dark chocolate.

    Per serving: 253 calories, 13 g fat (4 g saturated), 35 g carbs, 25 g sugar, 74 mg sodium, 7 g fiber, 4 g protein.

    Microwave Egg Taco – Get creative with your microwave and make a tasty snack with enough protein to carry you to your next meal.

    Make it:  Crack one egg into a microwave-safe mug and cook for 90 seconds. Immediately stir in 1/2 ounce shredded cheddar, then serve inside a small whole-wheat tortilla.

    Per serving: 182 calories, 10 g fat (5 g saturated), 11 g carbs, 1 g sugar, 360 mg sodium, 3 g fiber, 11 g protein.

    Roasted Chickpeas – If you’re craving something salty and crunchy, roasted beans are a much better option than chips thanks to their combo of protein and fiber.

    Make it: Rinse and drain a can of chickpeas, then toss them with 1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil, salt, pepper, and whatever spice you want. Roast at 400° F for 30 minutes. Let cool slightly, then eat. One batch makes three servings.

    Per serving: 160 calories, 8 g fat (1 g saturated), 17 g carbs, 2 g sugar, 292 mg sodium, 4 g fiber, 5 g protein.

    Almond Butter Crackers – Peanut butter crackers serve as a quick option for people on the run, but the pre-packaged snack can have many hidden ingredients and calories.  DIY it instead.

    Make it: Spread 1 tablespoon almond butter (or any nut or seed butter) between 1 ounce whole grain crackers.

    Per serving: 233 calories, 12 g fat (2 g saturated), 23 g carbs, 2 g sugar, 227 mg sodium, 5 g fiber, 8 g protein.

    Homemade Popcorn – Popcorn is a great snack to fill up on, thanks to all the fiber. And you don’t have to stick with the plain stuff, either. Sprinkle garlic powder and dried rosemary (or Italian seasoning) for extra flavor.

    Make it: Pop 3 tablespoons of popcorn kernels in 1/2 Tbsp canola oil in a large saucepan on the stove. Top with your favorite herbs or spices.

    Per serving: 161 calories, 6 g fat (1 g saturated), 28 g carbs, 0 g sugar, 15 mg sodium, 5 g fiber, 4 g protein.

    DIY Ranch Deep with Veggies –  Greek yogurt it a great high-protein snack that is usually sweet. However, you can easily turn that into a savory snack by adding ranch-dip seasoning mix.

    Make it: Stir 1 tablespoon ranch seasoning mix  into 1/2 cup low-fat Greek yogurt. Use 1 cup carrot or cucumber sticks for dipping.

    Per serving: 142 calories, 3 g fat (1 g saturated), 18 g carbs, 9 g sugar, 395 mg sodium, 4 g fiber, 9 g protein.

    Cottage Cheese with Almonds and Honey – This creamy-crunchy-sweet combo is second to none. The cottage cheese is rich in protein, while almonds add crunch and healthy fats. And a hint of honey makes things sweet without going overboard on added sugar.

    Make it: Top 1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese with 2 tablespoons slivered almonds and 1 teaspoon honey.

    Per serving: 196 calories, 10 g fat (2 g saturated), 12 g carbs, 10 g sugar, 363 mg sodium, 2 g fiber, 17 g protein.

    Pear and String Cheese – If you love fancy cheese plates for their combination of sweet, salty, and creamy flavors, you’ll love this less-fussy snack. Pears have natural sugar and lots of fiber, while string cheese is an easy way to get some satiating fat and protein in on the go.

    Make it: Slice one medium pear. Eat with one low-fat string cheese.

    Per serving: 182 calories, 6 g fat (4 g saturated), 27 g carbs, 17 g sugar, 172 mg sodium, 6 g fiber, 8 g protein.

    Click here for Healthy Snacks for Work at your Desk -

    Those of  you all with office jobs know the value of healthy snacks for work that help you power through the grind. A mid-morning or afternoon munch is basically like a mini-break for your mind and treat for your senses. But it’s also a practical move. Midday healthy snacks provide the fuel top-off you need to stay focused on your work. (Or, at the very least, make it to 5 o’clock without becoming a hangry nightmare for your deskmates.)

    A quick word about the healthy snacks :  “Healthy” means something different for everybody, depending on things like any dietary restrictions or medical conditions you might have, your relationship with food, your interest (or not) in things like weight management or weight loss, your culture, your budget, and so on.

    Generally speaking, if you’re snacking in order to sustain your energy until the next meal, then your best bet is to pick something satisfying with nutritional staying power. That typically comes in the form of protein, fiber, and/or fat—to help you maintain stable blood sugar levels and ward off the dreaded afternoon slump. And there is a pretty dang wide array of snack options that can do that.

    Here are some ideas for easy, healthy snacks for work you can keep right at your desk. (So no jockeying for fridge space or dealing with thieving coworkers.) Whether you’re craving salty or sweet, creamy or crunchy, there are tasty and convenient choices for you here.

    Seeds – Seeds are a source of protein, and they’re easy to store, quiet, and not messy. They’re great by themselves, and even better when you put them on top of things like toast, yogurt, or oatmeal. Some of  my favorites are pumpkin seeds and [sunflower seeds], but chia seeds and hemp seeds are great options, too.

    Plain Oatmeal Packets – Oatmeal isn’t just for breakfast—stash it in your drawer for a hearty snack, too. “Packets of instant, plain oatmeal microwaved with water in a mug and sprinkled with cinnamon is a great cold-weather snack when you want something warm and filling. You can also store a full canister of quick oats at your desk.

    Raw Nuts – Raw nuts are another great desk snack option because they’re shelf stable, and they deliver a great protein and fat combo. Yo will  love almonds and cashews, but everything from pistachios with the shell on to walnuts or pecans are great for snacking on. And if you keep a packet of oatmeal at your desk, they’re great for adding to that, too.

    Dried Fruit – Dried fruit can satisfy that mid-afternoon sweet tooth while tiding you over with filling fiber. Younger goes for a few pieces of dried apricots or dates paired with raw nuts for a dose of healthy fat, too. Pair them with a handful of dried nuts or seeds for a balanced snack.

    Nut Butter – Nut butters like peanut butter and almond butter are tasty, versatile desk snacks  pair it with an apple or banana. (Or, if you’re anything like me, eating it straight from the jar).

    Air-popped Popcorn – Make easy air-popped popcorn at the office by adding 1/4 cup of popcorn kernels to a microwave-safe bowl, then covering with a microwave-safe plate and popping it in for 2 minutes and 45 seconds. Stash seasonings like cinnamon, red pepper flakes, cumin, turmeric, or dried rosemary in your drawer to add flavor. (You can also make it ahead at home if you don’t have a microwave available.)

    Granola – Granola or cereal is a great dry snack to keep at your desk, because you can eat it plain or add it to different parts of whatever else you eat during the day. For example, to get extra fancy, snag some communal milk from the office fridge and pour over your bowl for extra protein. Or try adding a bit to your salad for some crunch—sounds weird, but is delicious!

    Tuna Pouches – If you’re stuck at your desk for lunch, personal-sized tuna packets and cans are a great stand-in snack to help hold you over. They’re filled with protein and healthy omega 3s. We recommend sticking to water-packed tuna (or one that doesn’t need draining at all).

    Dark Chocolate – Hey, nothing wrong with treating yourself at snack time with high-quality squares of dark chocolate. Cacao is great source of magnesium. Pair with peanut butter, nuts, or Greek yogurt for a protein-filled, satisfying snack.

    Roasted Chickpeas – You can DIY these crunchy snacks or buy ‘em pre-made, but either way, they’re a great room temp stand-in for your beloved hummus, and they still pack a protein punch. And there are a bunch of great roasted chickpea recipes out there, like this one that makes them taste like a pumpkin spice latte!

    Granola Bars – Granola bars are one of the easiest snacks around, because they’re full of protein, fiber, and healthy carbs. We also recommend different types of bars.

    Dried Cereal – Dried cereals like Special K and Kashi will stay good at your desk for a while and are great when eaten by the handful. And if you happen to have some milk in the office fridge, a bowl of cereal is a perfectly delightful midday treat.

    Chips – There are a ton of unusual and nutritious chips on the market. When you’re hunting for chips that will keep you satisfied, look for options full of protein.

    Energy Balls – The nice thing about energy balls is that you can make them yourself with ingredients you might already have in your pantry. And there are tons of recipes around the web that are delicious and exciting, like these protein bliss balls which are made from dates, walnuts, cocoa powder, and a bit of espresso.

    Pita Chips – If you love pita bread like no other, you should probably be keeping pita chips at your desk. You can buy them flavored or unflavored, and they’re the perfect vessel for eating all sorts of dips. Plan to bring some guacamole or hummus as part of your lunch and you can eat it with these.

    Veg-Packed Muffins – Something that a lot of people don’t automatically realize is that baked goods like muffins will stay good-to-eat for about a week as long as you keep them in an airtight container—no need for a refrigerator! Veggie-packed muffins are a great way to sneak some veggies into your diet and also eat a muffin. Meal prep a big batch at the beginning of the week so you have some to snack on all week long.

    Applesauce – Applesauce is often sold in shelf-stable packets or cups, which means it’s a great snack to keep at your desk. Full of fiber and healthy carbs, it’ll definitely keep you satiated, but if you want it to be even more filling consider combining it with some dried nuts you might also have at your desk.

    Apples and Pears – Speaking of apples, the fruit doesn’t go bad easily, which means you can easily keep it at your desk and be able to enjoy for a week (and often way longer!). Ditto pears—as long as you keep them in a cool place, they should be fine, and that definitely shouldn’t be a problem if your office blasts the AC!

    Bananas – Remember all the stuff mentioned about apples and pears? Well the same is virtually true for bananas. They don’t last as long, but a bunch will last you about a week. Pick up five bananas the next time you visit supermarket for a weeks’ worth of cheap snacks.

    Veggie Chips – Did you know: You can make veggie chips out of nearly any kind of vegetable? you can also find great veggie chips at your local supermarket.

    Fruit Chips – How you can make chips out of almost any vegetable, that’s true for pretty much any kind of fruit, too. Again you don’t need to make them yourself to enjoy them—there are plenty of pre-made options that you can easily find at the supermarket.

    Dry Roasted Edamame – In frozen form, soybeans are a fantastic ingredient to add to soups, salads, stir fries, pasta, hummus, and more. Fewer people know to take advantage of this epic source of plant protein in its dry roasted form. Similar to roasted chickpeas, they’re crunchy, versatile for seasoning, and chock full of fiber and protein.

    Protein Bars – The best thing about protein bars is the plethora of options out there. Name a flavor (chocolate peanut butter, berries and cream), dietary requirement (gluten-free, low sugar), or texture (chewy, wafery) and you can find a protein bar to fit the bill. Many pack 10 to 20 grams of protein into just a few delicious bites. Just be on the lookout for high amounts of sugar alcohols or added fibers if those ingredients tend to cause you tummy trouble.

    Image result for pictures of healthy salads

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    These healthy salad recipes are perfect for anyone looking to add a little more nutrition to their diet! There’s a wide variety of green salads, chopped salads, detox salads, colorful fruit salads, chicken salads, seafood salads and plenty more healthy offerings! Learning toward a better you? Healthy salad recipes are not hard to find, in fact, they are EVERYWHERE.

    These healthy salad recipes look so mouthwatering it is hard to comprehend that they are SO good for you. Soon you will become a fan of a good salad. Some of these recipes take the term ‘salad’ to a whole new level. You could literally eat them for days.

    Here are few Healthy Salad Recipes to start you off in the right direction. Of course, there are thousands of varieties. You will enjoy a wide variety of salad combinations. You could have a different one each day to try them all out.

    The healthiest salads start with dark leafy greens and incorporate vibrant colored vegetables and/or fruit. Healthy salads may also contain grains like quinoa or nuts. A healthy salad has a dressing that’s not loaded with large amounts of oil, mayonnaise or other type of fat.

    Eating a salad every day is a great way to get in your recommended amount of fruits and vegetables. Be sure to chose a variety of fresh produce and limit dressing that are high in fat and calories.

    1. Spicy Carrot Salad: Microwave grated carrots and minced garlic in 1/4 cup water until crisp-tender. Drain; toss with lemon juice, olive oil, salt, red pepper flakes and parsley.

    2. Asian Apple Slaw: Mix rice vinegar and lime juice with salt, sugar and sauce. Toss with julienned jicama and apple, chopped scallions and mint.

    3. Tomato-Peach Salad: Toss tomato and peach wedges with red onion slices. Drizzle with cider vinegar and olive oil; season with sugar, salt and pepper.

    4. Creole Green Beans: Combine blanched thin green beans and red onion slices. Toss with Creole mustard, red wine vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper.

    5. Herb Salad: Whisk 1 part lemon juice with 3 parts olive oil, and salt and pepper. Toss with dill, basil, chives, tarragon and lettuce.

    6. Squash and Orzo Salad: Sauté zucchini, yellow squash and scallions in olive oil until tender. Toss with cooked orzo, parsley, dill, goat cheese, salt and pepper.

    7. Champagne Greens: Whisk 1 part champagne vinegar with 3 parts olive oil, and salt and pepper. Toss with Boston lettuce.

    8. Watercress-Fruit Salad: Toss peach wedges and watermelon cubes with watercress. Drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice; season with salt and pepper.

    9. Caesar Salad: Purée minced garlic and anchovies, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper and 1 egg yolk; with machine running, slowly add 1/4 cup olive oil. Toss with romaine; top with Parmesan and croutons.
    10. Hearty Tuna Salad: Mix cannellini beans, capers, pickled mushrooms, celery and olives; stir in mustard, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Toss with cherry tomatoes and oil-packed tuna.
    11. Southwestern Cobb: Purée equal parts mayo and buttermilk with hot sauce, cilantro, scallion, orange zest, garlic and salt. Drizzle over romaine, diced avocado and jicama, orange segments and crumbly sharp cheese.
    12. Tomatoes with Mint: Sprinkle heirloom tomato chunks with salt, pepper and sliced shallots; set aside 5 minutes. Top with fresh mint; drizzle with olive oil and white wine vinegar.
    13. Chickpea Tapas: Mix chickpeas, capers and green olives with chopped chorizo, celery, red onion, parsley and cilantro. Toss with olive oil, salt and pepper; top with manchego.
    14. Pasta Caprese: Mix chilled cooked fusilli, diced mozzarella, chopped tomatoes, basil, toasted pine nuts and minced garlic; season with salt and pepper.
    15. Oranges with Mozzarella: Stack mozzarella and orange slices with basil. Drizzle with olive oil; season with salt and pepper.
    16. Dilled Egg Salad: Mix mayo, dijon mustard, dill, and salt and pepper. Stir in coarsely chopped hard-boiled eggs and diced dill pickles.
    17. Cantaloupe Carpaccio: Slice cantaloupe extra-thin (a mandoline works best). Drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice; top with pepper and ricotta.
    18. Three-Bean Salad: Boil 1/3 cup cider vinegar, 1/4 cup each sugar and vegetable oil, and salt. Pour over blanched green and wax beans, kidney beans and red onion slices; marinate 1 hour. Season with salt and pepper; top with parsley.
    19. Greek Cucumber Salad: Mix red onion slices, chopped cucumber, kalamata olive halves, dill and feta. Dress with olive oil and lemon juice; season with salt and pepper.
    20. Panzanella: Marinate tomato chunks in olive oil, red wine vinegar, garlic, salt and pepper for 10 minutes. Soak stale bread in water for 5 minutes; drain, then toss with the tomatoes. Add sliced red onion, celery and fresh herbs.
    21. Miso-Tofu Salad: Chop 1 inch fresh ginger in a blender; purée with 3 tablespoons miso, 2 tablespoons water, 1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar, some soy sauce and chili paste. Blend in 1/2 cup peanut oil. Drizzle over baby spinach and cubed tofu.
    22. Japanese Radish Salad: Top a layer of watermelon radish slices with scallions and baby greens. Whisk mirin, rice wine vinegar, soy sauce, grated ginger, salt, and sesame and vegetable oil to taste; drizzle over the salad.
    23. Jicama-Mango Slaw: Toss julienned mango and jicama, red onion, radish and cilantro; add cumin, salt and cayenne. Drizzle with olive oil and lime juice.
    24. Tricolor Salad: Whisk 1 part balsamic vinegar with 3 parts olive oil, and salt and pepper. Toss with arugula, escarole and radicchio.
    25. Tabouli with Pine Nuts: Mix cooked bulgur, toasted pine nuts, lemon juice, scallions, olive oil, salt and pepper; add diced tomatoes, mint and parsley.
    26. Cheesy Spinach Salad: Whisk 1 part red wine vinegar with 3 parts walnut oil, shallots, salt and pepper. Toss with baby spinach, goat cheese and walnuts.
    27. Curried Potato Salad: Mix mayo with cider vinegar, curry powder and duck sauce. Fold in roasted sweet potatoes, celery, cilantro and scallions; season with salt and pepper.
    28. Smoked-Trout Salad: Whisk 1 part cider vinegar with 3 parts olive oil, minced shallots, horseradish, dijon mustard, honey, salt and pepper. Toss with flaked smoked trout, julienned apples and beets, and arugula.
    29. Yellow Trio: Cut the kernels off an ear of corn; sauté in olive oil with yellow squash slices. Toss with yellow grape tomatoes, basil, salt and pepper.
    30. Egg Salad with Beans: Toss blanched green beans with sliced radishes and hard-boiled eggs. Drizzle with olive oil; season with salt and pepper.
    31. Ambrosia Salad: Whisk coconut milk with grated orange zest and vanilla. Toss with sliced grapes, tangerines and apples; chill. Garnish with toasted coconut and walnuts.
    32. Beet Salad: Whisk 1/2 cup vegetable oil with 2 tablespoons sugar, some lime juice, dry mustard, salt, chopped onion and 1 tablespoon poppy seeds. Toss with roasted beets and goat cheese.
    33. Celery Salad: Mix sliced celery and red onion with diced soppressata. Toss with lemon juice and zest, basil, a big splash of olive oil, salt and pepper; shave Parmesan on top.34. Watermelon-Feta Salad: Whisk 1 part white wine vinegar with 3 parts olive oil, and salt and pepper. Toss with baby arugula, red onion slices, watermelon cubes, crumbled feta, niçoise olives and fresh oregano.35. Creamy-Crunchy Slaw: Mix mayo with cider vinegar and caraway seeds. Toss with shredded cabbage, scallion and green apple slices, crumbled cooked bacon, salt and pepper.
    36. Bistro Bacon Salad: Chop and fry bacon; combine the drippings with cider vinegar, dijon mustard, olive oil, salt and pepper. Toss with mesclun greens; top with the bacon and a poached egg.
    37. Black-Eyed Pea Salad: Whisk lime juice with minced garlic, ground cumin, salt, cilantro and a big splash of olive oil. Toss with black-eyed peas, minced jalapeño, and diced tomato, red onion and avocado.
    38. Greek Rice Salad: Whisk olive oil, lemon juice, salt and allspice. Toss with chopped cucumber and tomato, scallions, parsley, dill, mint and lemon zest. Stir in cooked rice and a dash of hot sauce; top with feta.
    39. Mimosa Salad: Toss butter lettuce with an herb vinaigrette (1 part vinegar, 3 parts olive oil, chopped herbs). Press a peeled hard boiled egg through a fine strainer to make an egg “mimosa;” spoon over salad.
    40. Classic Waldorf: Whisk 1/2 cup mayo and 2 tablespoons sour cream with chives, parsley, lemon zest and juice, sugar and pepper. Toss with chopped apples, celery and walnuts.
    41. Wedge Salad: Purée 1 cup each mayo and blue cheese with 1/2 cup buttermilk, 1 shallot, lemon zest, Worcestershire sauce, parsley, salt and pepper. Drizzle over iceberg wedges; top with egg mimosa (see No. 42) and crumbled bacon.
    42. Curried Tuna Salad: Toast 1 tablespoon curry powder in vegetable oil; cool. Mix with mayo, lime juice, salt and pepper. Toss with canned tuna, red onion slices, cilantro and golden raisins.
    43. American Potato Salad: Whisk mayo with parsley, relish and mustard. Toss with boiled quartered potatoes, and sliced celery and red onion. Fold in chopped hard-boiled eggs; season with salt and pepper.
    44. Daikon Slaw: Simmer 3 parts rice vinegar with 1 part peanut oil, minced ginger and garlic, Asian chili sauce, salt and sugar. Toss with julienned daikon, napa cabbage and scallions; chill.
    45. Macaroni Salad: Whisk 1/2 cup mayo, 3 tablespoons sour cream, dry mustard, sugar, cider vinegar, salt and pepper. Toss with cooked macaroni, sliced celery and red onion, and parsley.
    46. Spanish Pimiento Salad: Grill scallions; chop. Toss with olives, pimientos, almonds, sherry vinegar, smoked paprika and romaine. Grill thick bread slices; rub with garlic, tear into pieces and toss with the salad. 
    47. Cornbread Caesar: Toss cubed cornbread with melted butter, salt and cayenne on a baking sheet; bake at 400 degrees, 12 to 15 minutes. Toss romaine and chopped tomato with Caesar dressing (see No. 9); top with the cornbread croutons.