Vital Vitamins

Vital Vitamins


Vitamins are compounds that are essential to life and health in small amounts. Some vitamins are synthesized by humans and animals, but the key source is from the diet. A varied and balanced diet should supply all the vitamins required for good health. Vitamins were discovered through research over many years.

Vitamins allow your body to grow and develop. They also play important roles in bodily functions such as metabolism, immunity, and digestion. Cells in your body perform chemical reactions that keep you functioning properly. A vitamin is a molecule that your body needs in order to carry out certain reactions. Because it can’t create vitamin molecules for itself, you have to get them via food and drink.

There are 13 in total: Vitamin A, C, D, E, K, B1, B2, B3, pantothenic acid, biotin, B6, B12, and folic acid. The best way to meet your vital vitamin needs is to eat a balanced diet containing a variety of foods. If you can’t meet your needs through food alone, you may require dietary supplements. Seek guidance from your doctor or dietician before taking supplements, however.

We are eating too much-saturated fat and sugar and not eating enough fiber and certain vitamins and many minerals which are important for health. Vitamins perform a whole bunch of different functions in your body, from assisting in bone growth to helping convert food into energy. So getting your vitamins from food is always preferred. In whole foods, vitamins come prepackaged with other beneficial substances, like fiber and phytonutrients. These are the natural compounds that give plants their colors, flavors, and texture — growing evidence suggests that they can keep us healthy and prevent diseases.

On the Vitamin Trail-  So where do you start if you want to make sure you’re getting enough of the right vitamins? Firstly, take a look at your diet. When it comes to fruit and veg, it’s a good idea to try to ‘eat the rainbow’ every day. Different colored vegetables often pack a different vitamin punch. So try to include something green, something red, something orange or white at meals throughout the day (think lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, and onions!)

Minimize alcohol and smoking – both habits that destroy nutrients in our bodies – and think about whether you have any particular health concerns – such as growing older, motherhood, dull skin, stiff joints, and so on. Then you might want to consider how to take in more of the nutrients that might assist with that problem or life stage. If in doubt, always talk to a health professional, and remember to eat up all your greens!

Click here for Discovery of Vitamins

Scientists worked out that there must be agents in foods that were vital to health. These became known as vitamins, from ‘vital amine’. This was because scientists originally thought that all vitamins were from the family of nitrogen-containing compounds known as amines

During the 18th and 19th centuries, scientists carried out studies on animals and identified the activity of the first vitamin, antirachitic A (now called vitamin D), which cured rickets in rats. The vitamin itself was identified in 1922 as part of research into rickets.

The B vitamins are a group of eight vitamins, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12. Initially thought to be a single vitamin, vitamin B was discovered around 1915. The individual B vitamins were isolated over a number of years:

  • Vitamin B1 in 1912
  • Vitamin B2 in 1926
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin) in 1937
  • Vitamin B6 in 1934
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid) in 1933.

Vitamin A was next – it was discovered in 1917 by two groups of researchers in the USA and first synthesized in 1947 by Dutch chemists.

Vitamin C was discovered in 1912, isolated in 1932 and synthesized in 1934, making this the first synthetic vitamin to be available to people to take as a supplement. Vitamin E was discovered in 1922.

Vitamin K was discovered by German scientists in 1929 and was named the ‘Koagulationsvitamin’ (so vitamin ‘K’) because it affected the clotting of blood. It was synthesized in 1939.

Vitamins can be divided into two types – fat-soluble and water-soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins, vitamins A (see ‘Vitamin A’), D (see ‘Vitamin D’), E (see ‘Vitamin E’), and K (see ‘Other Vitamins’), are found in meat (especially liver), dairy products, eggs, oily fish, nuts, seeds, grains and leafy green vegetables (vitamin K is also made by some bacteria in the gut). Vitamin D is formed in the skin following exposure to sunlight. Water-soluble vitamins are the B vitamins and vitamin C.

Fat-soluble vitamins are not destroyed during cooking and do not leach into the water, unlike water-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed through the walls of the small intestine in small droplets of fats and enter the bloodstream.

What Causes Deficiencies in Fat-Soluble Vitamins? If someone does not eat enough food containing fat-soluble vitamins, they will develop what is called a ‘primary deficiency’. If, however, they eat enough of the vitamins but cannot absorb or use them, whether caused by disease or drugs, they have a ‘secondary deficiency’. People with secondary deficiencies need to take additional supplements of fat-soluble vitamins.

Very low-fat diets can cause deficiencies in fat-soluble vitamins – this is a primary deficiency. Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the liver and fatty tissues, so diets have to be low in fat-soluble vitamins for a long period before the symptoms of deficiency show.

Overdose of fat-soluble vitamins – Because fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the liver and fatty tissues, once the levels get too high, they can remain too high for a long period, leading to something called ‘hypervitaminosis’. This is unlikely to be caused by vitamins occurring naturally in the diet but may be caused by taking high levels of supplements.

Too much vitamin A can cause dry skin, itching, headaches, jaundice, feelings of sickness and dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, blurred vision, muscle pain, tiredness, fever, insomnia, anemia, and increased risk of bone fractures, including hip fractures. Too much vitamin A in children can slow growth, and too much in pregnancy can cause birth defects.

Too much vitamin D can cause raised levels of calcium in the blood, high blood pressure, nausea, sickness, increased urination, increased thirst, itching, and kidney failure. Too much vitamin D in children can slow mental and physical growth. Too much vitamin K can damage the liver and blood cells.


So what should we be eating? Here is a guide to essential vitamins and minerals.

Click here for A-Z of Vitamins

We all know vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients the body needs – but what does each vitamin do? And which foods are vitamin powerhouses? Here’s the low-down on which letter does what, from A (that is, Vitamin A) to Z (or – zinc).

Vitamins are grouped into two categories:

Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body’s fatty tissue. The four fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, E, and K. These vitamins are absorbed more easily by the body in the presence of dietary fat.

There are nine water-soluble vitamins. The body must use water-soluble vitamins right away. Any leftover water-soluble vitamins leave the body through the urine. Vitamin B12 is the only water-soluble vitamin that can be stored in the liver for many years.

Vitamin A – This helps maintain the membranes of the eyes, the lungs, the digestive system, skin, and the immune system. It also helps in general growth and development, including healthy teeth and skin.

We need 800 micrograms daily, the amount in a portion of cooked carrots. Pregnant women or those planning to try for a baby should not have more than 1,500 micrograms a day as this can lead to birth defects.

Best sources: liver, whole milk, cheese, cod liver oil, carrots, mangoes, and other orange foods including sweet potato and cantaloupe melons.

Signs that you aren’t getting enough: difficulty adapting to dim light, night blindness, or dryness of the cornea.

Vitamin B1

This helps release energy from food and maintains healthy muscles and the nervous system. We need 1.4 milligrams daily, the amount found in one slice of pork, and a serving of peas.

Best sources: meat, especially pork, yeast extract, milk, vegetables, and cheese.

Signs that you aren’t getting enough: poor appetite, upset stomach, depression, and an inability to concentrate. Beriberi, which affects either the heart or the nervous system, is caused by a shortage of this vitamin. Heavy drinkers are prone to the disease as alcohol makes it more difficult for the body to absorb vitamin B1.

Vitamin B2

This helps produce immune cells and maintains the skin, hair, eyes, iron absorption, and nervous system. Daily we need 1.6 milligrams, to be found in a portion of spinach and two egg whites.

Best sources: milk, liver, eggs, cheese, rice, and green leafy vegetables.

Signs that you aren’t getting enough: cracked corners around the lips or a sore tongue. A fifth of all teenage girls does not get enough of this vitamin.

Vitamin B6

This helps with the production of red blood cells and maintains brain function.

We need a daily two milligrams, found in 100g of salmon and a serving of brown rice. Vitamin B6 is destroyed by the contraceptive pill. Women taking the Pill should increase their intake of vitamin B6.

Best sources: chicken, fish, whole grains, and bananas.

Signs that you aren’t getting enough: dermatitis and sores in and around the mouth. Low levels of vitamin B6 can lead to raised levels of the amino acid homocysteine which may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease or a stroke.

Also found in whole unprocessed foods specifically whole grains, potatoes, bananas, lentils, chili peppers, beans, yeast, and molasses

Vitamin C

It helps in strengthening blood vessels and giving skin its elasticity, anti-oxidant function, and iron absorption. It also promotes wound healing.

Best Sources: Everyone knows this one – oranges! But they’re not the only source – other fruits and veggies packed with Vitamin C include guava, red and green peppers, kiwi, grapefruits, strawberries, Brussels sprouts, and cantaloupe.

Signs that you aren’t getting enough: A skin condition known as keratosis pilaris can develop. Also bumpy “chicken skin” forms on the back of the upper arms, thighs or buttocks due to a build-up of keratin protein inside the pores

Vitamin D

Also known as the sunshine vitamin. Helps in strengthening of bones.  It also helps maintain proper blood levels of calcium and phosphorus.

Best sources: Ten to 15 minutes of sunshine 3 times a week is enough to produce the body’s requirement of vitamin D for most people at most latitudes. Apart from spending a few minutes out in the sun, which stimulates Vitamin D production, you can get this nutritional must from eggs, fish, and mushrooms.  It is very hard to get enough vitamin D from food sources alone

Folic acid

This helps make red blood cells and is vital during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy to reduce the risk of birth defects such as spina bifida.

Each day we need 200 micrograms, found in two portions of steamed spinach. Women trying to become pregnant should take 400 micrograms.

Best sources: There are plenty of scrumptious natural sources of folic acid, including dark leafy greens, asparagus, broccoli, citrus fruits, beans, peas, lentils, seeds, nuts, cauliflower, beets, Whole grains, and corn.

Signs that you aren’t getting enough: insomnia, depression, irritability.

Vitamin E

This helps protect cell membranes from damage so it may shield against cancer and heart disease. It also helps in blood circulation and protection from free radicals.

We need 12 milligrams daily, the amount found in a spoonful of vegetable oil.

Best sources: vegetable oils, nuts, broccoli, almonds, and seeds. You can also fill up on other nuts, sunflower seeds and tomatoes to reap the benefits.

Signs that you aren’t getting enough: deficiencies tend to affect those who have difficulty absorbing fat. Symptoms include weakened muscles and tingling in the hands and feet.

Vitamin K

This helps blood coagulation – that is, the process by which your blood clots.

Best Sources:  Leafy greens are the best natural sources of Vitamin K – so make sure you’re eating lots of kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli.

Signs that you aren’t getting enough: A warning sign of a vitamin K deficiency is excessive bleeding and bruising easily, due to abnormalities of coagulation factors that help with blood clotting. This bleeding can sometimes begin as an oozing from the gums or nose.


This is needed for strong bones and teeth, blood clotting, and muscle contraction. It may help reduce high blood pressure. The daily requirement is 800 milligrams, the amount found in a cup of milk and sardines on toast.

Best sources: milk, yogurt, cheese, black molasses,  tinned fish such as sardines with bones, seaweed, kale, and fortified juices.

Signs that you aren’t getting enough: brittle bones, poor teeth, muscle twitches, and aches, and high blood pressure.


This is needed for Glucose function – making sure every cell in your body gets energy as and when needed.

Best Sources:  As long as your diet contains servings of whole grains, fresh vegetables, and herbs, you should be getting enough chromium.

Signs that you aren’t getting enough: It can contribute to the development of diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Even mild deficiencies of chromium can produce problems in blood-sugar metabolism, and contribute to other symptoms such as anxiety or fatigue.


This helps make hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen around the blood. Half of all teenage girls fail to get enough iron. Pregnant women and those who suffer heavy periods are prone to anemia caused by iron deficiency. It also builds muscles naturally and maintains healthy blood.

We need 14 milligrams of iron a day, the amount in a small serving of liver.

Best sources: Clams, liver, chicken, oily fish, wholemeal bread, soybeans, cereals, pumpkin seeds, eggs, lentils, spinach, and green leafy vegetables.

Signs that you aren’t getting enough: tiredness, looking pale, and breathlessness.


This is needed for proper fluid balance in the body, healthy kidney function, and muscle contractions. Sufficient potassium and low sodium intake can help maintain healthy blood pressure.

About 3,500 milligrams a day is the suggested potassium intake, as found in two bananas and a baked potato.

Best sources: bananas, vegetables, meat, fish, and nuts.

Signs that you aren’t getting enough: mental confusion and muscle weakness. Only those on diuretics and with persistent diarrhea will be deficient in this mineral.


This helps convert food into energy and aids cell repair. It is also needed for healthy muscles and bones and for regulating the heartbeat.

The recommended daily allowance is 375 milligrams as found in a large handful of almonds and a large serving of broccoli.

Best sources: green leafy vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seafood.

Signs that you aren’t getting enough: frequent cramps and muscle weakness.


This plays a role in immune function, fertility, and is needed for wound healing and the senses of taste and smell.

Investigations into using zinc as a possible treatment for depression are currently underway.

We need a daily 10 milligrams of zinc which you would get from a bowl of porridge and half a cup of kidney beans.

Best sources: seafood (especially oysters) meat, liver, spinach, Cashews, cereals, peas, beans, and dark chocolate.

Signs that you aren’t getting enough: taste abnormalities, reduced immunity to infections, and skin lesions.


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Click here for Contents of Vitamins in Vegetables & Fruits


Content in vegetable (mg) *
Vitamin A 0,008
Vitamin B1 0,14
Vitamin B2 0,01
Vitamin B6 0,03
Vitamin C 8000
Folate (folic acid) 0,05
Vitamin A 0
Vitamin B1 0,04
Vitamin B2 0,04
Vitamin B6 0,03
Vitamin C 12
Folate (folic acid) 0,056
Vitamin A 0,11
Vitamin B1 0,06
Vitamin B2 0,12
Vitamin B6 0,36
Vitamin C 17
Folate (folic acid) 0,008
Vitamin A 0,2
Vitamin B1 0,1
Vitamin B2 0,3
Vitamin B6 0,21
Vitamin C 110
Folate (folic acid)
Brussels sprouts
Vitamin A 0,031
Vitamin B1 0,1
Vitamin B2 0,12
Vitamin B6 0,23
Vitamin C 66
Folate (folic acid) 0,087
Vitamin A 0,01
Vitamin B1 0,1
Vitamin B2 0,15
Vitamin B6 0,2
Vitamin C 80
Folate (folic acid) 0,069
Vitamin A 0,6
Vitamin B1 0,01
Vitamin B2 0,01
Vitamin B6 0,03
Vitamin C 1000
Folate (folic acid) 0,016
Vitamin A 0,001
Vitamin B1 0,05
Vitamin B2 0,07
Vitamin B6 0,2
Vitamin C 80
Folate (folic acid) 0,044
Vitamin A 0,17
Vitamin B1 0,05
Vitamin B2 0,06
Vitamin B6 0,06
Vitamin C 4000
Folate (folic acid) 0,05
Vitamin A 0,007
Vitamin B1 0,12
Vitamin B2 0,07
Vitamin B6 0,1
Vitamin C 0
Folate (folic acid) 0,034
Vitamin A 0,034
Vitamin B1 0,03
Vitamin B2 0.01
Vitamin B6 0.03
Vitamin C 10
Folate (folic acid) 0,005
Green paprika
Vitamin A 0,022
Vitamin B1 0,03
Vitamin B2 0,07
Vitamin B6 0,18
Vitamin C 70
Folate (folic acid) 0,055
Vitamin A 0,094
Vitamin B1 0,12
Vitamin B2 0,04
Vitamin B6 0,25
Vitamin C 20
Folate (folic acid)
Vitamin A 0
Vitamin B1 0,07
Vitamin B2 0,3
Vitamin B6 0,12
Vitamin C 5000
Folate (folic acid) 0,032
Vitamin A 0,049
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B6 0,02
Vitamin C 0
Folate (folic acid)
Vitamin A 0,001
Vitamin B1 0,03
Vitamin B2 0,01
Vitamin B6 0,17
Vitamin C 10
Folate (folic acid) 0,01
Vitamin A 0,3
Vitamin B1 0,06
Vitamin B2 0,05
Vitamin B6 0,05
Vitamin C 1000
Folate (folic acid) 0,022
Vitamin A 0,027
Vitamin B1 0
Vitamin B2 0
Vitamin B6 0,04
Vitamin C 2000
Folate (folic acid) 0,004
Vitamin A 0
Vitamin B1 0,12
Vitamin B2 0,04
Vitamin B6 0,3
Vitamin C 14
Folate (folic acid) 0,023
Vitamin A 0,002
Vitamin B1 0,05
Vitamin B2 0,03
Vitamin B6 0,08
Vitamin C 20
Folate (folic acid) 0,028
Red paprika
Vitamin A 0,2
Vitamin B1 0,03
Vitamin B2 0,07
Vitamin B6 0,18
Vitamin C 150
Folate (folic acid) 0,055
Vitamin A 0,003
Vitamin B1 0
Vitamin B2 0,04
Vitamin B6 0,13
Vitamin C 25
Folate (folic acid) 0,009
Vitamin A 0,24
Vitamin B1 0,04
Vitamin B2 0,1
Vitamin B6 0,15
Vitamin C 25
Folate (folic acid) 0,1
Vitamin A 0,061
Vitamin B1 0,05
Vitamin B2 0,09
Vitamin B6 0,15
Vitamin C 16
Folate (folic acid) 0,038


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Vitamin Content in fruits (mg)
Vitamin A 0,06
Vitamin B1 0,05
Vitamin B2 0,06
Vitamin B6 5000
Vitamin C 0,004
Folate (folic acid) 0,2
Vitamin A 0,02
Vitamin B1 0,01
Vitamin B2 0,05
Vitamin B6 5000
Vitamin C 0,003
Folate (folic acid) 0,005
Vitamin A 0,04
Vitamin B1 0,03
Vitamin B2 0,36
Vitamin B6 10
Vitamin C 0,016
Folate (folic acid) 0,008
Vitamin A 0,08
Vitamin B1 0,04
Vitamin B2 0,07
Vitamin B6 150
Vitamin C 0,008
Folate (folic acid) 0,015
Vitamin A 0,02
Vitamin B1 0,02
Vitamin B2 0,04
Vitamin B6
Vitamin C 0,004
Folate (folic acid) 0,012
Vitamin A 0,07
Vitamin B1 0,02
Vitamin B2 0,03
Vitamin B6 40
Vitamin C 0,015
Folate (folic acid) 0,028
Vitamin A 0,03
Vitamin B1 0,01
Vitamin B2 0,08
Vitamin B6 3000
Vitamin C 0,001
Folate (folic acid) 0,005
Vitamin A
Vitamin B1 0,02
Vitamin B2 0,12
Vitamin B6 70
Vitamin C 0,023
Folate (folic acid)
Vitamin A 0,001
Vitamin B1 0,06
Vitamin B2 0,02
Vitamin B6 0,04
Vitamin C 40
Folate (folic acid) 0,008
Vitamin A 50iU
Vitamin B1 0,020
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B6 0,43
Vitamin C 29,1
Folate (folic acid)
Vitamin A 0,09
Vitamin B1 0,04
Vitamin B2 0,04
Vitamin B6 23
Vitamin C
Folate (folic acid) 0,002
Vitamin A 0,03
Vitamin B1 0,04
Vitamin B2 0,04
Vitamin B6 23
Vitamin C 0,023
Folate (folic acid) 0.053
Vitamin A
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B6
Vitamin C
Folate (folic acid)
Vitamin A 0,07
Vitamin B1 0,03
Vitamin B2 0,06
Vitamin B6 49
Vitamin C 0,018
Folate (folic acid) 0,012
Vitamin A 0,01
Vitamin B1 0,02
Vitamin B2 0,02
Vitamin B6 7000
Vitamin C 0,002
Folate (folic acid) 0,016
Vitamin A 0,01
Vitamin B1 0,01
Vitamin B2 0,02
Vitamin B6 4000
Vitamin C 0,001
Folate (folic acid) 0,002
Vitamin A 0,07
Vitamin B1 0,02
Vitamin B2 0,09
Vitamin B6 25
Vitamin C 0,004
Folate (folic acid)
Vitamin A 0,02
Vitamin B1 0,03
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B6 5000
Vitamin C 0,002
Folate (folic acid) 0,062
Vitamin A 0,04
Vitamin B1 0,04
Vitamin B2 0,02
Vitamin B6 16
Vitamin C 0,007
Folate (folic acid) 0,025
Vitamin A
Vitamin B1 0,06
Vitamin B2 0,06
Vitamin B6 5000
Vitamin C 0,024
Folate (folic acid) 0,004
Vitamin A 0,002
Vitamin B1 0,02
Vitamin B2 0,03
Vitamin B6 0,06
Vitamin C 60
Folate (folic acid) 0,065
Vitamin A 0,05
Vitamin B1 0,02
Vitamin B2 0,08
Vitamin B6
Vitamin C 0,008
Folate (folic acid) 0,088
Water melon
Vitamin A 0,04
Vitamin B1 0,05
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B6 6000
Vitamin C 0,001
Folate (folic acid) 0,045


Following are list of the common vegetables that pack a punch of helpful nutrients and minerals.

Fresh vegetables provide a cornucopia of goodness and variety adds excitement to your meals. Be sure to rotate these winners onto your grocery list!

  • Green beans are a good source of vitamin C, folic acid, iron, and potassium.
  • Dried beans provide protein, B vitamins, folic acid, iron, magnesium, and potassium.
  • Cabbage is high in vitamin C, folic acid, calcium, potassium, and fiber.
  • Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, vitamins A and K, and potassium.
  • Sweet corn is high in beta-carotene and lutein.* It also supplies B vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium, and folic acid.
  • Eggplant is high in fiber, potassium, manganese, and vitamin B1.
  • Leeks are a good source of fiber, iron, and vitamins A and C, and they contain the cancer-fighting phytochemical diallyl sulfide.
  • Okra provides vitamin C and the B vitamins, magnesium, lutein, and potassium.
  • Peas pack plenty of protein, B vitamins, vitamins C and A, manganese, iron, potassium, and lutein.
  • Peppers have lots of beta-carotene; vitamins B6, C, and A; and potassium.
  • Potatoes, with skins, are a good source of protein, iron, vitamin C, and potassium.
  • Shallots are a good source of potassium, vitamin B6, manganese, and folic acid.
  • Summer squash is high in vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and magnesium. Both dark green and yellow squashes are excellent sources of lutein.
  • Sweet potato is an excellent source of vitamins A, B6, and C, iron, fiber, and potassium. Plus, just 1 cup of sweet potato contains four times the recommended daily allowance of beta-carotene

When eating an array of the recommended produce, your choices still need to be as nutritious as possible. Try these tips to get the most nutrients:

  • Steam, stir-fry, or microwave to keep Vitamin C and other nutrient loss to a minimum.
  • Leave edible peels on produce when possible-to boost nutrients and fiber.
  • Reuse cooking liquids (what’s left after cooking your broccoli, for example) for pilaf preparation.
  • Buy only a few days’ worth of fresh produce, so it stays fresh.
  • Do a freshness check. Fresh is only best when it’s truly fresh: seasonal and bruise-free. Otherwise, frozen fruits and veggies can be just as healthy as their fresh counterparts.
  • And remember to have fun with produce. Get creative. Experiment with some new or exotic fruits and veggies.
Click here for Vitamins in Vegetables

Fresh vegetables are naturally low in fat, salt and sugar, making them an excellent food choice.

Vegetables provide energy, vitamins, minerals and fiber and there is growing evidence of additional health benefits from a range of phytonutrients.

Some vegetables contain higher levels of carbohydrate and are often called starchy vegetables. These are usually roots and tubers such as potatoes, yams, kumara, taro and sweet corn. The starchy vegetables are higher in energy (kilojoules) because of their carbohydrate content.

Other vegetables are classified as non-starchy. Non-starchy vegetables tend to have a higher water content, and are lower in energy but often richer in vitamins and minerals.

Aim to make half your dinner vegetables and choose a range of different coloured vegetables. About one-quarter of the plate should be starchy foods for energy.

Pytonutrients –

These are naturally occurring plant compounds. There are thousands of these different phytonutrients in vegetables, usually in small amounts. Plants produce them for their own protection from insects or bacteria, as pigments for photosynthesis (energy production) and flavour. They are often responsible for the bright colours of fruits and vegetables, and research is showing that these compounds may help reduce the risk of disease and promote health. Examples of phytonutrients are lycopene in tomatoes, beta-carotene in carrots and glucosinolates in broccoli.

There is no single magic phytonutrient that can be isolated and turned into a daily tablet! The most protective effect comes from eating a wide variety of phytonutrients as they occur naturally in plant foods.

Phytonutrients may work in lots of different ways to protect against disease and promote health. Modes of action that are being investigated include anti-inflammatory activity, boosting the body’s antioxidant defences, modulating gut microflora, lowering cholesterol, fighting bacteria and supporting the body’s immunity.

Main Pytonutrients in vegetables –

Unlike nutrients (vitamins and minerals) no recommended dietary intake levels have been established for phytonutrients. Health claims are not permitted (with the exception of some carotenoids that can be converted to vitamin A) and further human trials are required to substantiate the potential benefits suggested below.

Phytonutrients Research on Potential Health Benefits Vegetable Sources
• Pro-vitamin A carotenoids: alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin Vitamin A activity (our body converts these carotenoids to vitamin A). Research indicates the carotenes may help to slow the ageing process, reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, improve lung function, help keep skin healthy and reduce complications associated with diabetes but more research is needed. In many vegetables but high in carrots, pumpkin and green leafy vegetables
• Lycopene Some studies have shown that diets rich in lycopene may reduce the risk of prostate and some other cancers as well as heart disease. Tomatoes, watermelon
• Xanthophylls: lutein, zeaxanthin Lutein and zeaxanthin are found in the retina and lens of the eye and are thought to play a role in maintaining proper vision as we age and may reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, silverbeet, lettuce; sweet corn
Glucosinolates, isothiocyanates Glucosinolates (or their breakdown products the isothiocyanates) may reduce the risk of certain types of cancer by boosting enzymes that detoxify carcinogens. Brassica vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, radish, swede, turnip, watercress
Phenolic compounds – including Polyphenols *
• Flavonoids Over the past decade, scientists have become increasingly interested in the potential for various dietary flavonoids to explain some of the health benefits associated with fruit- and vegetable-rich diets. Health benefits include reducing cancer, diabetes and heart disease risk, helping maintain healthy bones, brain and vision. Beans, onions, leafy vegetables, tomatoes
• Phenolic acids More study is required but phenolic acids may have benefits for heart health and immunity. In most vegetables but especially potatoes
• Anthocyanins Research indicates anthocyanins may have a wide variety of health benefits including protecting against the signs of ageing, reducing the risk of cancer and diabetes. They may be neuroprotective to help prevent neurological diseases and improve aspects of vision. Red, blue/purple vegetables – eggplant, purple broccoli, red/purple kumara, radish, rhubarb
Allium sulphur compounds A whole range of health benefits have been suggested for the Allium sulphur compounds. In vitro and animal studies indicate Allium compounds may reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, assist in preventing heart disease and have antimicrobial activity. Garlic, leeks, onions, chives
Other compounds
Betalains The betalains have received less attention than the more common natural red pigments, the anthocyanins. However, research indicates they have anti-inflammatory properties and may boost the body’s detoxification enzymes. Beetroot, silverbeet, spinach (red and yellow varieties)
Falcarinol, falcarindiol These compounds have attracted interest for their potential as anti-cancer compounds. However, at high levels these compounds can be toxic. Carrots, celery, fennel, parsley, parsnips
Saponins Saponins have been shown in some studies to have a number of protective effects in the human body, including reducing the risk of cancer, lowering cholesterol, and preventing heart disease. Alfalfa sprouts, asparagus, beans, spinach
Phytosterols Phytosterols may compete with cholesterol for absorption and lower cholesterol in the bloodstream. There is also some evidence phytosterols may help prevent cancer cell growth and may fight atherosclerosis by controlling the development of plaques. Asparagus, beans, lettuce, peas, brassica family e.g. broccoli, swedes, cauliflower
Fructans Research indicates fructans may have various health benefits especially for the digestive system and immunity. Because they improve mineral absorption they may have benefits for bone health. They also have effects on cholesterol metabolism and may have benefits for heart heath. Onions, leeks, garlic, asparagus
Capsaicinoids Capsaicinoids may have multiple potential beneficial effects including pain relief, cancer prevention and weight loss, plus to a lesser extent, benefits for the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems. Capsicums, chillis

Carbohydrates –

Carbohydrates  are a large group of organic compounds made by plants. Examples of carbohydrate are sugars, starch and cellulose and they provide our bodies with energy.

  • Potatoes, yams and kumara contain carbohydrate, are called starchy vegetables and provide energy for our bodies.
  • About a quarter of the plate should be made up of starchy foods, non starch vegetables should make up half the plate.

Vitamins and Minerals –

Vitamins and minerals are natural substances found in a wide range of foods and are essential to maintain a healthy body. Scientists have defined specific daily amounts necessary for good health.

Why they are important

Vitamin A stimulates new cell growth, keeps cells healthy and can help vision in dim light.  Vitamin A is found in vegetables such as pumpkin, carrots, kumara, spinach and broccoli.

Vitamin B releases energy from food, and is good for the nervous system. Green vegetables contain Vitamin B.

Vitamin C is used in tissue repair, helps the immune system by fighting against infection and helps health in general. Vitamin C also helps iron in food to be absorbed. Capsicums and parsley are excellent sources of Vitamin C with significant amounts in broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, radishes, peas, beans, asparagus. Potatoes, turnips, tomatoes, kumara, spring onions, lettuce and leeks also contain Vitamin C.

Vitamin K helps blood clot. Turnips, broccoli, lettuce, cabbage, asparagus, watercress, peas and green beans have Vitamin K.

Calcium is necessary for healthy teeth, bones, hair and nails. Spinach, parsley, broccoli, celery, leeks, spring onions, cabbage and carrots contain calcium.

Potassium controls muscles and nerves and may be important in preventing high blood pressure. All vegetables contain potassium.

Iron is essential for red blood cells so that oxygen can be carried around the body. Eat vegetables that contain iron, with vegetables containing Vitamin C to help the iron be absorbed into the body. Spinach, silver beet, parsley, leeks, broccoli and mushrooms are good sources of iron.

Avoid vitamin loss in vegetable preparation and cooking by:

  • Leaving the peel on as it contains vitamins as well as fiber.
  • Using a sharp knife. A blunt knife causes cell damage which leads to Vitamin C loss.
  • Cooking vegetables as soon as they are prepared. Don’t soak them in water as water-soluble vitamins (B and C) will be lost.
  • Using a small amount of water, or preferably, steam vegetables. Save the cooking water and use it in soups, stocks, gravies or enjoy as a drink.


Fiber keeps the digestive system healthy, helps keep a healthy body weight and decreases the risk of heart disease and cancer. Fiber has also been found to lower cholesterol levels by reducing the reabsorption of cholesterol produced by the body to help with the digestion of fat.

  • All vegetables contain some fiber; some more than others. Vegetables that are high in fiber are broad beans, peas, spinach, watercress, green beans, sweet corn, silver beet, cabbage, butter beans, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.
  • Carrots, parsnips, turnips, potatoes and kumara have a special type of fiber  in their skins so scrub them instead of peeling them. Bake kumara and potatoes with the skin on.
  • Prepare and cook vegetables the right way to preserve their valuable nutrients and fiber. Leave the peel on whenever possible.
  • Vegetables that belong to the cabbage family (cabbage, cauliflower, turnips, swedes and Brussels sprouts) contain compounds that may be good at protecting against cancer.


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Click here for Vitamin Charts

Vitamins Chart for Kids –

All figures are in mg
Vitamin 0-6 mths 7-12 mths 1-3 years 4-8 years 9-14 years Found in In Developing
A 300-600 300-600 300-600 900 1700 Carrots, Sweet Potato, Spinach, papaya, Peaches, Eggs, Oats Eyes, Skin, Hair and Nails
C 40 50 15 25 45 Gauva, Orange, Brocoli, Grapes,Tomato, Banana, Kiwi Produces Collage in child
D 10 10 15 15 15 Yogurt, Milk, Cheese, Cereals, Tuna, Egg Yolk Develops bones and teeth
E 4 5 6 7 11 Wheat, Sunflower oil, Soyabean oil, Corn, Raw Mango, Almonds Boosting immunity, metabolizes food faster
K 2 2.5 30 55 60 Green leafy vegetables, Eggs, Fish Synthensis of blood clotting, proteins
B1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.9 Bread, Nuts,Green Peas, Fish Develops healthy muscles and nerves
B2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.9 Spinach, Yohurt, Soyabean, Mushrooms, Eggs Formation of RBC
B3 2 4 6 8 12 Peanuts, Tuna,Chicken Converts Carbohydrates
B5 1.7 1.8 2 3 4 Cauliflower, Cucumber, Spinach, Broccoli, Sweet Potato Helps in metabilozing, proteins, Carbohydrates and fats
B6 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.6 1 Banana, Cabbage, Cauli flower, Bell peppers, Spinach Vital in production of certain brain chemicals,
B7 5 6 8 12 20 Peanuts, Tomato, Onions, Almonds, Carrots Important for healthy hair and nails
B9 65 80 150 200 300 Lentils, Strawberries,Beetroot, Broccoli, Spinach Develops nervous system and cardiovascular system
B12 0.4 0.5 0.9 1.2 1.8 Cows milk, Yogurt, Fish Production of RBC’s and DNA

Vitamins Chart for Teens

Type Benefits Sources Quantity
Vitamin A Vitamin A prevents eye problems, promotes a healthy immune system, is essential for the growth and development of cells, and keeps skin healthy. Good sources of vitamin A are milk, eggs, liver, fortified cereals, darkly colored orange or green vegetables (such as carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and kale), and orange fruits such as cantaloupe, apricots, peaches, papayas, and mangos. Teen guys need 900 micrograms of vitamin A each day.
Teen girls need 700 micrograms each day. It is possible to get too much vitamin A, so be careful with supplements. Don’t take vitamin A supplements If you’re taking isotretinoin (such as Accutane) for acne or other skin problems.
Oral acne medicines are vitamin A supplements, and a continued excess of vitamin A can build up in the body, causing headaches, skin changes, or even liver damage.
Vitamin C (also called ascorbic acid) Vitamin C is needed to form collagen, a tissue that helps to hold cells together. It’s essential for healthy bones, teeth, gums, and blood vessels. It helps the body absorb iron, aids in wound healing, and contributes to brain function. You’ll find high levels of vitamin C in citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, guava, peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, and spinach. Teen guys need 75 mg (milligrams; 1 milligram equals 1,000 micrograms) and girls need 65 mg of vitamin C a day.
Vitamin D Vitamin D strengthens bones because it helps the body absorb bone-building calcium. This vitamin is unique — your body manufactures it when you get sunlight on your skin! You can also get vitamin D from egg yolks, oily fish such as salmon, tuna, and sardines, and fortified foods like milk, soy milk, and orange juice. Teens need 15 micrograms (600 IU) of vitamin D from food or supplements every day. Ask your doctor if supplements are right for you.
Vitamin E Vitamin E is an antioxidant and helps protect cells from damage. It is also important for the health of red blood cells. Vitamin E is found in many foods, such as vegetable oils, nuts, and green leafy vegetables. Avocados, wheat germ, and whole grains are also good sources. Teen guys and girls need 15 mg of vitamin E every day.
Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 helps to make red blood cells, and is important for nerve cell function. Vitamin B12 is found naturally in fish, red meat, poultry, milk, cheese, and eggs. It’s also added to some breakfast cereals. Teens should get 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B12 daily.
Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6 is important for normal brain and nerve function. It also helps the body break down proteins and make red blood cells. A wide variety of foods contain vitamin B6, including potatoes, bananas, beans, seeds, nuts, red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, spinach, and fortified cereals. Teen guys need 1.3 mg of vitamin B6 daily and teen girls need 1.2 mg.
Thiamin (also called vitamin B1) Thiamin helps the body convert carbohydrates into energy and is necessary for the heart, muscles, and nervous system to function properly. People get thiamin from many different foods, including fortified bread, cereals, and pasta; lean meats; dried beans, soy foods, and peas; and whole grains like wheat germ. Teen guys need 1.2 mg of thiamin each day; teen girls need 1 mg.
Niacin (also called vitamin B3) Niacin helps the body turn food into energy. It helps maintain healthy skin and is important for nerve function. You’ll find niacin in red meat, poultry, fish, fortified hot and cold cereals, and peanuts. Teen guys need 16 mg of niacin daily. Teen girls need 14 mg a day.
Riboflavin (also called vitamin B2) Riboflavin is essential for growth, turning carbohydrates into energy, and producing red blood cells. Some of the best sources of riboflavin are meat, eggs, legumes (like peas and lentils), nuts, dairy products, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, asparagus, and fortified cereals. Teen guys need 1.3 mg of riboflavin per day and teen girls need 1 mg.
Folate (also known as vitamin B9, folic acid, or folacin) Folate helps the body make red blood cells. It is also needed to make DNA. Liver, dried beans and other legumes, green leafy vegetables, asparagus, and orange juice are good sources of this vitamin. So are fortified bread, rice, and cereals. Teen girls and guys need 400 micrograms of folate daily.


Vitamins Chart for Adults

RETINOIDS AND CAROTENE (vitamin A; includes retinol, retinal, retinyl esters, and retinoic acid and is also referred to as “preformed” vitamin A. Beta carotene can easily be converted to vitamin A as needed.) Essential for vision Lycopene may lower prostate cancer risk. Keeps tissues and skin healthy. Plays an important role in bone growth and in the immune system. Diets rich in the carotenoids alpha-carotene and lycopene seem to lower lung cancer risk. Carotenoids act as antioxidants. Foods rich in the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin may protect against cataracts M: 900 mcg (3,000 IU)W: 700 mcg (2,333 IU)Some supplements report vitamin A in international units (IU’s). 3,000 mcg (about 10,000 IU) Sources of retinoids: beef liver, eggs, shrimp, fish, fortified milk, butter, cheddar cheese, Swiss cheese Many people get too much-preformed vitamin A from food and supplements. Large amounts of supplemental vitamin A (but not beta carotene) can be harmful to bones. Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE
Sources of beta carotene:sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, squash, spinach, mangoes, turnip greens
THIAMIN (vitamin B1) Helps convert food into energy. Needed for healthy skin, hair, muscles, and brain and is critical for nerve function. M: 1.2 mg, W: 1.1 mg Not known Pork chops, brown rice, ham, soymilk, watermelons, acorn squash Most nutritious foods have some thiamin.
RIBOFLAVIN(vitamin B2) Helps convert food into energy. Needed for healthy skin, hair, blood, and brain M: 1.3 mg, W: 1.1 mg Not known Milk, eggs, yogurt, cheese, meats, green leafy vegetables, whole and enriched grains and cereals. Most Americans get enough of this nutrient.
NIACIN (vitamin B3, nicotinic acid) Helps convert food into energy. Essential for healthy skin, blood cells, brain, and nervous system M: 16 mg, W: 14 mg 35 mg Meat, poultry, fish, fortified and whole grains, mushrooms, potatoes, peanut butter Niacin occurs naturally in food and can also be made by your body from the amino acid tryptophan, with the help of B6.
PANTOTHENIC ACID (vitamin B5) Helps convert food into energy. Helps make lipids (fats), neurotransmitters, steroid hormones, and hemoglobin M: 5 mg, W: 5 mg Not known Wide variety of nutritious foods, including chicken, egg yolk, whole grains, broccoli, mushrooms, avocados, tomato products Deficiency causes burning feet and other neurologic symptoms.
PYRIDOXINE (vitamin B6, pyridoxal, pyridoxine, pyridoxamine) Aids in lowering homocysteine levels and may reduce the risk of heart diseaseHelps convert tryptophan to niacin and serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays key roles in sleep, appetite, and moods. Helps make red blood cells Influences cognitive abilities and immune function 31–50 years old: M: 1.3 mg, W: 1.3 mg; 51+ years old: M: 1.7 mg, W: 1.5 mg 100 mg Meat, fish, poultry, legumes, tofu and other soy products, potatoes, noncitrus fruits such as bananas and watermelons Many people don’t get enough of this nutrient.
COBALAMIN (vitamin B12) Aids in lowering homocysteine levels and may lower the risk of heart disease. Assists in making new cells and breaking down some fatty acids and amino acids. Protects nerve cells and encourages their normal growth Helps make red blood cells and DNA M: 2.4 mcg, W: 2.4 mcg Not known Meat, poultry, fish, milk, cheese, eggs, fortified cereals, fortified soymilk Some people, particularly older adults, are deficient in vitamin B12 because they have trouble absorbing this vitamin from food. Those on a vegan or vegetarian diet often don’t get enough B12as it’s mostly found in animal products. They may need to take supplements. A lack of vitamin B12 can cause memory loss, dementia, and numbness in the arms and legs.
BIOTIN Helps convert food into energy and synthesize glucose. Helps make and break down some fatty acids. Needed for healthy bones and hair M: 30 mcg, W: 30 mcg Not known Many foods, including whole grains, organ meats, egg yolks, soybeans, and fish Some is made by bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. However, it’s not clear how much of this the body absorbs.
ASCORBIC ACID (vitamin C) Foods rich in vitamin C may lower the risk for some cancers, including those of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and breast. Long-term use of supplemental vitamin C may protect against cataracts. Helps make collagen, a connective tissue that knits together wounds and supports blood vessel walls. Helps make the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine Acts as an antioxidant, neutralizing unstable molecules that can damage cells. Bolsters the immune system M: 90 mg, W: 75 mg Smokers: Add 35 mg 2,000 mg Fruits and fruit juices (especially citrus), potatoes, broccoli, bell peppers, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts Evidence that vitamin C helps reduce colds has not been convincing.
CHOLINE Helps make and release the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which aids in many nerve and brain activities. Plays a role in metabolizing and transporting fats M: 550 mg, W: 425 mg 3,500 mg Many foods, especially milk, eggs, liver, salmon, and peanuts No rmally the body makes small amounts of choline. But experts don’t know whether this amount is enough at certain ages.
CALCIFEROL (vitamin D) Helps maintain normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus, which strengthen bones. Helps form teeth and bones. Supplements can reduce the number of non-spinal fractures 31–70: 15 mcg (600 IU) 71+: 20 mcg (800 IU) 50 mcg (2,000 IU) Fortified milk or margarine, fortified cereals, fatty fish Many people don’t get enough of this nutrient. While the body uses sunlight to make vitamin D, it cannot make enough if you live in northern climates or don’t spend much time in the sun.
ALPHA-TOCOPHEROL (vitamin E) Acts as an antioxidant, neutralizing unstable molecules that can damage cells. Protects vitamin A and certain lipids from damage. Diets rich in vitamin E may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. M: 15 mg, W: 15 mg (15 mg equals about 22 IU from natural sources of vitamin E and 33 IU from synthetic vitamin E) 1,000 mg (nearly 1,500 IU natural vitamin E; 2,200 IU synthetic) Wide variety of foods, including vegetable oils, salad dressings and margarines made with vegetable oils, wheat germ, leafy green vegetables, whole grains, nuts Vitamin E does not prevent wrinkles or slow other aging processes.
FOLIC ACID(vitamin B9, folate, folacin) Vital for new cell creationHelps prevent brain and spine birth defects when taken early in pregnancy; should be taken regularly by all women of child-bearing age since women may not know they are pregnant in the first weeks of pregnancy. Can lower levels of homocysteine and may reduce heart disease risk May reduce risk for colon cancer. Offsets breast cancer risk among women who consume alcohol M: 400 mcg, W: 400 mcg 1,000 mcg Fortified grains and cereals, asparagus, okra, spinach, turnip greens, broccoli, legumes like black-eyed peas and chickpeas, orange juice, tomato juice Many people don’t get enough of this nutrient.Occasionally, folic acid masks a B12 deficiency, which can lead to severe neurological complications. That’s not a reason to avoid folic acid; just be sure to get enough B12.
PHYLLOQUINONE, MENADIONE (vitamin K) Activates proteins and calcium essential to blood clotting. May help prevent hip fractures M: 120 mcg, W: 90 mcg Not known Cabbage, liver, eggs, milk, spinach, broccoli, sprouts, kale, collards, and other green vegetables Intestinal bacteria make a form of vitamin K that accounts for half your requirements. If you take an anticoagulant, keep your vitamin K intake consistent.
CALCIUM Builds and protects bones and teeth. Helps with muscle contractions and relaxation, blood clotting, and nerve impulse transmission. Plays a role in hormone secretion and enzyme activation. Helps maintain healthy blood pressure 31–50: M: 1,000 mg, W: 1,000 mg 51-70: M: 1,000 mg, W: 1,200 mg, 71+: M: 1,200 mg, W: 1,200 mg 2,500 mg Yogurt, cheese, milk, tofu, sardines, salmon, fortified juices, leafy green vegetables, such as broccoli and kale (but not spinach or Swiss chard, which have binders that lessen absorption) Adults absorb roughly 30% of calcium ingested, but this can vary depending on the source. Diets very high in calcium may increase the risk of prostate cancer.
CHLORIDE Balances fluids in the body. A component of stomach acid, essential to digestion 14-50: M/W: 2.3 g, 51-70 M/W: 2.0 g, 71+: M/W: 1.8 g Not known Salt (sodium chloride), soy sauce, processed foods New recommendations (DRIs) for chloride are under development by the Institute of Medicine.
CHROMIUM Enhances the activity of insulin, helps maintain normal blood glucose levels, and is needed to free energy from glucose 14–50: M: 35 mcg, 14-18: W: 24 mcg 19-50: W: 25 mcg 51+: M: 30 mcg, W: 20 mcg Not known Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, potatoes, some cereals, nuts, cheese Unrefined foods such as brewer’s yeast, nuts, and cheeses are the best sources of chromium, but brewer’s yeast can sometimes cause bloating and nausea, so you may choose to get chromium from other food sources.
COPPER Plays an important role in iron metabolism and immune system. Helps make red blood cells M: 900 mcg, W: 900 mcg 10,000 mcg Liver, shellfish, nuts, seeds, whole-grain products, beans, prunes, cocoa, black pepper More than half of the copper in foods is absorbed.
FLUORIDE Encourages strong bone formation. Keeps dental cavities from starting or worsening M: 4 mg, W: 3 mg 10 mg Water that is fluoridated, toothpaste with fluoride, marine fish, teas Harmful to children in excessive amounts.
IODINE Part of thyroid hormone, which helps set body temperature and influences nerve and muscle function, reproduction, and growth. Prevents goiter and a congenital thyroid disorder M: 150 mcg, W: 150 mcg 1,100 mcg Iodized salt, processed foods, seafood To prevent iodine deficiencies, some countries add iodine to salt, bread, or drinking water.
IRON Helps hemoglobin in red blood cells and myoglobin in muscle cells ferry oxygen throughout the body. Needed for chemical reactions in the body and for making amino acids, collagen, neurotransmitters, and hormones 19–50: M: 8 mg, W: 18 mg 51+: M: 8 mg, W: 8 mg 45 mg Red meat, poultry, eggs, fruits, green vegetables, fortified bread and grain products Many women of childbearing age don’t get enough iron. Women who do not menstruate probably need the same amount of iron as men. Because iron is harder to absorb from plants, experts suggest vegetarians get twice the recommended amount (assuming the source is food).
MAGNESIUM Needed for many chemical reactions in the body Works with calcium in muscle contraction, blood clotting, and regulation of blood pressure. Helps build bones and teeth 18+: M: 420 mg, W: 320 mg 350 mg (Note: This upper limit applies to supplements and medicines, such as laxatives, not to dietary magnesium.) Green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli, legumes, cashews, sunflower seeds and other seeds, halibut, whole-wheat bread, milk The majority of magnesium in the body is found in bones. If your blood levels are low, your body may tap into these reserves to correct the problem.
MANGANESE Helps form bones. Helps metabolize amino acids, cholesterol, and carbohydrates M: 2.3 mg, W: 1.8 mg 11 mg Fish, nuts, legumes, whole grains, tea If you take supplements or have manganese in your drinking water, be careful not to exceed the upper limit. Those with liver damage or whose diets supply abundant manganese should be especially vigilant.
MOLYBDENUM Part of several enzymes, one of which helps ward off a form of severe neurological damage in infants that can lead to early death M: 45 mcg, W: 45 mcg 2,000 mcg Legumes, nuts, grain products, milk Molybdenum deficiencies are rare.
PHOSPHORUS Helps build and protect bones and teeth. Part of DNA and RNA. Helps convert food into energy. Part of phospholipids, which carry lipids in blood and help shuttle nutrients into and out of cells M: 700 mg, W: 700 mg 31–70: 4,000 mg 71+: 3,000 mg Wide variety of foods, including milk and dairy products, meat, fish, poultry, eggs, liver, green peas, broccoli, potatoes, almonds Certain drugs bind with phosphorus, making it unavailable and causing bone loss, weakness, and pain.
POTASSIUM Balances fluids in the body. Helps maintain steady heartbeat and send nerve impulses. Needed for muscle contractions. A diet rich in potassium seems to lower blood pressure. Getting enough potassium from your diet may benefit bones M: 4.7 g, W: 4.7 g Not known Meat, milk, fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes Food sources do not cause toxicity, but high-dose supplements might.
SELENIUM Acts as an antioxidant, neutralizing unstable molecules that can damage cells. Helps regulate thyroid hormone activity M: 55 mcg, W: 55 mcg 400 mcg Organ meats, seafood, walnuts, sometimes plants (depends on soil content), grain products Researchers are investigating whether selenium may help reduce the risk of developing cancer, but with mixed results.
SODIUM Balances fluids in the body. Helps send nerve impulses. Needed for muscle contractions. Impacts blood pressure; even modest reductions in salt consumption can lower blood pressure M: 2,300 mg, W: 2,300 mg Not determined Salt, soy sauce, processed foods, vegetables While experts recommend that people limit sodium intake to 2,300 mg, most Americans consume 4,000–6,000 mg a day.
SULFUR Helps form bridges that shape and stabilize some protein structures. Needed for healthy hair, skin, and nails Unknown Unknown Protein-rich foods, such as meats, fish, poultry, nuts, legumes Sulfur is a component of thiamin and certain amino acids. There is no recommended amount for sulfur. Deficiencies occur only with a severe lack of protein.
ZINC Helps form many enzymes and proteins and create new cells. Frees vitamin A from storage in the liver. Needed for immune system, taste, smell, and wound healing. When taken with certain antioxidants, zinc may delay the progression of age-related macular degeneration M: 11 mg, W: 8 mg 40 mg Red meat, poultry, oysters and some other seafood, fortified cereals, beans, nuts Because vegetarians absorb less zinc, experts suggest that they get twice the recommended requirement of zinc from plant foods.


vital vitamins

Click here for Pros and cons of Vitamin supplements -

A large number of people across the globe take some type of supplement each day, with multivitamin supplements being one of the more popular choices. While there can be some benefits to taking vitamin supplements, certain supplements, or combinations of supplements, can be risky for some individuals. Getting too much of some vitamins may also cause toxicity symptoms.

If you pride yourself on consuming a healthy, balanced diet, you may be considering or already taking a multi-vitamin. Or perhaps you are worried you aren’t getting enough nutrients in your diet?

A multi-vitamin is a tablet or liquid containing a variety of vitamins and is intended to supply dietary supplements for those looking for better health. Multi-vitamins can come in a range of forms, ranging from tablets and capsules to powders and liquids.

Many multi-vitamins are formulated or labeled to differentiate consumer sectors, such as prenatal, children, over 50, men’s, women’s, or diabetic, but for some nutritional experts multi-vitamins are nothing more than a multibillion-dollar industry that offers little in the way of health benefits.

Pros –

  • Provide both vitamins and minerals that may be lacking in a person’s diet.
  • They improve many bodily functions and can assist with mental health.
  • Decrease your risk of vitamin deficiency.
  • It can help you digest food.
  • Allows fussy eaters, such as children, a regular intake of essential vitamins.
  • Boosts energy and concentration
  • Many are benefited because they take them in addition to a healthy diet and use them correctly.


  • Risk of becoming reliant on multi-vitamins.
  • Risk of vitamin toxicity.
  • It can in some cases cause more harm than good.
  • Too many vitamins get overdosed
  • Some don’t work well
  • They may or may not be safe
  • It’s best to avoid taking vitamin A supplements while you’re pregnant, as this may damage the development of your baby
  • More than 10mg per day of vitamin B6 can lead to loss of feeling in the arms and legs
  • Doses of over 1,000mg a day of vitamin C can lead to abdominal pain and diarrhea
  • Taking excess doses of vitamin A can lead to liver failure and potential death.
  • The excess calories can cause athletes to actually gain fat rather than muscles.
  •  vitamin supplements may interfere with prescribed medicines for certain medical conditions and disorders.
  • Vitamin supplements usually need to be taken daily, maintaining a vitamin supplement ‘diet’ can become expensive.

One of the biggest problems with multi-vitamins is that people presume they are a good supplement for a healthy, balanced diet. They’re not. A good diet is always the best way to achieve overall good health.

Multi-vitamins are designed for those who struggle to eat healthily, a prime example being children who are fussy about eating fruit and vegetables. Children do a lot of running around and that burns up energy and vitamins fast, so without a good diet to support an active lifestyle, a multi-vitamin could be of some benefit.

Women, on the other hand, need lots of iron to make up for the loss of minerals during monthly menstruation. With a recommended daily intake of 18 milligrams, a multi-vitamin containing iron could be beneficial.

Who should avoid supplemental vitamins –

People who take certain medications may need to limit the amount of some vitamins they take due to potential interactions.  Taking certain antioxidant vitamins, including beta carotene, can increase health risks for smokers, and pregnant women shouldn’t take excessive amounts of vitamin A because this can raise their risk of birth defects.


Symptoms and signs of vitamin and minerals deficiency  and toxicity

Nutrient Signs and Symptoms of Deficiency Signs and Symptoms of Toxicity
Vitamin A(Retinol) Night blindness, xerosis, Bitot’s spot, keratomalacia, perifollicular hyperkeratosis, anorexia, bone changes Anorexia, headache, blurred vision, dry skin, pruritus, painful extremities, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly
Vitamin D Rickets/osteomalacia, bone pain, muscle weakness, fatigue, frequent infections, geriatric cognitive defects, pediatric asthma Hypercalcemia and tetany, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, constipation, polydipsia, polyuria, renal stones, hypertension
Vitamin E Loss of reflexes, gait disturbance (posterior tract-spinocerebellar symptoms), paresis of gaze, eczema, psoriasis, poor wound healing, broken capillaries Fatigue, headache, delayed wound healing, increased bleeding, muscle weakness
Vitamin K Bruising, bleeding gums, poor wound clotting Hemolytic anemia, liver damage
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Beriberi, edema, peripheral neuropathies/hot feet, lactic acidosis with carbohydrate Arrhythmias, anaphylactic shock with large intravenous doses
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Reddened, greasy scaly, pruritic skin in the oculo-orogenital areas; dyssebacia (sharkskin), stomatitis, angular cheilosis, magenta tongue, photosensitivity, corneal vascularization No cases reported
Niacin Pellagra: photosensitive dermatitis; diarrhea; mucosal inflammation; dementia; beefy, red tongue Release of histamine: severe flushing, pruritus, gastrointestinal disturbances, elevated serum uric acid and glucose, hepatic toxicity
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) Burning feet syndrome, fatigue, enteritis, alopecia, dermatitis Diarrhea, water retention
Vitamin B6 Seborrheic dermatitis, glossitis, cheilosis, angular stomatitis, peripheral neuropathy, irritability, convulsions Peripheral sensory neuropathy, ataxia, perioral numbness
Folate Megaloblastic anemia, glossitis, hair loss, cognitive defects, pallor, persistent fatigue, tender tongue, absence of neurological symptoms Masks vitamin B12deficiency
Vitamin B12(Cobalamin) Megaloblastic anemia, glossitis & oral mucosal lesions, tachycardia, anorexia, sensory neuropathy/paresthesias, muscle weakness, memory loss, depression, constipation, fatigue No clear toxicity reported
Biotin Scaly dermatitis, alopecia None reported
Vitamin C Scurvy, bleeding gums, anemia, fatigue, aching bones, joints, and muscles, perifollicular hemorrhages, poor wound healing Nausea, abdominal cramps, diarrhea
Calcium Tetany, depression, anxiety, irritability, bone pain, osteoporosis, rickets/ chondromalacia Constipation, hypercalciuria, hypercalcemia
Phosphorus Bone loss (rickets), weakness, anorexia, pain Tetany (infants), arrhythmias
Potassium Weakness, anorexia, nausea, irrational behavior, arrhythmias Hyperkalemiacardiac toxicity
Sodium Hypovolemia, muscle weakness Edema, hypertension
Chloride Infants: hypochloremic metabolic acidosis Hypertension
Magnesium Nausea, weakness, cognitive impairment, arrhythmias, constipation, muscle cramps Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hypotension
Iron Fatigue, anemia, glossitis Acute: vomiting, cyanosis, diarrhea, shock Chronic: hepatomegaly, slate-gray skin, cardiomyopathy, arthropathy
Zinc Anorexia, growth retardation, hypogonadism, hypogeusia, poor wound healing Chronic: hypocupremia (copper deficiency), microcytosis, impaired immune response, low HDL levels
Iodine Endemic goiter, cretinism Iodide goiter, myxedema (severe hypothyroidism)
Selenium Muscle pain, cardiomyopathy, growth retardation, osteoarthritis(cartilage defects) Alopecia, fingernail changes, garlic odor, nausea, diarrhea, peripheral neuropathy
Copper Hypochromic anemia, neutropenia, osteoporosis, growth retardation Hyperactivity, depression, headaches, capillary fragility
Manganese Weight loss, dementia, nausea/vomiting, changes in hair color, carb intolerance Neurologic, cognitive, and behavioral changes
Fluoride Not an essential nutrient Mottled, pitted teeth; impaired bone health; kidney, nerve, and muscle dysfunction
Chromium Weight loss, peripheral neuropathy, glucose intolerance Renal impairment
Molybdenum Irritability, coma Gout-like syndrome
N-Acetyl Cysteine, Glutathione Cataracts, macular degeneration, elevated gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase None reported



Click here for Myths about Vitamins

Vitamins have been around for nearly a hundred years. That’s enough time for scientists to learn a lot about how they work. It’s also plenty of time for rumors to spread.

  • Myth #1 – Vitamins make you hungry: No study supports this. Vitamins can give you more energy, you may become more active, burn more calories, and then feel hungry. Studies actually have shown that vitamins, especially multivitamins containing chromium, appear to reduce hunger.
  • Myth #2 – If I take vitamins, I don’t have to worry about diet or exercising: They’re called nutritional supplements for a reason – they supplement a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise. Aging, stress, and other issues can make it difficult for your body to absorb nutrients from your diet. That’s why many doctors recommend a good multi.
  • Myth #3 – It’s best to take vitamins on an empty stomach: Take all supplements as directed and that’s typically with food. Ingesting them with a meal helps absorption and gets you in the habit of taking them regularly.
  • Myth #4- Regular activity gives me enough sunshine for sufficient Vitamin D: Most of us spend our days indoors working or watching TV. If we do go out, we slather on sunscreen. Whether you live in a sunny city, you may not be getting enough sunshine exposure to create Vitamin D. Yet Vitamin D is important for bone, breast, colon health, and more.
  • Myth #5 – Organic vitamins are better than synthetic: Your body cannot tell the difference. Certain organic vitamins may have naturally occurring fiber or other nutrients that synthetic does not. Usually either will suffice.
  • Myth #6 – All nutritional supplements are safe: Google the word vitamins and see how many results appear. Some are legit, some are not. How can you tell the difference? If a company makes outrageous claims to cure a disease or lose weight while you sleep, be suspicious. Look for reputable companies that sell high-quality products, are guaranteed, have a long history in the industry, and comply with FDA guidelines.
  • Myth #7 – Taking vitamins affect your weight: Vitamins have no calories. There are no studies linking vitamins with weight gain.
  • Myth #8 – Supplements don’t expire: Whether in capsule or tablet form, over time, even supplements kept in dark bottles will break down. Although they might not be harmful to take, they will lose some of their potency. Follow the “best used by” date.
  • Myth #9 – The bathroom medicine cabinet is the best place to store vitamins: Supplements are best stored in a dry, cool place, so a medicine cabinet exposed to heat and moisture is probably not a good idea. Instead keep supplements in a kitchen cabinet away from the stove or sink.
  • Myth #10 –  You can’t overdose on vitamins: It is possible to consume too many supplements. Extra amounts of water-soluble vitamins like B or C are excreted daily, fat-soluble vitamins including A and E get stored in fat tissues, so you’ll want to monitor your intake. Follow the recommended daily allowances and you should be in good shape.
  • Myth #11 – Probably you need multivitamin: A large number of people take a multivitamin — but they might be just wasting their money. Scientists say there’s no strong evidence to back up the belief that taking multivitamins makes you healthier.
  • Myth #12 – Vitamins, minerals, and supplements are “magic bullets” for good health: Vitamins, minerals, and supplements may provide important benefits for certain people, but, taken alone, don’t guarantee good health. Many doctors and scientists generally agree that a wellness plan should include exercise, a well-balanced diet, vitamins and supplements, restful sleep, meaningful work, school and/or volunteering, relaxation, and enjoyable time spent with families and friends.
  • Myth #13 – All Multivitamins are the same: There are no legal definitions of ‘Multivitamins’. Read labels to find a “multi” that doesn’t exceed 100 percent of the Daily Value (DV) for any nutrients.
  • Multi #14 – What’s listed on the label is what’s really in the product: Supplement manufacturers must list each ingredient (and its quantity) in a product, but they don’t have to prove the accuracy of these lists. To buy products with a certified seal-such as the USP seal or certification from a medical laboratory or an established brand.
  • Myth #15 – Taking a multi-vitamin can make up for a poor diet and prevent disease: The fact is scientists are still undecided about whether multivitamins are effective. Some studies suggest multis protect against premature death. Others show they offer no benefit. Either way, food first is always the best prescription for needed nutrients. Nature packages vitamins and minerals in perfect combinations and benefits our bodies with yet-to-be-discovered nutrients, too. Dietary supplements are intended to supplement the diet, not replace it.
  • Myth #16 – All supplements are safe because they are natural: Anything that has the potential to be healing also has the potential to be harmful. Even though nutrients come from nature, when manufacturers process them into pill-form, they become unnatural. What’s more, natural doesn’t necessarily mean safe or effective.
  • Myth #17 – Supplements are never necessary: Dietary supplements may be beneficial for certain populations and to help manage various conditions. Examples include:
    • Someone on a calorie-restricted diet who may benefit from a multivitamin and mineral
    • Someone who is allergic to milk who may benefit from calcium and vitamin D
    • A vegan who may benefit from taking vitamin B12
    • Pregnant moms who benefit from taking folic acid

    The jury is out on many supplements, but most experts believe products are only helpful if you’re deficient in a given nutrient. Women who lose a lot of iron due to heavy menstrual bleeding, for example, might need an additional iron supplement while those who are going through menopause may need extra calcium and vitamin D.

  • Myth #18 – Supplements don’t interact with medications:  Certain supplements, including vitamin K (which helps blood clot), zinc (which some people believe boosts immunity) and omega-3s (which thin the blood), may interact with prescription and over-the-counter medications. Whether you’re taking a daily aspirin to protect against heart disease or you’re on an antibiotic for a bacterial infection, the supplements you’re taking could interfere or enhance the effects of your medications. You should always share with your physician a list of any supplements you are currently taking to help avoid these negative interactions.
  • Myth #19 – Supplements always play well together: Some supplements help each other out, just like teammates. Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron, for example. Others actually work against each other. For example, calcium blocks the absorption of iron, and zinc blocks copper absorption. So taking high doses of one nutrient can actually cause a deficiency in another. Let your doctor know about every supplement you’re taking, even if you think it’s harmless. Many vitamins and minerals, as well as herbal supplements, have side effects ranging from a rash to stomach upset. They can also interact with medications and other vitamins.
  • Myth #20 – If small doses of vitamins are good, big doses must be even better: It is important to get the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of all the vitamins, but taking large doses (also known as mega-doses) can be harmful, especially for the fat-soluble vitamins that are stored in the body, but also for some of the water-soluble vitamins too.
  • Myth #21 – You can’t get enough vitamins from the foods you eat: If you eat a variety of healthy foods you will get vitamins from your diet. In fact, nutritionists prefer that people get their vitamins from foods because foods that contain vitamins also have other substances that scientists have found help keep people healthy
  • Myth #22 – Vitamins help me lose weight: There is no evidence that vitamins affect weight loss or gain. Herbal weight loss supplements have risen in popularity over the years, but there is little proof that they’re effective. Vitamin pills contain no calories themselves, unless you’re taking a chewable which contains sugar, but this should have little if any, the effect on your weight.
  • Myth #23 –  It doesn’t matter what time of day I take my vitamins: Your body performs different functions at different times of the day, and vitamins have certain requirements for proper utilization. Most vitamins are best taken with meals. Fat-soluble vitamins need fat in order to be absorbed. Calcium should be taken before bedtime because the body utilizes the mineral at night. Vitamin C lasts only a few hours in the bloodstream and should be taken every few hours. To get the most out of your vitamins, do some research to learn more about them. If you take multiple supplements, try organizing them in a compartmentalized pillbox.
  • Myth #24 – You must eliminate all fat from your diet: The most nutritionally sound approach to dietary fat is low saturated fat, not no fat. Some nutrients are found in significant quantities only in higher fat foods.


The Bottom line –

More isn’t always better when it comes to vitamins – and it’s best to get them naturally from dietary sources, as long as you eat a balanced diet and have no health problems that affect your ability to absorb them. So, don’t automatically reach for a pill to improve your health – choose more nutrient-rich foods instead.



Every Day is Yoga Day

Every day is Yoga Day

21st June is celebrated as Yoga day worldwide. A large number of people gather at various places like Schools, Colleges, Playgrounds, Seaside etc., and do yoga for possibly 30 minutes and most of them do yoga after a year on the same day so assume every day is yoga day and practice daily.

If this trend continues then no one will get the benefit of these asanas which has the potential to keep you healthy throughout your life. Benefits of Yoga are immense most of them are mentioned later in this post. Many do new year resolutions of doing yoga daily and within a month’s time forget about the same.

Yoga is an ancient physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in India. The word ‘yoga’ derives from Sanskrit and means to join or to unite, symbolizing the union of body and consciousness.

Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world, and nature. By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help in well being.

The origins of yoga are shrouded in mystery and mythology while some historians find many clues in the practices of Himalayan Shamans as still be seen in Tibet and Nepal. Lord Shiva is considered the father of ancient yoga while some historian claims that Patanjali is the father of modern yoga.

Click here for Brief about YOGA:

Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science that focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. It is an art and science for healthy living. The word “Yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit root Yuj meaning “to join”, “to yoke” or “to unite”.

According to Yogic scriptures, the practice of Yoga leads to the union of individual consciousness with universal consciousness. According to modern scientists, everything in the universe is just a manifestation of the same quantum firmament. One who experiences this oneness of existence is said to be “in Yoga” and is termed as a yogi who has attained a state of freedom, referred to as Mukti, nirvāna, kaivalya or moksha.

“Yoga” also refers to an inner science comprising of a variety of methods through which human beings can achieve union between the body and mind to attain self-realization. The aim of Yoga practice (sādhana) is to overcome all kinds of suffering that lead to a sense of freedom in every walk of life with holistic health, happiness, and harmony.

Brief History :

The science of Yoga has its origin thousands of years ago, long before the first religion or belief systems were born. According to Yogic lore, Shiva has seen as the first yogi or ādiyogi and the first guru or ādiguru. Several thousand years ago, on the banks of lake Kantisarovar in the Himalayas, ādiyogi poured his profound knowledge into the legendary saptarishis or “seven sages”. These sages carried this powerful Yogic science to different parts of the world including Asia, the Middle East, northern Africa, and South America. Interestingly, modern scholars have noted and marveled at the close parallels found between ancient cultures across the globe. However, it was in India that the Yogic system found its fullest expression. Agastya, the saptarishi who traveled across the Indian subcontinent, crafted this culture around a core Yogic way of life.

Yoga is widely considered as an “immortal cultural outcome” of the Indus Saraswati Valley Civilisation – dating back to 2700 BC – and has proven itself to cater to both material and spiritual uplift of humanity. A number of seals and fossil remains of Indus Saraswati Valley Civilisation with Yogic motifs and figures performing Yoga sādhana suggest the presence of Yoga in ancient India. The seals and idols of mother Goddess are suggestive of Tantra Yoga. The presence of Yoga is also available in folk traditions, Vedic and Upanishadic heritage, Buddhist and Jain traditions, Darshanas, epics of Mahabharata including Bhagavadgita and Ramayana, theistic traditions of Shaivas, Vaishnavas and Tantric traditions. Though Yoga was being practiced in the pre-Vedic period, the great sage Maharishi Patanjali systematized and codified the then existing Yogic practices, its meaning, and its related knowledge through Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.

After Patanjali, many sages and Yoga masters contributed greatly to the preservation and development of the field through well-documented practices and literature. Yoga has spread all over the world by the teachings of eminent Yoga masters from ancient times to the present date. Today, everybody has a conviction about Yoga practices towards the prevention of disease, maintenance, and promotion of health. Millions and millions of people across the globe have benefited by the practice of Yoga and the practice of Yoga is blossoming and growing more vibrant with each passing day.

Fundamentals of yoga :

Yoga works on the level of one’s body, mind, emotion, and energy. This has given rise to four broad classifications of Yoga: Karma Yoga where we utilize the body; Jnāna Yoga where we utilize the mind; Bhakti Yoga where we utilize the emotion and Kriya Yoga where we utilize the energy. Each system of Yoga we practice falls within the gamut of one or more of these categories.

Every individual is a unique combination of these four factors. Only a guru (teacher) can advocate the appropriate combination of the four fundamental paths as is necessary for each seeker. All ancient commentaries on Yoga have stressed that it is essential to work under the direction of a guru.

Traditional schools :

The different philosophies, traditions, lineages, and guru-shishya paramparas of Yoga led to the emergence of different traditional schools. These include Jnāna Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Pātanjala Yoga, Kunḍ ạ lini Yoga, Haṭha Yoga, Dhyāna Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Laya Yoga, Rāja Yoga, Jain Yoga, Bouddha Yoga, etc. Each school has its own approach and practices that lead to the ultimate aim and objectives of Yoga.

Yogic practices for health and wellness :

The widely practiced Yoga sadhanas are Yama, Niyama, Āsana, Prānāyāma, Pratyāhara, Dhārana, Dhyāna, Samādhi, Bandhas and Mudras, Shatkarmas, Yuktāhāra, Mantra-Japa, Yukta-karma, etc. Yamas are restraints and Niyamas are observances. These are considered to be pre-requisites for further Yogic practices. Āsanas, capable of bringing about the stability of body and mind, “kuryat-tadasana- sthairyam”, involve adopting various psycho-physical body patterns and giving one an ability to maintain a body position (a stable awareness of one’s structural existence) for a considerable length of time.

Prānāyāma consists of developing awareness of one’s breathing followed by willful regulation of respiration as the functional or vital basis of one’s existence. It helps in developing awareness of one’s mind and helps to establish control over the mind. In the initial stages, this is done by developing awareness of the “flow of in-breath and out-breath” (svāsa-prasvāsa) through nostrils, mouth, and other body openings, its internal and external pathways and destinations. Later, this phenomenon is modified, through regulated, controlled and monitored inhalation (svāsa) leading to the awareness of the body space getting filled (puraka), space(s) remaining in a filled state (kumbhaka) and it getting emptied (rechaka) during regulated, controlled and monitored exhalation(prasvāsa).

Pratyāhara indicates dissociation of one’s consciousness (withdrawal) from the sense organs which connect with the external objects. Dhārana indicates a broad-based field of attention (inside the body and mind) which is usually understood as concentration.

Dhyāna (meditation) is contemplation (focussed attention inside the body and mind) and Samādhi (integration).

Bandhas and Mudras are practices associated with Prānāyāma. They are viewed as the higher yogic practices that mainly adopt certain physical gestures along with control over respiration. This further facilitates control over the mind and paves the way for higher Yogic attainment. However, the practice of dhyāna, which moves one towards self-realization and leads one to transcendence, is considered the essence of Yoga Sādhana.

Śaṭkarmas are detoxification procedures that are clinical in nature and help to remove the toxins accumulated in the body. Yuktāhāra advocates appropriate food and food habits for healthy living.


every day is yoga day

Click here for UN Declaration of Yoga Day:

On 11 December 2014, India’s Permanent Representative Asoke Mukherji introduced the draft resolution in UNGA. The draft text received broad support from 177 Member States who sponsored the text, which was adopted without a vote. This initiative found support from many global leaders. A total of 177 nations co-sponsored the resolution, which is the highest number of co-sponsors ever for any UNGA Resolution of such nature and was passed with an overwhelming majority.  “Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition.” The UN declaration of Yoga Day would make people more aware of his surroundings and help him to lead a better and stress-free life.

The idea of International Day of Yoga was first proposed by the current Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi during his UN general assembly speech at the UNGA, on 27 September 2014. The importance of yoga can be summed up in the words of Narendra Modi “Yoga is not just about exercise; it is a way to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and nature.”

India’s soft power ( India is a repository of an astounding wealth of living patterns and modes of heritage. With about 1,400 dialects and 18 officially recognized languages, several religions, various styles of art, architecture, literature, music, and dance, and several lifestyle patterns, the country is the largest democracy with a seamless picture of diversity and unity, perhaps unparalleled anywhere in the world ) and its new global outreach became apparent after the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015 responded positively to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s suggestion that June 21 every year be commemorated worldwide as International Yoga Day.

Following this initial proposal, the UNGA held informal consultations on the draft resolution entitled “International Day of Yoga”, on 14 October 2014. The consultations were convened by the delegation of India. The UN proclaimed 21st June as the International Day of Yoga by resolution 69/131 on 1st December 2014 proposing a dedicated day for highlighting the virtues of practicing yoga.  In 2015 Reserve Bank of India issued a 10 rupees commemorative coin to mark the International Day of Yoga.

When proposing 21 June as the date, Modi said that the date was the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere (shortest in the southern hemisphere), having special significance in many parts of the world. From the perspective of yoga, the summer solstice marks the transition to Dakshinayana. The first full moon after summer solstice is known as Guru Poornima. Shiva, the first yogi (Adi Yogi), is said to have begun imparting the knowledge of yoga to the rest of mankind on this day and became the first guru (Adi Guru). Dakshinayana is also considered a time when there is a natural support for those pursuing spiritual practices.

About the logo :

  • Folding of both hands in the logo Symbolise Yoga, the union, which reflects the union of individual consciousness with that of universal consciousness, a perfect harmony between mind & body, man & nature; a holistic approach to health & well being.
  • The brown leaves symbolize the Earth element, the green leaves symbolize the Nature, blue symbolizes the Water element, brightness symbolizes the Fire element and the Sun symbolizes the source of energy and inspiration.
  • The logo reflects harmony and peace for humanity, which is the essence of Yoga.

Following the adoption of the UN resolution, several leaders of the spiritual movement in India voiced their support for the initiative. The founder of the Isha Foundation, Sadhguru, stated, “this could be a kind of a foundation stone to make a scientific approach to the inner well-being of the human being, a worldwide thing… It’s a tremendous step for the world.” The founder of Art of Living, Ravi Shankar, lauded the efforts of Modi, saying, “It is very difficult for any philosophy, religion or culture to survive without state patronage. Yoga has existed so far almost like an orphan. Now, official recognition by the UN would further spread the benefit of yoga to the entire world.”

“Yoga, according to me, is a science and an art that is performed by the body, but it actually satisfies our soul. That is the reason I have taken it up so seriously. I want to be connected with my soul,” shares Shilpa. The actor also says that Yoga plays an important role in maintaining one’s mental health and she wishes more people would take it up as a regular practice. Shilpa Shetty is known for her ageless looks and one can say that Yoga can surely be credited for that.

International Yoga Day aims to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practicing yoga. Yoga was added to UNESCO’s list of Intangible Cultural Heritage in December 2016.


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World Yoga Day Theme

  • The theme of World Yoga Day 2018 was “Yoga for Peace”.
  • The theme of 2017 was “Yoga For Health”.
  • The theme of 2016 was “Connect the Youth”.
  • The theme of 2015 was “Yoga For Harmony And Peace”.

Importance of Yoga day –

Yoga has many health benefits. It is adopted to fulfill the following objectives:

1. To make people aware of the natural benefits of Yoga.

2. It allows people to connect with nature.

3. To draw the attention of people towards the benefits of Yoga.

4. To reduce the rate of health challenging diseases all over the world.

5. To bring communities much closer together to spend a day devoted to good health way from their busy schedules.

6. To make people get used to meditation through yoga.

7. To draw the attention of people worldwide towards the holistic benefits of yoga.

8. To reduce the rate of health challenging diseases all over the world.

9.  To link between protection of health and sustainable health development.

10. To get a win over all the health challenges through regular yoga practice.

11. To promote the better mental and physical health of people through yoga practice.

12.  To help people in their bad situations themselves by getting relief from stress through yoga.

13. To strengthen global coordination among people through yoga.

14. To make people aware of physical and mental diseases and its solutions through practicing yoga.

15.  To let people know their rights of good health and healthy lifestyle to completely enjoy the highest standard of physical and mental health.


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Click here for Yogis of India:

Maharishi Patanjali

Maharishi Patanjali is the ‘father of Yoga’ who compiled 195 Yoga Sutras that became the foundation of Yoga philosophy. The commentary on these sutras is called Bhasya. The core essence of Patanjali is the eightfold path of Yoga (Ashtanga Yoga) that focusses on healthy living through Yoga.

Swami Vivekananda

Born in Calcutta in 1863, Swami Vivekananda showed a desire to unravel the spiritual and realize God even when he was a child. This is why he chose Ramakrishna as his Guru because he was sure that Ramakrishna would be able to demonstrate for him the reality of God. Ramakrishna introduced him to Advaita Vedanta and also told him that all religions are true. However, the best form of worship is service to man. The credit of introducing Vedanta and yoga to Europe and America goes to Swami Vivekananda. He raised Hinduism to the pedestal of a world religion by introducing it at the Parliament of World’s Religions at Chicago in 1893 where he also gave an inspiring speech and called the people of America his brothers and sisters. Vivekananda also raised interfaith awareness. He founded the Ramkrishna Mission and Math.

Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo was one of the brilliant prolific spiritual personalities of India. Sri Aurobindo Ghose was a great yogi, philosopher, and poet. Sri Aurobindo penned down a total of 68 books on different domains of spirituality. His best publication is ‘The Life Divine’, which focuses upon theoretical aspects of Yoga, another one is ‘Synthesis of Yoga’ that throws light on practical facets of Yoga. Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry is a great seat of spiritual practice, which is known as Integral Yoga. Auroville or Aurobindo Ashram spread the spirit of universal brotherhood. He was born in Kolkata on 15th August 1872 and sent to London for study at the age of seven.

Swami Sivananda Saraswati

Born in 1887 at Pattamadai, Tamil Nadu in 1887 Swami Sivananda was a Doctor in Malaysia, but he renounced his medical practice in 1924 when Swami Vishwananda Saraswati initiated him into Dashnami Sannyasa. He practiced intense sadhana, yoga, and learned the scriptures. He became a wandering monk and toured the length and breadth of India. Wherever Sivananda went, he tried to awaken the moral and spiritual consciousness of people. In 1936, he founded the Divine Life Society at Rishikesh with the main aim of spreading spiritual knowledge and serving mankind. Being a doctor he started the Sivananda Ayurvedic Pharmacy in 1945.

Tirumalai Krishnamacharya

Tirumalai Krishnamacharya (November 18, 1888 – February 28, 1989) was an Indian yoga teacher, ayurvedic healer, and scholar. Often referred to as “The Father of Modern Yoga,” Krishnamacharya is widely regarded as one of the most influential yoga teachers of the 20th century and is credited with the revival of hatha yoga. Krishnamacharya held degrees in all the six Vedic darśanas or Indian philosophies. While under the patronage of the Maharaja of Mysore, Krishna Raja Wadiyar IV, Krishnamacharya traveled around India giving lectures and demonstrations to promote yoga, including such feats as stopping his heartbeat. He is widely considered as the architect of vinyasa in the sense of combining breathing with movement.

Paramahansa Yogananda

Paramahansa Yogananda is one of the pioneer Indian Yoga masters who introduced meditation and Kriya Yoga to the western world through his book ‘Autography of a Yogi’. In one of his other books, The Self-Realisation Fellowship Lessons, Paramahansa Yogananda stressed upon the realization of God through Yogic practices.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was born on 12th January 1918 and is one of the great Indian Yoga gurus famous across the globe equally. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was the founder of ‘Transcendental Meditation Techniques’. He trained many teachers in ‘Transcendental Meditation and taught Transcendental Meditation Techniques to more than 5 million people across the globe.

BKS Iyengar

B.K. S. Iyengar is popularly known as Guruji, who genuinely explains the meaning of Yoga sutras. Born in 1918, he is one of the leading Yoga personalities in the world and popularises yoga across the globe. Yogacharya Iyengar’s style of teaching Yoga is unique and termed as ‘Iyengar Yoga’. B. K. S. Iyengar has command over Yogasanas, in fact, has the authority over asanas. Iyengar ji has written many books on Yoga Philosophy such as ‘Light on Yoga’, ‘Light on Pranayama’, ‘Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali’, ‘Patanjali Yoga Sutra Paricay’, etc. He is the recipient of Padma Shri and Padma Bhushan. In a survey of Times Magazine, Iyengar ji is named as one of the 100 most Influential People in the World in 2004.


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Click here for Gentle exercise for workplace wellness and efficiency

According to the statistics, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) & Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSI) have dramatically increased in the past years, since the evolution of the personal computer.

Checklist for Prevention

  1. The most important thing to do is to take your eyes off, your computer screen and gaze into the far distance every half an hour.
  2. Drink a glass of water at a regular interval of time.
  3. Stay aware of your posture while you are sitting on your chair.
  4. During the lunch break involve yourself in physical exercises.
  5. Include full-body stretch in your daily activity.
  6. Check that your workstation is set up correctly.
  7. The computer screen should be at eye level or below the eye level.
  8. Follow some exercise programs that include upper body strength.
  9. The program must also include exercise for flexibility, to stretch out the contracted muscles of the wrist, arm, shoulder, neck, and upper back.
  10. Stretch your body before you go to bed at night.
  11. Observe your sleeping positions.
  12. Make sure that you have the right pillow height for sleeping.
  13. The neck should be supported, but too many pillows will create problems as well.
  14. The neck should be in line with the rest of the spine.

What are the solutions?
Easy Desktop Yoga is a series of exercises based on yoga and designed specifically for working people. Simple and easy modified yoga exercises help you to calm, invigorate, and relax. Desktop Yoga is the perfect solution for those who want a simple, relaxing workout which they can perform while sitting at their desks. It is excellent for reducing stress during a long workday. This program targets the muscles that are mostly affected while sitting for a long period of time. It is divided by body part, so you can choose how long you want to work out.

Recommended Yoga Exercises
Here are some desktop yoga-based exercises which can be done in the office during the course of the day to help prevent CTS and RSI. Hold the positions for a few breaths and let the stretch increase, but do not force it. The most important part of each exercise is to become aware of your body and breathe.

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Full body stretch-Tad Asana (Tree Pose): Exhale and inhaling take both the arms up above the head from the sides and join the palms at the top. Lift the heels and stand on the toes and pull the whole body upward. Continue smooth breathing. Pull the hands upward as much as possible.

Internal Effects: In this asana all the muscles stretch in one direction at one time and then relaxed. This process helps to remove all the strains. The muscles get rest and relaxed.

Hand Exercise: Sit straight. Keep both your hands straight forward. Make a strong fist & open it. Repeat it 10 times with enough strength. Make a strong fist and rotate clockwise 10 times and anti-clockwise 10 times. Pull your both hands with strength while inhaling and push you are both hands forward while exhaling.

Shaking out Tension: Shake out your wrists and arms, letting them dangle from your shoulders. Rotate your shoulders forward and back.

Neck Exercises: Sit straight on your chair with feet firmly on the floor. Keep your hand straight on the seatback. Extend the torso and drop the chin into the chest.

First set: While inhaling turn your head to the left side and hold for 10 seconds. Exhaling turns your head to the right side and holds for 10 seconds. Repeat it twice. Come to the center while inhaling. Tilt your head down to the right and hold for 10 seconds. Tilt your head left and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat it twice and come to the center. While inhaling tilt your head back and hold for 10 seconds. Exhaling tilts your head down and holds for 10 seconds. Repeat it twice and come to the center. While inhaling tilt your head back and rotate your head slowly clockwise and anticlockwise for 5 rounds. Come to the center.

Second set: Place your right palm on your right side of the head and resist. Repeat from the left side as well. Place both your palms on your forehead and resist. Interlock your fingers to place it in your back of the head and resist.

Release the Neck: Shrug the shoulders high up to the ears and then release and drop. Repeat at least 3 times.

Back Exercise (Forward Bending): Sit on a chair, spread the legs apart. Stretch both arms up and then bend forward, placing both palms on the floor. Hold on to the posture for 10-25 seconds and release. Repeat the same movement 5 times.

Opening the Chest: Interlock your fingers behind your back with the palms facing the torso. Roll the shoulders back, but keep the ribs from poking forward. Stretch your elbows and arms on the exhale and hold it for a few breaths. On the exhale, bend your elbows and bring your wrists to the right side waist, gently pressing the right elbow towards the left. Release and do the other side.

Opening the mid-back (Hug your body): Hug your body, placing the right hand on your left shoulder and left hand on your right shoulder. Breathe into the area between your shoulder blades. Exhaling brings the arms straight down, the palms facing each other. Stretch the fingers up, and on the next exhale, raise the elbows up to shoulder height. Hold for a few breaths and then repeat on the other side.

Back Exercise (Side Stretching): Hold chair with one hand. Stretch the other arm up and bend sideways. Hold on to the posture for 10-25 seconds and release. Come back to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Repeat it thrice.

Pawanmuktasana (Abdominal Massage): Sit straight on a chair, bend your right leg, interlock your fingers, and hold your knee. While exhaling pulls your knee up to the chest. Hold for 20 seconds, release it while inhaling. Repeat it with the left side as well.

Ardhamatsyasana (Twisting the Torso): With the feet planted firmly in the ground and the thigh bones pressing into your chair, inhale to take your right leg up and cross it to the left side. Place your right hand straight on the chair. Hold your knee with the left hand and press on the abdomen while exhaling. Inhale to take it up and exhale to bring it down. Repeat it with the other leg as well. Remember to keep breathing slowly and deeply as you twist.

Leg Exercise: While standing place your one leg on the chair and stretch your toes hamstring muscle by pulling your toes in. While inhaling takes both your legs up and exhaling bend forward keeping your back straight. Try to hold your toes with both hands. Hold for 20 seconds. Inhaling come up. Repeat it with the other side as well.

Relax the Eyes: Turn your head right and left, looking into the far distance with your eye gaze. Close your eyes and take some deep, slow breaths with your belly soft. You can do it without moving your head as well.

Sahaj Pranayama: Sit in a chair with a straight back. Close the eyes and relax, keeping the spine and body straight. Focus all attention on the navel region – the point of fire in the body. Inhale deeply; tilt your chin down to touch collar bone. Hold your breath for a count of 10. Raise your chin up and exhale through the mouth. Repeat the three stages of this cycle in a rhythmic fashion. Practice up to 5 rounds.

Don’ts: People with cervical spondylosis should not press the chin down. They can keep their chin up.

Kapalabhati: Sit in a comfortable position with a straight spine. Take two or three deep inhales and exhales. Inhale deeply to exhale sharply and forcefully through the nostrils, drawing the belly in as you exhale and producing a puffing sound. Let the inhalation happen passively, and continue this cycle of forceful exhalation and passive inhalation at a fast pace so that the belly is pumping continuously. At the same time, receive an auto-suggestion about the increased flow of blood circulation, detoxification, and vitalization of the vital organs viz. kidney, small intestine, large intestine, prostate gland, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, and lungs, etc.
Practice the process for 2.5-15mins. You may take short breaks when you start out on this yogic breathing exercise.

Benefits: Kapalbhati means the exercise which makes the forehead luminous & lustrous. This Pranayama supplies pure life energy to the brain. It increases the blood circulation in the brain and removes blood clots, thereby improving the memory power. Other than this the toxins and foreign substances from the body are evacuated. It cures a cold, sinusitis, allergy, tension, and other diseases. It is very useful in case of phlegm, skin disease, asthma, heart diseases, low blood pressure, depression, tiredness, laziness, sleeplessness, migraine, joint pain, obesity, diabetes, constipation, indigestion, acidity, gastric problem and other diseases pertaining to the kidneys and prostate gland, etc. are also cured. As a result, the whole body becomes healthy and disease-free.


Click here for Following four asanas will help you lose weight:

Many people assume that since yoga is a passive fitness activity it may not give us the desired weight loss results. However, that is not true. Though yoga doesn’t involve vigorous, HIIT-like movements or fast-paced aerobic activities, it can still help your body burn fat fast.

The subject of weight loss with yoga is often looked at with uncertainty because it doesn’t exactly seem so laborious or physically intensive. And yoga works not just on our bodies but also on our minds. It helps promote flexibility in your body, boost concentration, and more importantly release stress.

If you are planning to lose weight, there is nothing more effective than yoga. The evidence of its effectiveness is in yogis who have been lean and healthy for centuries. In fact, the weight loss yoga trends like hot yoga and hath yoga are all based on the traditional form of yoga, Apart from a regular practice of yoga, one must also follow mitahara (measured eating), which is not the same as dieting. To follow mitahara, one must eat as a form of devotion to the temple that is our body.

  1. Atmantan, “Suryanamaskar, or the sun salutation, is the best yoga asana for weight loss. It is usually practiced as a warm-up exercise as it works on every body part.

Suryanamaskar (Sun salutation): Here’s how to get it right.

  1. Start with the prayer pose,
  2. Move to raised arms post,
  3. Hand to foot pose,
  4. Then the equestrian pose,
  5. Then the stick pose,
  6. Slowly move to salute with eight points post,
  7. Then cobra pose,
  8. Follow it up with mountain pose,
  9. Back to the equestrian post,
  10. Hand to foot pose,
  11. Raised arms and back to where you started at the prayer pose.
  12. This is a great way to speed up metabolism, activate digestion, and strengthen abdominal muscle. Apart from these, it also promotes good sleep and keeps anxiety at bay.

Make sure to stay in form when practicing naukasan

Naukasan (Boat Pose): Lie down on your back bring the legs together, hands on the thighs, or next to the thighs on the floor. Once in position, inhale and raise your head, arms in a straight line off the floor at 30-degree angle, toes pointing upward. This asana engages the core, increases the efficiency of abdominal muscles, and helps reduce belly fat.

Try to stay in this position and stretch your hamstrings.

Paschimottanasan (head to toe): Sit with legs stretched out and together, inhale and raise the arms alongside your ears, exhale and pull the navel in, stretch the spine forward from the hips. Attempt to hold the toes with hands, bending the elbow outward or downward. This pose helps elongate the spine and give it a good stretch.

This pose will help burn fat faster.

Dandasana (plank post): This pose has been translated into many fitness routines, but it won’t be wrong to say that it originated in the centuries-old yoga practice. Lie down on the abdomen, bring the elbows under the shoulders, get in the pushup position and place your forearms on the ground. Inhale and lift your body off the floor, with toes and hand support. Squeeze the glutes, tighten your abdominal muscles. Hold the post for 5-7 normal breaths. This pose is an excellent way to engage and strengthen the core, help burn fat and calories from the abdomen.


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Click here for Benefits of Yoga:

The benefits of yoga provide both instant gratification and lasting transformation. In the fitness world, both are extremely important. Too much time with too few results can be incredibly discouraging, and monotonous routines week after week can lead to stagnation. Yoga can change your physical and mental capacity quickly while preparing the mind and body for long-term health.

Yoga is very necessary and beneficial for all human beings if it is practiced by all on a daily basis in the early morning. The benefits of Yoga include:-

  • Increased muscle strength and tone
  • Increased flexibility
  • Improved respiration, energy and vitality
  • Maintaining a balanced metabolism
  • Weight reduction
  • Cardio and circulatory health
  • Improved athletic performance
  • It tones the skin, improves oxygenation to the skin, imparts a beautiful glow, and keeps the skin youthful and free from problems.
  • Prevents cartilage and joint breakdown.
  • Protects your spine.
  • Betters your bone health.
  • Increases your blood flow.
  • Drains your lymph and boosts immunity.
  • Drops your blood pressure.
  • Regulates your adrenal glands.
  • It lowers blood sugar.
  • It helps your focus.
  • It helps to promote blood circulation and oxygenation to the scalp and hair follicles.
  • Many beauty problems are triggered off by stress. Since yoga helps to induce relaxation and reduce stress
  • It certainly helps in dealing with stress-related conditions like acne, hair loss, dandruff, etc.
  • yoga has shown that positive changes also occur in the personality, in attitudes, emotional stability, self-confidence.
  • It helps you concentrate.
  • Relaxes your system.
  • Improves your balance.
  • It helps you sleep deeper.
  • Gives your lungs room to breathe.
  • Increases your self-esteem.
  • It gives you inner strength.
  • Uses sounds to soothe your sinuses.
  • Releases tension in your limbs.
  • Eases your pain.
  • It has a direct effect on the mind, emotions, and mood.
  • It is a regular stress-buster and puts the glow back on the skin.
  • It helps oxygenation.
  • Perfects your posture.
  • It imparts a feeling of physical and mental exhilaration.
  • Yoga improves blood circulation, including the circulation of blood to the skin surface.
  • It also promotes the removal of toxins through the skin.
  • Encourages self-care.
  • Fosters mental calmness.
  • Relieves Anxiety.
  • Hip flexors are stretched and strengthened.
  • Imparts a beautiful glow and keeps the skin youthful and free from problems.
  • You will feel instantly rejuvenated and good about yourself.


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Click here for Quotes about Yoga -

Yoga is a mirror to look at ourselves from within.

  • You cannot always control what goes on outside, but you can always control what goes on inside… So start yoga to control your inside world … !.
  • Yoga is the practice of quieting your mind. Yoga is not a religion. It is a science, science of well-being, the science of youthfulness, the science of integrating body, mind, and soul.
  • Yoga is not a workout, it is a work in and this is the point of spiritual practices to make us teachable, to open up our hearts and focus our awareness so that we can know what we are already and what we already know.
  • Yoga is not about self-improvement, it’s about self-acceptance.
  • Yoga imparts a lasting sense of joy, peace, and fulfillment.
  • Yoga enhances vitality, focus, and productivity; it stabilized the human body, mind, and emotion of a human being.
  • Yoga is a light, once lit, will never dim. The better you practice the brighter the flame will be.
  • Yoga is the golden key that unlocks the door to peace, joy, and happiness.

Yoga can contribute to resilience against non-communicable diseases.

Yoga can bring communities together in an inclusive manner that generates respect.

Yoga can contribute to development and peace. It can even help people in emergency situations to find relief from stress.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

“Yoga lets people discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and nature” Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi

“Through the practices of yoga, we discover that concern for the happiness and well being of others, including animals, must be an essential part of our own quest for happiness and well being. The fork can be a powerful weapon of mass destruction or a tool to create peace on Earth.”
Sharon Gannon

“You cannot do yoga. Yoga is your natural state. What you can do are yoga exercises, which may reveal to you where you are resisting your natural state.”
Sharon Gannon

“A photographer gets people to pose for him. A yoga instructor gets people to pose for themselves.”
T. Guillemets

“In theory, practice and theory are the same. In practice they are not.”
Yogi Berra

“When the breath wanders the mind also is unsteady. But when the breath is calmed the mind too will be still, and the yogi achieves long life. Therefore, one should learn to control the breath.”
Hatha Yoga Pradipika

“You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.”
Mr. Yoga

“Before you’ve practiced, the theory is useless. After you’ve practiced, the theory is obvious.”
David Williams

“The most important pieces of equipment you need for doing yoga are your body and your mind.”
Rodney Yee

“Exercises are like prose, whereas yoga is the poetry of movements. Once you understand the grammar of yoga; you can write your poetry of movements.” -Amit Ray

Yoga has a sly, clever way of short-circuiting the mental patterns that cause anxiety.
Baxter Bell

“Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.”
B.K.S. Iyengar

“Yoga, an ancient but perfect science, deals with the evolution of humanity. This evolution includes all aspects of one’s being, from bodily health to self-realization. Yoga means union – the union of body with consciousness and consciousness with the soul. Yoga cultivates the ways of maintaining a balanced attitude in day to day life and endows skill in the performance of one’s actions.”
B.K.S. Iyengar

“When you listen to yourself, everything comes naturally. It comes from inside, like a kind of will to do something. Try to be sensitive. That is yoga.” –Petri Räisänen


Celebration of International Day of Yoga :



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Click here for postures of Asanas and more


Disease Prevention

disease prevention

Disease Prevention

Disease prevention can be defined as measures that seek to avert the occurrence of disease (including injury), arrest its progress, and reduce its consequences once it is established. Disease prevention can be classified into levels: primordial, primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention. Preventive interventions aim at interrupting the web of causality leading to one or more aspects of ill-health. They are directed at different phases in the development of a disease, aiming at eradicating, eliminating, or minimizing its impact, or if none of this is feasible, retarding the progress of disease and disability.

Successful prevention depends upon –

  • Knowledge of causation
  • Dynamics of transmission
  • Identification of risk factors and risk groups
  • Facilities for these treatment procedures
  • Evaluation and development of these procedures
  • Early detection and treatment measures

Click here for Strategy to Prevent Disease

Disease prevention by regular physical activity has become more and more important. Its significance has been shown in various studies. Epidemiological and naturalistic as well as experimental studies demonstrate the risk-reducing and health-enhancing effects of regular physical activity. In particular, Yoga, aerobic and Zumba training seems to be effective in preventing cardiovascular diseases. The psychological benefits of physical activities are decreasing negative emotional states (e.g., anxiety) and increasing positive emotional states (e.g., vigor).

Whereas the effect of exercise on physical health can be explained by adaptation processes of the metabolic and cardiovascular system, the effects on mental health remain unexplained. Different kinds of hypotheses assume physiological (e.g., thermoregulation, endorphins), psychological (e.g., attention distraction, states of flow), or rather unspecific mechanisms (e.g., effort justification). Further research is needed to enlighten these mechanisms. However, it can be stated that physical exercise is an appropriate means for health promotion in most cases.

Health promotion and disease prevention along with effective patient education are essential components of practice for PAs in all settings. Providers should perceive all interactions with patients as potential opportunities to implement a positive behavioral change in unhealthy behaviors. Starting with a meticulous history and physical examination that identify an individual’s risk or evidence of preventable disease, PAs should develop a strategy to implement all recommended interventions that are appropriate for the patient’s age and gender. Behavioral modification and patient education should consider unique circumstances and the patient’s readiness to adopt healthier lifestyles within a continuum of change.

Motivational interviewing strategies should be implemented to improve behavioral change outcomes. Health promotion and disease prevention strategies should be directed not only at individual patients but also at the community as a whole. Working with community groups and organizations to help provide a consistent message to the public on health promotion topics will provide reinforcement to the individual patient. Increasing exercise, appropriate diet, and smoking cessation along with immunizations targeted screening histories, and examinations represent the mainstay of any successful health-promotion and disease-prevention effort.

Health promotion and disease prevention programs typically focus on enhancing wellness within one or more of these three health domains. Wellness becomes a philosophy of life that utilizes health promotion and disease prevention strategies to achieve the goal of optimal aging. Optimal aging implies maximizing one’s ability to function across physical, psychological, and social domains to one’s satisfaction and despite one’s medical conditions. The three overarching domains of physical, psychological, and social health are often further divided into dimensions.  Frequently quoted view of wellness as a process with six interconnected wellness dimensions: physical, emotional, spiritual, social, occupational/vocational, and intellectual  Wellness is generally accepted as a multidimensional entity, with the inclusion of factors associated with physical, psychological, and social health making intuitive sense.

Even when exposure risk is minimal, it’s always a good idea to take reasonable precautions to help prevent the spread of disease in the workplace, at home and in the community at large.


Click here for Precautions to Avoid Disease

Pathogens can be transmitted through various means: airborne through coughing or sneezing, contaminated food sources, bodily fluids and secretions, and physical or sexual contact. Sanitary and sterile conditions are paramount in places where food is prepared and in medical offices or hospitals. It’s vital to remain personally vigilant against illness and infectious disease. You may want to reduce your silent inflammation that we all have to prevent disease and go for a health screening as well. In the meantime, here are several ways to reduce the odds of contracting sickness:

  • Regularly wash hands with clean, warm to hot water.
  • Maintain good hygiene with bathing and toilet habits.
  • Smell-test and examine food before enjoying your meal. When in doubt, throw it out.
  • Be familiar with foods that are recalled from store shelves due to links to infectious diseases and know how to discard them from your home.
  • Wash foods for cooking before enjoying them, including vegetables, fruits, and poultry, such as, chicken.
  • Take the right over-the-counter medicines (OTC), get rest, and drink plenty of fluids when sick. If obtaining OTC’s, it’s best to ask your physician or pharmacist for their recommendation.
  • Avoid contact if at all possible with people who have symptoms or signs of illness.
  • Stay home if you are sick.
  • Do not delay in seeing your physician if your symptoms or signs get worse or don’t abate.
  • Keep your living quarters and workspace clean and disinfected.
  • Avoid contact with common vectors of infectious disease: including flies, mosquitos, and ticks.
  • If you notice flu-like symptoms, know that these symptoms are also linked to foodborne illness which may lead to an infection. Be particularly mindful of this if you are ill, elderly or immune system compromised.

 Vaccination: When a certain percentage of the population is immunized against a contagious disease (like the flu), everyone benefits from herd or community immunity, including those who are not candidates for immunization. Preventable diseases that seem to have largely been eradicated re-emerge when vaccination rates drop. Researchers are also looking into possible declines in vaccine potency.

Respiratory hygiene: This includes:

  • Covering one’s mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing and promptly disposing of soiled tissues
  • Keeping a distance of at least 3 feet from someone with symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, fever or vomiting
  • Wearing surgical masks and personal protective equipment (PPE). For example, in certain workplaces (e.g., health care, hazardous waste cleanup, and disposal, emergency response), PPE such as gloves, face pieces, respirators, and bodysuits are used to prevent the spread of infection.

Additional recommended practices include:

  • Disinfecting surfaces such as countertops, phones, and door handles
  • Training, practice, and observation related to donning and doffing PPE

 Universal Precautions

Universal precautions include:

  • Flushing mucous membranes immediately after contact with blood or OPIM or PPE removal
  • Not eating, drinking, smoking, applying cosmetics or lip balm, or handling contact lenses in areas where there is a reasonable likelihood of occupational exposure to blood or OPIM
  • Placing all intact needles and sharp objects in puncture-resistant, labeled, leak-proof containers
  • Disposing of any potentially contaminated waste in sealable bio-hazardous waste bags and containers

 Standard Precautions

Standard precautions are based on the principle that all blood, body fluids, secretions and excretions (except sweat), non-intact skin and mucous membranes may contain transmissible infectious agents. Similar to universal precautions, standard precautions include hand hygiene, gloves, gown, mask, eye protection, total face shield, and safe injection practices.

Gloves should be worn whenever there is the likelihood of contact with blood, non-intact skin, mucous membranes or OPIM, and when handling or touching contaminated items or surfaces. Disposable gloves and mouthpieces should not be washed or decontaminated for reuse.

Some of these measures may be perceived as an over-abundance of caution. However, if everyone does their part to help prevent the spread of disease, personal well-being, work and school absence rolls, over-burdened health care facilities, and cost-benefit analyses should reflect favorable results.


Click here for Disease Prevention Definition

  • Activities designed to protect patients and other members of the public from actual or potential health threats and their harmful consequences.
  • Disease prevention covers measures not only to prevent the occurrence of disease, such as risk factor reduction but also to arrest its progress and reduce its consequences once established

Levels of Prevention:-

The concept of prevention is best defined in terms of levels of prevention.

  1. Primordial prevention
  2. Primary Prevention
  3. Secondary prevention
  4. Tertiary prevention
  5. Quaternary prevention
  1. Primordial Prevention –

It consists of actions and measures that inhibit the emergence and establishment of environmental, economic, social and behavioral conditions, cultural patterns of living known to increase the risk of disease

  • Mainly associated with chronic diseases
  • Intervention – Individual and mass education
  • Has to start in childhood when health risk behavior begins

Examples of Primordial prevention –

National program and policies on :

  • Food and Nutrition
  • Against smoking and drugs
  • To promote regular physical activity

Responsibility for Primordial prevention –

  • Parents, Teachers and Peers group: Imparting health education
  • Government: Legislating and enacting laws
  • Professional and non-professional organizations
  • Industry
  • Hospitals, Health practitioners and health care workers
  1. Primary Prevention –
  • The action was taken prior to the onset of disease, which removes the possibility that a disease will ever occur
  • Intervention – Pre-pathogenesis stage of the disease
  • Concept of positive health – An acceptable level of health that will enable every individual to lead a socially and economically productive life
  • Approaches for primary prevention of chronic diseases :

Population (mass) strategy –

Directed at whole population irrespective of individual risk levels

Directed towards socio-economic, behavioral and lifestyle changes

High-risk strategy –

To  individual at special risk

Population approach –

High-risk approach –

Achievements of primary prevention –

Controlling disease like cholera, typhoid, plague, dysentery, and T.B., by raising the standard of living

Holistic approach

Modes of intervention :

  • Health promotion
  • Specific protection

Health promotion –

Process of enabling people to increase control over and to improve health

Not directed against any particular disease

Intervention in this area :

  • Health education
  • Environmental modifications
  • Nutritional interventions
  • Lifestyle and behavioral changes

Values in health promotion :

  • Equity and social justice
  • A holistic definition of health
  • Covers a full range of health determinants
  • Recognizes the influence of environment on health
  • Seeks to enhance people’s social participation
  • Involves inter-sectoral Collaboration
  1. Secondary prevention –
    • Action which halts the progress of the disease at its incipient stage
    • Intervention – early pre-prognosis stage
    • It is the domain of clinical medicine
    • Modes of intervention :
  • Early diagnosis
  • Adequate / prompt treatment

Effects :

  • Seeks out unrecognized disease
  • Provides treatment before irreversible changes occur
  • Reverses communicability of the infectious disease
  • Protects community
  1. Tertiary Prevention

All measures available to reduce or limit impairments and disabilities, minimize sufferings caused by the existing departure of good health, and to promote the patient’s adjustment to irremediable conditions.

Intervention – Late pathogenesis stage

Modes of intervention –

Disability limitation: To prevent or halt the transition of disease of the disease  process from impairment to handicap

Rehabilitation: The combined and coordinated use of medical, educational,  social and vocational measures for training and re-training the individual to the highest possible level of functional ability

Requires cooperation from different sections of society

The action is taken to identify patients at risk of over-medicalization, to protect him from new medical invasion, and to suggest to him interventions, which are ethically acceptable.

Quaternary prevention is the set of health activities to mitigate or avoid the consequences of unnecessary or  excessive intervention of the health system

Quaternary prevention should precedence over any alternative preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic,  as is the practice version ‘primum non-nocere’

Intervention types –

  • Do not mistake risk factors with disease
  • To avoid check-ups or unnecessary exams
  • To avoid technical interventionism in healthcare
  • To avoid the indiscriminate use of antibiotics

Conclusion –

  • Understanding disease pathology is the first step towards formulating preventive measures
  • Prevention can be achieved in any stage of the disease
  • Primordial or primary prevention is the most effective and economical
  • Disease control is also a part of prevention which is achieved by means of continuous monitoring and surveillance of disease.

Click here for Healthy Habits to Avoid Disease

One of the best ways to maintain your health is by taking care of yourself. If you want to live a healthy lifestyle and enjoy your old age without being injected with several different kinds of shots, then change your daily lifestyle because even the simplest little healthy modification can cause great benefits.
Though it is difficult to put health and fitness as a top priority in this rat race day and age, it’s best to start with baby steps that will surely peak your health tremendously.

  1. Pump up nutrition
  2. Get outdoors
  3. Ease Stress
  4. Stop nose picking
  5. Stretching is important
  6. Breathe the right way
  7. Bathing daily at least once is good
  8. Cut your nails regularly
  9. Avoid sharing personal items
  10. Say no to sugary items
  11. Sweat it out
  12. Stop worrying
  13. Quit smoking
  14. Stay safe while having sex
  15. Respect your body and yourself
  16. Know your risks
  17. Maintain a healthy blood pressure
  18. Monitor your cholesterol
  19. Limit your calories
  20. Stay informed about health
  21. Maintain a healthy diet
  22. Keep your brain active
  23. Reduce alcohol intake

Recommended medical check-up

  • Yearly check-up (every other year if no health risks)
  • Yearly dental exam
  • Skin Check
  • Cholesterol Check
  • Monthly breast self-exams
  • Yearly Pap smear/OBGYN visit after the age of 18 or when sexual activity begins
  • Mammogram initially by age 40; high risk by age 35
  • Colonoscopy initially by age 40; high risk by age 35
  • Bone density test

Superfoods that fight disease –

These nutrient-packed foods can help ward off ailments ranging from heart

disease to the common cold. A powerhouse of Fiber, Vitamins, Minerals and  Antioxidants

  1. Alfalfa Sprouts
  2. Apples
  3. Avocados
  4. Beets
  5. Cranberries / Strawberries / Blackberries
  6. Flaxseed
  7. Oranges
  8. Papayas
  9. Pumpkins
  10. Quinoa
  11. Raspberries
  12. Spinach
  13. Sweet Potatoes
  14. Walnuts
  15. Watercress
  16. Yogurt
  17. Dairy foods
  18. Fatty fish
  19. Dark leafy greens
  20. Whole grains
  21. Tomatoes
  22. Garlic
  23. Grapes
  24. Beans / Black beans
  25. Eggs
  26. Nuts – cashews,
  27. Spinach
  28. Kiwifruit
  29. Broccoli
  30. Turmeric
  31. Cantaloupe
  32. Salmon
  33. Oats and barley
  34. Carrots
  35. Melons
  36. Citrus fruits

All above powerhouses are mentioned in our earlier posts/blogs

Myths about disease prevention

Highly publicized disease outbreaks in the last decade have put people on edge, and they look to healthcare facilities for knowledge on how to prevent the spread of disease.  Here are some lingering myths about disease prevention that are important to dispel.

Myth #1 – Antibacterial is always better: Antibacterial products are everywhere: from soap to cleaning products, public, private, and professional spaces are inundated with products that claim to kill most to all harmful bacteria on a surface when used. This may sound like the best way to prevent the spread of disease but can actually cause more problems than it solves.

The first danger is the simple fact that not all infectious diseases are caused by bacteria. Illnesses that are caused by viruses are not affected by antibacterial products at all, and frequent use of these products can create a false sense of security that can backfire in the case of a viral outbreak.

The second, and perhaps most widely known, the danger of antibacterial products is their contribution to creating bacterial resistance. Widespread use of antibacterial chemicals allows bacteria to develop resistance more quickly, making it harder to treat infections and illnesses.

Myth #2 – Hand sanitizer cleans your hands: Across the country due to awareness campaign hand sanitizer usage have increased by healthcare professionals and everyday consumers alike. While alcohol-based hand sanitizers do reduce microbe levels quickly and effectively, they are not a convenient solution to infection control and disease prevention that many people think.

Hand sanitizers do just that – sanitize – and can’t remove dirt, grime, oil, or grease that can harbor infectious microbes. So washing your hands with soap and water is still the best way to eliminate germs on your hands.

Myth #3 – A daily dose of a vitamin C supplement will prevent the onset of the common cold: Researchers have concluded that prophylactic vitamin C does not reduce the incidence of colds in the general population, but maybe useful in reducing the incidence of colds for people exposed to brief periods of severe physical exercise.

Myth #4 – Sodium Phosphate can detox the kidneys: Sodium phosphate is used to clean out your colon before a test, and pills can be used for constipation. Sodium phosphate is also used in processed foods to keep them fresh. But it certainly doesn’t detox your kidneys! In fact, taking sodium phosphate as a drug can be dangerous for people with kidney disease.

Myth #5 – Hydration is the key to prevent Kidney disease: While drinking enough water is a great way to help your everyday health, it is just one way of keeping your kidneys healthy. Some people think that the more water they drink the better, but there is such a thing as drinking too much water which can lead to low blood sodium levels. So, while drinking water is important to keep your body healthy and happy, don’t overdo it and don’t’ rely on hydration alone.

Myth #6 –If I already have heart disease, I shouldn’t exercise: Exercise has countless health benefits, one of which is strengthening your heart and increasing blood flow throughout the body.

If you have heart disease, talk to your doctor about the safest exercises you can do to maintain your heart health. Walking might be the best option, because it is low-impact but still lowers your risk for high blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes, some of the main risk factors for heart disease.

Myth #7 – I have a family history of heart disease, so I’m destined to have it too: Genetic factors can increase your risk for heart disease, but that doesn’t mean you’re predestined to experience it. However, it does mean that prevention is more critical.

If you have a family history of heart disease, eating a balanced diet, not smoking, getting regular exercise, and regularly checking your blood pressure and cholesterol are all important preventative measures you must take to reduce your risk.

Myth #8 – I’m having chest pain, it must be a heart attack: This is probably one of the most common myths about heart disease. Yes, chest pain is a symptom of heart attacks, but everyone who has a heart attack experiences different symptoms, such as excessive sweating, pain in both arms, the neck or jaw, or even feelings of light-headedness and difficulty sleeping. You may experience pain in other body parts because the heart transmits it to these areas since it doesn’t have as many pain receptors itself.

Myth #9 – I don’t need to worry about my salt intake: Most people’s daily salt intake is five times higher than what they actually need. Processed, canned and restaurant foods typically contain high levels of sodium, which raises your blood pressure and thereby increases your heart disease risk.

Myth #10 – I am young. I don’t need to worry about heart disease: Heart disease is more common among older adults, but how you treat your heart now could have long-term consequences for how it functions later. If you smoke, are overweight, or have diabetes, this can increase your risk for heart disease—no matter what age you are. Start practicing health habits today to maintain your heart health for the future.

Myth #11 –  Only old people get heart disease: While it’s true most cardiovascular diseases are diagnosed in people above age 45, let me assure you – the heart damage started well before age 45. The fact is heart disease can impact anyone at any age.

Myth #12 – Avoid saturated fat for a healthy heart: The widely held belief that saturated fats lead to coronary artery disease is just plain wrong. Do your own research. You’ll find that saturated fats are good for your heart.

Myth #13 – Surgery “FIXES” your heart: Surgery simply repairs a problem. It does not cure the cause of the problem. Actually nothing is cured. Your heart is not fixed. A problem has been repaired. Stent implant open blockages caused by plaque buildup. It opens the artery but does not fix the cause of the plaque buildup.

Myth #14 – You can eat what you want if you take your heart medicine: Heart medications, or medications to treat high-risk diseases that lead to heart disease, are not cures for the problem. Medications simply regulate symptoms. You must control what you eat to control your health.

Myth #15 – You’ll know if you ever have a heart attack. The chest pain will be unbearable: A lot of people, especially women, don’t have crushing chest pain but rather unusually bad fatigue, jaw, or back pain or sleep disturbances instead.

Myth #16 – I don’t have cavities so I don’t have gum disease: Being cavity-free doesn’t ensure you are in the clear where gum disease is concerned. That’s because gum disease is painless and many people have no idea they have it. Gums that bleed easily or are red, swollen or tender is a sign of gingivitis, the earliest stage of gum disease and the only stage that is reversible.





Ayurveda tips for Monsoon

Ayurveda Tips for Monsoon

In India, Some habits and precautions are told in all religious holy books.  They say, To be spiritual, we must be Healthy. A good healthy body is a 1st step to achieve the status of spirituality.

They told some habits of food to follow in particular manners, they advised some things to avoid for this four months of Monsoon ( called Chatur Maas) to have a healthy body, mind, and soul as well. All this indication of various religions like Hinduism, Jainism, etc is for better Health.

It’s told by the medium of God so the person on this earth will believe in it and follow it sincerely. But all these things also told in Ayurveda and now these things are proved scientifically also. Ayurveda told these things as a Rutu Charya( tips on how to behave in a particular season) for Beautiful Health, Physically as well as mentally.

The monsoon season is finally upon us, as most parts of the country enjoy the frequent spells of rain, the lush greenery all around, and the calming climate. Monsoon is a season of much joy and fun for most of us. Rain is a beautiful gift to mankind to get fresh, its season of romance. Little precautions and Ayurveda tips for monsoon make this romantic reason more enjoyable.

Unfortunately though, it also brings with it a lot of seasonal illnesses, and makes us more susceptible to insect bites, seasonal colds, flu, stomach problems, and joint problems. Instead of popping pills to cope with these, it’s better to try natural, side-effect free Ayurvedic remedies and habits.


Click here for Monsoon Health Care

The ayurvedic concept for the division of a year into six seasons namely Shishira, Vasanta, Grishma Varsha, Sharad, and Hemant is based on the movement of the sun into the northern and southern solstice positions which are called as Adana Kala (Utterayana) and Visharga Kala (Dakshinayana) consisting of six months in each side. The nomenclature coined as Adana meaning taking away and visarga is forgiving of strength and vigor in all living creatures. In Adana Kala sun and wind are powerful. During this period sun takes away the cooling qualities of the earth due to its scorching heat and strength of the creatures is diminished. In contrast in Visharga Kala sun releases the strength to the people by empowering the moon and earth to become cool due to the clouds, rain, and cold wind. Hence the Varsha Ritu or starting of monsoon is the indicator for the appearance of Visharga Kala and restoration of lost strength during Adan Kala ie Shishir, Vasanta, and Grishma rituals.

 Climatic division of  the year  in Bharat- as per Ayurveda

Semester Season             Month  Property
Adana Kala (Northern Solastic /celestial sphere)


Shishira Magha Phalguna (Mid January to Mid March)


Cold & Dewy season
Vasanta Chaitra, Vaishakha(Mid March to mid-may) Spring


Grishma Jyestha, Ashadha(Mid May to Mid July) Summer


Visharga kaala (Southern Solastic/ celestial sphere)


Varsha Sravan, Bhadrapada(Mid July to Mid September)


Rainy Season


Sharad Ashvin, Kartik(Mid September to mid-November) Autumn season
Hemant Margsheersha, Paush (Mid November to Mid January) Winter season

The accumulated vata in summer pops out its head, with the drop in temperature at the onset of monsoon. The vitiated vata leads to symptoms like Joint pain, muscular pain, acidity, loss of appetite, body ache, gas trouble, indigestion, cough n cold, etc.

These growing incidences of ailments due to accumulated Vata and pitta dosha needs to be pacified with the intake of medicines, proper diet, and lifestyle modification. The excessive doshas should be eliminated through the body (detoxification) with the help of Panchakarma. Ayurvedic texts recommend specific Shodhan therapy (detox program) as per the season for everybody. This is a part of Rutucharya (Seasonal regime) –

  • Vaman in Vasant rutu
  • Virechan and Raktamokshan in Sharad rutu
  • Basti in Varsha rutu.

Importance of Basti – “Basti is half of the medicinal therapy or even the complete treatment”.

  1. As it is being used in numerous unresponsive diseases of degenerative, musculoskeletal, locomotor, and neurological nature with promising results. Basti alone is capable of curing many disorders. 
  2. Basti prevents the recurrence of disease and has immunomodulation effects.
  3. Basti treatment regulates the metabolism of Vata dosha, smoothens functioning of Vata dosha, and ultimately corrects the functioning of Pitta and Kapha dosha.
  4. Depending upon the medicines, oil, and decoction used for Basti it renders curative, rejuvenative, aphrodisiac, and other healthy and beneficial effects.
  5. It is an extremely beneficial treatment for all Vata vyadhi, ailments associated with the digestive system, degenerative changes in the body, etc.
  6. Basti not only eliminates the toxins out of the body but also helps in the regeneration process at the cellular level.


ayurveda tips for monsoon

Click here for Aggravation and Accumulation of doshas during monsoon

Vata: Accumulates during the dry or dehydrating heat of the summer. It becomes aggravated during the rainy (Monsoon) season which causes weakened digestion, acidic atmospheric conditions, and gas produced from the earth.

Pitta: Accumulates during the rainy season due to the acidic conditions of the atmosphere and weakened digestion. It is aggravated during autumn when the heat returns. This occurs after the cooling spell of the rainy season.

Regimen during monsoon: Ayurveda describes aggravation (vitiation) of Vata and accumulation of Pita in Varsha Ritu (Rainy/monsoon season). This is the major cause of various diseases occurring during the rainy season. The food and lifestyle should thus be such which helps in balancing Vata and Pitta.

Diet during monsoon: Water available in the reservoirs during monsoon is comparatively heavy to digest and the metabolism is sluggish during this period. An individual is likely to experience a loss of appetite. Hence following changes in diet and lifestyle is advisable during monsoon:

  1. Consume  light and fresh foods prepared from barley, rice, and wheat
  2. Include cow’s ghee, lentils, green gram, rice, and wheat in daily diet.
  3. Consume a small piece of ginger with rock salt before every meal.
  4. Use sour and salted soups of vegetables. Onion and other vegetables.
  5. During cooler days due to heavy rains, sour, salty, and oily diet preferred.
  6. Drinking of boiled and cooled water mixed with little honey is recommended.
  7. The addition of ginger and green gram in daily diet is beneficial.
  8. Eating warm food and avoiding uncooked foods and salads is better.
  9. Drinking an excess of fluids to prevent further slowing down of metabolism is advisable.
  10. Avoidance of consuming stale food is beneficial.
  11. Consumption of leafy vegetables needs to be avoided during monsoon.
  12. Avoidance of curds, red meat, and any foodstuff, which takes a longer time to digest is good during the monsoon. One may have buttermilk instead of curds.
  13. Consumption of  ‘Haritaki /Harad (Terminalia chebula) with rock salt in monsoon season is beneficial to health.

Lifestyle during monsoon: Consumption of a healthy diet only may not provide desired results unless it is supported by lifestyle beneficial for monsoon. The following are the tips for the important changes in the lifestyle of rainy /monsoon season.

  1. Avoiding sleep in the daytime is good as it hampers digestion and slows down the metabolism.
  2. Overexertion and overexposure to sun especially in the afternoon is required to be avoided.
  3. Keep the surrounding dry and clean and not to allow water to get accumulated around.
  4. Keep body warm, to protect any attack from viruses as and when body temperature goes down.
  5. Avoid entering into an air-conditioned room with wet hair and damp clothes.
  6. Avoid walking in dirty/dampened water.
  7. Feet are required to be kept dry.
  8. Avoid getting wet in the rain. However, if it happened, changing into dry clothes as soon as possible is essential in order to avoid exposure from infections, as immunity is naturally low during monsoon
  9. Use of Fumigative disinfectants like loban and dry neem leaves for drying cloths and killing insects/bacteria is recommended.
  10. Best season for conducting Panchkarma for keeping healthy throughout the year(Sukh chikitsa).
  11. The use of Perfumes is advocated in this season.

NOTE As per Ayurveda abrupt changes of diet and lifestyle suitable for a particular season is need to be avoided. The changes must be gradual over a period of 15 days by giving up the earlier lifestyle and adopting a new one for the acclimatization. If abrupt changes are brought the body, may not be able to cope with them and this could lead to problems


Monsoon season is categorized as Varsha Ritu. According to Ayurveda, Varsha Ritucharya is the recommended routine and lifestyle modifications to be followed, to ward off the imbalances in the body during the Monsoon. This in turn will help you boost immunity and maintain good health. During this season, aggravation of Vata and Pitta dosha is considered as the root cause of various diseases and conditions. The food, lifestyle, and care should help in balancing the vitiated Vata & Pitta doshas and maintain a healthy body constitution.

The holistic rejuvenation process consisting of a special diet, lifestyle and effective Ayurvedic therapies to be followed is characterized as Monsoon Ayurveda.


Monsoon is a time when the body’s immunity drops, thus proper care should be taken to prevent possible illnesses.

Some of the lifestyle tips to follow during Monsoon are –

  • Ayurvedic treatments are highly recommended during this season in order to prevent any kind of disorders and to boost immunity
  • Use warm water for bath
  • Avoid walking barefoot
  • Massage body with oil
  • Avoid sleeping at daytime
  • Avoid overexertion in any form


According to Ayurveda, ‘Agni’ is responsible for the digestive & metabolic activities of the body. During the monsoon season, Agni or the digestive fire is weak due to the aggravation of Pitta dosha which in-turn leads to various diseases. Diet thus followed during this season should balance the vitiated doshas and stimulate ‘Agni’ to perform proper digestion.

Here are a few simple guidelines recommended by Ayurveda that should be followed during the Monsoon –

  • Drink small portions of lukewarm water throughout the day for good digestion
  • Easily digestible, hot & light foods should be taken
  • Ginger, black pepper, lemon can be used to promote better digestion
  • Moong can be eaten with cow ghee or filtered oil
  • Medicated porridge-like rice soup, millet soup with spices is recommended
  • Include honey in your diet
  • Fried, spicy, uncooked foods should be avoided


Click here for Do’s and Don’ts for the monsoon by Ayurveda

Monsoon is the time for the occurrence of Vata dosha, according to Ayurveda. It is the season when you feel like gorging on oily foods, but your digestive system is most vulnerable to various ailments. By following certain dos and don’ts, you can make sure that your body is guarded against the increased microbial activity of the season, as well as the adverse effects of slow down digestion.


  • Consume very simple food.
  • Consume food within 2 hours of preparing it.
  • Consume food according to your digestive fire.
  • When eating out, Choose restaurants that conform to basic standards of quality and hygiene.
  • Have simple and easily digestible food in monsoon. They should be dry in nature like chickpea, corn, gram flour, and oats. Having moong dal is advisable.
  • To ensure the removal of germs, drink only boiled water. Water should be consumed within 24 hours of boiling.
  • Eat seasonal fruits as they help you restore energy.
  • Herbal teas or tea with elaichi, tulsi, ginger, lemongrass, cinnamon, etc. is recommended.
  • Wash green vegetables thoroughly before eating, especially if you want to have them raw.
  • Astringent, mildly bitter, and pungent foods must be best served this season.
  • Consume drying oils like corn oil or light oil
  • Eat seasonal fruits like Apples, Bananas, Pomegranates, and lychees as non- seasonal fruits get infested with worms during the monsoons.
  • One of the foremost rules for monsoon in Ayurveda is to eat according to the ability of your digestion.
  • You can add a twig of mint while cooking.
  • Maintain proper hygiene to prevent infections.
  • Know the capability of yourjatharagni, i.e. digestive fire, when having food. Use spices such as pepper, ginger, asafoetida (hing), garlic, jeera powder, coriander, and turmeric for enhancing your digestive capability. These help to improve your immunity too.
  • The vegetables recommended in the season include yam (suran), snake gourd (Turi), pointed gourd (parwal), gourd (dudhi), bitter gourd (karela), cluster beans (gavaar), and apple gourd (tinda).
  • Stick to seasonal fruits during monsoons as the unseasonal ones can easily get infected with microbes. These include mangoes, pomegranates, apples, bananas, lychees, and cherries.
  • In case you catch a cold, freshly prepared radish juice, along with a pinch of pipli and rock salt in warm water would help to lessen the trouble of mucous formation.
  • Fasting is especially recommended in the monsoon season, particularly for people fond of socializing and erratic eating. You can gain a lot of health benefits simply by observing a weekly or fortnightly fast during monsoon. It helps to improve your digestive fire.
  • Using herbs like tulsi, turmeric, yashtimadhu (glycyrrhiza glabra) in various food preparations, tea, etc. gargling with water medicated with yashtimadhu, a pinch of turmeric and salt helps in controlling infections like cough and cold.
  • If possible purify your house with Dhoop (medicated smoke) / fumigation of herbs every evening, it not only spreads soothing fragrance in the house but also purifies the air and keeps infections away.
  • Eat steamed salads
  • Have fresh radish juice to fight cold and cough.
  • To reduce mucous formations add pipli and rock salt to warm water. This reduces the natural monsoon ailments.
  • Opt for yogurt, curd, and almonds in your diet instead of milk.
  • Increase intake of Sweet, Sour, and Salty food.
  • Perform only moderate exercises in monsoon such as light walks, some freehand exercise, skip rope, and simple yoga asanas ( SetuBandha Asana, Naukasana, AdhoMukhaSvanasana, and Bhujangasana ).
  • Add a pinch of salt, pepper, long pepper and some ginger to hot water and have it once a day.
  • Drink a glass of warm water mixed with a teaspoon of honey in empty stomach.
  • Add 1 or 2 spoons of neem oil to half a cup of sesame oil and use this for a massage before a hot water bath, at least once a week.
  • Self-massage with sesame oil at least twice a week would keep you healthy during the rainy season.
  • For better digestion during monsoons, add a pinch of salt, pepper, long pepper and some ginger to hot water and have it once a day.
  • Monsoon is the ideal season for fasting, for those who are socializing and involved in erratic eating habits.


  • Avoid fermented foods which include idlidosauttapam, and the like.
  • Avoid sprouts, raw vegetables, refrigerated and sour foods. Foods that are sour include tamarind, various pickles, and chutneys.
  • Heavy grains such as bajra and ragi should be avoided. Limit the intake of foods with high water content such as rice, muskmelon, watermelon, and lassi. These can lead to swelling.
  • Foods that strain your digestive system such as buttermilk, yogurt, curd should be avoided.
  • Avoid non-vegetarian foods in monsoon. The possibility of germ content is highest in non-vegetarian foods.
  • Do not tire yourself with work ( don’t overwork ).
  • Don’t consume food that is stored in cold storage/refrigerator.
  • Avoid dry foods and sprouts.
  • Avoid sour fermented food.
  • Avoid eating late at night. It is particularly important in this season.
  • Avoid naturally sour foods like tamarind, tomatoes, and lime in your diet as it promotes water retention.
  • Avoid too much of fish and meat this season and heavy curries
  • Excessive intake of coffee and tea dehydrates body fluids so they must be better avoided.
  • Vegetables like cauliflower, potatoes, cluster beans, ladies finger, kidney beans, pigeon pea, and sprouted grains must be avoided.
  • Avoid eating fried items, pre-cut fruits, and juices from roadside vendors and stick to high quality and hygiene.
  • Avoid watermelon and muskmelons and also goosing on too many mangoes may cause pimples.
  • People who face skin allergies during rainy seasons must avoid spicy foods. Spicy foods raise body temperature and stimulate blood circulation and it leads to allergies and skin irritation.
  • Avoid heavy oils like sesame oil, peanut oil, and mustard oil as they fall in the first place to invite infections.
  • Avoid curd, ice cream, and frozen food as they can cause flu and fever.
  • Eating watery foods like lassi, rice, muskmelon creates swelling in the body.
  • People who face skin allergies during rainy seasons must avoid spicy foods.
  • Uncooked vegetables and salads should be avoided.
  • Avoid junk and fried food as people tend to overeat as it leads to weight gains.
  • Fasting should be avoided by diabetics and people with specific health conditions.

By following these dos and don’ts, you would be able to revel in monsoon without fearing its adverse impact.

Following the above guidelines helps you to stay safe and healthy during monsoons. Always binge on nutritional food and be hygienic by taking necessary precautionary measures like cleaning your house, washing hands before and after having a meal, etc. Have a disease-free, safe and healthy monsoon.


Click here for Monsoon Special

Foods recommended eating during monsoon –

Grains — Red rice, Sathi Rice, Wheat, Jowari ( Great millet).

Vegetables – Bottle Gourd ( Dudhi), Snake Gourd ( Padwal), Okra ( Bhindi) Dodka, Ghosali

Legumes – Tur Daal, Green Gram, Koolith, Black Gram

Tubers – Garlic, Onion, Ginger, Suran

Fruits – Dates, Grapes, Coconut, Mulberry.

Milk and milk products – Cow milk, Buttermilk, Ghee

Other Things – Rock salt, Coriander, Cumin, jaggery, Mint, Asafoetida, ( Hing), Black pepper, Piper Longum, ( Pippali)

Avoid during monsoon –

Grains – Vari, raagi, Bajari ( Pearl millet), Maize, Barley.

Vegetables – Spinach, Bitter Gourd ( Karela), Chavlai, Cabbage, Dry Vegetables.

Legumes – Matki, Vaal, Vatana (Peas), Lentil ( Masur), Gram ( Chana)

Tubers – Potato, Shingada, Sabudana, kamalkanda, Arum, Carrot.

Fruits – Black Plum ( Jambul), Jackfruit, Cucumber, watermelon, Muskmelon.

Milk – Buffalo Milk, Piyush, Paneer.

Other things – Sweets, Fried Food, Shrikhand.

Water – Coldwater

Diet in monsoon –

Drink boiled warm water to avoid waterborne diseases during monsoon.

Drinking warm milk with turmeric powder can help one get rid of a sore throat, throat pain, and soothe a cold which is common during monsoons.

A simple decoction of tulsi leaves and turmeric for gargling also relieves sore throat.


Common treatments are done during monsoon –

Abhyangam or oil massage: This mode of treatment helps to get rid of various aches and pains that can crop up during monsoons like joint pains due to arthritis and weak bones. However, this also helps to rejuvenate your skin. It reduces the swelling, stiffness, and pain in the joints and helps to relax the muscles.

Swedan or heat treatments with medicated decoctions or herbal powders: There are two types of heat treatments offered in Ayurveda during monsoons.

Patrapottali swedan: This heat treatment with bolus prepared from leaves of medicinal herbs helps to relieve pain and swelling in arthritis, spondylosis, and other types of pains in the bones and joints.

Ruksha swedan: This is a dry heat treatment which gives patient relief from pain due to rheumatoid arthritis and other chronic ailments.

Basti or Enema: The oils and also the special decoction used in this treatment are specific to Vata dosha. The oil enemas and decoction enemas help in detoxification and shaman (pacification) of Vata dosha.

Ubatan – Application of herbs in particular manners is advisable.

In the starting of monsoon, do Panchkarma – Vaman, and Virechan, for body detoxification.

Click here for Benefits of Ayurveda:

It is common knowledge that Ayurveda therapy helps to get to the bottom of all health problems. It is a therapy that helps cleanse your mind and body at the most fundamental level. Ayurveda is a pranic system of medicine that brings a sense of balance on the body’s life energy called the doshas. This can be accomplished by following a strict diet, through various massages, pouring herbal liquid onto the whole body, and by wrapping your body with essential herbal leaves and powders.
It is a traditional natural healing system that takes into account your mind, body, and soul completely. If you want to undergo Ayurveda therapies, then the monsoon season is the best time for rejuvenation treatment and to strengthen the body. During the monsoon the atmosphere tends to be cool and dust free and that is the reason why most people start their therapy at this point in time. It is believed that your body will be more receptive to Ayurveda therapies during monsoon than any other season.

This particular season is favorable for Ayurveda treatment since it helps the body’s pores to open up and also restores the body’s vitality and health. Monsoon Ayurveda benefits the body by accelerating healing. Ayurveda treatments help to control monsoon disorders. Monsoon Ayurveda does benefit by increasing energy levels and helps in the prevention of diseases.

Increases immunity: The soothing environment during monsoon makes the mind and body more receptive to the benefits of rejuvenation therapy. The cool atmosphere helps the skin to open the pores and to absorb herbal or medicinal oils during treatment. Monsoon is the best time for Ayurvedic treatments. A massage supposedly increases blood circulation and also eases physical stress. One of the best monsoon Ayurveda benefits is that it reduces muscular tension and pain.

Softens the tissues in the body: It is believed that monsoon helps to soften and develop the seven tissues of the body. These tissue layers are called dhatus. According to Ayurveda, there are seven different types of dhatus in the human body. These dhatus are composed of five mahabhutas. During monsoon the Ayurveda techniques like snehana (oil application) and svedhana (steam treatments) can be used to effortlessly get rid of toxins and negative energies from the body since the tissues in the body are soft and supple.

  • Ayurvedic rejuvenation therapies: Monsoon Ayurveda benefits are that it does more than giving relief to the stress. The rejuvenation program helps to preserve longevity, helps you to retain youthfulness and tries to revitalize the body and mind. It enhances body resistance and the proper functioning of the body parts. Monsoon is the best time for Ayurvedic treatment as it improves the skin’s complexion and helps to build proper dhatus (tissues) in the body. For all the doshas (problems) and for the proper functioning of the body, Ayurveda practitioner usually suggests Panchakarma treatment (panch means five’ and karma means ‘action’). It increases your immunity power and helps you to get better sleep.

Swedan or heat treatments: There are two types of heat treatments offered in Ayurveda during monsoons.

Patrapottali swedan:

This heat treatment with bolus prepared from leaves of medicinal herbs helps to relieve pain and swelling in arthritis, spondylosis, and other types of pains in the bones and joints.

Ruksha swedan:

This is a dry heat treatment which gives patient relief from pain due to rheumatoid arthritis and other chronic ailments.

Benefits of Monsoon Ayurveda

Varsha Ritu or Monsoon season is considered as the best to undergo Ayurvedic treatments since the moist climate opens up the pores in the skin, making it more receptive to all the medications and treatments.

Here are few key benefits of Ayurveda during the Monsoon season –

  • Balances the vitiated doshas
  • Increases immunity
  • Cleanses & detoxifies the body
  • Rejuvenates body & mind
  • Prevents lifestyle disorders like diabetes, blood pressure & stress
  • Effective for conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, back pain, lumbar and cervical spondylosis, etc.


Our emotions also play a vital role in keeping our bodies healthy. So this monsoon try to keep negatives like anger, irritation, jealousy, and ego aside



Monsoon Health Tips

Monsoon Health Tips

Monsoon season not only rejuvenates every living organism after dealing with the scorching heat of summers but even brings a host of diseases along with it. The diseases that monsoon season brings along include jaundice, food poisoning, dysentery, typhoid, flu, cholera, cough and cold, and poor digestion. These are some common diseases but are even undesirable companions as well. Do you often feel unwell in the monsoon? In this article monsoon, health tips are suggested.

Elders as well as children are more often prone to infectious diseases. Those people suffering from heart diseases or diabetes mellitus or lung infections and rheumatism are more vulnerable. But it is really important to take care of your health during monsoon. Monsoon is finally at your doorstep, despite its relief but what about those woes which it brings along with it? During monsoon, health problems do arise.

If you want to be healthy throughout the rainy season then you are the only one who has to take care of yourself as well as of your family. The stagnant water during monsoon makes easy breeding for mosquitoes which further increases the risk of various infections like malaria or dengue.

Click here for Health care tips during monsoon:-

  • Try to keep yourself hydrated during the monsoon season because sweating in the monsoon does not evaporate easily and even the humidity levels are high which further prevents the body of a person to release heat. It is recommended to carry a water bottle every time. Try to avoid carbonated drinks which significantly reduce the mineral levels in the body further preventing enzymes in the body from functioning especially causing indigestion.
  • Try having a balanced diet because the process of digestion during monsoon is significantly slower as compared to other seasons so you have to eat moderately as well as at the time when you feel hungry. At the time when you are not feeling hungry can cause indigestion and sometimes even jaundice. Prefer having spices like coriander, turmeric, pepper, and fruits, a vegetable like a radish, bananas, apple, pears, litchis, carrots, and many more which will improve immunity as well as will help to improve digestion.
  • Prefer to eat clean as well as fresh food during monsoon and do ensure before consuming that all fruits and vegetables which you eat are hygienically washed. In order to kill germs, steam all the leafy vegetables and avoid eating contaminated food because that can lead to illnesses including jaundice. We recommend you all to have fresh soups as well as cooked food which is light as well as nutritious.
  • Chasing the mosquitoes away during monsoon is really important because stagnant water is the most commonplace of mosquito breeding. Drain out coolers as well as flower vases that you do not use, use mosquito nets as well as creams, and repellents which are easily available in the market and will protect you from mosquito bites.
  • If you are fond of having street food, then say a BIG NO to it during monsoon. Though street juices, kulfis, golas, chaat, and sandwiches are really tempting but avoid having these during the rainy season. These foods might contain bacteria that may cause indigestion.
  • Try to avoid getting in puddles and if sometimes you do end up then you must immediately clean as well as dry your feet with a soft and dry towel. This can significantly lead to fungal infections or sometimes athlete’s foot. If the person is diabetic, then dampness can even lead to affect toes and nails. It is advised to keep your shoes, raincoats, and socks dry and clean during monsoon.
  • Avoid going in sudden temperature change. Whenever you come back home and sweating don’t go immediately inside the AC room. The sudden temperature change may cause of cold and cough. Same as while you are sweating, do not take a bath, take 5-10 minutes to rest then go and take bath.

Some other health care tips during monsoon include exercising as well as ample rest, eye care, care of elders as well as kids, wearing loose and cotton clothes, consume green and fresh vegetables, and keep your house clean. We all do love monsoon but we should not forget about taking care of our health too.


monsoon health tips

Click here for Nutrition tips for monsoon:

The damp and filthy conditions in the monsoon play a host for many disease-causing germs, which cause some serious health attacks like dengue, malaria, conjunctivitis, typhoid, viral fever, pneumonia, gastrointestinal disturbances, diarrhea, and dysentery. If your immune system is weak you are supposed to catch these diseases instantly. To maintain a healthy diet and protect you from such ill causes during the rainy season these countermeasures have to be taken.

Never eat if you are not feeling hungry, this is a solid cardinal mantra in monsoons.

Following guidelines will helps you to stay safe and healthy during monsoons. Always binge on nutritional food and be hygienic by taking necessary precautionary measures like cleaning your house, washing hands before and after having a meal, etc.

  • Eat fruits as they help you restore energy. Apples, mangoes, pomegranates, and pears are best suggestible. Avoid watermelon and muskmelons and also goosing on too many mangoes may cause pimples.
  • Have medium to low salt food and avoid heavy salty food as they are responsible for high blood pressure and water retention.
  • Eating watery foods like buttermilk/lassi, watermelon, rice, muskmelon creates swelling in the body. So, better opt for foods that are drying in nature like corn, gram flour, chickpea, etc.
  • Foods such as brown rice, oats, and barley are the best foods one could have in this monsoon.
  • Body’s immunity can be increased by adding a dash of garlic to the soups, sir fries, and curries you intake.
  • Opt for yogurt, curd, and almonds in your diet instead of milk. Drink only boiled and purified water to protect yourself from harmful germs and drinking plenty of water keeps your body hydrated.
  • Consuming bitter vegetables like bitter gourd, and bitter herbs like neem, turmeric powder, and methi seeds help in preventing infections.
  • Consume drying oils like corn oil or light oil and avoid heavy oils like sesame oil, peanut oil, and mustard oil as they fall in the first place to invite infections.
  • People who face skin allergies during rainy seasons must avoid spicy foods. Spicy foods raise body temperature and stimulate blood circulation and it leads to allergies and skin irritation. Other problems such as boils, change in skin color dullness, rashes, pyoderma are also some skin-damaging effects that arise in this season.
  • Avoid naturally sour foods like tamarind, tomatoes, and lime in your diet as it promotes water retention.
  • Avoid too much fish and meat this season and heavy curries and non-vegetarians should go for light meat preparations like stew and soups.
  • Astringent, mildly bitter, and pungent foods must be best served this season.
  • Drink lots of herbal teas, especially those with antibacterial properties. These include ginger, pepper, honey, mint, and basil leaves. Excessive intake of coffee and tea dehydrates body fluids so they must be better avoided.
  • Vegetables like cauliflower, potatoes, cluster beans, ladies finger, kidney beans, pigeon pea, and sprouted grains must be avoided.
  • Eat steamed salads instead of raw vegetables as they contain active bacteria and viruses that cause bacterial and viral infections.
  • Have fresh radish juice to fight cold and cough. To reduce mucous formations add pipli and rock salt to warm water. This reduces the natural monsoon ailments.
  • Better eat seasonal fruits as non-seasonal fruits get infested with worms during the monsoons. Pomegranates, litchis, apples, bananas are among the recommended.
  • Avoid eating fried items, pre-cut fruits, and juices from roadside vendors and stick to high quality and hygiene.
  • People who suffer from arthritis should drink warm water with tulsi and dalchini (cardamom) on an empty stomach in the morning. Doing this improves bowel syndromes and also decreases pains in joints.
  • Always wash vegetables well and keep them clean especially if they are taken raw.
  • Although you might not avoid your child from going to school, other public places such as exhibitions need to be avoided in monsoon. This helps to keep a lot of health problems at bay.
  • Parents should make golden milk a lifestyle especially for children. It has turmeric that acts against viral infections and pepper which is good against bacteria and with milk they are very fine to be had by children.
  • Vitamin C and Vitamin E are considered the best fighters where diseases are concerned. You need to take these vitamins so that you would be fortified from inside.

Forego a heavy meal and keep a light diet. The joy of eating that comforting plate of roadside Chola Bhatura will only be momentary because of a vulnerable digestive system during the monsoons. Don’t let the rains make you lazy. Keep up that exercise regime and sweat out that extra moisture and potentially harmful bacteria. 

Click here for Health problems during monsoon – Symptoms, and treatment

During the monsoons or rainy season, health problems such as skin diseases, water-borne diseases, mosquito-borne diseases, and eye infections are very common. Read this article to know what are the health diseases that are common during monsoons. The articles also give the symptoms, remedies, and prevention of diseases.

Part I – General ailments :

  1. Indigestion: Symptoms – Discomfort in the abdomen, feeling of fullness, bloating (swelling of the abdomen), nausea, reflux (when stomach acid rises up the wrong way back up the food pipe), heartburn (pain in food pipe or chest when stomach acid is refluxed up into the throat), belching, constipation or frequent passage of stool.

Remedies – Eat small portions of diluted ginger and lime juice, ajwain, or rock salt. Drugs like Digens, gelusil, and pudinhara will also help.

2. Food Poisoning: Symptoms – Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever and chills, headache, and weakness. It generally occurs 2-6 hours after eating contaminated food. Most recover within 12-48 hours.

Remedies – Diarrhea is the body’s natural cure (a way of getting rid of the toxins) and doesn’t need medications. But, dehydration should be guarded against. Take plenty of fluids like water, lemon juice with salt and sugar, thin buttermilk, arayat kanji, or rice water. Control nausea and vomiting with drugs like Domstal or Perinorm.

3. Athlete’s foot: Symptoms – The fungal infection that causes athlete’s foot to love warm, damp places. It usually starts with a flaky, red rash which then blisters or cracks and can become very sore. It is also contagious. Itching, skin scales, cracks, and inflammation are the usual symptoms. Hot, humid weather helps to breed the infection-causing fungi and bacteria. It is usually transmitted in the swimming pool.

Remedies – After swimming, wipe water and apply Eladi oil all over the body and keep it for 30 minutes. To remove, apply Elad choornam with water (as a body scrub) and wash it off with warm water. Or

After swimming, take a warm foot bath for 15-20 minutes with salt or neem leaves added to it.

4. Asthma: Symptoms – Remedies – Herbal oil massages followed by a warm water bath. Have warm meals. Include soups, Rotis, fish, nuts, and soya in the diet. Steam inhalation with tulsi leaves prevents cold and nasal congestions. Boil 1 cup water with pepper, ginger, garlic, and jeera, cool it a little and drink it daily.

5. Cold & Cough: Symptoms – Common cold is a manifestation of a viral infection. While the mucous membranes of the nose and throat are inflamed as a result of infection, they are more vulnerable to bacterial attacks which lead to more serious infections such as sinusitis, ear infections, and bronchitis.

Remedies – After washing your hair, massage a pinch of Rasnadi Choornam (a herbal powder) on the crown of the head. This prevents colds and rhinitis (irritation and inflammation of the inner linings of the nose). Take Thaleesa Patradi Choornam – ¼ tsp every one hour. OR

Boil 4 glasses of water with a handful of tulsi leaves and 1 tsp of pepper. Boil till the quantity is halved. Strain, add 2 tsp honey, and drink. Take steam inhalation with tulsi leaves or eucalyptus leaves/oil in water to relieve chest congestion.

6. Arthritis: Symptoms – There are two types of arthritis namely osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Remedies – A warm, stable climate, exercise, and detoxification help. Avoid dairy products, wheat, meat, vegetables such as potatoes, pepper, eggplant, and tomatoes, alcohol, coffee, sugar, saturated fat, excess salt, and nuts. Epsom salt baths are recommended to reduce swelling and alleviate pain. Local mud applications on the joints are also advised.
Mix 2tbsp honey and 1 tsp cinnamon powder in one cup of hot water. Drink this regularly.

7. Viral fever: Symptoms – Rising body temperature, head and body ache, and occasionally a skin rash. Once the virus enters the body, there is an incubation period while it multiplies to a level high enough to cause an infection. A phase of fatigue follows when the body and muscle ache and could lead to a low or high-grade fever. Inflammation of the pharynx, a runny nose, nasal congestion, redness of eyes, cough, and muscle and joint pains can also be present.

Remedies :

  1. Normal Fever and Throat pain :

Remedies – Steps to prevent throat pain
a. Gargle 3 times a day with hot water and salt.
b. Don’t drink or eat cold stuff.
c. Do steaming regularly.
d. Don’t sit near a person who is smoking.

Steps to prevent fever
a. Don’t drink cold water immediately after being out in the sun.
b. Put oil on the inside of your legs. Avoid bathing at night.
c. Keep oil in hair. It is good for the eyes.
d. Bathe only after the body stops sweating.

Common skin diseases during monsoons :

Eczema: Symptoms – Eczema is a skin disease. It is a form of dermatitis which is broadly applied to a range of conditions. In its mildest form, it causes the skin to become dry and flaky, and at its worst, it causes cracks and bleeding. Contact eczema is caused by an allergic reaction to daily objects that your skin comes into contact with or becomes irritable as a direct reaction to a solvent. Reasons for eczema are heat, dampness, and wind.

Remedies: Includes acupuncture point Qu chi, moisturizers, antihistamines, oral steroids, antibiotics, Chinese herbal therapy, evening primrose oil, a mixture of herbs such as neem (which is a powerful blood purifier, detoxifier, and immunity enhancer), turmeric, saariva (hemidesmus indicus) and manjishtha (rubia cordifolia). Herbal remedies normalize the skin and blood tissues, optimizing the immune system.

Scabies: Symptoms – Scabies is also known as seven-year itch. It is a skin infection that is caused by a tiny parasite called the mite Sarcoptes scabiei. This skin infection is contagious. The patient will have severe itching and allergic reactions after the mite has bitten into the skin. The most important way of transmission of this infection is direct skin contact. Itching, burrow tracks on the skin, rashes.

Waterborne disease –

Cholera: Symptoms – Include copious painless rice-water like stools, severe vomiting, dry wrinkled skin, plummeting BP and urine output, imperceptible pulse, intense thirst, and stomach cramps.

Remedies: Get diagnosed via a doctor’s examination and stool culture. Take enough bed rest. Drink plenty of fluids especially orange juice and oral rehydration therapy or packaged Electoral. Eat pre-cooked cereal with salt. The doctor may put you on an intravenous fluid drip and prescribe antibiotics.

Boil and filter water, wash hands frequently. Soak raw vegetables and fruits in potassium permanganate. Pest proof you’re home from cockroaches, flies, and mice. Consider a vaccination during an outbreak. Its effect lasts for 3 to 6 months.

Dysentery: Symptoms – Passing small foul-smelling blood-stained mucous stools, may run a temperature and vomit, tenderness, or swelling in the abdomen.

Remedies: Get diagnosed by a stool test to find out the responsible amoeba or bacillus. Boil and filter water. Watch out for green garnishes. Zap away flies and cockroaches at home. Wash all fruits and vegetables with a dilute solution of potassium permanganate. Stay away from outside fruit and vegetable salads. Try ORT or Electoral. Drink plenty of fluids. Eat semi-fluid and low roughage food.

Typhoid: Symptoms – Splitting head and rising fever, although pulse remains steady. The tongue is thickly coated, crops of red rashes invade the chest and stomach, shivering, sweating, and coughing. Constipation follows diarrhea.

Remedies: Get diagnosed by a blood test and stool test. Boil milk and water. Wash raw fruits and vegetables in potassium permanganate water. Wash hands frequently. Protect food from flies with a fly swatter. Get vaccinated – oral or injectable. Take enough bed rest. Drink plenty of fluids, juices, and soups. Coldwater sponges bring down the fever. After few days on semi-fluids, go for a low roughage diet. Don’t take aspirin and paracetamol as they may irritate the bowel lining and stomach. The immunity lasts for a year.

Hepatitis A:  Symptoms – Tiredness, joint pains, pain below right ribs, jaundice, amenorrhoea (absence of periods) in women, liver and spleen enlargement, ascitic-fluid in the abdomen, and hepatic encephalopathy.

Remedies: A diet of glucose, peeled fruits, home-made fruit juice, soup, toast, rice, and buttermilk is recommended.
a. Acupuncture helps in strengthening liver conditions.
b. Naturopathy remedies – Apply gastro-hepatic, castor oil, and mid packs on the right side of the abdomen. Hip-bath with cold water for 20 minutes daily. Liquid or fruit diets. Have plenty of soups, sugarcane juice, coconut water, and fat-free buttermilk.
c. Ayurvedic remedies – Low fat, high carbohydrate diet, jeera water, sugarcane juice, and external application of herbal preparations.

Eye Infections :

Conjunctivitis: Symptoms – redness and watery eyes, gritty feeling in the eye, blood clots visible around the cornea. In the case where conjunctivitis moves on to the cornea of the eyes, the patient can experience some more severe symptoms such as pain, glare, intolerance to light, and sighting colored halos near lights. Sometimes, one can experience pain and discharge which usually starts with one eye and spreads to the other eye gradually.

Remedies: Use antibiotic eye drops which the doctor has prescribed and keep lubricating the eyes with these drops.
b. Consult an ophthalmologist to examine the eyes and give proper medications. You should never avoid a visit to the doctor when you have conjunctivitis, as it may lead to serious complications.

  1. It is better that the patient stays isolated from other people during this time.
  2. The patient with conjunctivitis should not touch his/her face with their hands. Wash your hands very well with soap and cleanser every day when you come back home from outside.

Corneal Ulcers: Symptoms – redness and watery eyes, photophobia in one eye, pain. Corneal Ulcer is a bacterial infection occurring at the cornea of the eye.

Remedies: This is a serious infection of the eyes and so it is compulsory that a person affected with this infection must visit the ophthalmologist as soon as possible. Stop wearing a contact lens as soon as you contract the infection. Corneal Ulcers are treated using antibiotics depending on their severity.


Click here for Do’s and Dont's for the monsoon season –

Monsoon season is when people eagerly look towards the sky, for the cool refreshing showers which come as a relief to the scorching heat of the summer. Although it rejuvenates every living organism,
one should be careful about the health problems it brings. If you aren’t prepared for it, you may get sick.
Don’t let these reasons dampen your spirit to enjoy the monsoon. Simple precautions and small changes in lifestyle will keep you healthy and help relish the joy of this season.

Enjoying rain is not a grave matter if you are taking some on-time precautionary measures as sometimes a little carelessness will lead to serious consequences.

Here are some dos and dont’s of monsoon care.

  • Go for green leafy vegetables
  • Drink only boiled/filtered water
  • Add Dettol / Savlon to water for bathing/cleaning bruises
  • Use Mosquito repellent and nets
  • Eat moderately to avoid abdominal discomfort
  • Use a moisturizer to protect your skin from getting dehydrated
  • Properly wash fruits and vegetables
  • Eat barley, brown rice, and oats
  • Add garlic to soups, stir-fries, and curries
  • Cleanse your skin thoroughly daily
  • Include pungent and astringent foods
  • Drink herbal teas like the ones infused with ginger, cinnamon, black pepper, and cardamom.
  • Eat steamed salads
  • Enjoy warm beverages
  • Dress your kid in multiple layers so that he can add or subtract clothing depending on the weather
  • Stay dry with rain gear like an umbrella or raincoat
  • Consume only pasteurized dairy products
  • Drink more water and fluid throughout the day
  • Use anti-bacterial soap and face wash
  • Spray the house with insecticides
  • A hot water bath is recommended as it helps to curb vata
  • Use talcum powder to keep skin dry
  • Allow damp hair to dry before you tie them again
  • No oily food, street food, or spicy food
  • No watermelons or muskmelons
  • Avoid eating late at night
  • Avoid milk, have curd
  • Don’t wear heavy shoes that enclose your feet
  • Don’t Overload your skin and hair with cosmetics.
  • Not too much of mangoes
  • Don’t wear heavy or voluminous trousers
  • Avoid delicate fabrics for example chiffon or silk, don’t wear light-colored dresses.
  • Intake of dairy products should not be high
  • Cut down on caffeine intake
  • Don’t ignore skin problems and allergies as this could be a sign of dengue
  • Avoid contact with an infected person
  • Avoid driving into a flooded area
  • Avoid pain killers
  • Avoid raw vegetable salad
  • Avoid frozen foods such as ice creams
  • Avoid self-medication
  • Avoid driving fast/rashy
  • Avoid seafood
  • Avoid Street food
  • Do not ignore the early symptoms and consult your physician.

Being prepared for changes and being knowledgeable is the right way of facing weather changes, which are beyond our control. Follow the above tips and keep yourself and your child protected against the challenges of changing weather. Exercise, eat well, and be happy – the mantra to keep fit!

The rainy season is a beautiful season – you get cool weather with storms and rains. People enjoy this season with a smile on their faces but this smile is lost if they get infected due to rains. Above given essential dietary rules – it will give you the strength to win over the incessant showers!


Click here for Best Foods to eat in monsoon –

Monsoon is a very tricky season when you have to be careful with what you eat and drink. With the cold rain outside, you are sure to go for hot and oily food that may result in digestive disturbances. You must focus more on foods that will help you in avoiding digestion issues like gas formation and indigestion. You must take a moment and ponder on what foods should be eaten in monsoon.

The monsoon season may reduce metabolism and increase fat storage. This again leads to a whole lot of health issues. So you should look for healthy foods for monsoon. Prefer foods that will keep you energetic and hydrated while providing a lot of nutrients. Your immunity level will be low during monsoon season and this may put you at the risk of getting infections frequently. So, consume foods that will improve your immunity in the monsoon season. Listed below are 10 healthy foods to eat during the monsoon.

1. Water Chances are more that you will reduce your fluid intake during monsoon. Ensure that you are keeping yourself hydrated. Also, try to drink boiled and filtered water to avoid infections.

  1. Steamed Foods The best foods to eat in monsoon are steamed foods. Make sure that you avoid oily and fried foods. Grilled food is also considered perfect for monsoon. These are great for digestion.
  2. Rich in Anti-oxidants Eat foods that are rich in anti-oxidants as it will fight against free radicals, keep illness at bay, and improve the immune system. A few options are pumpkin, capsicum, and berries.
  3. Juices This is among the best healthy foods to eat in monsoon and also a good way to stay hydrated. You can choose fruits and vegetables for your juice.
  4. Fruits Stick to fruits that are rich in Vitamin C, which will give you immunity. Fresh papaya, plums, guava, and peaches are the seasonal fruits found in monsoon. They are sweet, nutritious, and healthy. They also help in strengthening the immune system. Few options that you can try are pomegranates, kiwis, and oranges. If you are prone to cold or fever during monsoon, avoid fruits rich in water.
  5. Vegetables This is one of the best foods to eat in monsoon. You will need to ensure that these are completely cooked before you consume them. Also, make sure that you wash them well prior to cooking them.
  6. Cooked Food Irrespective of the food that you eat, make sure that it is well cooked. Try to avoid any foods that are raw during this season. This includes vegetables, dairy products, and meat products.
  7. Meat You will need to have a fair share of meat during the monsoon season. Ensure that meat is well cooked and contains less oil. Grill and boil meat, rather than frying them as these are healthy ways to cook them in monsoon.
  8. Warm beverages Keeping your body warm is important during the monsoon. Sipping a hot beverage during the day is sure to help with this. Try ginger and lemon tea or green tea. Your food choice should be designed depending on the season. Monsoon is a time that demands much care in the food you eat to keep you free from infections and to improve your health.
  9. Tea – Especially the herbal ones, tea replenishes the body’s immunity system and helps against various infections. Also, the warm, ginger, and cinnamon tea gives a soothing feeling to the throat in the windy and rainy weather.
  10. Soups – While it is pouring outside and you’re in the safety of your house, there is no better choice for a warm drink than soup. It is filling, healthy, and nutritious. Vegetable soups made at home also include spices that strengthen the immune system. Strictly avoid canned soup – it could be full of preservatives and have high-salt content as well.
  11. Ginger – Make use of ginger in your meals and tea. Ginger is known to have remedial effects on the common cold, sore throat, and also weak immune systems. Make a paste of ginger, salt, and chili ready to be used in meals or in sandwiches.
  12. Dry Foods – Consider consuming dry foods in monsoon rather than watery meals. This is because dry foods watery foods come with a risk of contracting a fungal infection and may cause bloating. Dry foods include oats, corn, wheat, barley, etc.
  13. Yogurt – Yogurt works wonders for the digestive system during monsoon. Include yogurt in your meals or have flavored yogurt while enjoying the rains.
  14. Eggs – As long as the shell of the egg is clean and intact, eggs are also healthy and yummy in the rainy season, especially egg yolk. Omelets, egg-bhurji, egg-paratha, and anda-pav are the favorite Indian egg delicacies during monsoon.
  15. Garlic – Any food with garlic is a good bet in the monsoon, mainly because garlic is packed with antioxidants. It helps boost the body’s immunity and also regulates metabolism. You can also make a garlic chutney as a treat.
  16. Almonds – These nuts are a great snacking option any time of the year, but during monsoon, they give an extra protective cover against various diseases. Almonds are packed with digestive fiber which regulates the metabolism and prevents the onset of tummy issues – otherwise a common problem during monsoon.
  17. Beetroot – Beets are choc-a-bloc with vitamins and minerals, including potassium and folic acid. It is wonderful to detox the body and keep it healthy and energized. We recommend beetroot to keep kids lively and high on stamina even when the rains make everything seem dull.

19. Cumin & Fenugreek (Jeera & Methi) – These are the two best spices to add in your kids’ food this rainy season. They will keep the digestive system working well. In fact, you can even use them with water as a cure for any tummy upsets your child might encounter.

20. Tofu – Dairy products are not recommended during the monsoon, at least not in excess. This is mainly due to the perishability risk of dairy items in the humid weather. However, tofu can be a great substitute. It is rich in calcium, iron, and essential amino acids. Tofu can be a nutritious and tasty option to boost overall health in the rainy season.

  1. Karela / Bitter Gourd – We understand it is difficult to feed karela to kids, but hear us out – the bitter gourd has anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibiotic, and even antiviral qualities! These are terrific plusses at a time when kids are at high risk for common cold and flu. The karela is in particular known to battle respiratory diseases.
  2. Kadha / Herbal drink – You can serve your herbal drinks with boiled water during the monsoon. Simply add spices like cinnamon, peppercorn, ginger, and tulsi. Add some honey to sweeten the mix. This is a great beverage to strengthen the child’s body from the inside.
  3. Daal – You can take your pick based on your kids’ tastes – Toor dal, Masoor dal, or Moong dal. Pulses are healthy food for the rainy season and are recommended mainly due to their high-protein and high-energy nature. This helps the body get strong enough to fight off seasonal infections. You can also feed your kids daal soup if they’ve fallen prey to cold and cough – it works like a charm to help them recover.


Click here for Best Fruits to eat in monsoon –

While monsoon brings out a craving for all foods fried and tasty, there are also plenty of fruits available in the market this season, which help fight infections and increase immunity. Monsoon fruits will help prevent any major disease from affecting you. The following are a few fruits to eat in monsoon. However, remember to wash them well and check whether they are ripe and ready to eat

Jamun / Jawa Plum

With its sweet, sour, and slightly acidic taste, the jamuns with their light purple flesh inside are best eaten as a fruit or in the form of juice. Jamuns are good for reducing blood sugar levels and thus effective in treating diabetes. They are also good for treating gastric disorders and good for the kidney and liver.

This fruit is low in calories and packed with nutrients like iron, folate, potassium, and vitamins, which is good to be consumed in the monsoon season.  Jamuns have strong astringent properties making the skin look healthy and fresh. The extract of the bark and leaves of the Jamun tree strengthens gums.


With lots of dietary fiber, litchis are high in vitamin C, B, and potassium. The fiber in litchi helps keep digestion clean and aids in cases of acidity while vitamin C helps in fighting the common cold. Litchis are useful for weight loss and protect the skin from UV rays. They nourish the skin by reducing acne and skin spots. The bark, root, and flowers of the fruit are boiled in water and used as a gargle for sore throats.


This will help in improving the immune system, and protect the body from infections like flu and cold, which is very common in the monsoon season. Plums are a very good source of vitamin C & K, copper, dietary fiber, and potassium. They help relieve constipation and absorb iron, thus preventing anemia. The reddish-blue pigment anthocyanins found in plums may protect against cancer by cleaning up free radicals. While the antioxidants in the fruit can act as an anti-aging skincare agent, plum juice can rejuvenate boring and lifeless hair.


Cherries help in fighting infections. This contains antioxidants that give a soothing effect to the brain and relaxes the brain. High in potassium and low in sodium and low in calories They slow down the aging process and a paste of mashed cherries on the face gives a soft feel to the skin.

Regular consumption can prevent hair fall and vitamin A in it can help maintain good eyesight. Cherries help fight heart diseases since they lower bad cholesterol and have anti-carcinogenic properties. They also aid in reducing high blood pressure and lower the uric acid level too, and so are useful for those suffering from gout and arthritis.


Known for its high Vitamin C content, Kiwi is loaded with health benefits. Kiwi has the ability to lessen respiratory issues like asthma, wheezing, and respiratory tract infections. Kiwi and other Vitamin C fruits provide protection against a range of ailments, boost the immune system, prevent cold and flu, and keep the digestive system robust.


Peach is low in calories and is high in fiber content, which will help with weight loss. Also, it is rich in Vitamin C which will help with immunity. With loads of vitamin A, B carotene, and vitamin C, peaches help protect the skin and improve vision too. Peaches are also known to have fluoride which helps prevent dental caries.

Peach is referred to as the ‘Fruit of Calmness’ due to its ability to relieve stress, anxiety, and achieve calmness of mind. Regular use of the juice and pulp of the fruit on the skin helps remove dead cells, acts as a moisturizer, has anti-aging and UV protection properties.


Pomegranate is infused with nutrients. This will help with improving immunity during the monsoon season. Pomegranates contain a huge amount of antioxidants. Pomegranates and pomegranate juice are full of immune-boosting vitamin C known are an essential and quickly depleted nutrient especially during cold seasons. pomegranate juice not only protects your liver, but it also helps to regenerate after the liver has been damaged. It also peps up the immunity power, thus helping you combat the various illnesses.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apples are fat, sodium, and cholesterol-free. A medium apple is about 80 calories. Apples are a great source of fiber pectin. One apple has five grams of fiber. Apples are useful in kidney stones, Iron contained in the apple helps in the formation of blood, raw apples are good for constipation. Cooked or baked apples are good for diarrhea. Apples are of special value to heart patients. They are rich in potassium and phosphorus but low in sodium. It is also useful for patients with high blood pressure. It also makes sure that your digestive system is functioning properly.


Bananas are rich in vitamins and minerals. Bananas are high in potassium, which keeps high blood pressure in check and reduces the risk of heart disease. In conjunction with sodium, they help maintain the fluid and electrolyte balance in body cells, thus maintaining healthy nerve and muscle function. This will also help your stomach to ease the digestion process. Care must be taken as eating bananas in large quantities can lead to a cold.


During the monsoon season, a large number of vitamins are required to help fight infections. Pears are a good source of dietary fiber and a good source of Copper, vitamin B12, and vitamin C. Most of the vitamin C, as well as the dietary fiber, is contained within the skin of the fruit.  Pear is a natural antipyretic agent as it helps in cooling the body and thereby easing the fever.


Papaya is rich in Vitamin C, which will help in improving the immune system by fighting against illnesses. This also contains high fiber content, which will help indigestion. Papaya gives you glowing skin,  helps in digestion, Papaya leaves increase the appetite in your body, and cures menstrual pain and It is used for weight loss treatment.

Have a safe and healthy monsoon


Image result for images of monsoon disease

Symptoms of common disease

Symptoms of common disease

Symptoms of Common Disease

Need a list of symptoms of common diseases? The most common illnesses are listed here including information about their symptoms. They include the most common communicable diseases and common infectious diseases. The most common bacterial diseases and common viral diseases can be gotten over quickly or treated medically by a doctor. Since these are so common, there’s definitely treatments for these common ailments. You will also get more information about major organ systems, genetic diseases, central nervous system disorders, and many more.

We will brief about Human body and Symptoms of various diseases

Click here for Systems of Human Body:

Different organs can work together to perform a common function, like how the parts of your digestive system break down food. We refer to an integrated unit as an organ system. Groups of organ systems work together to make complete, functional organisms, like us! There are 11 major organ systems in the human body.

Nervous System :

The nervous system allows us to perceive, comprehend, and respond to the world around us. The nervous system also operates the body’s essential physiologic functions, such as breathing and digestion.

Learn more about these body parts in the nervous system:

Brain: The brain is an organ that’s made up of a large mass of nerve tissue that’s protected within the skull. It plays a role in just about every major body system.

Some of its main functions include:

  • Processing sensory information
  • Regulating blood pressure and breathing
  • Releasing hormones

Spinal cord:  The spinal cord begins at the base of the brain and extends into the pelvis. Many of the nerves of the peripheral nervous system, or PNS, branch out from the spinal cord and travel to various parts of the body.

Meninges: Circulating within the meninges is a liquid substance known as the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This fluid cushions the brain and spinal cord to protect them from shocks that could lead to damage. CSF also acts as a transport system that delivers nutrients to different parts of the central nervous system and also removes waste products.

Dura mater: In the central nervous system, there are three different layers that cover the spinal cord and brain. These are called the meninges, and their three levels consist of the: pia, arachnoid, and dura mater. Bone is situated above these layers, followed by periosteum (a fibrous membrane that covers bone) and skin. The dura mater is the top layer of the meninges, lying beneath the bone tissue.

Integumentary System :

The integumentary system is the set of organs that forms the external covering of the body and protects it from many threats such as infection, desiccation, abrasion, chemical assault, and radiation damage. IN humans the integumentary system includes the skin – a thickened keratinized epithelium made of multiple layers of cells that is largely impervious to water.

It also contains specialized cells that secrete melanin to protect the body from the carcinogenic effects of UV rays and cells that have an immune function. Sweat glands that excrete wastes and regulate body temperature are also part of the integumentary system.

Somatosensory receptors and nociceptors are important components of this organ system that serve as warning sensors, allowing the body to move away from noxious stimuli.

Functions of the Integumentary System :

  • Barrier function
  • Thermoregulation
  • Excretion
  • Sensation and Chemical Synthesis

Respiratory System :

Every tissue within the body requires oxygen to function. The respiratory system, which includes air passages, pulmonary vessels, the lungs, and breathing muscles, provides oxygenated blood to the body tissues and removes waste gases.

Learn more about these body parts in the respiratory system:

Nose: is the body’s primary organ of smell and also functions as part of the body’s respiratory system.

Lungs: The cone-shaped lungs are sponge-like organs that fill the chest cavity and make up most of the lower respiratory tract. Their most important job is providing oxygen to capillaries so they can oxygenate the blood.

Pharynx: The nasopharynx is, by definition, the upper part of the throat behind the nose. It is a part of the pharynx, which comprises three separate segments: the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and the hypopharynx.

Bronchi: are the main passageway into the lungs. When someone takes a breath through their nose or mouth, the air travels into the larynx.

Digestive System :

The digestive system enables your body to convert food into usable nutrients through a chemical breakdown process. This occurs through a system of tube-like organs, including the esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, and intestines.

Learn more about these body parts in the digestive system:

  • Mouth: A molar tooth is located in the posterior (back) section of the mouth. It is found in most mammals that use their posterior teeth to grind food. Twelve molars are usually present in an adult human, in groups of three. These teeth are typically larger than the premolars and have a larger surface area in order to chew and grind food into easily digestible bits.
    • Tongue: is unique in that it is the only muscle that isn’t connected to bone at both ends. It is connected on one end to the hyoid bone, which is also unique as it is the only bone not connected to any other bone in the body. The tongue’s primary physiologic function is a gustatory sensation (tasting) and aiding in mastication (chewing). It also helps with speech and sound formation.
    • Teeth: The typical adult mouth has 32 teeth: eight incisors, four canines, eight premolars, and 12 molars (including four wisdom teeth).The canines, also called cuspid or eye-teeth, are the longest teeth, located in the corners of the mouth.

Pharynx: The nasopharynx is, by definition, the upper part of the throat behind the nose. It is a part of the pharynx, which comprises three separate segments: the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and the hypopharynx.

  • Diaphragm: is the primary muscle used in the process of inspiration or inhalation. It is a dome-shaped sheet of muscle that is inserted into the lower ribs. Lying at the base of the thorax (chest), it separates the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity. It is a thin, skeletal muscle that can contract voluntarily.

Stomach: is located in the upper-left area of the abdomen below the liver and next to the spleen. The stomach is located in the upper-left area of the abdomen below the liver and next to the spleen. Its main function is to store and break down the foods and liquids that we consume before those contents travel to other organs to be further digested.

Spleen: is the organ that is responsible for both the storage and purification of red blood cells. It is positioned in the left upper abdomen and is the largest organ of the lymphatic system. The spleen serves a critical role in immune function because it purifies the blood and helps the immune system to recognize and attack foreign pathogens and allergens.

Liver: is your body’s largest solid organ. On average, it weighs around 3 pounds in adulthood and is roughly the size of a football. This organ is vital to the body’s metabolic functions and the immune system. Without a functioning liver, a person cannot survive.

The liver’s position is mostly in the right upper portion of the stomach, just below the diaphragm A portion of the liver goes into the left upper abdomen as well.

  • Gallbladder: The gallbladder is a pear-shaped, hollow structure located under the liver and on the right side of the abdomen. Its primary function is to store and concentrate bile, a yellow-brown digestive enzyme produced by the liver. The gallbladder is part of the biliary tract.

Pancreas: The pancreas is a glandular organ that produces a number of hormones essential to the body. It forms an integral part of the digestive system. The pancreas is located below and behind the stomach, in the curve of the duodenum, which is a part of the small intestine.

Small intestine: The small intestine is made up of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. Together with the esophagus, large intestine, and the stomach, it forms the gastrointestinal tract. In living humans, the small intestine alone measures about 6 to 7 meters long. After death, this length can increase by up to half. It has a surface area of over 200 meters.

Excretory System :

The excretory system consists of the organs that remove metabolic wastes from the body. In humans, this includes the removal of liquid nitrogenous waste in the form of urine, and solid wastes especially from the breakdown of hemoglobin. The removal of urine is accomplished by the urinary tract, while solid wastes are expelled through egestion from the large intestine.

The excretory system functions as the bulwark and balance to the digestive system. While we consume food and drink to nourish the body and provide energy, the excretory system ensures that homeostasis is maintained, irrespective of changes to the nutritive value of food.

It regulates the fluid balance of the body, maintaining adequate salt and water levels. When there is excess water, it is removed through the production of hypotonic urine. When we consume salty food or lose water through perspiration, the concentration of urine is increased, to preserve the osmolarity of body fluids.

The excretory system, especially the urinary tract, is necessary for preventing the toxic build-up of nitrogenous wastes, such as ammonia or urea.

Excretory System organs :

  • Kidneys
  • Urinary Bladder
  • Liver
  • Large Intestine
  • Skin

Skeletal System :

The skeletal system gives the body its basic framework, providing structure, protection, and movement. The 206 bones in the body also produce blood cells, store important minerals, and release hormones necessary for bodily functions. Unlike other living organs, bones are firm and strong, but they have their own blood, lymphatic vessels, and nerves.

Muscular System :

The muscular system is comprised of the sum total of muscles throughout the body that move the skeleton, maintain posture through a steady contraction, and generate heat through cell metabolism. Without muscle, humans could not live. The primary job of muscle is to move the bones of the skeleton, but muscles also enable the heart to beat and constitute the walls of other important hollow organs. Humans have three types of muscle. Muscle movement happens when neurological signals produce electrical changes in muscle cells

Circulatory System:

The circulatory system is a body-wide network of blood, blood vessels, and lymph. Powered by the heart, it is the body’s distribution system to organs with oxygen, hormones, and essential nutrients that helps it function properly.

Learn more about these body parts in the circulatory system:

The heart is a mostly hollow, muscular organ composed of cardiac muscles and connective tissue that acts as a pump to distribute blood throughout the body’s tissues. The heart is the epicenter of the circulatory system, which supplies the body with oxygen and other important nutrients needed to sustain life.

Lungs: The cone-shaped lungs are sponge-like organs that fill the chest cavity and make up most of the lower respiratory tract. Their most important job is providing oxygen to capillaries so they can oxygenate the blood.

Brain:  is an organ that’s made up of a large mass of nerve tissue that’s protected within the skull. It plays a role in just about every major body system.

Kidneys: are two bean-shaped organs in the renal system. They help the body pass waste as urine. They also help filter blood before sending it back to the heart.

The kidneys perform many crucial functions, including:

  • Maintaining overall fluid balance
  • Regulating and filtering minerals from the blood
  • Filtering waste materials from food, medications, and toxic substances
  • Creating hormones that help produce red blood cells, promote bone health, and regulate blood pressure.

Endocrine System :

The human endocrine system, a group of the ductless glands that regulates body processes by secreting chemical substances called hormones. Hormones act on nearby tissues or are carried in the bloodstream to act on specific target organs and distant tissues. Diseases of the endocrine system can result from the oversecretion or under secretion of hormones or from the inability of target organs or tissues to respond to hormones effectively.

Your endocrine system includes all the glands in your body that make hormones. These chemical messengers play a key role in making sure your body works the way it should.

If your endocrine system isn’t healthy, you might have problems developing during puberty, getting pregnant, or managing stress. You also might gain weight easily, have weak bones, or lack energy because too much sugar stays in your blood instead of moving into your cells where it’s needed for energy.

Key parts of the Endocrine System :

  • Hypothalamus
  • Pineal
  • Thyroid
  • Parathyroid
  • Thymus
  • Adrenals
  • Pancreas
  • Ovaries
  • Testes

Reproductive System – Female :

The female reproductive system encompasses all necessary female organs needed to conceive and bear a child.

Learn more about these body parts in the female reproductive system:

Vagina: In the central nervous system, there are three different layers that cover the spinal cord and brain. These are called the meninges, and their three levels consist of the: pia, arachnoid, and dura mater. Bone is situated above these layers, followed by periosteum (a fibrous membrane that covers bone) and skin. The dura mater is the top layer of the meninges, lying beneath the bone tissue.

Cervix:  The cervix of the uterus, also known as the cervix or uterine cervix, attaches the vagina to the uterus. the length of the cervix can be affected by age and childbirth, along with individual (genetic) variations.

Ovary: The ovary is a ductless reproductive gland in which the female reproductive cells are produced. Females have a pair of ovaries, held by a membrane beside the uterus on each side of the lower abdomen. The ovary is needed in reproduction since it is responsible for producing the female reproductive cells, or ova.

Uterus: The uterus is an organ of the female reproductive system. It’s shaped like an upside-down pear and has thick walls. The uterus’s main function is to house and nourish a fetus until it’s ready for birth. The uterus sits in the middle of the pelvis, behind the bladder and in front of the rectum.

Reproductive System – Male :

The male reproductive system consists of a series of organs used during sexual intercourse and procreation. The primary organs are the gonads, or sex glands, which produce sperm. In men, these are the testes.

Learn more about these body parts in the male reproductive system:

Penis:  The glans penis can be described as the rounded head (or tip) of the penis. Located in the middle of the glans penis is the opening of the urethra, the tube through which semen and urine exit the body. Often referred to as the penis’s ‘head,’ the term glans penis was derived from the Latin word for ‘acorn.’ This nickname was chosen due to the acorn-like shape of the glans of the penis.

Testis: The testes (plural) are the most essential organs of the male reproductive system. They are the glands where sperm and testosterone are produced.

Epididymis:  The epididymis is a long, coiled tube that stores sperm and transports it from the testes.

 Vas deferens:  The ductus deferens, or the vas deferens, is a male anatomical part; there are two of these ducts and their purpose is to carry ejaculatory sperm out of the epididymis.

Lympathic ( Immune ) System :

The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that passes through all our tissues that help rid the body of toxins, waste, and other unwanted materials. The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, throughout the body.

The lymphatic system primarily consists of lymphatic vessels, which are similar to the circulatory system’s veins and capillaries. The vessels are connected to lymph nodes, where the lymph is filtered. The tonsils, adenoids, spleen, and thymus are all part of the lymphatic system.

Facts about lymphatic System :

  • The lymphatic system plays a key role in the immune system, fluid balance, and absorption of fats and fat-soluble nutrients.
  • As lymph vessels drain fluid from body tissues, this enables foreign material to be delivered to the lymph nodes for assessment by immune system cells.
  • The lymph nodes swell in response to infection, due to a build-up of lymph fluid, bacteria, or other organisms and immune system cells.
  • Lymph nodes can also become infected, in a condition known as lymphadenitis.
  • If lymph nodes remain swollen, if they are hard and rubbery, and if there are other symptoms, you should see a doctor.


Click here for Symptoms of common Disease A-C:

Allergies: An allergy is a reaction the body has to a particular food or substance.

They are particularly common in children. Some allergies go away as a child gets older, although many are lifelong. Adults can develop allergies to things they weren’t previously allergic to.

Having an allergy can be a nuisance and affect your everyday activities, but most allergic reactions are mild and can be largely kept under control. Severe reactions can occasionally occur, but these are uncommon.

Allergies to pollen (hay fever) occur during certain parts of the year. You can have an allergy to:

  • Tree pollen, released during spring
  • Grass pollen, released during the end of spring and beginning of summer
  • Weed pollen released any time from early spring to late autumn

It’s highly likely that the pollen will also cause other symptoms, such as sneezing and a runny or blocked nose.

Symptoms of Allergic reactions: Allergic reactions usually happen quickly within a few minutes of exposure to an allergen (Substances that cause allergic reactions are called allergens like Grass, Dust, Food, Insect bites, medication, Chemicals, Etc., ).

They can cause:

  • Sneezing
  • Runny or blocked nose
  • Red, itchy, watery eyes
  • Wheezing and coughing
  • A red, itchy rash
  • Worsening of asthma or eczema symptoms

Most allergic reactions are mild, but occasionally a severe reaction called anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock can occur. This is a medical emergency and needs urgent treatment.

Anxiety during childhood: Anxiety is a normal part of childhood. In most cases, anxiety in children is short-lived and goes away after a while. Some examples of normal worries might be:

  • Being shy or being worried about being laughed at
  • Being upset before and/or after being left at childcare or school
  • Worrying about schoolwork, sport or their health

But many children experience anxiety more intensely and more often than other children, stopping them from getting the most out of life.

Signs of Anxiety

  • Try to avoid the situation or issue they’re worried about
  • Get headaches and stomach aches often, especially when away from home
  • Have trouble sleeping or have vivid nightmares
  • Worry often
  • Need a lot of reassurance
  • Want things to be perfect and get upset if they’re not

Anxiety in Teenagers: A bit of anxiety from time to time is normal, especially for teenagers. It can help with motivation around school, sport, or work, and can help keep them out of danger. But if these anxious feelings don’t go away, they can interfere with concentrating at school, socializing with friends, or enjoying life.

Signs of Anxiety disorders :

  • Feeling constantly agitated, tense, or restless
  • Having physical signs, including sore muscles, a racing heart, sweating, headache or stomach aches
  • Being sensitive to criticism or extremely self-conscious
  • Always expecting the worst to happen
  • Avoiding difficult or new situations
  • Being withdrawn
  • Having trouble concentrating and starting or finishing schoolwork
  • Having trouble sleeping.

Types of anxiety in teenagers :

  • Social phobia or social anxiety
  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Specific phobias
  • Panic disorder
  • Agoraphobia
  • Separation anxiety

Arthritis: Arthritis is a common condition that causes pain and inflammation in a joint. The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

The symptoms of arthritis you experience will vary depending on the type you have.

Symptoms of Arthritis :

It’s important to have an accurate diagnosis if you have:

  • Joint pain, tenderness, and stiffness
  • Inflammation in and around the joints
  • Restricted movement of the joints
  • Warm, red skin over the affected joint
  • Weakness and muscle wasting.

Chest Infection: Chest infections are common, especially after a cold or flu during autumn and winter. Although most are mild and get better on their own, some can be serious or even life-threatening.

Symptoms of Chest Infection: The main symptoms of a chest infection can include:

  • A persistent cough
  • Coughing up yellow or green phlegm (thick mucus), or coughing up blood
  • Breathlessness or rapid and shallow breathing
  • Wheezing
  • A high temperature (fever)
  • A rapid heartbeat
  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Feeling confused and disorientated

You may also experience more general symptoms of an infection, such as a headache, fatigue, sweating, loss of appetite, or joint and muscle pain.

Chickenpox: Chickenpox is a mild and common childhood illness that most children catch at some point. It causes a rash of red, itchy spots that turn into fluid-filled blisters. They then crust over to form scabs, which eventually drop off.

Some children have only a few spots, but other children can have spots that cover their entire body.

Symptoms of Chickenpox: The most commonly recognized chickenpox symptom is a spotty, blistering red rash that can cover the entire body.

The spots normally appear in clusters and tend to be:

  • Behind the ears
  • On the face
  • Over the scalp
  • On the chest and belly
  • On the arms and legs

Although the rash starts as small, itchy red spots, develop a blister on top and become intensely itchy after about 12-14 hours.

After a day or two, the fluid in the blisters gets cloudy and they begin to dry out and crust over.

After 1 to 2 weeks, the crusting skin will fall off naturally.

New spots can keep appearing in waves for 3 to 5 days after the rash begins. Therefore, different clusters of spots may be at different stages of blistering or drying out.

Cold Sores: Cold sores are small blisters that develop on the lips or around the mouth. They’re caused by the herpes simplex virus and usually clear up without treatment within 7 to 10 days.

An outbreak of cold sores may happen sometime later. Cold sores often start with a tingling, itching, or burning sensation around your mouth. Small fluid-filled sores then appear, usually on the edges of your lower lip.

Symptoms of Cold Sores :

Symptoms of the primary infection are most likely to develop in children younger than five years old. Symptoms include:

  • Swollen and irritated gums with small, painful sores in and around the mouth – this is known as herpes simplex gingivostomatitis
  • Sore throat and swollen glands
  • producing more saliva than normal
  • high temperature (fever) of 100.4F or above
  • dehydration
  • feeling sick (nausea)
  • headaches

Common Cold: A cold is a mild viral infection of the nose, throat, sinuses, and upper airways. It’s very common and usually clears up on its own within a week or two.

Symptoms of Common Cold :

  • A sore throat
  • A blocked or runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • A cough
  • A hoarse Voice
  • Generally feeling unwell

More severe symptoms, including a high temperature (fever), headache and aching muscles can also occur, although these tend to be associated more with flu

Conjunctivitis: Conjunctivitis is a common condition that causes redness and inflammation of the thin layer of tissue that covers the front of the eye (the conjunctiva).

Symptoms of Conjunctivitis:  The symptoms of conjunctivitis will depend on what’s causing the condition.

However, the two main symptoms are usually:

  • Eye redness – as a result of the inflammation and widening of the tiny blood vessels in the conjunctiva (the thin layer of cells covering the front of the eyes)
  • A discharge – the conjunctiva contains thousands of cells that produce mucus and tiny glands that produce tears – inflammation causes the glands to become overactive so that they produce more water and mucus

Only one eye tends to be affected at first, but symptoms usually affect both eyes within a few hours.

Infective conjunctivitis

If you have infective conjunctivitis, you may also have:

  • A burning sensation in your eyes
  • A feeling of grit in your eyes
  • A sticky coating on the eyelashes – usually when you first wake up in the morning
  • An enlarged lymph node (gland) in front of the ear

Allergic conjunctivitis

You may have itchy eyes if you have allergic conjunctivitis. The pattern of symptoms for allergic conjunctivitis depends on the substance you’re allergic to.

Constipation: Constipation is a common condition that affects people of all ages. It can mean that you’re not passing stools regularly or you’re unable to completely empty your bowel. Constipation can also cause your stools to be hard and lumpy, as well as unusually large or small.

 Symptoms of Constipation:  If you or your child pass stools less than usual, it could be a sign of constipation. It may also be more difficult to pass stools and you may feel unable to empty your bowel completely. Your stools may appear dry, hard, and lumpy, as well as abnormally large or small.

Other symptoms can include:

  • Stomach ache and cramps
  • Feeling bloated
  • Feeling sick
  • Loss of appetite

A child with constipation may also have any of the following symptoms:

  • loss of appetite
  • a lack of energy
  • being irritable, angry or unhappy
  • foul-smelling wind and stools
  • stomach pain and discomfort
  • soiling their clothes
  • generally feeling unwell

Cough: A cough is a reflex action to clear your airways of mucus and irritants such as dust or smoke. It’s rarely a sign of anything serious.

A “dry cough” means it’s tickly and doesn’t produce any phlegm (thick mucus). A “chesty cough” means phlegm is produced to help clear your airways. Most coughs clear up within three weeks and don’t require any treatment. For more persistent coughs, it’s a good idea to see your GP so they can investigate the cause.

Symptoms of cough :

Short-term Cough :

Common causes of a short-term cough include:

  • an upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) that affects the throat, windpipe or sinuses – examples are a cold, flu, laryngitis, sinusitis or whooping cough
  • a lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) that affects your lungs or lower airways – examples are acute bronchitis or pneumonia
  • an allergy, such as allergic rhinitis or hay fever
  • a flare-up of a long-term condition such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or chronic bronchitis
  • inhaled dust or smoke

In rare cases, a short-term cough may be the first sign of a health condition that causes a persistent cough.

Persistent coughs

A persistent cough may be caused by:

  • A long-term respiratory tract infection, such as chronic bronchitis
  • asthma – this also usually causes other symptoms, such as wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath
  • An allergy
  • Smoking – a smoker’s cough can also be a symptom of COPD
  • Bronchiectasis – where the airways of the lungs become abnormally widened
  • Postnasal drip – mucus dripping down the throat from the back of the nose, caused by a condition such as rhinitis or sinusitis
  • Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) – where the throat becomes irritated by leaking stomach acid
  • A prescribed medicine, such as an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE inhibitor), which is used to treat high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease


Click here for Symptoms of common Disease D-G:

Dehydration: This occurs when your body loses more fluid than you take in.

When the normal water content of your body is reduced, it upsets the balance of minerals (salts and sugar) in your body, which affects the way it functions. Water makes up over two-thirds of the healthy human body. It lubricates the joints and eyes, aids digestion, flushes out waste and toxins, and keeps the skin healthy.

Symptoms of dehydration :

  • Feeling thirsty and lightheaded
  • A dry mouth
  • Tiredness
  • Having dark-colored, strong-smelling urine
  • Passing urine less often than usual

A baby may be dehydrated if they:

  • Have a sunken soft spot (fontanelle) on their head
  • Have few or no tears when they cry
  • Have fewer wet nappies
  • Are drowsy

The body is affected even when you lose a small amount of fluid. If dehydration is ongoing (chronic), it can affect your kidney function and increase the risk of kidney stones. It can also lead to muscle damage and constipation.

Dental Abscess: A dental abscess is a collection of pus that can form inside the teeth, in the gums, or in the bone that holds the teeth in place. It’s caused by a bacterial infection.

An abscess at the end of a tooth is called a periapical abscess. An abscess in the gum is called a periodontal abscess.

Symptoms of Dental Abscess :

  • An intense, throbbing pain in the affected tooth or gum that may come on suddenly and gets gradually worse
  • Pain that spreads to your ear, jaw, and neck on the same side as the affected tooth or gum
  • Pain that’s worse when lying down, which may disturb your sleep
  • Redness and swelling in your face
  • A tender, discolored and/or lose a tooth
  • Shiny, red and swollen gums
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold food and drink
  • Bad breath and/or an unpleasant taste in your mouth

Dental abscesses are often painful but aren’t always. In either case, they should be looked at by a dentist.

Diarrhea: is passing looser or more frequent stools than is normal for you. It affects most people from time to time and is usually nothing to worry about. However, it can be distressing and unpleasant until it passes, which normally takes a few days to a week.

Symptoms of Diarrhea :

There are many different causes of diarrhea, but a bowel infection (gastroenteritis) is a common cause in both adults and children.

Gastroenteritis can be caused by:

  • A virus – such as a norovirus or a rotavirus
  • Bacteria – such as campylobacter and Escherichia coli (E. coli), which are often picked up from contaminated food
  • A parasite – such as a parasite that causes giardiasis, which is spread in contaminated water

Other possible causes of short-term diarrhea include:

  • Feelings of anxiety
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • A food allergy
  • Appendicitis
  • Damage to the lining of the intestines as a result of radiotherapy

Dry Mouth: It’s normal to occasionally have a dry mouth if you’re dehydrated or feeling nervous, but a persistently dry mouth can be a sign of an underlying problem.

You should see your dentist or GP if you have an unusually dry mouth (known as xerostomia) so they can try to determine the cause.

Symptoms of Dry Mouth: A dry mouth can occur when the salivary glands in your mouth don’t produce enough saliva.

This is often the result of dehydration, which means you don’t have enough fluid in your body to produce the saliva you need. It’s also common for your mouth to become dry if you’re feeling anxious or nervous.

Earache: is a common problem, particularly in children. It can be worrying, but it’s usually only caused by a minor infection and will often get better in a few days without treatment. Earache can be a sharp, dull, or burning ear pain that comes and goes or is constant. One or both ears may be affected.

Common Causes of Earache :

  • Ear Infections
  • Glue ear
  • Damage to the ear
  • Earwax or an object in an ear
  • Throat Infections
  • A problem with your Jaw
  • A dental abscess

Epilepsy:  is a condition that affects the brain and causes repeated seizures (The cells in the brain, known as neurons, conduct electrical signals, and communicate with each other in the brain using chemical messengers. During a seizure, there are abnormal bursts of neurons firing off electrical impulses, which can cause the brain and body to behave strangely).

Symptoms of Epilepsy :

The main symptoms of epilepsy are repeated seizures. There are many different types of seizures, depending on the area of the brain affected.

People with epilepsy can experience any type of seizure, although most people have a consistent pattern of symptoms.

Seizures can occur when you are awake or asleep.

Doctors classify seizures by how much of the brain is affected. There are:

  • Partial (or focal) seizures – where only a small part of the brain is affected
  • Generalized seizures – where most or all of the brain is affected

Some seizures do not fit into these categories and are known as unclassified seizures.

Fever in Children: A fever is a high temperature. As a general rule, in children a temperature of over 99.5F  (37.5C) is a fever. As a parent it can be extremely worrying if your child has a high temperature. However, it’s very common and often clears up by itself without treatment.

Causes of high fever:  Most fevers are caused by infections or other illnesses. The high body temperature makes it more difficult for the bacteria and viruses that cause infections to survive.

Common conditions that can cause fevers to include:

  • Upper respiratory tract infections (RTIs)
  • Flu
  • Ear infections
  • Roseola – a virus that causes a temperature and a rash
  • Tonsillitis
  • Kidney or urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • Common childhood illnesses, such as chickenpox and whooping cough

Flu : (influenza) is a common infectious viral illness spread by coughs and sneezes. It can be very unpleasant, but you’ll usually begin to feel better within about a week. You can catch flu all year round, but it’s especially common in winter, which is why it’s also known as seasonal flu.

Symptoms of Flu :

  • A sudden fever – a temperature of 100.4F ( 38C ) or above
  • A dry, chesty cough
  • A headache
  • Tiredness and weakness
  • Chills
  • Aching muscles
  • Limb or joint pain
  • Diarrhea or abdominal (tummy) pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • A sore throat
  • A runny or blocked nose
  • Sneezing
  • Loss of appetite
  • Difficulty sleeping

Food poisoning: is an illness caused by eating contaminated food. It’s not usually serious and most people get better within a few days without treatment.

Symptoms:  They may start at any point between a few hours and several weeks later.

  • Feeling sick (nausea)
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea, which may contain blood or mucus
  • Stomach cramps and abdominal (tummy) pain
  • A lack of energy and weakness
  • Loss of appetite
  • A high temperature (fever)
  • Aching muscles
  • Chills

In most cases, these symptoms will pass in a few days and you will make a full recovery.

Gallstones: are small stones, usually made of cholesterol, that form in the gallbladder. In most cases they don’t cause any symptoms and don’t need to be treated.

However, if a gallstone becomes trapped in a duct (opening) inside the gallbladder it can trigger a sudden intense abdominal pain that usually lasts between 1 and 5 hours. This type of abdominal pain is known as biliary colic.

Symptoms :

The pain can be felt:

  • In the center of your abdomen (tummy)
  • Just under the ribs on your right-hand side – it may spread from here to your side or shoulder blade

Other Symptoms

  • A high temperature of 100.4F (38C) or above
  • More persistent pain
  • A rapid heartbeat
  • Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice)
  • Itchy skin
  • Diarrhea
  • Chills or shivering attacks
  • Confusion
  • A loss of appetite

Gout: is a type of arthritis in which small crystals form inside and around the joints. It causes sudden attacks of severe pain and swelling.

The condition mainly affects men over 30 and women after the menopause. Overall, gout is more common in men than in women. Gout can be extremely painful and debilitating, but treatments are available to help relieve the symptoms and prevent further attacks.

Symptoms of Gout :

  • The sudden attack of severe pain in one or more joints, typically your big toe.
  • The joint feeling hot and very tender, to the point of being unable to bear anything touching it
  • Swelling in and around the affected joint
  • Red, shiny skin over the affected joint feeling, itchy and flaky skin as the swelling goes down

Gout can affect almost any joint and can occur in more than one joint at the same time.

The joints towards the ends of the limbs tend to be affected more often, including the:

  • Toes – particularly the big toe joint
  • Midfoot (where your shoelaces sit)
  • Ankles
  • Knees
  • Fingers
  • Wrists
  • Elbows


Click here for Symptoms of common Disease H-M:

Hemorrhoids (Piles):  are swellings containing enlarged blood vessels that are found inside or around the bottom (the rectum and anus). In many cases, hemorrhoids don’t cause symptoms, and some people don’t even realize they have them.

Symptoms :

  • Bleeding after passing a stool (the blood is usually bright red)
  • Itchy bottom
  • A lump hanging down outside of the anus, which may need to be pushed back in after passing a stool
  • A mucus discharge after passing a stool
  • Soreness, redness and swelling around your anus

Headache: Millions of people around the globe get headaches regularly, making them one of the most common health complaints. But most aren’t serious and are easily treated. In many cases, you can treat your headaches at home with over-the-counter painkillers and lifestyle changes, such as getting more rest and drinking enough fluids.

Types of headache :

Tension headache – Due to stress, poor posture, skipping meals, and dehydration.

Migraines – usually felt as a severe, throbbing pain at the front or side of the head. Some people also have other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to light or sound.

Cluster headache – excruciatingly painful, causing intense pain around one eye, and often occur with other symptoms, such as a watering or red-eye and a blocked or runny nose.

Medication/painkiller headache – is a side effect of taking a particular medication. Frequent headaches can also be caused by taking too many painkillers.

Hormone headache – in women is often caused by hormones, and many women notice a link with their periods. The combined contraceptive pill, menopause and pregnancy are also potential triggers.

Other causes of headache :

  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • A head injury or concussion
  • A cold or flu
  • Temporomandibular disorders – problems affecting the “chewing” muscles and the joints between the lower jaw and the base of the skull
  • Sinusitis – Inflammation of the lining of the sinuses
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning

Cholesterol: is a fatty substance known as a lipid and is vital for the normal functioning of the body. It’s mainly made by the liver, but can also be found in some foods. High cholesterol itself doesn’t usually cause any symptoms, but it increases your risk of serious health conditions.

What causes high Cholesterol :

  • An unhealthy diet – in particular, eating high levels of saturated fat
  • Smoking – a chemical found in cigarettes called acrolein stops HDL transporting cholesterol from fatty deposits to the liver, leading to narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis)
  • Having diabetes or high blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Having a family history of stroke or heart disease
  • There’s also an inherited condition called familial hypercholesterolemia, which can cause high cholesterol even in someone who eats healthily.

High Cholesterol can increase the risk of  :

  • Narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis)
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Transient ischaemic attack (TIA) – often known as a “mini-stroke”
  • Peripheral arterial disease (PAD)

Indigestion: Can be pain or discomfort in your upper abdomen (dyspepsia) or burning pain behind the breastbone (heartburn). Dyspepsia and heartburn may occur together or on their own. Symptoms usually appear soon after eating or drinking.

Symptoms: The main symptom of indigestion is pain or a feeling of discomfort in your upper abdomen (dyspepsia).

  • Feeling uncomfortably full or heavy
  • Belching or flatulence (passing wind)
  • Bringing food or fluid back up from your stomach (reflux)
  • Bloating
  • Feeling sick (nausea)
  • Vomiting

Itching: is an unpleasant sensation that compels a person to scratch the affected area. The medical name for itching is pruritus.

Itching can affect any area of the body. It can either be:

  • Generalized – where itching occurs over the whole body
  • Localized – where itching only occurs in a particular area

Sometimes, there may be a rash or spot where the itching occurs.

Causes of Itching :

  • Dry skin
  • Eczema – where the skin is dry, red, flaky and itchy
  • Contact dermatitis – inflammation of the skin that occurs when you come into contact with an irritant or allergen (see below)
  • Urticaria – also known as hives, welts or nettle rash; urticaria is triggered by an allergen and causes a raised, red itchy rash to develop
  • Lichen planus – an itchy rash of unknown cause
  • Psoriasis – a skin condition that causes red, flaky, crusty patches of skin covered with silvery scales
  • Dandruff –  a common skin condition that causes dry white or grey flakes of dead skin to appear in the scalp or hair
  • Folliculitis – a skin condition caused by inflamed hair follicles
  • Prurigo – small blisters (fluid-filled swellings) that are very itchy
  • Cosmetic ingredients, such as preservatives, fragrances, hair dye, and nail varnish hardeners
  • Certain metals, such as nickel or cobalt in jewelry
  • Rubber – including latex
  • Textiles – particularly the dyes and resins that are contained in them
  • Some plants – such as chrysanthemums, sunflowers, daffodils, tulips, and primula
  • An allergy to certain foods or types of medication (for example, aspirin and a group of medicines called opioids)
  • Prickly heat – an itchy rash that appears in hot, humid weather conditions
  • Sunburn – skin damage caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays

Kidney stones:  Can develop in one or both kidneys and most often affect people aged 30 to 60.

The medical term for kidney stones is nephrolithiasis, and if they cause severe pain it’s known as renal colic.

Symptoms: Very small kidney stones are unlikely to cause many symptoms. It may even go undetected and pass out painlessly when you urinate.

  • Gets stuck in your kidney
  • Starts to travel down the ureter (the tube that attaches each kidney to the bladder) – the ureter is narrow and kidney stones can cause pain as they try to pass-through
  • Causes an infection
  • A persistent ache in the lower back, which is sometimes also felt in the groin – men may have pain in their testicles and scrotum
  • Periods of intense pain in the back or side of your abdomen, or occasionally in your groin, which may last for minutes or hours
  • Feeling restless and unable to lie still
  • Nausea (feeling sick)
  • Needing to urinate more often than normal
  • Pain when you urinate (dysuria)
  • Blood in your urine (haematuria) – this may be caused by the stone scratching the kidney or ureter

Malnutrition: is a serious condition that occurs when a person’s diet doesn’t contain the right amount of nutrients. Malnutrition means “poor nutrition” and can refer to:

  • Undernutrition – when you don’t get enough nutrients
  • Overnutrition – when you get more nutrients than you need

Medical conditions that can lead to malnutrition include :

  • A condition that causes a lack of appetites, such as cancer, liver disease, persistent pain or nausea
  • A mental health condition, such as depression or schizophrenia, which may affect your ability to look after yourself
  • A health condition that requires frequent hospital admissions
  • A health condition that disrupts your body’s ability to digest food or absorb nutrients, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis
  • Dementia – people with dementia may be unable to communicate their needs when it comes to eating
  • Dysphagia – a condition that makes swallowing difficult or painful
  • Persistent vomiting or diarrhea
  • An eating disorder, such as anorexia nervosa

Measles: is a highly infectious viral illness that can be very unpleasant and sometimes lead to serious complications. Anyone can get measles if they haven’t been vaccinated or they haven’t had it before, although it’s most common in young children. The infection usually clears in around 7 to 10 days.

Symptoms :

  • A runny or blocked nose
  • Sneezing
  • Watery eyes
  • Swollen eyelids
  • Sore, red eyes that may be sensitive to light
  • A high temperature (fever), which may reach around 40C (104F)
  • Small greyish-white spots in the mouth (see below)
  • Aches and pains
  • A cough
  • Loss of appetite
  • Tiredness, irritability and a general lack of energy
  • Many people with measles develop small greyish-white spots in their mouth before the rash appears.

Measles Rash :

  • Is made up of small red-brown, flat or slightly raised spots that may join together into larger blotchy patches
  • Usually first appears on the head or neck, before spreading outwards to the rest of the body
  • Is slightly itchy for some people
  • It can look similar to other childhood conditions, such as slapped cheek syndrome, roseola, or rubella.

Menopause: Is when a woman stops having periods and is no longer able to get pregnant naturally. Periods usually start to become less frequent over a few months or years before they stop altogether. Sometimes they can stop suddenly.

The menopause is a natural part of aging that usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age, as a woman’s estrogen levels decline.

Symptoms:  Most women will experience some symptoms around the menopause. The duration and severity of these symptoms vary from woman to woman.

Symptoms usually start a few months or years before your period’s stop, known as perimenopause, and can persist for some time afterward.

  • Hot flushes – short, sudden feelings of heat, usually in the face, neck, and chest, which can make your skin red and sweaty
  • Night sweats – hot flushes that occur at night
  • Difficulty sleeping – this may make you feel tired and irritable during the day
  • A reduced sex drive (libido)
  • Problems with memory and concentration
  • Vaginal dryness and pain, itching or discomfort during sex
  • Headaches
  • Mood changes, such as low mood or anxiety
  • Palpitations – heartbeats that suddenly become more noticeable
  •  Joint stiffness, aches, and pains
  • Reduced muscle mass
  • Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs), such as cystitis
  • Increases risk of developing certain other problems, such as weak bones (osteoporosis)

Migraine: A migraine is usually a moderate or severe headache felt as a throbbing pain on one side of the head. Many people also have symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to light or sound.

Migraine is a common health condition, affecting around one in every five women and around one in every 15 men. They usually begin in early adulthood.

There are several types of migraine, including:

  • Migraine with aura – where there are specific warning signs just before the migraine begins, such as seeing flashing lights
  • Migraine without aura – the most common type, where the migraine occurs without the specific warning signs
  • Migraine aura without headache, also known as silent migraine – where an aura or other migraine symptoms are experienced, but a headache doesn’t develop

Symptoms :

Symptoms of Aura :

About one in three people with migraines have temporary warning symptoms, known as the aura, before a migraine. These include:

  • Visual problems – such as seeing flashing lights, zig-zag patterns or blind spots
  • Numbness or a tingling sensation like pins and needles – which usually starts in one hand and moves up your arm before affecting your face, lips, and tongue
  • Feeling dizzy or off-balance
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Loss of consciousness – although this is unusual

Aura symptoms typically develop over the course of about five minutes and last for up to an hour. Some people may experience aura followed by only a mild headache or no headache at all.

Other Symptoms :

  • Migraine is usually an intense headache on one side of the head.
  • In some cases, the pain can occur on both sides of your head and may affect your face or neck.
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Increased sensitivity to light and sound – which is why many people with migraine want to rest in a quiet, dark room

Some people also occasionally experience other symptoms, including:

  • Sweating
  • Poor concentration,
  • Feeling very hot or very cold
  • Abdominal (tummy) pain
  • Diarrhea

Not everyone with a migraine experience these additional symptoms and some people may experience them without having a headache.

The symptoms of a migraine usually last between four hours and three days, although you may feel very tired for up to a week afterward.  


Click here for Symptoms of common Disease O-P:

Obesity: The term ‘obese’ describes a person who’s very overweight, with a lot of body fat. Obesity is generally caused by eating too much and moving too little.

Causes of Obesity :

Calories: The energy value of food is measured in units called calories. The average physically active man needs about 2,500 calories a day to maintain a healthy weight, and the average physically active woman needs about 2,000 calories a day. This amount of calories may sound high, but it can be easy to reach if you eat certain types of food like Burger, fries, etc., Another problem is that many people aren’t physically active, so lots of the calories they consume end up being stored in their body as fat.

Poor diet: Obesity doesn’t happen overnight. It develops gradually over time, as a result of poor diet and lifestyle choices, such as:

  • Eating large amounts of processed or fast food – that’s high in fat and sugar
  • Drinking too much alcohol – alcohol contains a lot of calories, and people who drink heavily are often overweight
  • Eating out a lot – you may be tempted to also have a starter or dessert in a restaurant, and the food can be higher in fat and sugar
  • Eating larger portions than you need – you may be encouraged to eat too much if your friends or relatives are also eating large portions
  • Drinking too many sugary drinks – including soft drinks and fruit juice
  • Comfort eating – if you have low self-esteem or feel depressed, you may eat to make yourself feel better

Unhealthy eating habits tend to run in families. You may learn bad eating habits from your parents when you’re young and continue them into adulthood.

Lack of physical activity: is another important factor related to obesity. Many people have jobs that involve sitting at a desk for most of the day. They also rely on their cars, rather than walking or cycling.

For relaxation, many people tend to watch TV, browse the internet or play computer games, and rarely take regular exercise.

If you’re not active enough, you don’t use the energy provided by the food you eat, and the extra energy you consume is stored by the body as fat.

Genetics: Some people claim there’s no point trying to lose weight because “it runs in my family” or “it’s in my genes”.

While there are some rare genetic conditions that can cause obesity, such as Prader-Willi syndrome, there’s no reason why most people can’t lose weight.

It may be true that certain genetic traits inherited from your parents – such as having a large appetite – may make losing weight more difficult, but it certainly doesn’t make it impossible.

Medical reasons: In some cases, underlying medical conditions may contribute to weight gain. These include:

  • An underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) – where your thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormones
  • Cushing’s syndrome – a rare disorder that causes the over-production of steroid hormones

However, if conditions such as these are properly diagnosed and treated, they should pose less of a barrier to weight loss.

Certain medicines for treating different illnesses can contribute to weight gain.

Risks of obesity: It’s very important to take steps to tackle obesity because, it can lead to a number of serious and potentially life-threatening conditions, such as:

  • type 2 diabetes
  • coronary heart disease
  • some types of cancer, such as breast cancer and bowel cancer
  • stroke

Obesity can also affect your quality of life and lead to psychological problems, such as depression and low self-esteem.

Parkinson’s disease is a condition in which parts of the brain become progressively damaged over many years.

Symptoms: The symptoms of Parkinson’s disease usually develop gradually and are mild at first.

There are many different symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease. Some of the more common symptoms are described below.

Main Symptom: The three main symptoms of Parkinson’s disease affect physical movement:

  • Tremor – shaking, which usually begins in the hand or arm and is more likely to occur when the limb is relaxed and resting
  • The slowness of movement (bradykinesia) – where physical movements are much slower than normal, which can make everyday tasks difficult and can result in a distinctive slow, shuffling walk with very small steps
  • Muscle stiffness (rigidity) – stiffness and tension in the muscles, which can make it difficult to move around and make facial expressions, and can result in painful muscle cramps (dystonia)

These main symptoms are sometimes referred to by doctors as parkinsonism as there can be causes other than Parkinson’s disease.

Physical symptoms

  • Balance problems – these can make someone with the condition more likely to have a fall  and injure themselves
  • Loss of sense of smell (anosmia) – sometimes occurs several years before other symptoms develop
  • Nerve pain – can cause unpleasant sensations, such as burning, coldness or numbness
  • Problems with urination – such as having to get up frequently during the night to urinate or unintentionally passing urine (urinary incontinence)
  • Constipation
  • An inability to obtain or sustain an erection (erectile dysfunction) in men
  • Difficulty becoming sexually aroused and achieving an orgasm (sexual dysfunction) in women
  • Dizziness, blurred vision or fainting when moving from a sitting or lying position to a standing one – caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure
  • Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)
  • Swallowing difficulties (dysphagia) – this can lead to malnutrition and dehydration
  • Excessive production of saliva (drooling)
  • Problems sleeping (insomnia) – this can result in excessive sleepiness during the day

Cognitive and psychiatric symptoms

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Mild cognitive impairment – slight memory problems and problems with activities that require planning and organization
  • Dementia – a group of symptoms, including more severe memory problems, personality changes, seeing things that aren’t there (visual hallucinations) and believing things that aren’t true (delusions)

Personality disorders are conditions in which an individual differs significantly from an average person, in terms of how they think, perceive, feel, or relate to others.

Changes in how a person feels and distorted beliefs about other people can lead to odd behavior, which can be distressing and may upset others.

Common features include:

  • Being overwhelmed by negative feelings such as distress, anxiety, worthlessness or anger
  • Avoiding other people and feeling empty and emotionally disconnected
  • Difficulty managing negative feelings without self-harming (for example, abusing drugs and alcohol, or taking overdoses) or, in rare cases, threatening other people
  • Odd behavior
  • Difficulty maintaining stable and close relationships, especially with partners, children, and professional caretakers
  • Sometimes, periods of losing contact with reality
  • Often experience other mental health problems, especially depression and substance misuse.

Symptoms typically get worse with stress.

Why personality disorder occurs: Personality disorders typically emerge in adolescence and continue into adulthood.

Personality disorders may be associated with genetic and family factors. Experiences of distress or fear during childhood, such as neglect or abuse, are common.

Types of personality disorder :

Cluster A personality disorder: An example is a paranoid personality disorder, where the person is extremely distrustful and suspicious.

Cluster B personality disorder: An example is a borderline personality disorder, where the person is emotionally unstable, has impulses to self-harm, and has intense and unstable relationships with others.

Cluster C personality disorder: An example is an avoidant personality disorder, where the person appears painfully shy, socially inhibited, feels inadequate and is extremely sensitive to rejection. The person may want to be close to others but lacks the confidence to form a close relationship.

Histrionic personality disorder: is anxious about being ignored. As a result, they feel a compulsion (overwhelming urge) to be noticed, and the center of everyone’s attention.

Narcissistic personality disorder: Swings between seeing themselves as special and fearing they are worthless. They may act as if they have an inflated sense of their own importance and show an intense need for other people to look up to them.

Dependent personality disorder: A person with a dependent personality disorder feels they have no ability to be independent. They may show an excessive need for others to look after them and are “clingy”.

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder:  is anxious about issues that seem out of control or “messy”. They are preoccupied with orderliness and ways to control their environment, and may come across to others as a “control freak”.

Pneumonia: is swelling (inflammation) of the tissue in one or both lungs. It’s usually caused by a bacterial infection. At the end of the breathing tubes in your lungs are clusters of tiny air sacs. If you have pneumonia, these tiny sacs become inflamed and fill up with fluid.

Symptoms: The symptoms of pneumonia can develop suddenly over 24 to 48 hours, or they may come on more slowly over several days.

Common symptoms of pneumonia include:

  • A cough – which may be dry, or produce thick yellow, green, brown or blood-stained mucus (phlegm)
  • Difficulty in breathing – your breathing may be rapid and shallow, and you may feel breathless, even when resting
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Fever
  • Feeling generally unwell
  • Sweating and shivering
  • Loss of appetite
  • Chest pain – which gets worse when breathing or coughing

Less common symptoms include:

  • Coughing up blood (hemoptysis)
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Wheezing
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Feeling confused and disorientated, particularly in elderly people

Psychosis: is a mental health problem that causes people to perceive or interpret things differently from those around them. This might involve hallucinations or delusions.

Symptoms :

  • Hallucinations – where a person hears, sees and, in some cases, feels, smells or tastes things that aren’t there; a common hallucination is hearing voices
  • Delusions – where a person believes things that, when examined rationally, are obviously untrue – for example, thinking your next-door neighbor is planning to kill you

The combination of hallucinations and delusional thinking can often severely disrupt perception, thinking, emotion, and behavior.

Causes of Psychosis: Psychosis isn’t a condition in itself – it’s triggered by other conditions.

It’s sometimes possible to identify the cause of psychosis as a specific mental health condition, such as:

  • Schizophrenia – a condition that causes a range of psychological symptoms, including hallucinations and delusions
  • Bipolar disorder – a mental health condition that affects mood; a person with bipolar disorder can have episodes of depression (lows) and mania (highs)
  • Severe depression – some people with depression also have symptoms of psychosis when they’re very depressed 


Click here for Symptoms of common Disease S-V:

Scabies: is a contagious skin condition caused by tiny mites that burrow into the skin.

Symptoms: The itching is often worse at night when your skin is warmer. It may take 4 to 6 weeks before the itching starts because this is how long it takes for the body to react to mite droppings.

The scabies rash consists of tiny red spots. Scratching the rash may cause crusty sores to develop.

Burrow marks can be found anywhere on the body. They’re short (1cm or less), wavy, silver-colored lines on the skin, with a black dot at one end that can be seen with a magnifying glass.

In adults, burrow marks often appear in the following areas:

  • The folds of skin between fingers and toes
  • The palms of the hands
  • The soles and sides of the feet
  • The wrists
  • The elbows
  • Around the nipples (in women)
  • Around the genital area (in men)

The rash usually affects the whole body, apart from the head. The following areas can be particularly affected:

  • The underarm area
  • Around the waist
  • The inside of the elbow
  • The lower buttocks
  • The lower legs
  • The soles of the feet
  • The knees
  • The shoulder blades
  • The female genital area
  • The groin
  • Around the ankles

In infants and young children, burrow marks tend to appear in different places on their body, including on the:

  • Face
  • Head
  • Neck
  • Scalp
  • Palms of the hands
  • Soles of the feet

Schizophrenia: is a long-term mental health condition that causes a range of different psychological symptoms.

Symptoms :

  • Positive symptoms – represent a change in behavior or thoughts, such as hallucinations or delusions.
  • Thought disorder – People experiencing psychosis often have trouble keeping track of their thoughts and conversations. Some people find it hard to concentrate and will drift from one idea to another.
  • Changes in behavior and thoughts – A person’s behavior may become more disorganized and unpredictable, and their appearance or dress may seem unusual to others. People with schizophrenia may behave inappropriately or become extremely agitated and shout or swear for no reason.
  • Negative symptoms: represent a withdrawal or lack of function that you would usually expect to see in a healthy person; for example, people with schizophrenia often appear emotionless, flat and apathetic
    • Losing interest and motivation in life and activities, including relationships and sex
    • Lack of concentration, not wanting to leave the house, and changes in sleeping patterns
    • Being less likely to initiate conversations and feeling uncomfortable with people, or feeling there is nothing to say

Sore Throats are very common and usually nothing to worry about. They normally get better within a week. Most are caused by minor illnesses such as colds or flu and can be treated at home.

Causes of Sore Throat :

Common Cause :

  • Colds or flu – you may also have a blocked or runny nose, a cough, a high temperature (fever), a headache and general aches
  • Laryngitis (inflammation of the voice box) – you may also have a hoarse voice, a dry cough and a constant need to clear your throat
  • Tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils) – you may also have red or spotty tonsils, discomfort when swallowing and a fever
  • Strep throat (a bacterial throat infection) – you may also have swollen glands in your neck, discomfort when swallowing and tonsillitis
  • Glandular fever – you may also feel very tired and have a fever and swollen glands in your neck

Less common cause :

  • Quinsy (a painful collection of pus at the back of the throat) – the pain may be severe and you may also have difficulty opening your mouth or difficulty swallowing
  • Epiglottitis (inflammation of the flap of tissue at the back of the throat) – the pain may be severe and you may have difficulty breathing and difficulty swallowing.

Tonsillitis: is inflammation of the tonsils. It’s usually caused by a viral infection or, less commonly, a bacterial infection. Tonsillitis is a common condition in children, teenagers, and young adults.


  • Sore throat
  • Are coated or have white, pus-filled spots on them
  • high temperature (fever) over 100.4F ( 38C )
  • Coughing
  • Headache
  • Earache
  • Feeling sick
  • Feeling tired
  • Swollen, painful lymph glands in your neck
  • Loss of voice or changes to your voice

 Tooth decay: This can occur when acid is produced from plaque, which builds up on your teeth. If plaque is allowed to build up, it can lead to further problems, such as dental caries (holes in the teeth), gum disease, or dental abscesses, which are collections of pus at the end of the teeth or in the gums.

Symptoms: Tooth decay may not cause any pain.

  • Toothache – either continuous pain keeping you awake or occasional sharp pain without an obvious cause
  • Tooth sensitivity – you may feel tenderness or pain when eating or drinking something hot, cold or sweet
  • Grey, brown or black spots appearing on your teeth
  • Bad breath
  • An unpleasant taste in your mouth

Visit your dentist regularly, so early tooth decay can be treated as soon as possible and the prevention of decay can begin. Tooth decay is much easier and cheaper to treat in its early stages. Dentists can usually identify tooth decay and further problems with a simple examination or X-ray.

Vertigo:  is a symptom, rather than a condition itself. It’s the sensation that you, or the environment around you, is moving or spinning. This feeling may be barely noticeable, or it may be so severe that you find it difficult to keep your balance and do everyday tasks.

Attacks of vertigo can develop suddenly and last for a few seconds, or they may last much longer. If you have severe vertigo, your symptoms may be constant and last for several days, making normal life very difficult.

Other symptoms are :

  • Loss of balance – which can make it difficult to stand or walk
  • Feeling sick or being sick
  • Dizziness

Causes of vertigo :

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) – where certain head movements trigger vertigo
  • Migraines – severe headaches
  • Labyrinthitis – an inner ear infection
  • Vestibular neuronitis – inflammation of the vestibular nerve, which runs into the inner ear and sends messages to the brain that help to control balance


Click here for Symptoms of Fatal Disease:

Some respiratory disorders are:

  • Acute bronchitis: This develops suddenly and can occur as a complication of an upper respiratory tract infection, such as a common cold, usually caused by a virus.
  • Pneumonia: Pneumonia causes the smallest parts of the lungs (bronchioles and alveolar tissue) to become inflamed. Pneumonia can be fatal for elderly people, children, and others with lowered or weakened immune systems.
  • Asthma: Asthma attacks are caused by constricted airways. Allergic asthma—a type caused by allergens—often develops in childhood. The number of cases of childhood asthma continues to rise.
  • Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis is a contagious bacterial infection of the lungs. It continues to be a problem for people living in developing countries.

Brain related problems :

There are hundreds of conditions that can affect the brain. Most of them fall within one of five main categories:

  • Brain injuries, such as concussions
  • Cerebrovascular injuries, such as aneurysms or strokes
  • Brain tumors, such as acoustic neuromas or schwannomas
  • Neurodegenerative disorders, such as dementia, Parkinson’s disease, or Huntington’s disease
  • Psychological conditions, such as anxiety, depression, or schizophrenia

Brain related Symptoms :

The brain is one of your most important body parts, so it’s important to know how to recognize signs that there may be a problem.

Brain injury symptoms

Brain injury symptoms depend on the type and severity of the injury. While they sometimes appear immediately after a traumatic event, they can also show up hours or days later.

General brain injury symptoms may include:

  • Headache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Feeling confused or disoriented
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling tired or drowsy
  • Speech problems, including slurring
  • Sleeping more or less than usual
  • Dilation of one or both pupils
  • Fluid draining from your nose or ears
  • Seizures
  • Sensory problems, such as blurry vision or ringing in your ears
  • Trouble remembering things or difficulty concentrating
  • Mood swings or unusual behavior

Cerebrovascular injury symptoms

Symptoms tend to come on suddenly and include:

  • Severe headache
  • Loss of vision
  • Inability to speak
  • Inability to move or feel a part of the body
  • Drooping face
  • Coma

Brain tumor symptoms

Brain tumor symptoms depend on the size, location, and type of tumor.

General brain tumor symptoms may include:

  • Headache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Loss of motor coordination, such as trouble walking
  • Feeling sleepy
  • Feelings of weakness
  • Appetite changes
  • Convulsions or seizures
  • Issues with your vision, hearing, or speech
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Mood swings or behavior changes

Neurodegenerative symptoms

Neurodegenerative diseases cause damage to nervous tissue over time, so their symptoms may get worse as time goes on.

General neurodegenerative symptoms include:

  • Memory loss or forgetfulness
  • Changes in mood, personality, or behavior
  • Issues with motor coordination, such as difficulty walking or staying balanced
  • Speech issues, such as slurring or hesitation before speaking

Psychological symptoms

Symptoms of psychological conditions can be very different from person to person, even when they involve the same condition.

Some general symptoms of a psychological condition include:

  • Excessive feelings of fear, worry, or guilt
  • Feeling sad or dejected
  • Confusion
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Low energy
  • Extreme stress that gets in the way of daily activities
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Withdrawal from loved ones or activities
  • Delusions or hallucinations
  • Suicidal ideation

Symptoms related to Kidney problems :

Kidney conditions can cause a range of symptoms. Some common ones include:

  • Trouble sleeping
  • Fatigue
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Dry, itchy skin
  • Increased or decreased urination
  • Blood in urine
  • Foamy urine
  • Puffiness around the eyes
  • Foot or ankle swelling
  • Reduced appetite
  • Muscle cramps

If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your doctor. Depending on your symptoms, they may do some kidney function tests to make a diagnosis.

Nose related Symptoms: The most common medical condition related to the nose is nasal congestion. This can be caused by colds or flu, allergies, or environmental factors, resulting in inflammation of the nasal passages. The body’s response to congestion is to convulsively expel air through the nose by a sneeze.

Nosebleeds, known medically as epistaxis, is a second common medical issue of the nose. As many as 60 percents of people report nosebleed experiences, with the highest rates found in children under 10 and adults over 50.

Some Lungs related respiratory disorders are:

  • Acute bronchitis: This develops suddenly and can occur as a complication of an upper respiratory tract infection, such as a common cold, usually caused by a virus.
  • Pneumonia: Pneumonia causes the smallest parts of the lungs (bronchioles and alveolar tissue) to become inflamed. Pneumonia can be fatal for elderly people, children, and others with lowered or weakened immune systems.
  • Asthma: Asthma attacks are caused by constricted airways. Allergic asthma—a type caused by allergens—often develops in childhood. The number of cases of childhood asthma continues to rise.
  • Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis is a contagious bacterial infection of the lungs. It continues to be a problem for people living in developing countries.

Bronchi related Symptoms: When the bronchi become swollen due to irritants or infection, bronchitis results and makes breathing more difficult. Bronchitis sufferers also tend to have much more mucus and phlegm than someone without inflamed bronchi.

There are a number of problems that can develop with the tongue. These include:

  • Nerve damage that inhibits tongue movement and can make speaking and chewing difficult
  • Taste abnormalities caused by damage to the taste buds from infection or injuries, such as burns
  • Pain in the tongue can be caused by mouth ulcers, anemia, or even mouth cancer.

Stomach :

Because the chemicals in the stomach work due to a subtle balance, many problems can arise with the stomach. Some common conditions related to the stomach include:

  • Indigestion
  • Heartburn
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Peptic Ulcers
  • Crohn’s disease

Symptoms of Liver :

There are more than 100 types of liver diseases. Many conditions begin as flu-like symptoms and progress to more severe signs of liver damage, such as jaundice\ and dark-colored urine.

Other symptoms of liver problems include:

  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Joint pain
  • Stomach discomfort or pain
  • Nose bleeds
  • Abnormal blood vessels on the skin (spider angiomas)
  • Itchy skin
  • Weakness
  • A low sex drive

More serious symptoms include:

  • Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice)
  • Confusion and difficulty thinking clearly
  • Abdominal swelling (ascites)
  • Swelling of the legs (edema)
  • Impotence
  • Gynecomastia (when males start to develop breast tissue)
  • Enlarged liver(hepatomegaly)
  • Dark urine
  • Pale-colored stools

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, see your doctor immediately.

Bones: The most common condition that affects bones is a fracture, which occurs when a bone endures such a great impact that it breaks.

Other common conditions that affect the skeletal system include:

  • Osteoporosis: This is a disease in which the bones become fragile and prone to fracture.
  • Leukemia: This is a cancer of the white blood cells.
  • Osteopenia, osteitis deformans, and osteomalacia: Similar to osteoporosis, these are other types of bone loss.
  • Scoliosis, kyphosis, and lordosis: These are abnormalities of the spinal curve.

Gallbladder :

An excess of cholesterol, bilirubin, or bile salts can cause gallstones to form. Gallstones are generally small, hard deposits inside the gallbladder that are formed when stored bile crystallizes. A person with gallstones will rarely feel any symptoms until the gallstones reach a certain size, or if the gallstone obstructs the bile ducts. Surgical removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) is the most common way to treat gallstones.

Pancreas: The pancreas is also critical to the production of insulin and glucagon, which regulate glucose levels in the blood. If the pancreas stops producing insulin, this leads to diabetes and a number of associated health issues.

Other problems that concern the pancreas include pancreatic cancer. This is a particularly hard cancer to spot since the tumor generally is not palpable (it can’t be felt) due to the positioning of the pancreas. People with pancreatic cancer generally only start to display symptoms when the tumor becomes large enough to interfere with its neighboring organs.

Macular  related Symptoms :

Muscle pain is a common issue that can signal numerous problems, even if it’s something as simple as overuse. Some muscular disorders and conditions that affect muscles include:

  • Muscle pain
  • Sprains and strains
  • Bruising
  • Cramping
  • Myopathy
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Multiple sclerosis

Proper nutrition and exercise are important to keeping all muscles healthy, whether they are cardiac, smooth, or skeletal.

Cervix of the Uterus: Cancer sometimes develops in the cervix of the uterus. Dysplasia is a fully treatable pre-cancer condition of the cervix diagnosed via a pap smear. If dysplasia isn’t diagnosed and treated, cervical cancer, which is usually caused by the human papillomavirus, begins to spread. 


Click here for Symptoms of Serious disease:

Listed are signs and symptoms that could indicate a serious health condition, and you should see a doctor if you experience any symptoms of concern. Sometimes, a symptom in one part of the body may be a sign of a problem in another part of the body. Moreover, unrelated symptoms that might be minor on their own could be warning signs of a more serious medical disease or condition. Listen to your body, note all symptoms, and share them in detail with your doctor.

Signs of a heart attack include pain, pressure, squeezing, or feeling of fullness in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes; pain or discomfort in other areas of the upper body; shortness of breath; cold sweat; nausea; or lightheadedness.

Heart attacks in real life often are not as dramatic as they appear to be in movies. Some early symptoms of a heart attack can happen a month or so before the heart attack.

Before a heart attack, you may experience these symptoms:

  1. Unusual fatigue/low energy
  2. Trouble sleeping
  3. Problems breathing
  4. Indigestion
  5. Anxiety
  6. Back or abdominal pain

During a heart attack, these symptoms may occur:

  1. Pain, uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, or feeling of fullness in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or goes away and comes back
  2. Pain or discomfort in other areas of the upper body, including the arms, back, neck, jaw, or stomach
  3. Shortness of breath, with or without chest discomfort

Other symptoms are:

  1. Breaking out in a cold sweat
  2. Nausea and/or vomiting,
  3. Lightheadedness

Women also experience chest pain or discomfort but also are more likely than men to experience

  1. Shortness of breath,
  2. Nausea/vomiting, and
  3. Back or jaw pain.

Signs of a stroke include facial drooping, arm weakness, difficulty with speech, rapidly developing dizziness or balance, sudden numbness or weakness, loss of vision, confusion, or severe headache.

Signs of a stroke happen suddenly and are different from signs of a heart attack.

  1. Face drooping
  2. Arm weakness
  3. Speech difficulty
  4. Time to call Doctor

Other signs and symptoms of stroke to watch for include:

  1. Sudden or rapidly developing problems with sight
  2. Sudden or rapidly developing problems with dizziness, balance, and coordination
  3. Sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arms, or legs
  4. Sudden confusion or trouble understanding
  5. Sudden inability to say the right word, incoherent speech, or slurred speech
  6. Severe headache with no known cause

Symptoms of reproductive health problems include bleeding or spotting between periods; itching, burning, or irritation genital area; pain or discomfort during sex; heavy or painful menstrual bleeding; severe pelvic/abdominal pain; unusual vaginal discharge; feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen; and frequent urination or urinary urgency.

In women, there are numerous conditions that can affect the reproductive system, such as cancer, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, infertility, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STDs) and more.

Symptoms of female reproductive and hormonal health problems include:

  1. Bleeding or spotting between periods
  2. Itching, burning, or irritation (including bumps, blisters, or sores) of the vagina or genital area
  3. Pain or discomfort during sex
  4. Excessively heavy bleeding or severe pain with periods
  5. Severe pelvic/abdominal pain
  6. A change in vaginal discharge (amount, color or odor)
  7. The feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen
  8. Frequent urination or feeling of urgency to urinate
  9. Lower back pain
  10. Pelvic Pain
  11. Known reproductive problems such as infertility, past miscarriages or early labor
  12. Excessive hair growth on the face, chest, stomach, thumbs, or toes
  13. Baldness or thinning hair
  14. Acne, oily skin, or dandruff
  15. Patches of thickened dark brown or black skin

If you experience any of the above symptoms, see your doctor determine the cause.

Symptoms of breast problems include nipple discharge, unusual breast tenderness or pain, breast or nipple skin changes, or lump or thickening in or near the breast or in the underarm area.

A woman has a 1 in 8 chance of developing breast cancer in her lifetime. However, though many breast problems are not cancer-related, they do require prompt evaluation.

Signs and symptoms of breast problems include:

  1. Nipple discharge (could be milky, yellowish, greenish, or brownish)
  2. Unusual breast tenderness or pain
  3. Breast or nipple skin changes, such as ridges, dimpling, pitting, swelling, redness, or scaling
  4. Lump or thickening in or near the breast or underarm area
  5. Inverted nipples

If you experience any of these breast problem symptoms, see a health-care professional for an evaluation.

Symptoms of lung problems include coughing up blood, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chronic cough, repeated bouts of bronchitis or pneumonia, and wheezing.

Lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, asthma, and other diseases of the lungs can be serious and should be addressed.

Symptoms of serious lung problems include:

  1. Coughing up blood
  2. Severe wheezing
  3. Difficulty breathing

If you have any of the above symptoms, go to an emergency room right away or call Doctor.

Other symptoms of lung problems include:

  1. Persistent, a chronic cough that gets worse over time
  2. Repeated bouts of bronchitis or pneumonia
  3. Chronic mucus production (phlegm)
  4. Chronic chest pain, especially discomfort which gets worse when you inhale or cough

Contact a health-care professional to discuss your symptoms.

Symptoms of the stomach or digestive problems include rectal bleeding, blood in the stool or black stools, changes in bowel habits or not being able to control bowels, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, or acid reflux, or vomiting blood.

The digestive system runs all the way from your mouth, through the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and rectum, to the anus. It also includes the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. Problems with any of these organs can affect your daily life.

Symptoms of the stomach or digestive problems include:

  1. Bleeding from the rectum (rectal bleeding)
  2. Blood or mucus in the stool (including diarrhea) or black stools
  3. Change in bowel habits or not being able to control your bowels
  4. Constipation and/or diarrhea
  5. Heartburn or acid reflux (a burning feeling in the throat or mouth)
  6. Pain or feeling of fullness in the stomach
  7. Unusual abdominal swelling, bloating, or general discomfort
  8. Chronic vomiting
  9. Vomiting blood

For any severe symptoms, go to an emergency room or call the Doctor. For mild or moderate symptoms, call a health-care professional who may recommend you see a gastroenterologist, a specialist in the digestive system who can help diagnose, manage, or treat your condition.

Symptoms of bladder problems include difficult or painful urination, frequent urination, loss of bladder control, blood in urine, waking frequently at night to urinate or wetting the bed at night, or leaking urine.

Signs and Symptoms of Bladder Problems

Bladder problems can be frustrating and embarrassing and are not something you should simply “learn to live with,” as they can be signs of a more serious condition. See a health-care professional if you experience any of the following symptoms of bladder problems:

  1. Difficult or painful urination
  2. Frequent urination (more than 8 times daily)
  3. Loss of bladder control
  4. Blood in the urine
  5. Feeling the urge to urinate when the bladder is empty
  6. Waking frequently at night to urinate or wetting the bed at night
  7. Leaking urine when you laugh, cough, sneeze, or exercise

Urologists are doctors that specialize in the function and diseases of the bladder.

Symptoms of skin problems include changes in skin moles, frequent flushing and redness of face and neck, jaundice, skin lesions that don’t go away or heal, new growths or moles on the skin, and thick, red skin with silvery patches.

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S., and one type of skin cancer – melanoma – is particularly deadly. It’s important to know what your skin normally looks like, and notice any signs and symptoms of skin problems including:

  1. Changes in skin moles, such as changes in shape, color or size
  2. Frequent flushing and redness of face and neck
  3. Jaundice (skin and whites of eyes turn yellow)
  4. Painful, crusty, scaling, or oozing skin lesions that don’t go away or heal
  5. Sensitivity to the sun
  6. Small lump on the skin that is smooth, shiny, and waxy (red or reddish-brown)
  7. New growths or new moles on the skin
  8. Thick, red skin with silvery patches

See a dermatologist (a skin specialist) evaluate any skin problems you are experiencing.

Symptoms of muscle or joint problems include persistent muscle pains and body aches that are persistent, for example, numbness or tingling; pain, tenderness, stiffness, swelling, inflammation, or redness in or around joints; and decreased range of motion or loss of function of any joints or muscles.

Signs and Symptoms of Muscle or Joint Disease

Many different diseases and conditions that can affect the muscles and joints. See a doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  1. Muscle pains and body aches that are persistent, or that come and go often
  2. Numbness, tingling (pins and needles sensation) or discomfort in the hands, feet, or limbs
  3. Pain, tenderness, stiffness, swelling, inflammation, or redness in or around joints
  4. Decreased range of motion of the joints
  5. Loss of function of any muscles or joints
  6. Muscle weakness
  7. Decreased grip strength
  8. Excessive fatigue

Your general practitioner may refer you to a specialist if you are experiencing muscle or joint problems. You may be referred to a rheumatologist (specialist in disorders of the joints and autoimmune disorders), an orthopedic physician (specialist in the bones and muscles), or to a physiatrist (specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation).

Symptoms of emotional problems include anxiety, depression fatigue, feeling tense, flashbacks and nightmares, disinterest in regular activities, suicidal thoughts, hallucinations, or delusions.

Note: These symptoms can have a physical cause and are usually treatable.

  1. Anxiety and constant worry
  2. Feeling depressed, empty, sad all the time, or worthless
  3. Extreme fatigue even when rested
  4. Extreme tension that can’t be explained
  5. Flashbacks and nightmares about traumatic events
  6. No interest in getting out of bed or doing regular activities, including eating or having sex
  7. Thoughts about suicide and death
  8. Thoughts of killing others
  9. Seeing or hearing things that aren’t there (hallucinations)
  10. Seeing things differently from what they are (delusions)
  11. “Baby blues” that haven’t gone away two weeks after giving birth and seem to get worse over time
  12. Thoughts about harming yourself or your baby after giving birth

If you feel suicidal or homicidal, seek medical treatment immediately. If you experience any other mental or emotional problems, you may be referred to a psychiatrist, a doctor who specializes in mental illness, and/or a psychologist, who is a counselor who can help you talk about your problems.

Symptoms of headache problems (not including everyday tension headaches) include headaches that come on suddenly, “the worst headache of your life,” and headache associated with severe dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and inability to walk.

Note: This does not include everyday tension headaches.

We all have headaches from time to time, but if headaches are particularly severe or frequent, you may have migraines or another serious type of headache disorder.

Symptoms of serious headache disorders include:

  1. Headache that comes on suddenly
  2. “The worst headache of your life”
  3. Headache associated with severe dizziness/fainting, vomiting, and inability to walk
  4. Headache associated with confusion, seizure, difficulty speaking, or weakness/numbness in the limbs
  5. Severe headache associated with neck stiffness and fever

If you have any of the above symptoms, go to an emergency room right away or call Doctor.

Other symptoms of headache problems include:

  1. Headaches between the eyes
  2. Headaches that last longer than a couple of days
  3. Seeing flashing lights or zigzag lines with temporary vision loss before a headache starts
  4. Spreading pain in the face that starts in one eye
  5. Severe pain on one or both sides of the head with nausea or vision problems
  6. Extremely severe headache with pain around the eye with tearing and redness, runny nose, and eyelid droop.
  7. Tell your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms of headache disorders. You may be referred to a headache specialist, usually a neurologist.

Symptoms of eating or weight problems include extreme thirst, dehydration, excessive hunger, losing weight without trying, binging, vomiting, starvation, preoccupation with food and weight, distorted body image, compulsive exercise, abuse of laxatives or diet pills, and depression.

Most of us gain or lose some weight from time to time, and this is usually normal. For some people who have eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia nervosa, a preoccupation with weight becomes a serious medical issue.

Signs and symptoms of eating or weight problems include:

  1. Extreme thirst, dehydration, or hunger
  2. Losing weight without trying or abnormal weight loss
  3. Desire to binge on food excessively
  4. Desire to vomit on purpose
  5. Desire to starve (not eat at all)
  6. A preoccupation with food and weight
  7. Distorted body image
  8. Excessive fear of gaining weight
  9. Refusing to eat or eating tiny portions or eating alone
  10. Compulsive exercise
  11. Sensitivity to cold
  12. Menstruation ceases
  13. Abuse of laxatives, diuretics, or diet pills
  14. Depression

Eating disorders are very serious and can lead to severe medical complications, and even death. Tell a health-care professional about your issues with food and weight, or get help if you have a loved one who suffers from these issues. In addition to a doctor who specializes in treating eating disorders, you may need to see a dietician, a psychiatrist, and an eating disorder therapist.


“He who cures a disease may be the skillfullest, but he that prevents it is the safest physician.”

“Disease is the biggest moneymaker in our economy.”

“Nine-tenths of our sickness can be prevented by the right-thinking plus the right hygiene.”

“Medicine heals doubts as well as diseases. “

“Disease is only a healthy response to an unhealthy  environment.”

“From the bitterness of disease man learns the sweetness of health.”

“Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it.”

“The preservation of health is easier than the cure of the disease.”

“Health is not valued till sickness comes.”

“Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability.”

Treat Disease Naturally

treat disease naturally

Treat Disease Naturally

An herb is a plant or plant part used for its scent, flavor, or therapeutic properties. Herbal medicines are one type of dietary supplement. They are sold as tablets, capsules, powders, teas, extracts, and fresh or dried plants. People use herbal medicines to try to maintain or improve their health.

Many people believe that products labeled “natural” are always safe and good for them. This is not necessarily true. Herbal medicines do not have to go through the testing that drugs do. Some herbs, such as comfrey and ephedra, can cause serious harm. Some herbs can interact with prescription or over-the-counter medicines.

If you are thinking about using herbal medicine, first get information on it from reliable sources.

Did you know that about 25 percent of the drugs prescribed worldwide are derived from plants? Of the 252 drugs in the World Health Organization’s essential medicine list, 11 percent are exclusive of plant origin. In fact, about 200 years ago the first pharmacological compound, morphine, was produced from opium extracted from the seed pods of the poppy flower. Since then, scientists have been studying plants to create the pharmaceutical products we know today. But after years of over medicating, facing resistant bacteria in the Microbiome, and treating the illness rather than the root of the problem, people are beginning to pay more attention to natural, herbal medicine.

Millions of dollars have recently been invested in looking for promising medicinal herbs. These substantial research investments in traditional herbal medicine are still relatively modest when compared to the overall pharmaceutical industry, but it proves that researchers are beginning to steer away from conventional drug development and look toward more alternative and natural forms of treatment.

Natural plant products have been used throughout human history for various purposes. In fact, written records of the use of herbal medicine date back more than 5,000 years, and for much of history, herbal medicine was the only medicine.

Today, plants are being used to treat a number of health concerns and conditions, including allergies, arthritis, migraines, fatigue, skin infections, wounds, burns, gastrointestinal issues, and even cancer — proving that it’s true that food is medicine. These herbs are less expensive and they’re a safer means of treatment than conventional medications, which is why so many people are choosing to go back to this traditional idea of medicine.

Click here for What is Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicines are naturally occurring, plant-derived substances that are used to treat illnesses within local or regional healing practices. These products are complex mixtures of organic chemicals that may come from any raw or processed part of a plant.

Herbal medicine has its roots in every culture around the world. There are many different systems of traditional medicine, and the philosophy and practices of each are influenced by social conditions, environment, and geographic location, but these systems all agree on a holistic approach to life. Well-known systems of herbal medicine like Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine believe in the central idea that there should be an emphasis on health rather than on disease. By using healing herbs, people can thrive and focus on their overall conditions, rather than on a particular ailment that typically arises from a lack of equilibrium of the mind, body, and environment.

Although botanical medicine has been practiced for thousands of years, it continues to be of use in the modern, Western world. The World Health Organization recently estimated that 80 percent of people worldwide rely on herbal medicines for some part of their primary health care, and the worldwide annual market for these products is approaching $60 billion. People in the Indian & United States have become more interested in herbal medicine because of the rising cost of prescription medication and the returning interest in natural or organic remedies.

Whole herbs contain many ingredients that are used to treat diseases and relieve symptoms. Herbal medicine, also called botanical medicine, uses the plant’s seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, or flowers for medicinal purposes. The biological properties of these plants have beneficial effects. Other factors are responsible for their benefits as well, such as the type of environment in which the plant grew, the way in which it was harvested and how it was processed. The plant is either sold raw or as extracts, where it’s macerated with water, alcohol or other solvents to extract some of the chemicals. The resulting products contain dozens of chemicals, including fatty acids, sterols, alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, saponins, and others.

Benefits of Herbal Medicine

  1. More Affordable than Conventional Medicine

Modern medical science certainly comes with a high price tag, and pharmaceuticals are no exception. One reason why herbal medicine is becoming more popular recently is that people simply can’t afford to pay for their medication month after month.

A systematic review published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine evaluated whether or not natural health products provide a cost-effective choice in the treatment of disease. Researchers found that natural health products show evidence of cost-effectiveness in relation to postoperative surgery and complications. More research is needed to determine the cost-effectiveness in other areas of modern medicine, but the preliminary data suggests that herbal products are more affordable than pharmaceuticals.

  1. Easier to Obtain than Prescription Medications

Herbal products, such as herbal extracts, essential oils, and herbal teas, are available in most health food and even grocery stores, so you don’t have to see a doctor get prescriptions before purchasing them. This certainly makes it easier to obtain herbal products and avoid additional health care costs.

Herbs are classified as dietary supplements, so they can be produced, sold, and marketed without going through the FDA. Although this makes it easier to purchase and use these beneficial products, it’s our job as consumers to choose among the competitors. Make sure to read the ingredients and labels carefully before using any herbal supplement. Purchase from a reputable and trustworthy company that verifies the product is 100 percent pure-grade.

  1. Hold Beneficial, Healing Properties

Herbs are used for the treatment of chronic and acute conditions and various ailments, including major health concerns like cardiovascular disease, prostate problems, depression, inflammation, and weakened immune system. Herbs are used around the world to treat conditions and diseases, and many studies prove their efficacy. In fact, of the 177 drugs approved worldwide for the treatment of cancer, more than 70 percent are based on natural products or chemical imitations of natural products.

Click here for Top 10 herbs used in herbal medicines

 1. Raw Garlic

Garlic contains vital nutrients, including flavonoids, oligosaccharides, selenium, allicin, and high levels of sulfur. Consuming cooked or raw garlic, by adding it to food or taking a capsule, can help treat diabetes, fight inflammation, boost the immune system, regulate blood pressure, fight cardiovascular disease, relieve allergies, fight fungal and viral infections, and improve hair loss.

Studies show an inverse correlation between garlic consumption and the progress of cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death. Research shows that garlic reduces cholesterol, inhibits platelet clustering, reduces blood pressure, and increases antioxidant status.

  1. Ginger

Ginger is the most widely used dietary condiment in the world today. The therapeutic benefits of ginger come from gingerols, the oily resin from the root that acts as a highly potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. Gingerol, among other bioactive agents present in ginger, is able to relieve indigestion and nausea, boost immune and respiratory function, fight bacterial and fungal infections, treat stomach ulcers, reduce pain, improve diabetes, prevent malabsorption, and may even inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

According to a 2013 review of evidence published in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine, the anticancer potential of ginger is well-documented, and its functional ingredients like gingerols, shogaol, and paradols are the valuable ingredients that can prevent various cancers. Researchers also found that ginger has anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties for controlling the aging process.

There are several ways to use ginger. It can be eaten raw, taken in powder or supplement form, consumed in liquid form by making a tea, or used topically in oil form.

  1. Turmeric

Turmeric is a plant that has a very long history of medicinal use, dating back nearly 4,000 years. Modern medicine has begun to recognize its importance, as indicated by the over 3,000 publications dealing with turmeric. This powerful plant can be added to any recipe or taken as a supplement. There is a range of turmeric benefits, including its ability to slow and prevent blood clotting, fight depression, reduce inflammation, relieve arthritis pain, manage diabetes, treat gastrointestinal issues, regulate cholesterol, and fight cancer.

Several studies indicate that turmeric has potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic, antimicrobial, and anticancer properties. As an antioxidant, turmeric extracts can scavenge free radicals, increase antioxidant enzymes, and inhibit lipid peroxidation.

  1. Ginseng

Ginseng is one of the most popular herbal medicines in the world, and it’s been used in Asia and North American for centuries. Native Americans used the root as a stimulant and headache remedy, as well as a treatment for infertility, fever, and indigestion, for instance.

Ginseng is also used to reduce stress, help with weight loss, treat sexual dysfunction, improve lung function, lower blood sugar levels, boost the immune system, and reduce inflammation. Ginseng is available in dried, powdered, tea, capsule, and tablet forms.

  1. Milk Thistle

Milk thistle extracts have been used as traditional herbal medicine remedies for almost 2,000 years. Milk thistle contains high levels of lipophilic extracts from the seeds of the plant, which act as bioflavonoids that increase immunity and slow down oxidative stress. The herb is also used for its anti-inflammatory properties. It can aid digestive function, increase bile production, boost skin health, fight the appearance of aging, lower cholesterol levels, and help detoxify the body.

This herb has protective effects in certain types of cancer, and data shows it can also be used for patients with liver diseases, hepatitis C, HIV, diabetes, and hypercholesterolemia. Milk thistle extracts, which are commonly sold in capsules, are also known to be safe and well-tolerated.

  1. Feverfew

For centuries, feverfew has been used for fevers, headaches, stomachaches, toothaches, insect bites, infertility, and problems with menstruation and labor during childbirth. Feverfew’s pain-easing effect is said to come from a biochemical called parthenolide’s, which combats the widening of blood vessels that occurs in migraines. The herb is also used to prevent dizziness, relieve allergies, reduce arthritis pain, and prevent blood clots.

Several impressive human studies show the positive effects of using feverfew to prevent and treat migraines. Feverfew is also effective in the prevention of migraine headaches and does not pose any major safety concerns.

Feverfew is available in capsule form, as tablets and liquid extract. Supplements should be standardized to contain at least 0.2 percent parthenolide. The leaves of feverfew can be used to make tea, but they have a bitter taste and maybe irritate the mouth.

  1. St. John’s Wort

St. John’s wort has been used as a medicinal herb for its antidepressant and anti-inflammatory properties for over 2,000 years. It produces dozens of biologically active substances, but hypericin and hyperforin have the greatest medical activity. St. John’s wort uses come from its antidepressant activity, the ability to relieve PMS symptoms, improve mood during menopause, fight inflammation, relieve skin irritations, and improve symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Researchers showed that St. John’s wort was superior to placebo in improving the physical and behavioral symptoms of PMS.

  1. Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba, which is also known as maidenhair, is an ancient plant extract that has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to heal various health ailments for thousands of years. Current research shows that it’s linked to improvements in cognitive function. When researchers from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine reviewed evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials involving brain injury patients, it reported that Ginkgo Biloba extract had positive effects on patients’ neurological impairment and quality of life in nine of the trials.

Other ginkgo Biloba benefits include its ability to improve concentration and memory, reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, fight anxiety and depression, help maintain vision and eye health, relieve ADHD symptoms, improve libido, and fight fibromyalgia.

Ginkgo biloba is available in capsule, tablet, liquid extract, and dried leaf form.

  1. Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto supplements are some of the most commonly consumed supplements by men with prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Saw palmetto has been shown to slow the production of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which converts the male hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a sex steroid and androgen hormone. While DHT is important because it plays a role in male development, it also contributes to many common health issues in men, such as loss of libido, an enlarged prostate and hair loss.

Saw palmetto appeared to have efficacy similar to that of medications like finasteride, but it was better tolerated and less expensive.

Aside from its ability to relieve conditions triggered by DHT, saw palmetto is also known to fight inflammation, boost immune function, treat respiratory conditions, and promote relaxation.

  1. Aloe Vera

In traditional Indian medicine, aloe vera is used for constipation, skin diseases, worm infestation, infections, and as a natural remedy for colic. In Chinese medicine, it’s often recommended in the treatment of fungal diseases, and in the Western world, it has found widespread use in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and food industries. Aloe vera is considered to be the most biologically active of the Aloe species; astonishingly, more than 75 potentially active components have been identified in the plant, including vitamins, minerals, saccharides, amino acids, anthraquinones, enzymes, lignin, saponins, and salicylic acids. It provides 20 of the 22 human-required amino acids and all eight of the essential amino acids.

Studies have proved the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antifungal properties of aloe vera. The plant has also proved to be non-allergic and very good at building up the immune system. One study found that 30 milliliters of aloe vera juice twice a day decreased the level of discomfort in 33 patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Flatulence also decreased for the participants, but stool consistency, urgency, and frequency remained the same.

Other aloe vera benefits include its ability to soothe rashes and skin irritations; treat burns and cold sores; moisturize the skin, hair, and scalp; provide antioxidants, and reduce inflammation. Aloe vera can be used topically or orally, and it’s available in most health food stores.

Herbal Medicine Precautions

Herbal supplements are not tested to prove they’re safe and effective, unlike prescription drugs. This is why some manufacturers can get away with selling herbal products that aren’t completely pure. When buying herbs to be used for medicine, make sure to purchase 100 pure-grade products from a reputable company. This ensures that you get the highest quality product that’s not weakened with less expensive additives and isn’t grown with pesticides or contaminated with heavy metals.

Botanical medicine may also cause allergic reactions or interact with conventional drugs, which is why you should consult your health care provider before beginning any herbal treatments. Herbalists, naturopaths,  physicians, pharmacists practitioners can provide information about herbal medicine and help you to choose what herb is best to address your health concerns. Be sure to do your own research on the herb you use and check for possible side effects and appropriate dosage.

Final Thoughts on Herbal Medicine

  • Natural plant products have been used throughout human history for various purposes. In fact, written records of the use of herbal medicine date back more than 5,000 years.
  • Herbal medicines, or botanicals, are naturally occurring, plant-derived substances that are used to treat illnesses within local or regional healing practices.
  • Today, herbalism is being noticed for focusing on overall wellness and prevention rather than treating a disease or ailment once it arises.
  • Herbal medicine is more cost-effective than modern medicine, it’s easier to obtain and it has several health benefits that are comparable to modern pharmaceuticals.
  • Some of the most well-known and most used herbs include garlic, ginger, turmeric, saw palmetto, St. John’s wort, and aloe vera.
  • While research suggests that herbal products have less adverse side effects than conventional medications, it’s important that consumers choose pure, high-quality products. If you’re planning to take herbal products for an extended period of time, see an herbalist or health care provider for guidance.

No one loves to visit a doctor but no matter how fit and healthy a person is, he or she is bound to experience any of these most common diseases. In a world where health problems are growing day after day, this list of common microbial ailments and viral infections has been reported to remain consistent in the past few decades. The rates at which they affect the global population today are already high but it is anticipated to increase even more in the upcoming years. Shockingly, some of these health conditions are so common that about 83% of the hospitals in the world make a huge income from their affected patients. It is worth noting these common diseases and the way they can be prevented as well as treated with effective home remedies.

The diseases given below are very common, but if left untreated, they can have severe implications. So, it is vital to treat them naturally and as early as possible. The list is arranged in the reverse chronological order with the most common diseases first followed by the fatal (yet common) ones in the last.

Click here for Most Common Disease - 1 to 20


  1. Common Cold – On average, an adult experience 2 – 3 episodes of cold per year whereas a child may have 6 – 10. Cold is one of the leading causes of the most number of doctor visits. Cold is so common worldwide that the discomfort it causes can make a person miserable. So, there are valid reasons why treating common cold should be on the top of your to-do list.

Remedy -1 :

  • Step 1: Grind ½ teaspoon of pepper, 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds, ½ teaspoon of dried ginger, and fresh neem leaves (select tender ones) in a mixer-blender.
  • Step 2: Dry the ground mixture in the shade. Once dry, consume them two times a day to get rid of the common cold.

Remedy -2:

  • Step 1: Boil 6 – 7 tablespoons of ginger (freshly grated) in 3 cups of water for 10 – 15 minutes. Add a pinch of cinnamon powder if you want.
  • Step 2: Strain the liquid and allow it to cool down a bit. Before drinking, add a few drops of honey and lemon juice for flavor. Drink twice a day to get rid of cold.
  1. Cough – If a cough seems simple to you, then think again because according to the World Health Organization, whooping cough causes an estimated 2 – 3 million deaths every year. After the incubation phase of 5 – 20 days, the cough infection turns very contagious. It spreads via bacteria-infected saliva droplets. So, each time the patient sneezes or coughs, others around him or she inhales and can get infected. Prolonged bouts of coughing in babies can be deadly — if it exceeds the 3-week duration, it can cause breathing problems, pneumonia, brain damage, seizures, and even death.

Remedy -1 :

  • Step 1: Boil 1 cup of fresh basil leaves in 2 cups of water for 10 minutes. Wait until the quantity boils down to 1 cup.
  • Step 2: Filter the mixture and add a few drops of honey. Drink it warm.

Remedy – 2 :

  • Step 1: Boil some fresh fenugreek leaves with 6 – 8 raisins and ½ teaspoon of cumin seeds with 2 cups of water for 10 minutes.
  • Step 2: Wait until the quantity boils down to one cup. Strain and drink when it is warm.
  1. Fever – Fever is not a disease. It is the natural way for the body to protect against infections. Fever is not dangerous, but if left untreated, it can lead to something severe. It is often mistaken and associated with hyperthermia (an illness where the body temperatures rise seriously high). But fever is a completely different condition.

Remedy – 1 :

  • Step 1: Chop 1 – 2 garlic clove and boil in a cup of water for 10 minutes.
  • Step 2: Strain the mixture and sip when it is warm.
  • Step 3: Drink the mixture two times a day and you’ll feel better.

Remedy – 2 :

  • Step 1: Crush a few peppermint leaves and boil in a cup of water for 10 minutes.
  • Step 2: Strain the liquid and add a few drops of honey and a pinch of black pepper powder. Drink the mixture when it is warm. Follow this remedy 2 to 3 times a day for relief from fever.
  1. Headache – Headaches are one of the most common diseases of the nervous system. At some point or the other, we all suffer from a headache. Though headaches are classified into many types, the most common headache people tend to suffer is associated with stress. A headache that occasionally occurs due to stress is not dangerous but if it is recurring, it could be a sign of a migraine.

Remedy – 1 :

  • Step 1: Take fresh betel leaves and grind them with a few drops of water to make a smooth paste.
  • Step 2: Apply the betel leaves the paste on your forehead and temples to relieve a headache.

Remedy – 2 :

  • Step 1: Crush some dry cloves and tie them in a handkerchief.
  • Step 2: Whenever you have a headache, smell the aroma of the crushed cloves to feel better instantly.
  1. Stomach Pain: Stomachache or stomach pain is yet another common health problem that one experiences at least once or multiple times in a year. It prevents the person from enjoying a good meal and the pain can be unbearable at times.

Pain in the stomach is always an indication of an underlying problem like indigestion,  food poisoning, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), food allergies, stomach flu, injuries, etc. However, the most common reason is due to either indigestion or food poisoning.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Squeeze 2 lemons to extract the juice. Mix it with a glass of water.
  • Step 2: Crush a piece of ginger and add it to the water. Add a pinch of black salt.
  • Step 3: Stir the mixture well and drink to overcome the stomach pain (it works if it is due to indigestion).

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Take a few tenders or newly growing mango leaves. Wash them properly and dry them.
  • Step 2: Once dry, grind the leaves into powder form. Consume 1 teaspoon of this powder with honey.
  1. Acidity: Scientifically known as GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease), is a problem that about 60% of the global adult population experiences at least once in a year whereas the remaining 40% suffers from it weekly. It is also shocking to know that besides adults, even children experience it. Occasional acidity is not a serious concern but frequent GERD surely is.

Remedy -1 :

  • Step 1: Chop a few pieces of ginger and boil in 2 cups of water for 10 minutes.
  • Step 2: Once the quantity boils down to 1 cup, filter it and drink when it is warm.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Boil a teaspoon of chamomile petals (dried) with 2 cups of water for 10 minutes.
  • Step 2: Strain the liquid and add a few drops of honey and lemon juice to it. Drink when it is warm.
  1. Over Weight ( Obesity ): One of the most common health issues the whole world suffers is obesity or overweight. The problem of obesity has doubled since the 1980s. It is the cause of most major problems like cholesterol, heart attacks, and strokes.

More than 1.5 billion adult populations in the world are obese and the numbers are increasing every minute. Obesity is the world’s fifth leading cause of death and an estimated 2.8+ million adults die every year. Being overweight is no fun. It is a serious problem, which requires serious attention and quick remedy.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Boil some green tea leaves in water or get a green tea bag and dip it in hot water.
  • Step 2: Drink a cup of green tea every day to lose weight. A compound named epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) in natural green tea limits the absorption of fat and speeds the body’s capability to utilize fat.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Eating 5 to 7 curry leaves (fresh) every morning is a well-known Ayurvedic remedy to overcome obesity.
  • Step 2: Repeat the remedy for a month or two, at least on alternate days for the best results. Curry leaves have a natural alkaloid named mahanimbine, which exhibits lipid-lowering and anti-obesity properties; thus, helping the body lose weight and reducing the overall triglycerides as well as cholesterol levels.
  1. Back pain: Back pain or Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common health conditions that affects individual multiple times in his or her lifetime. As a person ages, it becomes recurrent. Back pain should never be taken lightly. Most back pains fade away within a month but if it lasts for three months or more, it is chronic and requires proper medical care.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Boil 10 to 12 fresh basil leaves in a cup of water for 10 minutes.
  • Step 2: Once it boils down to half the quantity, allow the mixture to warm.
  • Step 3: Strain and add a pinch of salt. Drink twice a day if you have mild back pain.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: A simple exercise like walking can help reduce back pain.
  • Step 2: Walk for 30 minutes daily in the mornings, but do it in moderation. If the pain is severe, discuss it with a doctor.
  1. Neck Pain: Like Lower Back Pain, even neck pain is one of the common health conditions an individual suffers in his or her lifetime. On a global scale, an estimated 50% of people experience neck pain, whose symptoms can range from mild to severe. According to reports, women between the ages of 18 and 64 get frequent neck pains when compared to men. It occurs due to poor posture, stress, and sitting for long hours. About 85% of the pain emerges from the joints, ligaments, and muscles.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Boil some fresh vitex negundo leaves. Add a few drops of sesame oil to it.
  • Step 2: Once slightly warm, take a clean cloth, dip it in the mixture, and apply to the neck pain.
  • Step 3: Repeating the remedy three times a week will help gain relief from the pain faster.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Do a slow-motion neck exercise – side to side, ear to ear, and up & down. This will help stretch and free the neck muscles.
  • Step 2: Alternatively, massaging the neck will also do the trick.
  1. Asthma: Asthma is one of the chronic and most common diseases that occur in the lung airways. It causes wheezing, tightness in the chest, and coughing. An estimated 2,50,000 asthma deaths occur every year. Fortunately, the condition is avoidable if the correct remedies are applied at an early stage.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Take some fresh betel leaves and extract its juice. Soak a few pieces of black pepper into the prepared betel leaves juice for two days.
  • Step 2: Dry the mixture and powder it. Tale ½ teaspoon of it and mix it with a few drops of honey. Eat this two times a day (morning and night) after meals.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Boil 4 – 5 dry cloves in a cup of water. Strain the liquid and add a few drops of honey for flavor.
  • Step 2: Drink the mixture twice a week for a month for the best results.
  1. Pimples: Pimples or acne is yet another most common skin condition that affects more than 65% of the global population. It is more commonly seen in teenagers than in adults. Pimple breakouts in the early stage require treatment. If left untreated, they can turn to a chronic skin problem called acne, which is often characterized by deeper, painful lumps, scars, whiteheads, blackheads, etc. Shockingly, embarrassment leads to anxiety and depression.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Mix 1 tablespoon of green gram powder with lemon juice to form a smooth paste.
  • Step 2: Apply on the pimples and leave for 30 minutes. Wash off with cold water.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Take some fresh basil leaves and grind them with a little water to form a paste.
  • Step 2: Apply the paste directly on the pimples and leave for 30 minutes. Then, wash off.
  1. Toothache: Toothaches are one of the most common dental problems people around the world experience. Though there are various causes of tooth pain, the common reasons include dental trauma, tooth decay, dental abscess, and extraction. Also, unhealthy eating habits, smoking, and drinking are the major causes of the most oral problems. If pain is severe visit the dentist immediately.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Take some fresh peppermint leaves. Wash and dry them.
  • Step 2: Once dry, grind them to powder form. Mix it with a little salt. Brush with it when you have pain.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Grind sugar and black pepper in equal proportions.
  • Step 2: Apply the mixture on the tooth pain for relief.
  1. Diarrhea: Diarrhea kills more than 2150 children in the world every day, which is more than malaria, measles, and AIDS combined. It is the second leading cause of global deaths of kids below the age 5. The main cause of diarrhea is contaminated water and food. It can be life-threatening if not treated on time.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Eat a cup of homemade, unsweetened plain yogurt.
  • Step 2: Natural probiotics like yogurt helps in reducing diarrheal symptoms.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Boil some fresh chamomile flowers with 1 teaspoon of chopped peppermint leaves in 2 cups of water for 10 minutes.
  • Step 2: Once the quantity boils down to 1 cup, strain the liquid and drink 2 – 3 times a day for relief.
  1. Ear Infection: Scientifically known as Otitis media, an infection is the common cause of most earaches. Globally, 80% of kids are treated for at least one infection in the middle ear. Earaches can be very distressing and painful. If accompanied by fever and cold. They require immediate medical attention.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Take 1 tablespoon of pure sesame oil.
  • Step 2: Slightly heat the oil with 1 garlic clove (peeled) with a few cumin seeds.
  • Step 3: Filter the oil and allow it to cool down a bit. Use a dropper and pour a few drops into the ear.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Slightly heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil with a few fresh basil leaves (pinched).
  • Step 2: Filter the oil and use a dropper to pour a few drops of it into the aching ear.
  1. Eye Irritation, Infection: Though there are many kinds of problems associated with eyes, the most common eye disease is pink eye or conjunctivitis. However, fungal eye problems can be serious but are very rare. The most frequent way for an individual to grow a fungal eye infection is an eye injury, which is often via a toxic plant thorn or a stick.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: For eye pain, take some saffron strands and mix it with a few drops of milk.
  • Step 2: Close your eyes and apply the mixture externally on the painful eye for relief.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: For eye irritation and itching, mix ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of water.
  • Step 2: Clean the eyes using this water.
  1. Nose Bleed: The most common misconception about nosebleeds is that only kids are vulnerable to it. However, research has revealed that nosebleeds are prevalent in senior citizens as well, which are usually a sign of an underlying health condition. But this doesn’t mean kids experience them less. Recurring nosebleeds can be a serious issue; hence, they shouldn’t be left untreated.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Peel an onion and slice them into thick, big spheres.
  • Step 2: Hold an onion slice under the nose instantly. Wait for 5 minutes. The bleeding will stop.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Mix 1 teaspoon of pure cayenne pepper powder with 1 cup of warm water.
  • Step 2: Drink the mixture to stop the bleeding nose instantly.
  1. Pneumonia: Pneumonia is a severe respiratory infection, which affects the lungs and is characterized by painful breathing.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Take ½ a liter of water and add 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds to it. Boil it for a while.
  • Step 2: Strain the liquid and add 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. Drink 4 cups of this in a day.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Boil 1 tablespoon of organic sesame seeds in 2 cups of water for 5 minutes.
  • Step 2: Once the seeds are soft, add 1 tablespoon of organic flax seeds and boil again.
  • Step 3: Strain it. Add a pinch of salt and 1 teaspoon of honey. Drink every morning on an empty stomach.
  1. Heart Stroke: Heat stroke is scientifically known as hyperthermia, a serious condition where the body temperature gets extremely high (above 104 degrees). It is life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention. If left untreated, it turns malignant. In such cases, a hyperthermia patient will experience a sudden increase in heart rates, muscle breakdown, bodily changes, excess bleeding, and failure of various organs.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Take some fresh leaves of the plant Portulaca oleracea ( purslane / Khursa / Luni ) and grind them with water.
  • Step 2: Filter the juice and take 1 teaspoon of it every morning to overcome hyperthermia.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Wash some fresh Centella Asiatica ( Gotu Kola / Moti Brahmi )  leaves.
  • Step 2: Chew the raw leaves every morning on an empty stomach for a few days.
  1. High Blood Pressure ( Hypertension ): H.O. reports that an estimated 7.7 million people die every year due to raised blood pressure. Hypertension or high blood pressure has been directly linked with fatal diseases like diabetes, kidney disorders, and heart attacks.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Take some fresh moringa (drumstick) leaves and extract its juice. Dry and then powder it. Alternatively, you can buy moringa powder.
  • Step 2: Take two grams of moringa powder and mix it with a few drops of honey. Consume this twice a day to keep the blood pressure under control.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Take a cup of homemade, fresh, plain yogurt.
  • Step 2: Soak 2 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in it. Leave it overnight.
  • Step 3: Apply the mixture on your head the next day. Leave for 30 minutes and shampoo.
  1. Low Blood Pressure ( Hypotension ): Blood pressure does not stay constant all the time. It changes. It lowers when you are asleep and increases when you get up. It also rises when you are nervous, active, or excited. But your body corrects itself to ensure that there are enough oxygen and blood flow to the kidneys, brain, and other important organs. Though hypotension is classified into different types, the majority of them happen when the body fails to bring back the blood pressure to normal. Perhaps, it is not rapid enough to perform this function.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Whenever you experience low blood pressure, grind 2 pieces of garlic with a glass of milk.
  • Step 2: Drink the mixture to bring blood pressure to normal.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Add Sesbania grandiflora ( Agathi )  leaves in your daily diet.
  • Step 2: These herbal leaves are known to help overcome hypotension.


Click here for Serious Disease - 21 to 40

  1. Type I Diabetes: According to IDF, 415 million people suffer from type I diabetes every year. Type 1 Diabetes is a serious autoimmune disorder where an individual’s pancreas stops generating insulin. Its onset is never related to lifestyle or diet. Sadly, nothing can be done to prevent type 1 diabetes at present.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Take 5 grams of organic sesame seeds. Soak them in 1 cup of water for at least 3 hours. Once the color of the seeds changes to white, grind them and mix it with a glass of buttermilk.
  • Step 2: Drink the mixture every day to increase the insulin levels in the blood.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Take 1 – 2 fresh bitter gourds and eliminate the seeds. Prepare a glass of fresh bitter gourd juice.
  • Step 2: Drink every morning for at least 2 months for the best results.
  1. Type II Diabetes: Type II Diabetes is one of the most common diseases the universe suffers from. Sadly, 50% of diabetes cases go undiagnosed in developing nations. However, type 2 diabetes can be prevented.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Include natural foods like fenugreek, okra, peas, sage, and broccoli in your diet.
  • Step 2: The nutrients in these foods have been reported to fix type 2 diabetes.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Mix 1 teaspoon of bay leaves (finely ground), 1 teaspoon of turmeric, and 1 tablespoon of fresh aloe vera gel together.
  • Step 2: Add a little water and stir well. Drink the mixture two times a day before lunch & dinner.
  1. Raised Cholesterol: Increased cholesterol is deadly yet one of the most common diseases. It is directly associated with heart attacks. Every year, an estimated 2.6 million people die due to cholesterol. Abnormal cholesterol levels are primarily due to unhealthy eating patterns.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Drink a glass of freshly made orange juice every day.
  • Step 2: The natural fiber and vitamin C in oranges help clear the blocked blood vessels. It increases good cholesterol while decreasing the bad.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Boil 2 teaspoons of coriander seeds’ powder in 2 cups of water.
  • Step 2: Once the quantity evaporates into 1 cup, filter it, and drink when it is warm.
  1. Hyperthyroidism: An estimated 200 million people in the world suffer some thyroid problem and is more common in women than men. Though it wasn’t that common in the earlier days, now it certainly is. The thyroid gland weighs only 20 grams but the hormones it produces are significant for regulating the entire body functions.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Boil ½ a teaspoon of the herb called mother-wort in a cup of water for 5 minutes.
  • Step 2: Filter it and drink when it is warm. Drink 2 times a day. But if you are already on medications, consult your doctor because the compounds might interact.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Add fresh broccoli (uncooked) in your diet.
  • Step 2: Broccoli has compounds like goitrogens and isothiocyanates that restrains the thyroid from generating excess hormone.
  1. Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism occurs when an individual’s thyroid gland does not produce adequate proportions of two important hormones namely – T4 & T3. Hypothyroidism affects about two persons in 100 and its prevalence increases with age.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Add freshly grated ginger to dishes and soups.
  • Step 2: Alternatively, a cup of ginger tea can greatly help. To make ginger tea, slice a few pieces of ginger and add it to a cup of boiling water. Strain it, add a few drops of honey and drink when it is warm.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Add 2 tablespoons of ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) in a glass of lukewarm water.
  • Step 2: Add a few drops of honey and drink the solution regularly.
  1. Insect Bites: Insect bites and stings aren’t dangerous. They are treatable at home. Warm weather conditions make a person spend time outdoors; however, it also the time when small insects and bugs are out of their homes. Bites are 70% harmless, but poisonous ones can be dangerous. Wear proper clothing and use insect repellents to protect yourself.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: An ice pack works the best for any insect bite. Wrap a few ice cubes in a clean cloth.
  • Step 2: Apply on the bitten part. Cold compress numbs it and lessens the inflammation.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Slice a piece of fresh papaya and apply it on the swollen part.
  • Step 2: The enzymes in papaya will neutralize the venom and soothe the itching.

Note: For poisonous bites, meet a doctor immediately. Do not delay.

  1. Allergies: Allergies can be classified into many types such as food allergies, drug allergies, insect allergies, and skin allergies. An allergy occurs when an individual’s immune system responds to a foreign matter, known as an allergen, which can be something that you eat, inject, touch, or inhale. This reaction may cause sneezing, coughing, cold, scratchy throat, skin irritation, or itchy eyes. If the case is severe, it might cause hives, rashes, hypotension, breathing problems, asthma, and sometimes death.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: If it is a food allergy, eat a teaspoon of raw, unprocessed honey.
  • Step 2: Repeat this multiple times a day to get rid of the allergy soon.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: If it is skin allergy, apply coconut oil or olive oil.
  • Step 2: Both these essential oils help in healing the rashes naturally.
  1. Sinus : Sinus is an allergy or cold that doesn’t go away. It can be life-threatening if it turns chronic. So, don’t take your cold lightly. If it lasts for weeks, chances are that you have a sinus infection.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Mix 1 tablespoon of honey (slightly warmed) with ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
  • Step 2: Consume this mixture for a few days.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Fry three teaspoons of cumin seeds. Grind them to get the powdered form.
  • Step 2: Mix the powdered cumin with a teaspoon of sugar or even less. Eat twice a day.
  1. Psoriasis: Psoriasis is an acute skin condition, which requires proper clinical treatment. It can affect any gender of any age group. However, it is more common in the 20s and 50s.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Take some fresh flowers of the plant Tanners cassia ( Tarwar / Awala ).
  • Step 2: Grind the petals with green gram powder. Add enough water to make it to a smooth paste. Apply on the itchy region and have a bath after 20 minutes with warm water.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Take some fresh leaves of Quassia Indica ( Lokhanti / Bitterwood ) plant and extract its juice.
  • Step 2: Apply it on the itchy part and wash off.
  1. Kidney Stone: Kidney stones are extremely painful and debilitating. Recurre2t formation of stones in the kidneys might even lead to reduced quality of life. The overall lifetime occurrence of kidney stones is about 13% in men whereas 7% in women.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Take a few fresh leaves of devil’s thorn ( Ulat-Kanta ) and spinach. Grind them together and extract the juice.
  • Step 2: Boil the extracted juice of both the leaves in a glass of milk. Filter and drink for 20 days for the best results.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Take the leaves of these plants: Aerva lanata ( kapuri Jadi / Chaya )  & Cissus quadrangularis ( Hadjora ). Fry them slightly.
  • Step 2: Then, add a glass of water and boil for 5 to 7 minutes.
  • Step 3: Filter the liquid and drink when it is warm.
  1. Dengue fever: The disease is more common in tropical & sub-tropical climates. They are transmitted via mosquitoes of the genus Aedes and can turn deadly. In the initial stages, dengue fever is not dangerous, but if left untreated, it turns fatal. The final stage is death.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Boil immature or growing neem leaves in a cup of water.
  • Step 2: Strain it and drink when it is warm.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Take some fresh papaya leaves, Clean them, and discard the veins.
  • Step 2: Grind the leaves in a mixer with a glass of water.
  • Step 3: Strain it and drink 3 – 4 times a day to overcome dengue.
  1. Typhoid: Typhoid is an infection caused by a bacterium called Salmonella Typhi, which usually occurs through contaminated food or water. About 67% of the typhoid cases around the globe are from Southeast Asia.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Get some fresh guava flowers and grind them nicely.
  • Step 2: Add a cup of goat’s milk (not boiled) to the ground mixture.
  • Step 3: Drink the mixture on an empty stomach thrice a day.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Take 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and add ½ a teaspoon of honey to it.
  • Step 2: Add ½ cup of warm water to the mixture and drink it. This will boost the immune system and help fight the typhoid infection.
  1. Malaria: An estimated 3.2 billion people (50% of the world population) are at risk of malaria. The Sub-Saharan African regions contribute to the highest number of malaria cases.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Take 2 cloves, 1 cinnamon stick, and 15 grams of Swertia Chirata  ( Hajora ) herbal powder.
  • Step 2: Boil them in 2 cups of water. Store it and have 1- 2 teaspoons of it two times a day.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Grind 10 – 12 fresh basil leaves with 2 to 4 black peppers.
  • Step 2: Eat this one time a day to bring the malaria fever down.
  1. Yellow Fever ( Jaundice ): Jaundice is one of the most common liver diseases. Around 60% of all the healthy newborns will have jaundice in the early days of life. However, it will go away within 7 – 10 days. In adults, jaundice can be severe if left untreated.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Take some fresh papaya leaves and discard the veins. Make a paste of it.
  • Step 2: Add 1 tablespoon of honey to this paste and eat for 1 – 2 weeks to treat jaundice.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Take some fresh leaves of Aegle marmelos plant (Wood Apple/bael). Extract the juice.
  • Step 2: Mix 1 teaspoon of pepper powder to it and drink. Along with this, ensure to drink a glass of sugarcane juice two times a day.
  1. Joint Pain: 1 out of 5 individuals above the age of 18 suffer from arthritis every year. Shockingly, adults aren’t the only ones to have this problem but even kids too. An estimated 300,000 kids suffer from arthritis.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Take some fresh leaves of the Indigofera tinctoria ( Nili / Neeli )  plant.
  • Step 2: Sauté these leaves in 4 – 5 tablespoons of castor oil. Filter and massage this warm oil on the aching part.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Boil ½ teaspoon of turmeric and ½ teaspoon of ginger (freshly grated) in 2 cups of water.
  • Step 2: Strain and a little honey. Drink two times a day.
  1. Dark Circles: Dark circles or eye circles is not a disease but a common skin condition. They are not life-threatening. Dark circles are an outcome of excess exposure to UV rays, unhealthy eating patterns, and stress. They will only make a person feel embarrassed. However, with effective remedies, they can be made lighter.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Mix equal proportions of peppermint juice, rose water, and basil leaves juice in a bowl.
  • Step 2: Apply the mixture on the dark circles and leave for a while. Wash off with cold water.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Mix a tablespoon of fuller’s earth with a sufficient amount of pineapple juice.
  • Step 2: Apply the paste to the dark circles and leave for a while. Wash off with cold water.
  1. Stress: Stress is not a disease but of course, the primary cause of most health problems today. It is a serious health concern, which shouldn’t be overlooked. Eventually, prolonged stress leads to sleepless nights, anxiety, stomach problems, depression, headaches, fatigue, lack of interest, etc.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Whenever you are stressed, go to a calm place and sit comfortably for 5 minutes.
  • Step 2: Close your eyes. Take deep breaths and count up to 10. Repeat a few times to relax.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Warm coconut or olive oil.
  • Step 2: Massage your head, shoulders, feet (bottom part), and neck. Leave it for 30 minutes.
  • Step 3: Take a hot shower to reduce stress instantly.
  1. Chest Congestion: Chest congestion is one of the common symptoms of respiratory infections. It occurs when the mucosa or mucus membranes are inflamed and irritated. This usually happens when a person inhales some irritants. Though it isn’t a serious problem, chest congestion for a prolonged period can turn chronic and lead to other problems in the respiratory tract.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Grand the rind of a lemon and boil it in a cup of water for 5 minutes.
  • Step 2: Strain it and gargle with it.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Boil 2 – 3 black pepper pieces and 1 small piece of ginger (finely chopped) in 1 cup of water.
  • Step 2: After 5 to 7 minutes, turn off the stove. Strain it, add a teaspoon of honey, and drink when it is warm.
  1. Constipation: About 20% of the global population today suffers from constipation problems. In fact, it is one of the most common digestive problems people complain about. This health condition not only makes a person feel irritated and bloated but also is highly expensive.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil with a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • Step 2: Consume this mixture every morning on an empty stomach.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Mix a tablespoon of flaxseeds in a glass of water. Leave it for 3 – 4 hours.
  • Step 2: Drink the water every night before going to bed. Bowel syndrome will get better.
  1. Snoring: About 30% of the adult populations (above the age of 30) are snorers. Now, this percentage rises to forty if middle-aged people are considered. About 2/3rd of couples report that their spouse snore. Surprisingly, even 5.6% of kids in the world are affected by habitual snoring. An average snore has a sound of 38 decibels; however, the loudest snore ever recorded was about 120 decibels, which is equivalent to the sound produced by an emergency siren.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Mix 1 – 2 drops of essential peppermint oil in a glass of water.
  • Step 2: Gargle your mouth with this solution before bedtime. Do not swallow.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Add ½ a teaspoon of organic cardamom powder in a glass of water.
  • Step 2: Drink the mixture thirty minutes before bedtime. Repeat the remedy for a few days to reduce snoring.


Click here for Acute Disorders - 41 to 60


  1. Pellagra ( Vitamin B3 deficiency ): Pellagra is another disease that occurs due to the deficiency of vitamin B3 (or niacin). It is accompanied by abnormal skin rashes, body weakness, loss of appetite, and mouth sores. If left untreated, it worsens gradually, producing acute skin inflammation, severe diarrhea, mental disturbances, and finally death.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Include multiple vitamin B3 rich foods in the daily diet.
  • Step 2: Example: Potatoes, bananas, kiwis, tomatoes, cabbage, avocados, cabbages, etc.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Boil 1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds in 2 cups of water for 5 minutes.
  • Step 2: Add a few spinach leaves and boil again for another 5 minutes. Strain it and drink the mixture.
  1. Skin Burns: The death rates due to burns in high-income countries have decreased over the years, but it primarily happens in the developing countries, mostly in small-scale industries and homes. About 11+ million people in the world are severely burnt in a year. However, they are completely preventable. Minor burns can be treated at home, but severe ones require immediate medical attention.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Peel and grate a fresh, raw potato.
  • Step 2: Apply the juice and the grated potato on the burnt skin region.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Cut open a fresh Aloe Vera leaf.
  • Step 2: Apply the fresh gel to the burnt region for relief.
  1. Hair fall or hair Loss: About 50 – 100 hair loss in a day is normal but if it exceeds, it is a concern. The problem of hair loss is often associated with stress, excessive work, an underlying disease, and surgeries.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Make a smooth paste of rose petals, neem leaves, and curry leaves.
  • Step 2: Take henna powder (based on your hair length) and mix the paste with it.
  • Step 3: Add some coconut oil and apply the paste thrice a week to get rid of hair fall.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Take a few tablespoons of fenugreek powder & abrus precatorius ( Gunja / Ratti ) powder.
  • Step 2: Mix them with pure coconut oil and leave it for a week. Filter it and apply it on the hair regularly.
  1. Sore Throat: 90 to 95% of the sore throats occur due to cold weather and viral infections, but this often happens because we spend most of the time indoors or with people who are already ill. Smoking or even being in a foggy atmosphere may cause a sore throat or might make the existing soreness worse.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Take some fresh, immature jujube ( Chota ber ) leaves. Wash them properly.
  • Step 2: Boil the leaves with salt. Filter and gargle the mouth with it when it is slightly warm.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Take a few bay leaves and boil with water.
  • Step 2: Filter it and use it as a mouthwash to get rid of a sore throat.
  1. Swollen Tonsils: About a generation back, the treatment for persistent sore throats, especially in children was to take away their tonsils & adenoids. However, medical science has now advanced that the need for surgeries has diminished significantly. It is common to get tonsillitis, but recurrent ones can be problematic. If left untreated, it can turn chronic and the person may suffer from constant bad breath, inflamed tonsils, sore throats, and tender lymph nodes.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Boil a few fresh peppermint leaves and a piece of ginger (chopped) in 2 cups of water.
  • Step 2: Wait until the quantity reduces to 1 cup. Strain it and drink to soothe the inflamed tonsils.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Take a tablespoon of honey with 4 garlic cloves (finely crushed).
  • Step 2: Add both the ingredients to a cup of hot water. Leave it until it warms.
  • Step 3: Drink the solution 3 to 4 times a day for relief.
  1. Stretch Marks: Stretch marks are always associated with weight gain and pregnancy. However, besides these two, stress and hormonal fluctuations are also among the primary causes. In fact, sudden weight loss can also lead to the formation of stretch marks. It is important to treat them early because once they advance, they are extremely hard to treat.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Slightly warm some castor oil. Apply the oil on stretch marks.
  • Step 2:  Massage in circular motions for at least 20 minutes every day.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Mix 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil, 1 teaspoon of pure tea kernel oil, 2 tablespoons of vitamin E oil, 1 tablespoon of beeswax (grated) with ½ cup of pure cocoa butter.
  • Step 2: Heat the mixture. Allow it to be warm. Apply on the stretch marks twice or thrice a day. Store the remaining in the refrigerator and use it whenever it is required.
  1. Tuberculosis: According to WHO, Tuberculosis is one of the prominent causes of deaths worldwide. About 95% of the TB deaths happen in developing or low-income countries. The leading geographical regions are known to be India, China, Pakistan, Africa, Nigeria, South Africa, and Indonesia.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Take the pulp of two custard apples and boil them in ½ cup water with 20 – 20 raisins.
  • Step 2: When the water quantity evaporates a little, filter the mixture and add a pinch of cardamom powder to it. Consume this two times a day to rejuvenate the tissues that are affected by TB.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Boil 3 tablespoons of fresh drumstick leaves with a cup of water for 5 minutes.
  • Step 2: Let the mixture warm a little. Add 1 teaspoon of lime juice and a little pepper & salt. Drink the decoction on an empty stomach every morning to ease the symptoms that TB brings.
  1. Anthrax: There were times when anthrax used to be a rare disease, but the global statistics of people being affected by this disease seems to be increasing every year. People get anthrax from consuming the meat of infected animals.

Also, one can encounter the problem if he or she is handling the animal parts. Anthrax can also affect a person if he or she visits a place that is already affected. The countries where anthrax disease is common are Southern and Central America, Central & Southwest Asia, Eastern Europe, the Caribbean, and sub-Saharan Africa.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Take 1 teaspoon of the herb named Gingko Biloba – the name of herb (powdered form).
  • Step 2: Boil it with 2 to 3 cups of water. Filter it, have a few tablespoons of it, and refrigerate the remaining. It is a potent herb but does not use it if you have are pregnant or suffering from seizures, diabetes, and infertility.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Take 2 – 3 fresh garlic cloves and chew them raw.
  • Step 2: Alternatively, you can even have garlic juice. Garlic helps in fighting the anthrax infection at a faster pace.
  1. Cholera: The outbreak of cholera continues to affect many countries. Even today, cholera remains a primary public health issue. It affects due to contaminated water and other sanitation resources. Shockingly, 663 million people don’t get access to clean, drinking water. World Health Organization states that about 80% of the cholera cases can be easily treated using ORS (Oral Rehydration Salts). Cholera is a deadly yet common disease, which is accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, fever, dehydration, weight loss, sleepiness, and vomiting.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: A homemade ORS solution is the right way to treat cholera. Mix 6 teaspoons of sugar and ½ a teaspoon of salt in 1 liter of water (clean).
  • Step 2: Drink this mixture multiple times a day for faster recovery.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Take a glass of water. Add 1 tablespoon of fresh lime juice, a small piece of ginger (grated), 1 teaspoon of honey, a few fresh basils and mint leaves.
  • Step 2: Drink the mixture two times a day for a week to recover from cholera faster.
  1. Chickenpox: It is one of the highly contagious and most common diseases in the world. It easily spreads via coughing, touching, and sneezing. Even though it is a common health condition, it can be prevented by taking pre-vaccinations. Also, if an individual gets it, it can be treated. But in its advanced stage, the disease can turn life-threatening, but this is rare. So, the earlier the treatment is, the better it is!

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Grind 10 gm of poppy seeds, a piece of turmeric, and a cup of fresh neem leaves in a mixer. Add a few drops of water to make it smooth.
  • Step 2: Apply the paste on the chickenpox marks for faster recovery.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Boil 1 cup of fresh carrots (freshly cut) and ½ cup of coriander leaves (chopped) in 2 cups of water.
  • Step 2: Wait until half of the water evaporates. Filter it and drink the soup for a month for strength and rapid recovery.
  1. Smallpox: Smallpox is one of the acute diseases in the world. It is caused due to the virus called variola and can easily spread from one person to the other. Once an individual is affected by this virus, the initial symptoms will begin within 12 to 14 days, which include prostration, headache, fever, severe backache, vomiting, and abdominal pain. The worse part comes after this. The patient will have a sudden drop in the body temperature followed by the appearance of rashes on the hands, face, forearms, and trunk. If left untreated, it can turn fatal.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Make a paste of red sandalwood powder.
  • Step 2: Apply on the smallpox blisters to relieve itching.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Boil some fresh red raspberry leaves in 2 cups of water.
  • Step 2: When the quantity turns to 1 cup, filter it, and drink when it is cool.
  1. Polio: Polio is an extremely infectious disease. It is caused by a virus, which attacks the nervous system and paralyzes the entire body within a few hours. It mainly occurs in children below the age of five. Sadly, once polio attacks a human, there is no treatment. It can only be prevented via pre-polio vaccines.

Note: There is no cure for polio. But can be prevented with the following remedies. But use these tips only as an adjunct. The primary way to prevent this deadly disease is polio vaccines.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Spice up the dish enough coriander seeds powder.
  • Step 2: You can even drink coriander juice to prevent polio.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Intense ayurvedic massages help in alleviating the pain and paralysis that has occurred.
  • Step 2: Meet an ayurvedic professional and have the paralyzed muscles to repair. Though this doesn’t cure the problem, it helps to some extent.
  1. Depression : Depression is one the most common mental disorders that affects people across the world. Sadly, it also includes children. World Health Organization states that depression is one of the leading causes of suicides, disabilities, and other major diseases. If the problem is not identified and treated early, it can bring up suicidal thoughts in the patient.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Crush about 12 – 14 almonds and mix it with a tablespoon of organic honey.
  • Step 2: Eat a tablespoon of this mixture two times a day morning and night to fight depression.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Eat fresh, grilled, or steamed asparagus thrice a week.
  • Step 2: Alternatively, you can even boil powdered asparagus in 2 cups of water. Filter and allow it to be cool. Drink the decoction to fight against depression.
  1. Hepatitis C: Hepatitis can be classified into 5 types, among which Hepatitis C is reported to be one of the most common liver diseases. The most common ways the infection starts is via insufficient sterilization of medical equipment, transfusion of untested blood, and unsafe vaccination practices. Hepatitis C affects millions of people in the world every year. An estimated 130 – 150 of the global population suffers from chronic hepatitis C, who eventually develops liver cancer or liver cirrhosis.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Boil a glass of milk.
  • Step 2: Mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Stir well and drink two times a day.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Chew 1 – 2 fresh garlic cloves a day.
  • Step 2: The compound allicin in garlic helps in detoxifying the liver naturally.
  1. Osteoporosis: Globally, about 200 million people have osteoporosis out of which an estimated 8.9+ million people suffer from severe fractures every year, resulting in a painful, osteoporotic fracture every three seconds.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Include pineapple in your daily diet. It can be a cup of freshly cut pineapple pieces or a glass of fresh juice.
  • Step 2: Pineapple is a rich source of manganese, a nutrient required to keep the bones healthy. Hence, consuming adequate amounts of pineapple truly helps.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Boil 2 teaspoons of coriander seeds in 2 cups of water.
  • Step 2: Once the quantity decreases to one cup, filter it, and add a few drops of honey. Drink the decoction once a day.
  1. Autism: Autism is one of the most common mental disorders whose prevalence has drastically grown in these decades. Autism can occur to a human of any race, gender, and age. It is 4.5 times more commonly seen in boys than in girls. Sadly, there is no cure for autism, but this doesn’t mean it cannot be improved. Some learning skills, communication activities, and the right foods can be of great help.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Mix coconut oil with a few drops of lavender essential oil in a bowl.
  • Step 2: Slightly warm the mixture and massage with it. Autistic kids experience high mood swings. They can get hyper easily. Hence, a massage with lavender oil can help them relax.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Take a glass of warm milk and add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to it.
  • Step 2: Drinking turmeric-milk on a regular basis is known to do great help.
  1. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder ( OCD ): What was once considered a rare psychological disorder is now reported to be one of the most common problems of the brain. OCD is a mental disorder, which is characterized by compulsions and obsessions. If left unobserved, it causes high distress. OCD outranks mental problems like panic attacks, bipolar disorders, and schizophrenia. The onset of OCD falls between the age of 6 – 15 in men and 20 – 29 in women.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Consuming oats for breakfast helps in bringing calmness to mind and body.
  • Step 2: Make sure to have oats with milk, garnished with a few fresh citrus fruits.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: A troubled, nervous system is one of the main reasons for OCD. It is vital to soothe the nerves.
  • Step 2: Prepare a bathtub of warm water and add a few drops of lemon and lavender oil to it. Have a bath and relax.
  1. Epilepsy: Epilepsy is one of the most common and chronic neurological disorders humans face today. It occurs due to the abnormal activity in the brain’s nerve cells. An estimated 10% of the global population will have at least 1 seizure in their lifetime, but just 1 seizure attack doesn’t indicate epilepsy. The problem is serious if the person gets 2 or more uncalled seizures.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Mix ½ teaspoon of baking soda and 2 tablespoons of freshly extracted lime juice in a glass of warm water.
  • Step 2: Drink the mixture before going to bed on alternate days for a few weeks to see a notable difference.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Winter melons are one of the best remedies for epilepsies. Prepare a glass of fresh winter melon juice.
  • Step 2: Drink this every morning on an empty stomach.
  1. Dizziness: Occasional dizziness is common but recurring can be a sign of a serious problem like vertigo – a serious health condition, which makes a person feel that the entire space around him is spinning. It affects about 40% of the adult population (who are above the age of 40) at least once.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: To recover from dizziness, eat a healthy snack that is enriched with carbohydrates.
  • Step 2: Usually, a chocolate bar or a ripe banana is given to the patient.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Extract the juice of 1 lemon and add it to a glass of water.
  • Step 2: Mix 1 – 2 teaspoons of sugar. Stir well and drink to overcome the dizziness.
  1. Cataract: Cataract is one of the most common eye disorders in the world. It is a condition where the eye lens is clouded and disturbs the person from getting a clear vision. The majority of cataract cases are associated with aging. However, rarely, a kid can be born with this condition. Though cataracts can be treated surgically, this remains a significant concern in low-income countries.

Note: Getting it treated via surgery is the ideal way to eliminate the cataract but there are a few things that can be done at home to prevent the condition or to treat extremely mild eye cataracts.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Prepare a glass of juice made of fresh carrots, spinach, and tomatoes.
  • Step 2: These three vegetables are a great source of vitamin A. Hence, drinking it every day can be of great help.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Mix 10 grams of these ingredients each: ginger juice, onion juice, and lemon juice.
  • Step 2: Filter it and add a few drops of honey. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Take a dropper and pour 2 drops of this solution into the affected eye every day. This will cure mild cataracts.


Click here for Uncommon Disease - 61 to 79

  1. Glaucoma: Glaucoma is one of the deadly and common eye disorders. According to WHO, it is the second leading reason for global blindness. It damages the optic nerves and leads to blindness. The affected eye continuously generates a fluid – scientifically known as aqueous. In the advanced stage, the damage is irreparable and permanent. So, it is vital to have your eyes examined in the initial phase.

Note: Prevention is the only way to keep yourself away from glaucoma. The loss of vision comes gradually. That’s why it is often known as the silent thief of sight.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Include different types of fresh green leafy vegetables in your daily diet.
  • Step 2: Leafy vegetables are a good source of zeaxanthin and lutein. Both protect the cells from radical damage.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Have dark-colored berries like blueberries and cranberries.
  • Step 2: They have bioflavonoids in them, which help in strengthening the eye capillaries.
  1. Dry Eyes: Dry eye syndrome is yet another common eye problems people have. The problem occurs when the eye glands fail to produce enough tears for the eye to have a clear vision. It is the disease of the ocular surface, which results in visual impairment and ocular discomfort.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Include sufficient amounts of omega-3 supplements in your daily diet.
  • Step 2: Natural omega-3 fatty acids are one of the best ways to relieve the symptoms of dry eyes.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Perform some eye exercises to get rid of the strain. Blink constantly for a minute.
  • Step 2: Another remedy is to slice a fresh cucumber and place them on your eyes.
  1. Scabies: Scabies is one of the most common skin diseases, which can affect an individual of any age group or race. It spreads quickly, especially in crowded environments like nursing homes and prisons. The prevalence of this skin problem ranges from 0.2% to 71% on a global scale.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Apply a few drops of neem oil on the affected skin region. Massage gently and leave for a while.
  • Step 2: Take a bath using warm water. Repeat the remedy every day for a few weeks to prevent the infection from spreading further.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Cut open a fresh aloe vera leaf. Apply the gel on the infected skin region
  • Step 2: Leave for 30 minutes and wash off with warm water.
  1. Irregular periods: About 70% of women in the world have irregularities in their menstrual cycle. Mostly it happens due to stress or emotional difficulties. However, prolonged irregularities in periods can be a sign of a serious health issue in the reproductive system, which is known as PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). So, check with a gynecologist.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Jaggery and sesame seeds can do wonders in overcoming the problem of irregular periods. Take 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds and slightly roast them.
  • Step 2: Grind the seeds with 1 teaspoon of jaggery. Eat 1 teaspoon of this powder on an empty stomach 2 weeks prior to the periods begin. Repeat this for a few months.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Add multiple vitamin C rich foods in your everyday diet like tomatoes, apples, oranges, berries, etc.
  • Step 2: Vitamin C helps in producing estrogen (hormones that handle the menses).
  1. Insomnia ( lack of Sleep ): An estimated 30% of the global population has insomnia. Sleep Foundation says that widowed, divorced, and separated individuals are the primary victims. Insomnia is an issue that shouldn’t be taken lightly because it has serious negative effects. According to the researchers, people who do not get adequate sleep are vulnerable to frustration, road accidents, and high rates of lost workdays.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed.
  • Step 2: This is a well-known remedy and works because milk has a compound called tryptophan, which helps in inducing better sleep.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: The herb named Valerian ( Tagar / Chhar ) is claimed to be an effective remedy for insomnia. Take a teaspoon of valerian roots (dried). You can buy the powdered form.
  • Step 2: Boil the roots in 2 cups of water. Wait until the quantity drops to a cup. Drink before bedtime.
  1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome ( IBS ): The correct cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome is still unknown. However, the patient experiences heavy disturbances in the way the nervous system, gut, and brain interacts. The impact can be a mild discomfort to fatal debilitation.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Boil 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds (crushed) in a cup of water for 10 minutes.
  • Step 2: Wait until the quantity reduces to 1 cup. Strain the mixture and allow it to cool. Drink 2 times a day. Repeat the remedy for a few days to get rid of IBS.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Boil 2 – 3 teaspoons of chamomile flowers (dried) in 2 cups of water.
  • Step 2: Wait until the quantity reduces to 1 cup. Strain the mixture and add a few drops of lemon juice to it. Allow it to be cool. Drink 2 times a day. Repeat the remedy for a few days to get rid of IBS.
  1. Bipolar Disorder: Bipolar disorder is one of the common mental disorders, which affects an estimated 60 million in the world. It is characterized by both depressive and maniac episodes, divided by phases of usual mood. The maniac episodes entail irritable or elevated mood, inflated self-esteem, decreased sleep, and over-activity. However, it is treatable and preventable.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Include foods that are rich in magnesium. It helps in balancing the mood and reduces the mania symptoms. Also, it promotes better sleep.
  • Step 2: Some good sources are cashews, black beans, soybeans, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, spinach, etc.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Boil 1 teaspoon of licorice roots (dried) in 2 cups of water for 10 minutes.
  • Step 2: Once the quantity reduces to 1 cup, strain it, and drink when it is warm.
  1. Food Poisoning: 1 out of 10 people tend to fall ill annually from consuming contaminated food. Children under age 5 are at the maximum risk, with about 1,25,000 dying from it each year. The African and southern East Asian countries are reported to have the highest cases of foodborne diseases.

Remedy 1:

  • Step1: Prepare a glass of freshly made basil leaves juice. Add one tablespoon of honey to it.
  • Step2: Drink this juice several times a day to get rid of food poisoning.    

Remedy 2:

  • Step1: Extract the juice of a small piece of ginger and add one teaspoon of honey to it.
  • Step2: Consume the mixture two times a day to overcome food poisoning.
  1. Dehydration: Every year, insufficient water and improper hygiene contribute to an estimated death of 1.5 million children. It is very important to keep the body hydrated because once it turns chronic, it is life-threatening. Dehydration can even result in loss of memory power, anxiety, and irritability.

Remedy 1:

  • Step1: Take 4 cups of water and add 6 teaspoons of sugar and ½ teaspoons of salt to it.
  • Step2: Stir it properly and drink this water several times a day.

Remedy 2:

  • Step1: Drink a glass of coconut water every morning. Ditch those sports drinks and artificial beverages.
  • Step 2: Coconut water is reported to be low in sugar as well as calories. It replenishes chronic dehydration than plain, drinking water.
  1. Nausea: Nausea is one of the most unpleasant sensations that occur in the upper abdomen. It is the expulsion of all the gastric contents via the mouth. Everyone in the world experiences it at least once or multiple times in a year, but it is a primary concern if it is recurring or turns chronic. In such cases, it is a sign of an underlying medical condition.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Grate a fresh piece of ginger.
  • Step 2: Mix it in a cup of boiling water. Leave it for a while. Strain and drink when it is warm.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Chew some fresh peppermint leaves.
  • Step 2: The menthol in peppermint leaves helps in getting rid of nausea.
  1. Gingivitis: While the majority of the people think heart diseases and cancers as the deadliest but gum problems like gingivitis are no small contenders. They can cause bone loss, tooth loss, and have been associated with fatal systemic health issues like pancreatic cancers and cardiovascular diseases. It is the inflammation of the gum tissues. There is bleeding, pain, swelling, and redness of the gums. Gum diseases are one of the most prevalent health issues, which can have shocking effects.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Mix ½ teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.
  • Step 2: Use this solution to rinse your mouth 2 to 3 times a day.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon and mix it a glass of water. Use the mixture as a mouthwash after you brush the teeth. Repeat the remedy two times a day to prevent bleeding gums.
  • Step 2: Alternatively, you can mix 1 tablespoon of freshly extracted lemon juice with a little salt. Apply the paste on the gums and rinse with warm water after 10 minutes.
  1. Wisdom Teeth: The third molars or wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth to develop and emerge in the mouth. They develop between the age of 17 & 25, a phase of life which is usually known as the “Age of Wisdom.”

Extracting them is not necessary if they are painless, functional, disease-free, and cavity-free. Well, this is not common to see because most wisdom teeth cases are problematic because they emerge at abnormal angles, making it very hard to come out from the gum.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Keep a clove near the aching wisdom tooth.
  • Step 2: Once the clove starts to release its essential oil, there will be a relief from the pain.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Chewing 1 – 2 guava leaves (tender ones) helps in relieving the pain.
  • Step 2: Alternatively, you can boil 4 – 5 tender guava leaves in a cup of water for 5 minutes. Filter it and rinse the mouth with when it is warm. Repeat the process 2 – 3 times a day to get rid of wisdom tooth pain.
  1. Dysuria ( Painful Urination ): Dysuria refers to burning pain while urinating. It is one of the primary signs of an underlying internal problem like vaginitis or UTI. It is associated with the inflammation of the genitourinary tract.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Wash a handful of fresh chocolate weed leaves.
  • Step 2: Boil the leaves with 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds and 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder. Filter the liquid and drink once a day.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Take cumin seeds and barley in equal proportions.
  • Step 2: Mix them in freshly prepared spinach leaves juice. Bring them to boil. Add a little water if required. Strain and drink when it is warm.
  1. Parasites ( Intestinal Worms ): Don’t take parasites lightly because they can cause serious diseases in humans. Some parasitic problems can be treated but some cannot. Though it is most common in the tropical & sub-tropical regions, it is also seen in developed countries.

Note: The best way to get rid of intestinal worms or parasites is to cleanse the body with natural foods.
Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Boil the bark (about 2 inches) of a pomegranate tree in 2 cups of water for 10 minutes.
  • Step 2: Wait until the water evaporates to 1 cup. Strain it and drink 3 times a day when it is warm.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Boil 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds in 2 cups of water for 10 minutes.
  • Step 2: Wait until the water evaporates to 1 cup. Strain it and drink 3 times a day when it is warm.
  1. Bad Breath: If you think that bad breath is no big deal, then think over because about 60% of the bad breath victims are more prone to be stressed. About 57% of them have reported having feelings of dejection and depression only because their mouth stinks.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Take 1 to 2 tender, immature bay leaves.
  • Step 2: Clean them properly and chew 2 to 3 times a day.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Boil some fresh lemon leaves in 2 cups of water for 10 minutes.
  • Step 2: Strain the solution and use it as a mouthwash multiple times a day.
  1. Hemorrhoids ( Piles ): They are not deadly, but they make a person’s daily life miserable and incredibly challenging. It is one of the worst diseases to live with. A person suffering from hemorrhoids or piles experiences extreme pain and uneasiness in the rectal part.

They are most commonly seen in people between the ages 40 and 65 but, even young adults can experience them. A common myth associated with piles is that – hot spicy foods are the cause; however, the fact is that constipation is the primary reason.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Take a glass of warm goat milk.
  • Step 2: Mix a little sugar and 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds (finely ground). Drink every day before going to bed.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Mix a teaspoon of black mustard in a cup of homemade, plain yogurt.
  • Step 2: Consume this mixture once a day for a few weeks for the desired results. Make sure to chew the mustard seeds properly.
  1. Peptic Ulcer ( Stomach Ulcer ): Peptic ulcers are reported to be one of the most common stomach infections. In spite of decades of research, it remains to be serious trouble in humans. Peptic ulcers are often said to lead to more chronic complications like cancers and even death sometimes.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: An effective remedy to treat stomach or peptic ulcers is to eat 2 to 3 ripe bananas per day.
  • Step 2: Alternatively, you can have 2 glass of banana milkshakes a day.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Boil a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in 2 cups of water.
  • Step 2: Strain the mixture and add a few drops of honey. Drink regularly. Also, add fenugreek leaves to your daily diet.
  1. Tinnitus ( ringing ears ): Tinnitus once used to be a rare ear problem; however, the global statistics reveal a different story now. People are at risk of hearing loss, among which tinnitus is a primary cause. Tinnitus is an ear condition where the patient experiences continuous ringing in the ears, which is caused by loud noises, ear infections, emotional stress, or head injury.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Take the extract of Ginkgo biloba and divide it into 3 doses.
  • Step 2: Consume for at least 2 months for positive results. Avoid the remedy if you have seizures or you are already on some medications.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Take a teaspoon of mustard oil and warm it slightly.
  • Step 2: Use a dropper and pour a few drops of it into the affected ear. Repeat the process for a few days.
  1. Chikungunya: Chikungunya is one of the serious viral diseases that is transmitted via infected mosquitoes. Once it affects the person, it causes intense joint pain and fever. Besides these, it causes fatigue, nausea, headache, and rashes. Shockingly, there is no cure, but treatments can be done to relieve the symptoms.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Add enough amounts of ginger and turmeric to your regular diet.
  • Step 2: Both these ingredients have natural anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties to fight the infection.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Drink a glass of freshly made carrot juice.
  • Step 2: It helps in minimizing the joint pain.


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Click here for Critical Disease - 80 to 89


  1. Brain Tumor: Brain tumor is the 2nd leading cause of cancer-associated deaths in individuals under age 20. The average survival rate of all brain tumors (malignant) is 34.2%. The exact cause of most brain tumors is still a mystery. However, symptoms include seizures, recurrent headaches, eye weakness, personality changes, vomiting, nausea, etc. So, the symptoms that sound simple, in reality, are not. They could be a sign of a fatal disease.

Note: Disease like brain tumors requires clinical treatments. However, you can prevent it.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: To prevent brain tumors, intake of natural foods that is rich in folic acid like green leafy vegetables, berries, oranges, spinach, beans, etc.
  • Step 2: Folic acid prevents cancer cells from spreading.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Drink a cup of green tea every day.
  • Step 2: Green tea has powerful cancer-fighting properties. It inhibits the development of tumor cells, improves the blood circulation in the body, and ensures that the nerves, as well as arteries, are healthy.
  1. Alzheimer’s: 1 in 4 people will have the problem of Alzheimer’s or associated dementia. It is one of the most common diseases in Western Europe and one of the leading causes of disabilities. It is characterized by confusion and memory loss.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Take a teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
  • Step 2: Use these three times in your everyday cooking. Alternatively, you can prepare a cup of cinnamon & ginger tea.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Besides herbs and natural foods, mental exercises are reported to be highly effective in treating the problem.
  • Step 2: Crosswords, writing, reading, word puzzles, and other mental exercises help in relaxing the brain as well as making it sharper.
  1. Parkinson’s Disease ( Neurological Movement Disorder ): The prevalence of Parkinson’s disease increases as a person ages. When compared to women, men are 1 ½ time more prone to it. Once this deadly disease attacks, it cannot be cured, but continuous medical treatments can help to some extent.

Note: Parkinson’s disease cannot be cured, but remedies can be applied to ease the symptoms.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: “Gait training” works effectively in treating Parkinson’s symptoms. This training involves new ways to walk, turn, and stand.
  • Step 2: Say, for example, take bigger steps while walking and ensure to keep the head straight. Do not use shoes that have rubber soles because they might stick to the floor and can increase the chances of tripping.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Drink a cup of freshly prepared green tea every day.
  • Step 2: From aiding weight loss to dealing with deadly diseases like cancers, green tea has also shown positive signs in treating Parkinson’s disease.
  1. Prostate Cancer: According to this research, prostate cancer is the 4th deadliest and common cancer. The prevalence of prostate cancer varies based on the region. It is the highest in New Zealand, Northern America Western Europe, Northern Europe, and Australia.

Note: A person who has prostate cancer requires timely clinical treatments. However, the disease can be prevented as well as helped to some extent with the intake of the right foods.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Eat tomatoes. It can either fresh or in the form of juice or cooked.
  • Step 2: Tomatoes have a compound called lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that assists in preventing and spreading of the cancer cells.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Eat a fresh pomegranate a day.
  • Step 2: Research has demonstrated that the nutrients in pomegranate help in inhibiting the spread of cancerous cells.
  1. Lung Cancer: Smoking and use of tobacco are one of the primary causes for an estimated 70% of deaths from lung cancer in the world while the rest is due to HPV & HBV. About 58% of lung cancer cases are reported to be common in developing countries.

Note: A serious condition like lung cancer requires medical intervention. However, remedies can be applied as an adjunct.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: If you are a smoker, quit this habit right away because that will worsen the condition even more.
  • Step 2: Include natural foods that are enriched with vitamin D because it is one of the vital nutrients for lung cancer patients.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Have a cup of freshly cut noni (cheese fruit) every day.
  • Step 2: Alternatively, you can even consume its extract. The fruit is reported to help in fighting against the cancer cells effectively.
  1. Colon Cancer: Colorectal or colon cancer is the world’s 3rd most common cancer. After two decades, colon cancer cases are anticipated to increase by 70%. Fortunately, colon cancer is 100% preventable.

Note: Colon cancer requires timely medical treatments. However, remedies can be applied to prevent it.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: To keep the colon healthy, it is important to consume the right foods.
  • Step 2: Flaxseeds are something that is good for the colon. It is enriched with fiber, proteins, minerals, vitamins, linolenic acid, and other vital phytonutrients to prevent the cancer cells from forming.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: According to the National Cancer Institute, garlic is one of the best natural foods to prevent cancer.
  • Step 2: Either eat 1 – 2 garlic cloves raw every day or use them in cooking.
  1. Breast Cancer: Breast cancer is the leading and most common cancer in women. In the worst stages, the breasts are removed or the disease causes death. The prevalence varies worldwide. However, the highest rates are contributed to Western Europe and Eastern Africa.

Note: A woman with breast cancer requires a periodic medical diagnosis. However, breast cancer can be prevented with the intake of right, natural foods.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Include broccoli in your regular diet.
  • Step 2: Broccoli has a compound called linamarase gene, which breaks down into cyanides and successfully kills the tumor cells.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Drink a glass of wheatgrass juice regularly.
  • Step 2: Wheatgrass is highly healthy and beneficial for inhibiting the cancer cells.
  1. HIV / AIDS: As per the 2015 reports, an estimated 36.7 million of the global population was surviving with HIV. The African regions are revealed to have the highest AIDS rates, wherein 1 in 25 adults are infected with HIV. The disease has no cure. So, prevention is the safe side.

Note: A person who is HIV positive requires immediate medical intervention. Taking it lightly can be dangerous.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Since HIV is caused when the person encounters the infected semen, blood, or vaginal fluids, prevention is the best remedy for HIV. Another common yet dangerous way of getting HIV is by sharing the same drug needle that an HIV-positive patient has used.
  • Step 2: Have protected sex.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: According to natural society, black seeds (Nigella sativa) are reported to be helpful for treating HIV.
  • Step 2: Black seeds have multiple benefits and has been a wonderful healing remedy for ages.
  1. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ( COPD ): COPD is one of the deadliest lung diseases, which interferes with breathing. The primary cause is none other than tobacco. It has no cure, but regular treatments can slow down the disease’s progress.

Note: A life-threatening problem like COPD requires proper medical supervision. However, you can prevent it.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: Since 90% of the COPD cases are due to smoking, quitting it is the right remedy to slow down its progress.
  • Step 2: Besides quitting smoking, bring some healthy lifestyle changes like exercising and consuming natural foods.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Reduce stress levels by drinking a cup of green tea.
  • Step 2: The antioxidants in green tea helps in eliminating the inflammation and oxidative stress.
  1. Heart Attack: According to WHO, cardiovascular diseases are not only common but also the leading cause of most deaths worldwide. One-third of the deaths from heart attacks and strokes happen in middle and low-income countries. The risk factors include obesity, diabetes, hypertension, increased cholesterol, alcohol, and unhealthy eating patterns. Fortunately, it is 100% preventable.

Remedy 1:

  • Step 1: To prevent heart attacks, eat a fresh garlic clove every day.
  • Step 2: Garlic helps in controlling raised cholesterol and hypertension. But do not take it if you are already taking medications. So, it is crucial to talk with your doctor about it.

Remedy 2:

  • Step 1: Alfalfa is one of the best herbs to treat cardiovascular diseases.
  • Step 2: Drink a glass of juice made from alfalfa leaves. However, discuss with your doctor for the correct dosage.



Diet for Summer Season

diet for summer season

diet for Summer Season

Summer has set in. The hot, blistering heat is not only exhausting but drains your energy levels too. So how are you welcoming this summer? With sunscreen lotions, sunglasses, and air conditioners? But what about the food?

Yes, summer foods? We all love our summer vacations but we often tend to overlook the summer foods. Resulting in overindulgence of cold drinks and ice creams that lead to unnecessary weight gain.

The thought of healthy eating probably runs through your mind a dozen times a day. It makes you seriously question that grilled cheese sandwich or the three-tier chocolate and butterscotch cake that you conveniently devoured while watching your diet plan fly right out of the window.

It is, therefore, important to maintain your health by choosing the right kind of foods according to the climate you are in. Nature has provided us with enough foods that are specific to seasons and are healthy. And this is also how you can adapt your body to the seasonal changes.

For summers, the key is to eat light. This helps your heart and digestive system remain healthy and function well.

The next step is to choose the foods that have a cooling effect on your body.

It’s summer—that amazing time of year when fresh produce abounds. There’s an abundance of fresh, delicious, and healthy choices. Better yet: many of summer’s fruits and vegetables are brimming with secret health benefits. Here are some  favorites and why they’re a particularly good choice in the summer

The scorching summer heat is hard on our bodies, our moods, and our electric bills. Don’t let the temperature get you down, though. The following tips will help you keep cool even if it feels like the sun is out to get you.

Click here for Tips to beat the summer heat:


  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Gooseberries (Amla)
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Papaya
  • Raw mango
  • Peach
  • Apricot
  • Cherries
  • Muskmelon
  • Watermelon
  • Apple
  • Water apple


  • Bittergourd
  • Greens — cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, cucumber, asparagus, green beans, alfa, eggplant, iceberg, and mint leaves.
  • Sprouted moong, beans, and lentils.

How do they help?

1. Fresh vegetables and fruits are high in vitamins and minerals. They have an expansive effect on our bodies, which draw heat from our central organs and, thereby, cool the body.

2. Fresh veggies and fruits also contain a lot of water which adds to the cooling effect on the body.

3. Eating these cooling foods also assists the body’s ability to release heat.

This way, the hot weather doesn’t make the body overheated or exhausted.

Most of us lead lives where we’ve been inconspicuously tucked into a food routine and are desperately trying to claw our way out of it. Amidst a number of lifestyle problems to deal with, we tend to forget or ignore granny’s simple remedy of eating fresh, seasonal produce.


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Our planet earth is blessed with many seasons and we all enjoy each one of them. Each season has its own special features and is blessed with its unique fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Every season is beautiful if you know how to enjoy it and maintain your health during that time. The summer season might be a difficult time for many of us due to the heat and humidity but, this season can also be made enjoyable by taking care of some small things so that you can benefit from the care and precautions taken and make the most of your summer. With sizzling temperatures, beat the summer heat and stay cool.

Click here for Useful lifestyle tips you can follow to beat the summer heat

1Water is the best option to quench thirst.

It is a key ingredient in keeping the body cool. With high humidity levels, sweat will not evaporate quickly. This prevents the body from releasing heat in an efficient manner. This is why it is necessary to hydrate and drink water, even when you are not thirsty. Increase water intake regardless of your activity levels.

2Avoid caffeine or carbonated beverages, alcoholic beverages, and those high in sugar.

All these drinks contain preservatives, colors, and sugars. They are acidic in nature and act as diuretics. They cause loss of fluids through urine.

Many soft drinks contain diluted phosphoric acid, which damages the inner lining of the digestive tract and, therefore, affects its functions.

Excessive intake of soft drinks increases phosphorous levels in the blood. This separates calcium from the bones and moves it into the blood.

This calcium displacement from the bones makes them porous and brittle. It also causes plaque on the teeth, kidney stones, arthritis, and bone spur.

Soft drinks also reduce mineral levels in the body to such an extent that enzymes are unable to function well, resulting in indigestion.

3Do not drink very chilled liquids.

They do not really help cool you down in summers, though they make you cool for some time. Drinking really cold liquids when feeling hot may lead to a slight constriction of the blood vessels in the skin and decrease heat loss, which is not advisable when trying to cool down.

4Limit all strenuous activity.

5Eat light, nutritious and non-fatty meals.

6Reduce intakes of heaty vegetables and fruits, like spinach, radish, hot peppers, onions, garlic, beetroot, pineapple, grapefruit and ripe mangoes (if you cannot resist mangoes, soak them overnight in water).

7Minimize the intake of dried fruits. Increase the intake of fresh fruit.

8Use sabza (tulsi seeds) in your drinks — this has a very cooling effect on the body.

9Include lots of fruits and vegetables in the form of salads and fresh juices, preferably without sugar, in your diet.

10Drink lemon juice, coconut water, and thin buttermilk, to replenish the fluids that are lost in sweat.

11Avoid sugary foods, especially honey and molasses, and stick to natural sugars available from fruits and veggies.

12Minimize the intake of hot, spicy foods, and extremely salty foods. The body retains salt in the organic form found in fruits and veggies; the inorganic salt, meanwhile, is digested and needs to be thrown out of the body. And this is why you need to drink water!

13Cut the intake of fried foods, like vadas, samosas, chips, bhajiasfarsans, etc. Fat has a thermal effect.

14Maintain good hygiene levels.

Since the sultry heat of summer increases with each degree rise in the mercury, by rooting ourselves to nature’s provision of healthful food choices we can experience the bloom of our health and vitality.


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Keeping cool when temperatures reach record highs isn’t just about comfort. Dangerously high temperatures can result in heat-related illnesses ranging from heat cramps to heat exhaustion and heatstroke. The following tips can help you keep cool all summer long.

Click here for Summer Diet Tips

What should be the diet regimen to be followed in summers?

The summer diet should be different from the winter diet. The summer takes away all moisture from our body, therefore care should be taken to include those foods in our diets that contain lots of water.

Summer foods should be essentially light to digest as our body produces enough heat during summers to digest the food. Legumes, wheat, barley are some summer foods to be included in daily diet.

The best summer diet solution would be to include a large variety of fruits mainly citrus fruits & vegetables & salads in diet. Onions & lemon are a boon during the summer season.

Can you name some foods that have a cooling effect on the body?

Summer foods are essentially rich in water content. You may include citrus fruits like lime, orange, sweet lime, pineapple, watermelon, musk melon, etc.
Among vegetables include the cool cucumber, tomato, onion, lettuce, cabbage, etc.

You require to include rice, legumes, wheat & avoid meat & poultry. You can rather opt for seafood which are suppose to be cooler.

What food items should be avoided?

Some foods have a warming effect on the body whereas some have a cooling effect therefore one must see the water content of foods before consuming.

All heavy, fried & fatty foods are to be avoided as they are difficult to digest.
Avoid meat, poultry, nuts & seeds. Also avoid foods like garlic, clove, mustard & coffee.

To prevent dehydration what should be the ideal drink and in what quantity should it be taken?

It is important to keep yourself well hydrated during summers. Take plenty of fluids like fresh citrus fruit juices, lemon water, coconut water, khus sherbet, Aam Panna, Thandai, ice tea, smoothie, buttermilk & vegetable juices like cucumber & carrot juices.

Is it true that caffeinated and sugary drinks are harmful during summers?

The sugary & caffeinated drinks are harmful during summers as they worsen the effects of dehydration. So it is advisable to stay away from them.

What is the ideal temperature at which liquids should be consumed? 
Ice is used in large quantities during summer. While giving a temporary cooling to the body, it weakens the teeth at their roots, at the same time; disturbing digestion.
Ice water should be replaced with comparatively cold water. Water can be made tasty by adding such fragrant substances like ‘khas’, ‘sandal’, ‘camphor’ or ‘rose’.

In summer, Ice creams and cold drinks should be consumed minimum as they result in throat problems that could make the body vulnerable to some other diseases.

Is it true that strenuous exercise should be avoided in summers?

Summer is the time when we spend much more time outdoors which by itself can be considered a moderate exercise routine. But don’t count on it, and do some physical activities which can turn into a healthy habit. When you exercise more, you need extra protein. A healthy source of protein with a cooling effect on the body is beans, grains such as rice, barley, millet, tofu, soy milk, fish & plenty of fluids to maintain electrolyte balance.

What should be the ideal diet for those suffering from heatstroke?

Drink plenty of water, stay away from the sun, and avoid taxing activity during hot weather conditions.

If you start experiencing the warning signs, shift to a cool, sheltered area and gulp something cool. Water containing electrolyte, juices, and glucose should be given to the patient to maintain electrolyte balance.

Besides this, give the patient plenty of fruits & vegetables. Good protein intake like legumes, beans, tofu, low-fat milk & milk products is also important. It is also known that Peppermint oil mixed with water is another great remedy for heat stroke.

Simple diet chart to be followed during the summer season

An ideal summer diet would be as follows:

  • Two glasses of water, followed by a cup of tea & 2 lite biscuits on rising.
  • Wheat flakes with unsweetened soy milk and fruit for breakfast.
  • Fresh lime juice or tender coconut water as a mid-morning drink.
  • Brown rice with rasam, vegetable curry, curd and sprouts, and greens salad for lunch.


Today is an opportunity to kick off some new habits that may just stick. Little by little, you’ll start to see a difference in how you feel and look.  If you devote one day to healthy eating, you will know you can do it again and again and learn to enjoy it!. Adding fiber-rich, low-calorie foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will help you feel satisfied on fewer calories

Click here for Summer Healthy Foods

Here we bring to you healthy summer foods along with many vegetables to eat in summer, fruits as well as drinks that will help you fight the heat and enjoy your vacation days better!

1. Corn

Nothing says summer like fresh sweet corn. And did you know that two antioxidants—lutein and zeaxanthin—in corn may act like natural sunglasses, helping to form macular pigment that filters out some of the sun’s damaging rays? It’s true. The same antioxidants may also help lower your risk of developing age-related macular degeneration—the leading cause of blindness in people over the age of 60 (though much of the damage occurs decades earlier).

 2. Iced Coffee

An iced pick-me-up is a great way to start your summer mornings. Better yet: drinking a single cup of coffee daily may lower your risk of developing skin cancer. In one study of more than 93,000 women, those who drank one cup of caffeinated coffee a day reduced their risk of developing nonmelanoma skin cancer by about 10 percent. And the more they drank—up to about 6 cups or so per day—the lower their risk.

 3. Tart Cherries

They deliver a host of health benefits. You may have heard that drinking tart cherry juice can help you get a better night’s sleep and quell post-workout pain. But did you know that compounds in tart cherries may also help you slim down and get leaner? The anthocyanins in tart cherries activate a molecule that helps rev up fat burning and decrease fat storage.

4 Tomatoes

There’s no question that sunscreen should be your first line of defense against the blazing summer sun. But eating tomatoes could give you a little extra protection: consuming more lycopene—the carotenoid that makes tomatoes red—may protect your skin from sunburn. In one study, participants who were exposed to UV light had almost 50 percent less skin reddening after they ate 2 1/2 tablespoons of tomato paste (or drank about 1 2/3 cups of carrot juice daily), in addition to their regular diet, for 10 to 12 weeks

5. Watermelon

Staying hydrated keeps your memory sharp and your mood stable. It also helps keep your body cool (by sweating) during hot summer months. It is low in calories and yet still contains great amounts of nutrients and cancer-fighting antioxidants like Vitamin C and lycopene. You can eat it, too: in addition to delivering skin-protecting lycopene, watermelon is 92 percent water (hence the name). Another boon? Research shows that eating foods that are full of water helps keep you satisfied on fewer calories. (Interestingly enough, drinking water alongside foods doesn’t have the same effect.)

6. Raspberries

Raspberries are a great source of fiber—some of it soluble in the form of pectin, which helps lower cholesterol. One cup of raspberries has 8 grams of fiber—and a study in the Journal of Nutrition suggests that eating more fiber may help prevent weight gain or even promote weight loss. Over the course of a two-year study, researchers found that when study participants boosted their fiber by 8 grams for every 1,000 calories, they lost about 4 1/2 pounds. Try it for yourself. If you’re consuming 2,000 calories per day, aim to increase your fiber by 16 grams

7. Iced Tea

Sure, a tall glass of iced tea on a hot day is refreshing, but did you know it might also do your body good? Studies show if you drink tea regularly, you may lower your risk of Alzheimer’s and diabetes, plus have healthier teeth and gums and stronger bones. How? Tea is rich in a class of antioxidants called flavonoids. Regardless of the variety—black, green, oolong, white or herbal—maximize the power of tea’s flavonoids by drinking it freshly brewed. If you want to keep a batch of cold tea in your refrigerator, “add a little lemon juice,” because citric acid and vitamin C in that squeeze of lemon—or lime, or orange—help preserve the flavonoids.

8. Blueberries

Fresh blueberries straight from the berry patch are a special treat! Turns out the antioxidants in them may help ward off muscle fatigue by mopping up the additional free radicals that muscles produce during exercise, according to recent research.

9  Mulberries

These sweet, juicy summer berries are tasty both fresh and dried in trail mix or in a salad. At just 43 calories per 3.5 oz serving, they contain 61 percent of the RDA for vitamin C, and they’re also chock full of potassium, fiber, and resveratrol, a phytonutrient shown to protect the heart.

10 Coriander

Coriander has numerous health benefits and is packed with nutrients such as fiber, iron, thiamine, zinc, folate, phosphorous, folate, vitamin K, and more, It has a great aroma and flavor that screams summer! Coriander may increase the production of digestive acids, which can help stimulate the gut to move waste out. A healthy digestive tract is key for weight loss.

11 Pineapple

This sweet tropical fruit is the perfect ingredient for summer smoothies and juices. It contains the proteolytic enzyme bromelain, which aids in the digestion of protein and blood clot formation. As an anti-inflammatory super food, pineapple can help reduce swelling and in turn, you’ll have a flatter belly.

12 Mishirkhand

This is a great source of fiber. This plant is great for weight loss due to its high fiber to sugar ratio (a whopping 32g of fiber per medium jimaca—that’s almost an entire day’s worth). They are also a good source of potassium, an essential mineral in maintaining water balance in our body.

13 Bitter Melon – Karela

This bitter and slightly sweet melon and helps improve digestion and lower blood sugar. Too much sugar in the bloodstream sends a signal to the pancreas to release the fat-storing hormone insulin. By keeping your blood sugar under control, you will reduce the likelihood of storing calories as fat. Can’t stomach the bitterness? Try soaking it in chilled saltwater for a few hours prior to eating (raw or cooked).

14 Mango

Mangoes are a great way to satisfy a sweet tooth and to help to ward off other cravings. Mangoes are high in fiber, magnesium, antioxidants, and iron (making them a great snack for women who may have iron deficiency or anemia). And because mangoes aid in digestion, you want to focus on eating the fruit versus just drinking the juice.

15 Figs

This fiber- and potassium-rich fruit makes the perfect summer snack. At around 170 calories for 8 oz, you can eat them alone, in salads, in cereals, or wrapped in prosciutto (just don’t grab a Fig Newton—you’ll get more nutrition and less fat from the actual fruit).

16 Peaches

Packed with important nutrients including vitamins A and C, potassium, and iron, one medium peach (only 38 calories) provides nearly 2 grams of fiber. A peach provides gentle laxative and diuretic properties; and thanks to its beta – carotene, it also helps your skin stay fresh and bright.

17 Sweet peppers – Shimla Mirch

Peppers are a great weight-loss food since all varieties contain capsaicin, a natural metabolism booster. Add them into salsa or eat them fresh, roasted, or stuffed to reap their better-body benefits.

18 Plums

Full of nutrients and phytochemicals, plums are light in calories but heavy on flavor. And they also make a great dessert! Indulge without ruining your diet with plum cake

19 Peas

Peas have higher protein and iron levels than most vegetables, so they can be a good source of nutrients—and an alternative to non-animal foods which tend to be higher in saturated fat.

20 Green Beans

This summer veggie staple is a great low calorie and fat-free source of fiber and iron, Not a fan of green beans? Hide them in hearty and healthy bean salad (a great lighter alternative to potato salad for picnics).

21 Turnip

Did you know turnips could help you shed belly fat? Their high vitamin C and phytochemical levels help detoxify your body—and too many toxins in the body can lead to fat accumulation around your waist. At only 34 calories and 8 grams of carbohydrates per cup (vs. a potato’s 113 calories and 26 grams of carbohydrates), try making mashed turnips instead of mashed potatoes for a nutrient-dense, low-calorie alternative.

22 Grapes

Rich in vitamin C and phytochemicals with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, grapes may also protect against Type 2 diabetes. Grapes also have a high water content, making them a refreshing summer snack that helps you feel full and satisfied (1 cup of fresh grapes contain only 100 calories).

23 Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a great source of dietary fiber, which helps to reduce blood sugar and insulin spikes, ultimately reducing belly fat.  Substituting a sweet potato for potato salad, potato chips, or mashed potatoes at BBQs to save hundreds of calories.

24  Salsa

Salsa is low in calories and tastes great on all kinds of healthy foods. It has antioxidants, such as lycopene, which aid in cellular health. Use salsa in place of other high-calorie dips such as hummus, onion dips, and cheese dips and you’re guaranteed to cut calories.

25 Blackberries

A cup of blackberries has only 62 calories and is packed with fiber and phytochemicals, including powerful flavonoids and anthocyanins, which help to speed stool and toxins through your digestive system. Their high water and fiber content, plus sweet taste, make them the perfect refreshing summer weight-loss food.

26 Lima Beans – Sem

Lima beans are great vegetarian sources of protein (one cup offers 15 grams or the same as 2 ounces of meat). The fat-free beans are also packed with soluble fiber and iron to provide long-term energy and satisfaction.

27 Walnuts

Full of fiber and heart-healthy fats (including omega-3’s, which have shown to have metabolic-boosting benefits), walnuts are great to crunch on instead of “bad” fat-filled and salted potato chips. Just watch your portion size since nuts are high in calories. (We recommend tossing a handful into a salad to add crunch and flavor).

28 Gazpacho

Made of mostly vegetables and spices (a soup made with chopped tomatoes and onions and cucumbers and peppers and herbs; served cold ), gazpacho is full of water, fiber, and antioxidants, making it a low-calorie, filling option that can replace more caloric and fattening foods in your diet. Plus, eating a low-calorie soup (like Gazpacho) before a meal could help you consume 20 percent fewer calories at mealtimes.

29 Bananas

Bananas contain a small amount of fiber and resistant starch, which have received recent attention for their potential role in boosting weight loss. Snacking on bananas is easy, convenient, and low cal. They’re also a great source of potassium, which can be lost in sweat during tough workouts or on hot summer days. Plus they make for nice drinks, with carrot and orange juice.

30 Cabbage

In addition to being nutritious, low-cal, and full of fiber, cabbage is also a top source of sulfur, a mineral our bodies use to produce the natural hair-and-nail strengthener keratin. To stay slim and enjoy more beautiful hair and nails, whip up some vinegar-based coleslaw. Just stay away from creamy coleslaw; it can contain a whopping 19 grams of fat per cup!

31 Arugula – Rocket leaves

At a tiny 20 calories for every 3 cups, arugula provides an excellent source of folate, vitamins A and C, and more than 100 percent of your daily vitamin K needs. Not only is it great weight-loss food, but arugula can also help reduce your risk of bone fractures this summer: A recent study found that people who consumed approximately 250 micrograms per day of vitamin K had a 35-percent lower risk of hip fractures compared to those who consumed just 50 micrograms per day.

32 Celery

Although available year-round, celery is best in the summer. This super low-calorie food is also an excellent source of vitamins K and C, and a good source of many other essential nutrients such as dietary fiber, folate, potassium, and thiamine. Crunching on celery is one of the oldest diet tricks because it may help decrease overall calorie consumption and aid in healthy digestion.

33 Lemons and Limes

Both lemons and limes are excellent sources of Vitamin C, but it’s their flavor that aids in weight loss the most. We’ve all been told to drink lots of water, but sometimes water’s lackluster taste causes us to turn to other beverages. Add lemon or lime juice to boost your water’s flavor and can help you drink more—staying hydrated may help suppress appetite.

34 Wheat

Wheat often gets a bad rap when it comes to weight loss, but it can offer vital nutrients that are helpful for dieters. The whole grains found in wheat (such as bulgur) are great sources of energy, as they are high in B vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

35 Oats

A great energy source and naturally high in soluble fiber (the goopy, gelatinous fiber that promotes good digestion), oats are a great weight-loss food since so many diets cause constipation. Eat them as a nourishing hot breakfast cereal or dry as granola.

36 Oregano

This flavorful, easy to use herb is rich in vitamin K, antioxidants, minerals, and omega-3 oils. Plus, the natural aromatherapy of oregano makes you a happy eater—key for long-term success.

37 Yogurt

Yogurt contains natural probiotics, which can help reduce tummy bloating, gas, and constipation (often problematic while dieting). Just choose Greek varieties, which are higher in protein, lower in added sugar, and creamy.

38 Coconut Water

Coconut water is inexpensive and carries a powerhouse of nutritional benefits. Coconut water has electrolytes that make it one of the best hydrating agents. Besides being an excellent cooling drink, it helps in reducing blood pressure level, provides anti-aging properties, acts as a natural diuretic besides being a refreshing summer drink. you can re-energize your body with coconut water.


You know summer’s the perfect time to switch to flip-flops, but did you know it’s also the right time to change your diet? Being outdoors more often—and sweating—ups your risk for health problems such as dehydration, skin sensitivities, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The simple (and delicious) solution? Eat local, in-season fruits. Their nutrients are at their peak in the summer.

Click here for Summer Special

What’s so special about eating foods that are in season? They’ve got twice as much flavor, that extra crunch, and are extremely high on vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients.

Summer bearings include a lot of green vegetables, melons, peaches, corn, mangoes, and other fresh and fragrant herbs. Local markets are at their best during summer when fruits are abundant, and vegetables are as fresh as can be.

Consuming foods that are not in season may come with a risk of chemicals and preservatives that are applied to fruits and veggies to keep them fresh.

Salad leaves

Amaranth leaves, rocket leaves, basil, and other summer herbs should be tossed in a salad bowl and topped off with a yogurt dressing to make a great summer salad. They create a powerhouse of nutrition and are a great way to lose weight. Bung in fruits, nuts, white meat, peppers, mint or coriander leaves to make a light and lovely meal.

What to drink to beat the heat

Watermelon is approximately 90 percent water, so it’s undoubtedly the best way to keep yourself hydrated. It helps with digestion and keeps the stomach cool. Eating watermelon can help protect skin from oxidative stress that contributes to the aging process, clear up acne, and brighten a dull complexion also have a glass of ice-cold watermelon juice daily.

Aam Panna – Two glasses of aam pana can help with digestion, constipation, and chronic stomach problems like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Make it at home to ensure the use of recommended quantities of sugar and salt.

Mint water with lemon: One glass of strained mint water with two drops of lemon works wonders. It acts as a liver cleanser, boosts your metabolism, and helps those with a low appetite.

Barley Water: Have two glasses a day and in case you find it bland, add a drop of lemon or honey for taste. Since barley water is rich in fiber, it prevents constipation and also helps in controlling your appetite.

Cucumber: Cucumber is probably the best vegetable to eat in summer. It works great for the skin by helping in skin problems like dark circles, sunburns, etc. It has silicon and sulfur that promotes hair growth, it also has a high water content that cleans bodies by removing toxins. Also, cucumbers are great for heart health due to its immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory effects.

Dark Leafy vegetables: Try on dark leafy vegetables, especially the raw spinach and kale salads. They are known to provide protection against the heat of the sun. These leafy greens are also known to reduce inflammation and detoxify the body. You can also add some spinach leaves to your smoothies to keep the healthy factor intact. You can also add these leafy veggies to your favorite sandwiches or wraps.

Oranges: The sweet citrus fruit is rich in potassium, a nutrient that’s crucial in the summer. You lose potassium through sweat, which puts you at risk for muscle cramps. So eating oranges replenishes your supply and keeps muscle cramps away. Oranges are also about 80% water, so popping a few juicy slices will keep you hydrated during your sweatiest summer days.

Zucchini: Part of the summer squash family, zucchini contains a fiber called pectin, which is linked to increasing heart health and lowering cholesterol. 

Summers are as equally vibrant, fun, and exciting as any other season. But, even though it is not one of the favorites of many people, it still has a lot to offer.

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Click here for Tips for Summer Eating by Ayurveda

The concept of Ayurveda focuses on the understanding that our food has a direct effect on our overall health. The seasons are characterized by Vata dosha, pitta dosha, and Kapha dosha in the body. Summer is hot, bright and sharp, and is known to be the season of pitta dosha. Therefore, Ayurveda suggests that everyone, especially individuals whose prakruti is primarily pitta dosha, is to keep cool and not allow it to be aggravated. The right foods eaten according to the season can help promote sattva (purity) detox and rejuvenate the body that further leads to an overall boost in immunity, physical and mental strength, and digestion.

Follow the pitta pacifying diet. Good fruits for summer include apples, pears, melons, plums, and prunes. Watermelon and lime juice are also good in summer. Try steamed asparagus, broccoli, brussels sprout, and cucumber raita. Khichdi made of basmati rice and moong dal, with a little ghee and grated coconut makes a delicious light meal. You should avoid sour fruits, citrus fruits, sour cream, cheese, dark meats, et al that produce heat in the body.

Summer has two parts – mild summer till mid-April and peak summer from mid-April till the end of June. Dryness and heat increase in summer, hence making the digestive system weak. We should take food that can be digested easily. Foods that can reduce the heat in the body are superfoods in summers. Include sattu, roasted pulses, pomegranate, watermelon, fenugreek leaves, amla, and buttermilk to ensure a healthy body.

Dosha balancing during summer: Vata is slowly building up during summer and Kapha Dosha, which shoots up in spring, starts to lower down naturally during summer. In summer the sun rays become powerful and appear to be destructive, Kapha decreases day by day and Vata increases consequently. Foods of sweet taste, coolant foods, liquid diet, oils fried food, and drinks are desirable in summer.

one should consume water-rich fruits and foods for staying hydrated and energized during the summer. Include moong dal, chana, green leafy vegetables, and coconut, which is a natural electrolyte, papaya, and alkaline vegetables like radish, snake gourd, pumpkin, and banana stem.

Eat at the right time – An important part of balancing Pitta and keeping coll is to eat your meal in the middle of the day when your digestive fire is strongest. Skipping a meal is also a sure-fire way to upset Pitta – notice how cranky you feel when you miss lunch.

Here are some of the summer foods that Ayurveda suggests to include in your daily diet:

1. Sattu

Sattu is typically made of Bengal gram and is said to have an instant cooling effect on the body. It is high in insoluble fiber that makes it good for your intestines, and is low on glycaemic index making it good for diabetics. A perfect cooling agent and a power-packed energizer, you must add sattu in your diet.

2. Amla (Indian gooseberry)

Amla, or Indian gooseberry, makes for a popular and healthy fruit and is known for numerous nutritional benefits. This sour-bitter fruit works as an excellent coolant during hot days. Did you know amla juice contains about 20 times more vitamin-C than any other juice? So, this summer binge on amle ka murabba or amla juice to ensure a healthy you.

3. Ghee

According to Ayurveda, ghee is loaded with healthy fats that help our body to keep going. Moreover, our body gets dry in summer, therefore, consumption of a half spoon of ghee every day may help balance the internal moisture. Ghee is known to be a ‘sweet food’ as it is strengthening, aids digestion, and tempers the over-activity of all the three bodily doshas.

4. Ginger

The zingy root has anti-inflammatory properties to help ease overheated and irritated skin. In fact, drinking ginger juice may help soothe stomach discomfort. Load up on ginger tea or juice; you can also add it in your curries on a daily basis to stay healthy.

5. Alkaline Vegetables

During the process of digestion, our stomach tends to secrete gastric acids that help in breaking down foods. Sometimes due to unhealthy lifestyle and food habits, the acidic level of the body increases, leading to acidity and acid refluxes. In order to reduce the chances of increased acid levels, you must binge on alkaline foods like green leafy vegetables, root vegetables like sweet potato, beetroots, carrots, nuts, onion, and garlic, et al.

6. Coconut

Coconut water makes for one of the best electrolytes in summers. This refreshing elixir not only helps to rejuvenate your body system but also keep you wary from dehydration in extreme heat. Thanks to the presence of essential minerals like zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and sodium. Drinking coconut water or adding coconut in your curries and vegetables will keep you rejuvenated.

7. Water-rich Fruits

Summers also welcome water-rich fruits like watermelon, berries, grapefruits, pineapple, peaches, mango, et al. These fruits will keep you from getting dehydrated and ensure you are refreshed. You can blend these fruits into delicious juices or eat them as is.

8. Herbs Like Ashwagandha, Brahmi And Tulsi

These three cooling herbs help in cooling your body. Ashwagandha is known to reduce inflammation in the body further treating conditions like asthma and arthritis. Brahmi can soothe the body’s nerves and reduce stress in the body. Tulsi, or holy basil, acts as a detoxifying and cleansing agent. It is also known to cool your body system in extreme heat. You can drink herbal teas to see effective results.

Myths about summer Foods :

Myth #1 –  If you swallow watermelon seeds, a watermelon will grow in your stomach: Even though your stomach isn’t the ideal growing environment for a watermelon, mom was right in trying to get you to avoid swallowing watermelon seeds. There is a very small risk that the larger, dark seeds could irritate and even damage your intestines. It’s best to avoid swallowing sharp, non-digestible objects as a general rule.

Myth #2 – Microwaving the food reduces its nutritional value: if you use a little bit of water and cover the vegetables, it will actually help in keeping all the vitamins and minerals intact and steam the vegetables in the best possible manner.

Myth #3 – Organic food is more healthy: Eating anything that is organic isn’t okay. Organic snacks eaten in excess, thinking that they are healthy, can cause you more harm than good.

Myth #4 – Salads are always the healthiest options on the menu: Salads are indeed healthy but all the toppings and dressings that are later added to it like mayonnaise etc. have fats and are high on the calorie count. These high-calorie products can cause you more than those fries that you are trying to avoid. So try to avoid those creamy sweetened toppings in a salad and go healthy.

Myth #5 –  Egg Yolks are bad for health: Whole egg is high in cholesterol but low in fat. Including the whole egg in your diet will not affect your cholesterol levels or risk of having a heart attack or any other such disease.

Myth #6 – Chocolate causes weight gain: Chocolate is not the only primary reason behind weight gain. Anything eaten in moderation won’t affect your health and weight. It is absolutely fine to eat chocolates until eaten in moderation. Excess of any processed food would anyway lead to weight gain.

Myth #7 – White chocolate is chocolate: White chocolate is not really chocolate. It is known to be a confection made with the help of cocoa butter, milk solids, and vanilla.

Myth #8 – Chocolate lacks health benefits: Chocolate is a rich source of antioxidants, magnesium, and zinc. It also contains phosphate, calcium, and protein which helps reduce insulin resistance. Dark chocolate has health benefits in terms of antioxidants. Consumption of dark chocolate in moderation may help in maintaining the blood pressure and could also keep your heart healthy.

Myth #9 – Watermelon’s tasty, but not nutritious: Even though watermelon is very watery (read: hydrating) and low in calories (only 46 per cup!), it packs a healthy nutrition punch. In addition to some vitamin C (20% of the Daily Value per cup), watermelon delivers lycopene—the same red-tinged antioxidant found in tomatoes, linked to a lower risk of certain cancers.

Myth #10 – Eating ripe mangoes will cause heat boils: No fruit or food, not even mangoes, can cause extra heat in the body. There is no scientific evidence to back it. The boils depend on an individual’s constitution and environment.

Myth #11 – If I am still urinating Sweating, I don’t have a heat stroke: It’s a common misconception that heat exhaustion and heat stroke are only serious when the kidneys stop producing urine. Waiting for that to happen can be a mistake. Heatstroke is caused when the internal temperature of the body reaches a dangerous level and can cause severe damage or even death.

Myth #12 – Sports drinks beat the heat: Sports drinks will give you the same water and electrolytes that aam Panna and nimbu pani will. Except it comes with a price mark-up. Instead soak mint leaves in water to add flavor and encourage you to continue sipping periodically.

Myth #13 – Fan, not Ac, is the best way to stave off heat stroke: During a heatwave, fans alone won’t provide enough cool air, especially for older adults and young children, whose thermo-regulation systems don’t work as well in extreme temperatures. They need extra attention, and staying in an air-conditioned facility is safest. However, the only drawback of the AC is that prolonged exposure or very cold temperature can cause the skin to dry. Maintain the AC temperature at 22-24 degrees and humidify the room.

Myth #14 – You shouldn’t drink less than eight glasses of water a day: The funny thing, though, is it’s actually a myth; that number has been around forever, but you don’t have to abide by it to get all the fluids your body needs. People should drink depending on their age, location, and health, and some of those fluids can come from foods.

Myth # 15 – Eating small meals throughout the day will boost your metabolism: There’s no proof that actually works. There’s absolutely no difference in metabolism when comparing those who consumed six smaller meals with those who ate three normal-sized meals. In fact, the people who ate the smaller meals tended to be hungrier than those who didn’t, increasing their desire to eat.

Myth #16 – You can’t get enough protein on a vegan or vegetarian diet: You can easily do that through plants. You can absolutely get enough protein on a vegetarian diet. You just have to give it some thought and make sure to incorporate protein sources at every meal.

Myth #17 – You should burn more calories than you consume: The calorie equation is a myth. Your metabolism and hunger cues shift when you eat and move more or less. Remaining in a calorie deficit for a long period of time will result in a slower metabolism, feelings of fatigue, and eventual weight gain once you inevitably start eating more again.

Myth #18 – Any drink will rehydrate you on a  hot day: While a soft drink or ice-cold beer may really feel like they’re hitting the spot, they aren’t doing the job you need them to do. In fact, it’s a myth that any drink will rehydrate you. Drinks high in sugar or alcoholic beverages will actually further dehydrate you.


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Stress Management

stress management

Stress Management

What is Stress

The term “stress” is difficult to define and may mean different things to different people in divergent circumstances. The oldest definition is  “non-specific (i.e. common) result of any demand on the body, whether the effect is mental or somatic ( affecting body )”. It’s the gap between our expectations and reality. More the gap, more the stress so expect nothing and accept everything.

Definition: Stress management defines stress precisely as a person’s physiological response to an external stimulus that triggers the “fight-or-flight” reaction.

Stress is a reaction to your body experiences as a result of a demanding circumstance or event that requires immediate action and attention. Specifically, this reaction causes your nervous system to produce hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) and results in quickened breathing, a faster heartbeat, tightening muscles, and even a sudden burst of energy.

Stress is our response to specific stimuli called “Stress inducers“. Or they are the events that generally produce stress. They may be temporary or chronic, leading to negative health consequences or outcomes changing a person’s life. Although life itself is dependent upon certain forms of stress, it is only when stress is handled poorly by the body or mind that it becomes a health hazard. Stress that is expressed or experienced negatively can be linked to many physical complaints, from headaches and hypertension to symptoms affecting a person’s mental state. Anxiety, depression, and feelings of anger, fear, helplessness or hopelessness, and other emotions are often linked to stress. ( See Stress-diagram )

According to the latest health reports, Stress is said to be one of the largest killers of man today. Stress is now becoming more accepted as being crucially related to our total health – physical, mental, and emotional. According to researchers, the majority of all physician visits are prompted by stress-related symptoms that are known to cause or worsen medical conditions.

Stress management encompasses techniques intended to equip a person with effective coping mechanisms for dealing with psychological stress.

Causes of stress: Many things can trigger the stress reaction, including danger, threat, news, illness, as well as significant changes in one’s life such as the death of a loved one.

Click here for How stress is created?

Interchangeably used with the word anxiety, stress relates mutually to our social and psychological environment. Major situations like divorce, marriage, retirement, accidents, death in the family, prenatal conditions, a job loss, and other emotional upheavals as well as minor hassles like waiting in line for hours, getting stuck in a traffic jam, misplacing or losing something, disputes, even daily household chores, and competitive examinations, in fact, any unsettling human experience can sometimes become stressful and play havoc with a person’s health.

In the workplace and even at home, stress can test a person’s problem-solving abilities. The demands of everyday living are numerous and if a warning bell is sounding somewhere within you, it’s time you pay heed to it.

Stress alarm – Identify your Stress triggers

What are the warning signals? Are you moving towards a stress burnout? If you have been experiencing the symptoms listed below, over extended periods of time, it’s time you acted – now!

Can’t cope, can’t concentrate, Feel hopeless, helpless, depressed.
Always tired
Often irritable and angry. Can’t control your temper
Eat too much or too little. Eat too many fats, too much salt, and sugar
Have trouble sleeping. Don’t get enough sleep, or sleep too much and still feel tired
Smoking in excess. More than normal intake of alcohol, caffeine or drugs
Have frequent headaches, backaches, and stomachaches
No time to talk to friends and family
Cut back on exercises
Family tensions run higher than usual. You and your spouse fight more often
Not interested in sex.
Always sick lately. Get cough and colds and other viral infections more often than you used to
Allergies and skin rashes
Disinterested in life, in general

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Problems that can cause stress –

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  • Your health, especially if you have a chronic illness such as heart disease, diabetes, or arthritis
  • Emotional problems, such as anger you can’t express, depression, grief, guilt, or low self-esteem
  • Your relationships, such as having problems with your relationships or feeling a lack of friendships or support in your life
  • Major life changes, such as dealing with the death of a parent or spouse, losing your job, getting married, or moving to a new city
  • Stress in your family, such as having a child, teen, or another family member who is under stress, or being a caregiver to a family member who is elderly or who has health problems
  • Conflicts with your beliefs and values. For example, you may value family life, but you may not be able to spend as much time with your family as you want.

External stressors include:

  • The Physical environment noise, bright lights, heat, confined spaces.
  • Social (interaction with people): rudeness, bossiness, or aggressiveness on the part of someone else.
  • Organizational: rules, regulations, “red tape,” deadlines.
  • Major life events: the death of a relative, lost job, promotion, and new baby.
  • Daily hassles: commuting, misplacing keys, mechanical breakdowns.

Internal stressors include:

  • Lifestyle choices: caffeine, not enough sleep, overloaded schedule.
  • Negative Thinking: Pessimism, self-criticism, over-analyzing.
  • Mind traps unrealistic expectations, taking things personally, exaggerating, rigid thinking.
  • Stressful personality traits: perfectionist, workaholic, pleaser.

It is important to note that most of the stress that most of us have is actually self-generated. This is a paradox because so many people think of external stressors when they are upset (it is the weather, the boss, the children, the spouse, the stock market). Recognizing that we create most of our own upsets, however, is an important first step to dealing with them.

The most important thing is, to be able to monitor your stress levels and know how to deal with your problems as they appear. The body is superbly equipped to deal with stress, but up to a certain level. If you’re adaptive resources become overworked and exhausted, your body ceases to function smoothly. Different organs then can become stress targets.

Effects of Stress –

Physical or Mental Stress may cause physical illness as well as mental or emotional problems. Below Picture shows parts of the body most affected by stress.

Related image

Click here for Techniques of Stress Management include
  • Self-understanding (e.g. self-identification as a Type A or as a Type B personality)
  • Self-management (e.g. becoming better-organized)
  • Conflict resolution
  • Adopting a more positive attitude
  • Self-talk
  • Breathing exercises
  • Meditation
  • Exercise
  • Altering your diet
  • Taking more regular and effective rest

Two powerful body systems cope with stress. The nervous system controls the rapid body changes, while the endocrine system regulates the longer-term patterns of the stress response by releasing hormones into the blood. The adrenal activates the sympathetic nervous system, reducing the normalizing effects of body function. This increases the metabolic rate, heart rate, circulation, and blood pressure. In addition, the effectiveness of the digestive system is diminished and disturbances in sleep patterns become common.

So how do you guard against stress?


  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
  • Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)
  • Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi)

Ayurvedic Supplements:

Stress guard


Brahmi Bati(S.M.Yu)



  • Plough (Hala Asana)
  • Corpse (Shava Asana)

Ayurvedic Massage

  • Go for Sirovasti or Shirodhara

Other stress management techniques

Get sufficient sleep
Get fresh air
Get physical exercise through Zumba or Aerobics
Enjoy a pure and natural diet. Have a balanced meal
Learn to say “no” more often
Deal with emotions constructively
Develop a sense of humor
Develop meaningful relationships
Develop a support group
Give your life a purpose and meaning
Pamper yourself sometimes
Buy a pet, especially if you are living alone
Enjoy nature
Express your aesthetic self
Enjoy a favorite recreation
Learn time management and delegation techniques
Practice deep breathing and relaxation skills

Stress management is a process for controlling an individual’s level of stress. Stress management may include practicing daily meditation, identifying relaxing activities (which may be different for every individual), or a combination of multiple techniques. Stress management is important because chronic stress can wreak havoc on your body’s immune system and contribute to health problems such as tension headaches, migraine headaches, insomnia, weight gain, depression, anxiety, digestive problems, and even heart disease. Both acute and chronic stress impact memory and concentration, making effective stress management crucial for optimal day-to-day functioning.


Benefits of Stress

Stress often has a negative connotation, but it is actually useful and necessary. Stress can make you more aware of your surroundings, increase your focus, give you needed energy to complete a pending task, and even supply your body with the extraordinary ability to handle an emergency. Your body’s intended purpose for stress is therefore, a naturally good and beneficial one.

Stress is a physical response by your body designed to help you. Stress exists to provide your body with the tools needed to effectively react to unplanned, challenging circumstances. Stress should be reserved for these special circumstances and consequently, occur infrequently. Unfortunately, people can experience stress quite frequently in their lives; thus, spurring on many problems associated with overall health.

Click here for How to Manage Stress Effectively

Stress management is having the ability to recognize situations that may cause stress, in order to use strategies to prevent stress from occurring. Stress management also means setting up your life in a way that the opportunity for stress is unlikely to occur. The best approach to stress management is different from person to person, depending on the stressors that impact the individual and how each individual responds to various coping techniques. Thankfully, there are many known strategies that are widely used and very effective when it comes to managing stress.

Some effective stress management tips and techniques are:-

Time management: Time constraints can trigger stress in people’s lives. Schedules often become overloaded, causing people to feel overwhelmed. In order to alleviate this kind of stress, making a list of priorities can help your schedule become more manageable and possible to complete.

Self-awareness: Knowing your personal limits is crucial because being pushed outside of your personal limitations, can cause unneeded stress. What some people consider a busy schedule, others do not. Some people are equipped to handle multiple tasks while others need a simpler schedule. Therefore, you need to be aware of your boundaries, according to your personality and value system. Eliminate things in your life that do not line up with what you personally can handle so that you experience stress less often.

Healthy diet: Maintaining good nutrition can help both your mind and body function well and give you the ability to cope with every day demands better.  When your body receives its necessary nutrients and proper fuel, stress is less likely to accompany everyday tasks.

Exercise: Committing to a consistent exercise routine allows your body to release tension and even relax its muscles, benefiting your physical well-being. Taking steps to support good health gives you the ability to focus on life’s responsibilities without added pressure or stress.

Good support system: Having the ability to talk through challenging situations with trusted friends, can help you avoid stress. A supportive network of friends can provide listening ears and encouraging words, allowing you the ability to work through otherwise difficult situations with more stability and less stress.

Healthy sleep habits:  Generally people have trouble sleeping due to stress (e.g., lying awake at night worrying about stressful circumstances). Adequate sleep is important for allowing your body time to repair and rejuvenate, which helps with mental alertness, memory, and concentration, and also boosts immune strength. Going to bed at the same time each night, eliminating distractions such as television and mobile devices, and aiming for seven to eight hours of sleep each night are best practices for healthy sleep.


Stress Management for Immune Health 

Stress is closely tied to immune functioning; people who experience chronic, high levels of stress and do not manage their stress effectively often are sick more frequently and may suffer other health consequences in the long term. If you suffer from chronic stress, there are some foods believed to help combat stress, and in general, a healthy, well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals will help your body to function at its best and ward off stress.

When your immune system is weakened as a result of chronic stress, you’re more likely to catch colds and viruses, and illness in turn creates additional stress as it’s challenging to meet your obligations at work and home when you’re feeling under the weather. Boosting your immune system with supplements that provide immune support can help to ward off these ill effects, halting the vicious cycle in its tracks. An immune supplement with probiotics offers the added benefit of regulating your digestive processes, which are often thrown askew when your body is feeling the effects of stress.

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Click here for Stress Management part - 1

  1. Do something to help others. In times of stress, we tend to turn our focus inward and dwell on the challenges that are creating negative stress. But the opposite is also true: “As you might expect, getting support from others can cool down the stress response.  But giving support and helping others is also remarkably effective. Researchers have found that providing support to others—even in small ways, such as opening the door for someone—can reduce stress and increase a sense of well-being.”
  2. Delegate tasks such as house cleaning, or hire a personal assistant.”If a clean house makes everything in your world better, why wouldn’t you take care of yourself and your family by hiring a housekeeper?”
  3. Spend time with a pet. If you don’t have a pet, consider adopting one. “Pets are loving and adorable creatures that can counter the negative effects of stress. Dogs especially can be caring and spontaneous in their affection for you. Cuddle them or take them for a walk and you’ll experience a feel-good factor that can take away the blues.”
  4. Ask yourself what you’d say to a close friend who was in a stressful situation similar to yours.“‘Self-compassion is one of the most important sources of emotional resilience we have,’ It means, simply, treating yourself with the same kindness you’d treat a friend who was going through a hard time. ‘Most people critique themselves and tear themselves down when they’re stressed. They go straight into fix-it mode and don’t give themselves any comfort, care, or support,’ Imagining a friend coming to you with the problem you’re dealing with, and saying to yourself what you’d say. ‘When you treat yourself with self-compassion, your levels of stress hormones like cortisol decrease and your levels of feel-good hormones like oxytocin increase, instantly making you feel calmer and more capable of dealing.”
  5. Try color therapy to create an environment that supports calmness and relaxation.“Have you ever heard of Colorology? Well it’s the theory that color and light can be used to balance energy wherever a person’s body is lacking, whether it’s mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual. If you are feeling overly stressed, you can use color as a stress management tool. Different colors have different effects on the brain, so envisioning certain shades or even carrying a little patch of a certain color with you throughout the day can make you feel better and more in control. For example, Pink, yellow, blue, and green is considered to be particularly calming!”
  6. Create a toolbox of stress-management techniques. “One stress-shrinking strategy won’t work for all your problems. For instance, while deep breathing is helpful when you’re stuck in traffic or hanging at home, it might not rescue you during a business meeting. “Because stress is complex, ‘What we need is a toolbox that’s full of techniques that we can fit and choose for the stressor in the present moment.”
  1. Rely on your supportive relationships.“Draw strength from friends and family members. You may have some friends who help you to make decisions, to feel loved, and to feel hopeful. Call them. Talk to them. Tell them how you feel. You may have some friends or family members who make you angrier or sadder. It might be good not to talk to them when you feel stress. Anger makes stress worse.”
  2. Create something.“Paint, Craft, Read, enjoy photos, writing, and artwork. Creating something unique and beautiful can relax your mind and your body.”
  3. Fill your environment with soothing aromatherapy scents.“Studies suggest aromatherapy can be a good way to relieve stress. Certain aromas (like lavender) have been consistently shown to reduce stress levels.”
  4. Fix something unrelated to the stressor.“If you’re having problems in one area of your life, it can be therapeutic to fix something in an unrelated area. It can be anything, from a leaking faucet to other minor home repairs, or even a relationship with someone that’s been a bit rocky lately. It’s a way of proving to yourself that you can solve problems and mend things, and when you return to your original problem you’ll find that you have new clarity and confidence and can come up with a more creative solution.”
  5. Learn to recognize when stressors are truly problems worth addressing. This is especially important for those with a tendency to avoid anger. “‘Women, in particular, are told over and over again to be nice no matter what. Get angry and you could lose your reputation, marriage, friends, or job’. If you grew up in a volatile or abusive home, you may not believe anger can be controlled or expressed calmly.”

“The damage: The primary function of anger is to signal that something is amiss and encourage resolution. By ignoring that warning sign, you may end up engaging in self-destructive behaviors (overeating, excessive shopping).

“How to Turn It Around

  • Challenge your core beliefs. Ask yourself, ‘Is it really fine for my employees to leave early whenever they want? For my partner to go golfing every weekend?’ If you’re honest, the resounding answer to these questions is probably ‘You know what? It’s not fine.’ Recognizing that something is wrong is the first step to setting it right.
  • Step outside yourself. Imagine that a friend is the one being abused, overworked, or neglected. What would be the appropriate way for him/her to respond? Make a list of actions he/she might take, then ask yourself why it is OK  him/her, but not you, to react that way.
  • Embrace healthy confrontation. Did someone tick you off? Tell the person―in a positive, constructive way. Yes, he or she might be surprised, possibly even (gasp!) angered, by your words. And you know what? He or she will get over it. ‘Avoidance often does more damage to families and friendships than any expression of anger.
  • Visualize calm and peaceful situations or settings.“It sounds New Age-y, but at least one study, has found that it’s highly effective in reducing stress. The suggestion is to follow a routine: Close your eyes, take three long, slow breaths, and spend a few seconds picturing a relaxing scene, such as walking in a meadow, kneeling by a brook, or lying on the beach. Focus on the details—the sights, the sounds, the smells.”


Click here for Stress Management part - 2

1. Change your emotional response.“Managing stress doesn’t mean eliminating stressors from your life. It means developing positive strategies for dealing with stress to avoid negative consequences. Think about stress as your reaction to an event, rather than the event itself. This makes it easier to identify healthy ways to manage stress. Even though you can’t control some of the stressors in your life, you can control your response to them.”

2. Practice daily relaxation.“Relaxation is more than sitting in your favorite chair watching TV. To relieve stress, relaxation should calm the tension in your mind and body. Some good forms of relaxation are yoga, tai chi (a series of slow, graceful movements), and meditation. Like most skills, relaxation takes practice. Join a class to learn and practice relaxation skills. Deep breathing is a form of relaxation you can learn and practice at home using the following steps. It’s a good skill to practice as you start or end your day. With daily practice, you will soon be able to use this skill whenever you feel stress.”

  1. Sit in a comfortable position with your feet on the floor and your hands in your lap or lie down. Close your eyes.
  2. Picture yourself in a peaceful place. Perhaps you’re lying on the beach, walking in the mountains, or floating in the clouds. Hold this scene in your mind.
  3. Inhale and exhale. Focus on breathing slowly and deeply.
  4. Continue to breathe slowly for 10 minutes or more.
  5. Try to take at least five to 10 minutes every day for deep breathing or another form of relaxation.”

3. Learn to recognize the things you cannot change.“Accepting that you can’t change certain things allows you to let go and not get upset. For instance, you cannot change the fact that you have to drive during rush hour. But you can look for ways to relax during your commutes, such as listening to music or book.”

4. Write down your feelings.“Often we don’t just censor what we say, we censor what we think. Sometimes we won’t even admit to ourselves that we’re feeling overwhelmed, lost, or stressed. As a result, we keep things ‘bottled up’ and they stay on our mind, elevating our heart rate and blood pressure in the process.”

“Talking to someone can help to externalize this stress and lighten the burden. And failing this, writing down your problems in some kind of journal can be just as effective.”

Think this is just a nice idea? Actually, it’s backed up by quite a lot of evidence. In one study it was found that people who had lost their jobs were actually more likely to find employment sooner if they wrote down their feelings

(1). The reason presumably is that they became more positive and thus performed better in subsequent interviews and opened themselves up for more opportunities.

“In other studies, it was found that writing about stressful events could help individuals to see the positive ‘silver linings’ of those situations.”

(2). Another concluded that ‘FEW’ (focused expressed writing) could act as a useful substitute to therapy for those unwilling or unable to receive it.

(3). Expressive writing has even been found to help reduce the symptoms of asthma.

(4) Seeing a professional therapist is likely to still be more effective than expressive writing alone as therapists can provide feedback and insight and teach useful coping strategies and techniques. That said though, writing is a highly effective alternative and could be especially effective when used in combination with psychotherapeutic intervention. Cognitive-behavioral therapists in fact do recommend journaling for the treatment of many conditions.

5. Practice mindfulness.“For many years Buddhists and other contemplative traditions have known that paying attention to the present moment is deeply relaxing as anxieties about the future and worries about the past disappear.”

“Mindfulness breaks are great stress reduction tools and can be taken as one would take cigarette breaks at work for three minutes at a time. Also bring the principles to daily work activities: doing one thing completely at a time. This will also make you more efficient as you will not waste time swapping between activities. Avoid interruptions wherever possible by only checking your e-mail twice a day, for example.”

6. Find something to laugh about. Laughter is a great stress- buster. “‘Laughter re-enchants daily living,’. Research shows that we experience about 30 of these ‘heart hassles’ every day, stressing the heart both figuratively and physiologically. On both counts, humor is healing.”

7. Learn (and practice) the three essential steps for relaxation.“Relaxation skills are basic to stress management. It’s how our bodies and mind are able to release tension and slow down. You can easily learn to relax, to slow down, even appreciate and embrace stillness.”

“There are three basic elements or results of any effective stress management approach:

  • A here and now awareness – being in the present moment.
  • Slowing down of the mind and body
  • Suspension of judgment about one’s experience and one’s self.

8. Try meditation, a form of guided thought.“Meditation is a form of guided thought. It can take many forms. You can do it with exercise that uses the same motions over and over, like walking or swimming. You can meditate by practicing relaxation training, by stretching or by breathing deeply.”

“Relaxation training is simple. Start with one muscle. Hold it tight for a few seconds then relax the muscle. Do this with each of your muscles, beginning with the toes and feet and working your way up through the rest of your body, one muscle group at a time.”

9. Tap into the power of music.“Are you a music lover? Or a nature lover? Experiment with the following:

  • The right music can lower your blood pressure and help you relax. Keep the music that works for you on your phone, computer, iPod, or play it in the car when traffic has you stressed.
  • No music at hand? Trying singing or humming a favorite tune.
  • Tune in to a soundtrack of nature, such as crashing waves, wind rustling the trees, birds singing. If the real thing is on your doorstep, even better.
  • Buy a small fountain, so you can enjoy the soothing sound of running water in your home or office. When stress hits, close your eyes and take a few minutes to focus on the calming trickle.
  • Keep the recorded voice of a loved one on your mobile phone. Just the sound of someone special’s voice can help ease tension.”

10. Don’t make mountains out of molehills, and spend 80% of your time focused on the solution.“One of the best ways to make your day and life easier, lighter, and less stressful is to not build mountains out of molehills. To not create extra drama, overthink, or create a problem out of something that doesn’t matter much. Or just out of air.”

“So how can you handle this bad habit?”

“Well, when a big problem is starting to build in your mind first say something like: Hold on now…”

“This will help you to pause and become more receptive to change your line of thinking. Then ask yourself:

Will this matter 5 years from now? Or even 5 weeks from now?

Those two steps will help to build a lot fewer mountains in your life.

Spend 80% of your time focusing on a solution.

And only 20% of your time on dwelling on your non-molehill issue or problem. Instead of taking a common path and doing it the other way around. You’ll live a much more action-filled life and feel less pessimistic and powerless if you do.”  

11. Read books that nourish the soul.“Books containing positive affirmations, daily meditations, or uplifting stories will help you to feel better and restore your belief that life can be good.”

12. Use problem-solving techniques. First identify and clearly define the problem, then brainstorm solutions.“Now that you have a well-defined problem, it’s time to think about solutions. Think of all the ways in which you might solve your problem. The sky’s the limit. Now isn’t the time to judge whether one solution is better than another. Not sure where to begin?” Try these tips:

  • Recall past problems that you were able to solve. Could a similar solution work for this problem, too?
  • Ask friends, family, and people you trust for advice.

“If you’re still having trouble, perhaps your problem is too complicated. In that case, try to divide and conquer. Break the problem into smaller parts you can more easily tackle.”

“Remember, consider everything that pops into your head — even ideas that initially seem silly. Your stress-reduction plan may include a little zaniness. Maybe taking an Aerobics dancing class after work a few days a week will help you to unwind better than would quiet meditation.”


Click here for Stress Management part - 3

  1. Take instant vacations.“Sometimes the best way to de-stress is to take your mind away to a more relaxing place.”
  • Visualize. Have a favorite place where you can imagine yourself relaxing. The place should be beautiful and calm. When you’re stressed, sit down, lean back, take deep breaths, close your eyes, and imagine yourself in your calm-place.
  • Take time out for yourself. Everyone deserves time for themselves —a bath or something that allows time to think and de-stress. Try a warm bath with your ears just underwater. Listen to yourself take deep, slow breaths. Take your pulse and count as your heart rate goes down.
  • Enjoy hobbies or creative art as an instant vacation.
  • Look at the beauty around you and get pleasure from the small things you may have stopped noticing.
  • Take mini-vacations. Sometimes we forget that the park around the corner is a great place to hang out. A walk outside can be a mini-vacation if you choose to forget your worries.
  • Reading a good book is an escape from reality. You have to imagine the sights, sounds, and smells—you are somewhere else for a while.

2. Turn problems into opportunities with a positive shift in thinking.“The optimistic person, however, knows how to manage stress in difficult situations and soon moves beyond this disappointment. He responds quickly to the adverse event and interprets it as being temporary, specific, and external to himself. The optimist responds with a positive attitude, knows how to and counter the negative feelings by immediately re-framing the event so that it appears positive in some way.”

  • “Since your conscious mind can hold only one thought at a time, either positive or negative, if you deliberately choose a positive thought to dwell upon, you keep your mind optimistic and your emotions positive. Since your thoughts and feelings determine your actions, you will tend to be a more constructive person, and you will start moving forward and more rapidly toward the goals that you have chosen.”
  • “It all comes down to the way you talk to yourself on a regular basis. In our courses of problem solving and decisions making, we encourage people to respond to problems by changing their language from negative to positive. Instead of using the word problem, we encourage people to use the word situation.  You see, a problem is something that you deal with. The event is the same. It’s the way you interpret the event to yourself that makes it sound and appear completely different.”
  • “Even better than the situation is the word challenge. Whenever you have a difficulty, immediately re-frame it, choose to view it as a challenge, and start moving forward.  Rather than saying, ‘I have a problem,’ say, ‘I have an interesting challenge facing me.’ The word challenge is inherently positive. It is something that you rise to that makes you stronger and better. It is the same situation, only the word that you are using to describe it is different.”
  • “The best of all possible words to maintain a positive attitude and manage stress is the word opportunity. When you are faced with a difficulty of any kind, instead of saying, ‘I have a problem,’ you can say, ‘I am faced with an unexpected opportunity.’  And if you concentrate your powers on finding out what that opportunity is—even if it is only a valuable lesson—you will certainly find it. As the parable says, ‘Seek and ye shall find, for all who seek to find it.’”

3. Avoid drugs and alcohol.“They may seem to be a temporary fix to feel better, but in the long run they can create more problems and add to your stress—instead of taking it away.”

4. Take a break from acute stressors.“It may seem difficult to get away from a big work project, a crying baby, or a growing credit card bill. But when you give yourself permission to step away from it, you let yourself have time to do something else, which can help you have a new perspective or practice techniques to feel less overwhelmed. It’s important to not avoid your stress (those bills have to be paid sometime), but even just 20-minutes to take care of yourself is helpful.”

5. Implement time management strategies.“Your workload can cause stress, if you don’t manage your time well. This can be a key source of stress for very many people.”

  • “Take time management quiz to identify where you can improve, and make sure that you use time management tools such as To-Do Lists, Action Programs, and Eisenhower’s Urgent/Important Principle to manage your priorities.”
  • “Then use Job Analysis to think about what’s most important in your role, so that you can prioritize your work more effectively. This helps you reduce stress because you get the greatest return from your efforts, and you minimize the time you spend on low-value activities.”
  • “Also, avoid multitasking, only check email at certain times, and don’t use electronic devices for a while before going to bed, so that you use this time to ‘switch off’ fully.”

6. Calendars and schedules are helpful for ensuring that you don’t over-commit yourself, which is a common stress-inducing scenario.“Good time-management skills are critical for effective stress control. In particular, learning to prioritize tasks and avoid over-commitment are critical measures to make sure that you’re not overscheduled. Always using a calendar or planner and checking it faithfully before committing to anything is one way to develop time-management skills. You can also learn to identify time-wasting tasks by keeping a diary for a few days and noticing where you may be losing time.”

“For example, productivity experts recommend setting aside a specific time (or multiple times) each day to check and respond to email and messages rather than being a continual slave to incoming information. Banishing procrastination is another time-management skill that can be learned or perfected.”

7. Engage in low-pressure, enjoyable activities.“Get crafty (art, scrapbooking, writing /journaling), listen to music, get physical (walk, run, dance, do yoga), get outside, or just give yourself a few minutes off from what you are doing to do simply nothing. Don’t be afraid to take a break when you are studying or writing a paper. Schedule it in! A 20-minute power nap can re-energize you for hours and a brisk walk around the block can help to clear your head and put your thoughts in order.”

8. Regular exercise can be an effective way to both prevent and manage stress.“For the biggest benefits of exercise, try to include at least 2½ hours of moderate-intensity physical activity (e.g. brisk walking) each week, 1¼ hours of vigorous-intensity activity (such as jogging or swimming laps), or a combination of the two.”

  • 5 X 30: Jog, walk, bike, or dance three to five times a week for 30 minutes.
  • Set small daily goals and aim for daily consistency rather than perfect workouts. It’s better to walk every day for 15-20 minutes than to wait until the weekend for a three-hour fitness marathon. Lots of scientific data suggest that frequency is the most important.
  • Find forms of exercise that are fun or enjoyable. Extroverted people often like classes and group activities. People who are more introverted often prefer solo pursuits.
  • Distract yourself with an iPod or other portable media player to download audiobooks, podcasts, or music. Many people find it’s more fun to exercise while listening to something they enjoy.
  • Recruit an “exercise buddy.” It’s often easier to stick to your exercise routine when you have to stay committed to a friend, partner, or colleague.
  • Be patient when you start a new exercise program. Most sedentary people require about four to eight weeks to feel coordinated and sufficiently in shape so that exercise feels easier.

9. Spend time in nature.“Going outdoors helps to relieve your stress naturally, with research showing levels of the stress hormone cortisol lower in those who live in areas with the greenest space, as are their self-reported feelings of stress. Even five minutes in nature can help reduce stress and boost your mood.”

10. Find positive behavior coping strategies.“There are both positive and negative coping strategies that people use. Some people may drink or smoke because of stress but these are obviously negative coping strategies. Some positive coping strategies are writing goals to tackle the problem, writing ‘to do’ lists, exercising, or doing the things that increase eustress (good stress). Writing goals and lists help to organize thoughts and actions so that you know how to fix the problem or possibly remove the stressor if possible. Exercise increases endorphins in our body or gives us the ‘runner’s high’ while also releasing the tension in our body and feelings of anxiety, depression, anger, and frustration.”

11. Eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.“‘Stress eating’, in the form of over-indulgence or trips to the vending machine or drive-through, may seem like a great idea when you’re feeling anxious. But the fact is that you’ll feel better in the long run if you reach for an apple instead of a bag of chips when you have the urge to munch.”

12. Learn progressive muscle relaxation techniques.“Progressive Muscle Relaxation is meant to help you resolve any tension in your muscles and body. The idea is that you first tense and then relax all the muscles throughout your body to reach the ultimate state of relaxation. ”

Click here for Stress Management part - 4

1. Identify the sources of stress in your life and take steps to avoid them. “We sometimes create our own stress because of habits and traits that can have harmful effects that can be reduced using cognitive restructuring techniques such as behavioral modification, assertiveness training, time management, and stress inoculation. Others turn to smoke, alcohol, or drugs to relieve their stress but these short-term solutions eventually cause even more stress. Long-term use of prescription medications can result in dependency or adverse side effects and some supplements can have similar problems or interact with other drugs.”

2.. Use planning and lists to create a sense of mastery over your important daily tasks to avoid stress.“Make a list of the important things you need to handle each day. Try to follow the list so you feel organized and on top of things. Put together a coping plan step by step so you have a sense of mastery.”

3. Keep a stress diary.“Note down the date, time, and place of each stressful episode, and note what you were doing, who you were with, and how you felt both physically and emotionally.  Give each stressful episode a stress rating (on, say, a 1-10 scale) and use the diary to understand what triggers your stress and how effective you are in stressful situations.  This will enable you to avoid stressful situations and develop better coping mechanisms.”

4. Set realistic expectations.“Being busy is sometimes inevitable, but regularly taking on more than you can manage can cause unwanted and unwelcome stress. Tell yourself that it’s okay to say no to activities at your child’s school or to extra projects at work — you are not obligated to accept every request made of you. Additionally, don’t take on more financial responsibilities — such as a new car or a bigger house — if you think they’ll be a stretch. Being realistic about your finances is an important strategy for managing stress.”

5. Prioritize and set limits.“It might feel nice to rattle off all the non-profits you volunteer with, and you may feel good about filling your calendar with bake sales and charity events. But at the end of the day, you may be stretching yourself too thin.”

“Set priorities around the groups you’re most passionate about, and only dedicate your time to those. Learn to say no when you absolutely cannot take on anything else, and don’t look back. You’ll be healthier and happier for it.”

6. Reflect on your day at the end of each day using intention and reflection. “When you can, take time to reflect at the beginning and end of each day. In the morning, you may want to think about how you want your day to be. Your intentions can be something you want to accomplish or ‘do,’ and they can also be about how you feel, or how you want to ‘be’.”

7. Plan and prepare for situations and events that you know will be stressful.“Prepare ahead of time for stressful events like a job interview or a hard conversation with a loved one.”

  • Picture the event in your mind.
  • Stay positive.
  • Imagine what the room will look like and what you will say.
  • Have a back-up plan.

8. Learn to recognize stressors and signs that you’re experiencing stress. “When you feel stress setting in, observe your body, and learn where it hits, what happens first. The earlier you can recognize stress signals, the easier it is to change your behavior and stop the progress of the stress.”

  • “When you are stressed, choose fight or flight. Hiding your anger is more stressful than expressing it but choose your fights. Make sure it’s worth it.”

9. Don’t ignore the warning signs that stress is taking over your life or beginning to pose health risks.“If you are feeling stressed out, or if you relate to any of the symptoms above, don’t ignore it. Many live in denial and cease to do anything about the state of stress they are in. People may not even realize how stressed they really are. Don’t keep putting off those warning signs. Check-in with yourself and do something about it. Learn stress management skills and get to the bottom of your stress before it gets worse.”

10. Create effective stress rituals that work for you.“Make sure you take stress breaks. Get up from your desk and walk around, or get outside for some fresh air. Do some deep breathing, shoulder shrugs, or just close your eyes for one minute. Taking a mental or physical break is an important strategy for dealing with day-to-day stress.”

11. Stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water.“We all know and understand that a vast percentage of our body is made up of water. It, therefore, makes sense that water would provide you with the support you need to handle stress more effectively. In fact, making sure that you stay hydrated throughout your day is essential as it will boost your levels of energy and enable you to work through circumstances with more vigor and persistence. ”

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Click here for Tips to De-Stress

Tips to De-stress

  1. Identify triggers
  2. Remember …..this too shall pass
  3. Walk outside, breathe deeply, return to nature
  4. Talk to yourself if you were a good friend
  5. Write / Laugh
  6. Visualize
  7. Stop procrastinating
  8. Accept people for who they are
  9. Be grateful
  10. Avoid multitasking
  11. Step away from the situation/screen
  12. Identify what you really want
  13. Get help – you don’t have to do it all alone
  14. Write in a journal
  15. Create cushions in your calendar
  16. Re-evaluate your priorities
  17. Do your research
  18. Learn something new
  19. Perform, Teach or give a speech
  20. Play a board game
  21. Volunteer
  22. Say No
  23. Engage in your Interests
  24. Treat yourself
  25. Try Aromatherapy
  26. Take a Nap
  27. Meditate  / Yoga
  28. Be grateful
  29. Eat a snack ( Mindfully!! ) / Mood-boosting foods
  30. Put on some music/sing
  31. Cuddle with pet
  32. Learn something new
  33. Find a relaxation mentor
  34. Squeeze a stress ball
  35. Hang up, then turn off your phone
  36. Progressive muscle relaxation
  37. Sleep to combat stress
  38. Stop should-ing yourself
  39. Socialize with friends/colleagues
  40. Make a change
  41. Exercise daily
  42. Stay in the moment ( Present )
  43. Change your perception
  44. Forgive yourself
  45. Remember you are Human

How to Relax and De-stress :

If you find yourself plagued with anxiety, finding it hard to sleep means you are in a major stress zone. You need to work on reflecting on your stress and relaxing your mind and body before you do any more damage. If you want to know how to lead a more relaxing life, just follow these steps.

Stress reduction help –

A. Reflect on your stress 

1. Write down your thoughts

2. Make a game plan

3. Vow to eliminate as many sources of stress as you can

4. Share your feelings

5. Know when to get help

B. Relax your mind

1. Meditate

2. Watch a movie

3. Spend time with friends

4. Go for a long drive

5. Read

6. Calm your mind before bed

C. Relax your body 

1. Give yourself a massage

2. Avoid too much caffeine

3. Exercise

4. Take a bubble bath

5. Eat well

6. Sleep well    


Some techniques of time management may help a person to control stress. For example:

  • Becoming more organized and reducing the generation of clutter
  • Setting priorities can help reduce anxiety
  • Using a “to do” list of tasks that a person needs to complete can give a person a sense of control and accomplishment

Myths surround stress. Dispelling them enables us to understand our problems and then take action against them. Let’s look at these myths.

Myths about stress and Time Management:-

Myth #1: All stress is bad. No, there’s good and bad stress – Good stress is excitement, thrills, etc. The goal is to recognize the personal signs of bad stress and deal with them.

Myth #2: Planning my time just takes more time – Actually, research shows the opposite.

Myth #3: I get more done in more time when I wisely use caffeine, sugar, alcohol, or nicotine – Research shows that the body always has to “come down” and when it does, you can’t always be very effective then after the boost.

Myth #4: A time management problem means that there’s not enough time to get done what needs to get done – No, a time management problem is not using your time to your fullest advantage, to get done what you want doing.

Myth #5: The busier I am, the better I’m using my time – Lookout! You may only be doing what’s urgent, and not what’s important.

Myth #6: I feel very harried, busy, so I must have a time management problem – Not necessarily. You should verify that you have a time management problem. This requires knowing what you really want to get done and if it is getting done or not.

Myth #7: I feel OK, so I must not be stressed – In reality, many adults don’t even know when they’re really stressed out until their bodies tell them so. They miss the early warning signs from their body, for example, headaches, still backs, twitches, etc.

Myth #8: Stress is the same for everybody – Stress is different for each of us. What is stressful for one person may or may not be stressful for another; each of us responds to stress in an entirely different way.

Myth #9: No Symptoms No Stress – Absence of symptoms does not mean the absence of stress. In fact, camouflaging symptoms with medication may deprive you of the signals you need for reducing the strain on your physiological and psychological systems.

Myth #10: Only major symptoms of stress required attention –  Minor symptoms of stress are the early warnings that your life is getting out of hand and that you need to do a better job of managing stress.

Myth #11: The most popular techniques for reducing stress are the Best ones – No universally effective stress reduction techniques exist. We are all different, our lives are different, our situations are different, and our reactions are different. Only a comprehensive program tailored to the individual works.

Myth #12: Stress is not a big deal – Every moment of frustration you have about your job, every point of friction in your relationships at work and at home, every fear or concern you have about money, your health, and the future—essentially, the sum total of all the negative emotions in your life, from the moment you get up until the moment you lie down, is stress. For most individuals, it is a very big deal.

Myth #13: Stress is a Motivator – We need to distinguish between stress and stimulation. Having deadlines, setting goals, and pushing yourself to perform at capacity are stimulating. Stress is when you’re anxious, upset, or frustrated, which dramatically reduces your ability to perform. People who get things done under stress are succeeding in spite of their stress, not because of it.

Myth #14: Stress is everywhere, so you just have to live with it – Stress is not everywhere and you don’t have to simply accept it. You can shape your life in such a way that you have stress-free time during your day. You also can develop effective strategies for managing those experiences in your life that you do find stressful. Prioritizing, breaking down complicated tasks into smaller, simpler projects, and effective time management strategies are just a few of the ways to reduce stress.

Myth #15: Stress management is all about eliminating stress from your life – It is healthier to accept that stress is a part of life, and then work to eliminate what you can and develop strategies to manage the stressors you cannot eliminate from your life.

Myth #16: Learning stress strategies are complicated –  Most stress control approaches are designed for fast learning and are not convoluted. You can learn many of them in moments, and walk out and use them in real life the same day.

Myth #17: The more hours you work, the more stress you will have – People who love what they do handle stress better than those who dread going into the office. The difference is not the hours worked, but their attitude.

Myth #18: Successful people have little or no stress – It is a myth that people with lots of money or high achievement have little stress. Stress hits everyone. It’s just that some people manage it better.

Myth #19: It is obvious that someone is experiencing Stress – Stress can be silent and not very obvious. There are many symptoms that lie under the surface.

Myth #20: A drink is an effective way to deal with stress –  Alcohol actually increases the number of stress hormones we produce. So that wine may actually increase your stress. Stress actually reduces the sedative effects of alcohol. So stress really can be a bit of a buzz kill.

Myth #20: Stress causes gray hair – When you experience a great deal of stress, your body might temporarily stop growing hair because it’s focusing on repairing the rest of your body.

Myth #21: The more successful you are, the more stressed you are – Stress doesn’t make someone successful. In fact, stress reduces a lot of productivity. Researchers explain that stress can cause “decreased mental acuity, lowered creativity, diminished ability to problem-solve, mental exhaustion, and eventually physical burnout.”

We hesitate to admit how big it is because of the myths above, which are woven tightly into our culture and prevent us from dealing with stress more effectively. But with a little application, anyone can learn the truth about how stress works and, instead of simply managing it, start Eliminating it.


Quotes about Stress Management

Stress management is life management. If you take control of your stress, your life will thank you for it!

It’s not stress that kills us it is our reaction to it.

The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another

There is more to life than increasing its speed

Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it

Stress is caused by being ‘here’ but wanting to be ‘there’

Its good idea always to do something relaxing prior to making an important decision in your life

Don’t stress the could haves, if it should have, it would have

Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of mental illness

You are braver than you believe and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think

Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you

It’s not the load that breaks you down, its the way you carry it

Tension is who you think you should be, Relaxation is who you are

Stop focusing on how stressed you are, remember how blessed you are

Be with those who bring out the Best in you, not the stress in you

Stress is the trash of modern life. We all generate it but if you don’t dispose of it properly it will pile up and overtake your life 

Related image

Volunteering for Healthcare in vacation

volunteering for healthcare in vacation

Volunteering for Healthcare

How to spend Summer vacation –

For most students, summer is a time to turn off their brains, sleep in, and take it easy. With the stress of exams getting over, it’s almost time to start planning for summer vacation. After months of studying hard for your boards, which are crucial for your career path, you definitely need a break from all those heavy course books. It is normal to be excited as well as nervous about your results, but why spend your two months of holiday pondering over something which would only contribute to making you feel restless?

After slogging hard for months on end with endless sleepless nights, all you need after your board exams is time to relax, quality time with friends and family, space to analyze your future plans, and most importantly, some time for your own self.


Click here for How to enjoy vacation

Some opt for vacationing out of city or country, some for vacation jobs in their field for more knowledge, some for pocket money while some just want to kill time till new academic year starts. One of the good suggestions is to do some kind of social work towards a society which will not only give insights towards the life of people but it will also teach you various lessons which will help during your journey of life.

A couple of days into that much-anticipated break, we stop enjoying being at a loose end and start getting bored. Here are a few things to keep the boredom at bay.

  1. Day trip to a beach
  2. Throw a house party
  3. Get ready for paddling into the pool, SPA
  4. Go to festivals
  5. Go on a holiday – Visit nature ( Fulfill travel desire )
  6. Get Energetic – Join Swimming, Gym, Hiking n Trekking, Zumba
  7. Join a hobby class – ( On-line, Distance learning )
  8. Learn a new Skill – Public Speaking, Self-defense …
  9. Get a Job to learn and meet people, Internship
  10. Prepare for Competitive Exams
  11. Catching up with unseen movies and series
  12. Take a good break from the studies
  13. Reading and Writing for pleasure, Improve your writing Skills
  14. Visiting unexplored places
  15. Join NGO
  16. Counseling
  17. Do Social Work
  18. Volunteering in rural India

So don’t feel overwhelmed. Instead, develop a realistic plan. (To do this, use the planning worksheet). As you follow your plan, then you’ll have a meaningful, productive, and fun-filled holiday!


Coming out of their comfort zones to help the needy and knowing more about the neighborhood is what defines the coming summer holidays all of you. With schools, colleges, and NGOs encouraging such behavior and calling for volunteers to assist them at social work, students have discovered new interests in spending time with underprivileged kids and medical assistance at a rural level who may require a helping hand.

There is a developing idea that is catching hold called “Voluntourism” or “Tourcations,”  “Ethical Holidays,” “Travel Philanthropy,” aligned with the concept of “sustainable tourism.”  Voluntourism is basically the combination of travel with volunteering.   Individuals and families are choosing Voluntourism to: meet new people, learn new skills, grow as a person, immerse themselves in a culture, help a cause that inspires them, and it meets the needs of busy people who wish to travel and volunteer.

Volunteering overseas is, without a doubt, one of the top experiences anyone could hope to undertake in their lifetime. Even a short-term volunteer adventure can change your life and world perspective. Few things can give you a greater sense of meaning and a greater understanding of a culture.

Click here for Enjoying vacation for a cause -

Another and best way of spending vacation for a cause is to go to rural villages after getting basic training from medical Colleges, NGO’s and serving people educating them about health and their health-related rights to change the health situation in tribal and rural India characterized by extreme poverty, with no access to the most basic health care.

But for undergraduate, graduate, and medical students of all streams, this summer should be full of collecting information, analyzing data, and collaborating on exciting research projects as part of the Summer Student Research Program in their city or rural areas. Health education is a must at a rural level for which vacation volunteers can do by getting basic training about medication and schemes launched by the government.

Nowadays in most of the cities because of the on-line app you get most of the health-related facilities like ordering medicines, call a doctor, call an ambulance, Yoga instructor, Physiotherapist, Nurse, getting the second opinion about surgery and so on related to health sitting at home. Likewise information related to any diseases is available on the click of a mouse.

The health of people in tribal and rural India is in a precarious situation. The traditional systems of medicine are in decline due to different economic and cultural reasons. But modern medicine as it is being practiced is not meeting the health needs of the rural population, especially those from the economically and socially backward sections. This is largely because of the high cost and inaccessibility of services. The high cost of this kind of health care, as well as the loss of wages during the period of illness pushes these people into a grim cycle of debt, bondage, and deepening poverty.

Unfortunately in rural India conditions are worst since almost 60% or more don’t have medical facilities within  20 kilometers so they have to travel even under emergencies since there is no other option but to travel, at times even transport is not available. Many NGO’s are working in rural India as Self Health Organization ( SHO ), Primary Health Care, Community Health Care,  who are voluntarily helping villagers in terms of imparting knowledge about health-related issues, educating women about problems related to their health, nutrition-related issues amongst kids, various kinds of diseases with elderly people Etc.

Due to a lack of medication and ignorance about health-related issues rural India has a high infant mortality rate, Neonatal mortality rate, maternal mortality rate, and child mortality rate. Government of India, Health Department has launched many schemes/benefits for the rural population to take care of all health-related issues but because of lack of awareness, knowledge and because of middlemen for their own interests are not reaching the population at large.

During vacation those who want to do some kind of social activity ( volunteering as an intern or an assistant in medical centers ) can take some basic training about healthcare, rights of the rural population, awareness about government schemes and their benefits and stay in areas selected during vacation. Create awareness, impart knowledge, and give basic training during your stay so that rural people in villages are benefited.


“He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything”

Click here for Enjoying vacation for a cause -

As you can see from the above chart that Healthcare penetration in rural areas is significantly lower than in urban areas. A lot of manpower is required to serve rural areas so during vacation if you desire to give your services then there are many NGOs ( list provided in the last section ) who can train you and then you can go in the field to give primary / basic education about healthcare or you can be a trainer as well.

The need of the hour is thus a two-pronged approach – first to bring quality healthcare services to doorsteps of the needy and second to promote healthcare awareness and contemporary healthcare-seeking behavior among the underprivileged.

You can volunteer for objectives like:-

To address the inequality in rural health care with an equal focus on preventive measures and health education.

Functions at  Anganwadi where children are educated about health, referral services, Non-formal education of children, Supplementary nutrition, Family Planning, Immunization, Etc.,

To evolve low-cost technology for providing appropriate, rational, and inexpensive healthcare facilities.

To provide accessible, affordable, acceptable, quality-oriented, sustainable, and credible services.

Design technologies after understanding the people’s health as well as local conditions ( climate ), requirements, limitations, illiteracy levels, accessibility, etc.

Introduce adaptable and diagnostic technologies to health workers, clinical, community level, and public health services.

Develop products for the grassroots users and community health workers as well as for the general public.

Those who want to do research can prepare a questionnaire for a few villages, collect survey forms, collate data, and suggest conclusions drawn for improvement of services in required areas with figures.

Specialized jobs for Female Assistants are:-

  • Supervise and guide the health workers in the delivery of health care services to the community
  • Carry out supervisory home visiting
  • Guide the health workers ( female ) in the distribution of contraceptives to the couples
  • Respond to urgent calls from health workers and render necessary help
  • Educating adolescent girls and nursing mothers
  • Provide kits to  mothers for 3 months after delivery
  • Community health promotion and education
  • Participate in strengthening the Integrated Child Development Services ( ICDS ) Programme
  • Improving maternal health through engaging family and community

Nine major health-related activities are carried out by NGOs ( mentioned in NGOs details )  so you can select anyone as per your liking and work with them during your vacation.


Volunteer working in a rural area 

Click here for Details of various NGOs across India for Health Purpose

Functions of NGOs in Health System

The primary focus of NGOs in the health sector are:

  1. Establishing healthcare institutions
  2. Fulfilling health and social needs of groups like women, elderly and vulnerable local communities
  3. Dealing with specific health issues such as alcoholism
  4. Promoting health rights
  5. Performing preventive health programs
  6. Managing health finance and administration.
    Some NGOs operate internationally and are concerned with global health issues. Some NGOs in
    India also plays an important role in providing health care at times of emergencies and natural

Details of NGOs health activities :

1. Medical education
2. Hospital services
3. Rehabilitative clinic
4. Outpatient clinic
5. Ancillary services like lab/image tests
6. Nonclinical medical support like health system management/financing
7. Health insurances for the targeted population
8. Outreach activities for preventive and public health care
9. Engagement in medical research.


Jan Swasthya Sahyog : Location – Bilaspur, Chattisgarh

Overview: Ganiyari outpatient clinic with 70 beds and with operation theatres, catering to 2,000 villages of Bilaspur and other neighboring districts. A Village Health Programme, which provides preventive and curative services with the help of 110 village health workers (VHWs) in 54 tribal and forest-related villages of Bilaspur district. Other activities include rural creches, research, Technical training, and resource activities.

Nature of volunteering opportunities 

If you wanted a career with them, you should know that Jan Swasthya Sahyog ( JSS )  offers a three-year Diplomate National Board in Family Medicine course, which is recognized by the National Board of Examinations (NBE). Medical residents are trained in general and emergency aspects of medicine, surgery, pediatrics, and obstetrics & gynecology.

They are also taught about the intersection of illness and poverty, and they regularly engage in community health projects that seek to address some of the underlying issues of ill health. This has helped in community involvement and empowering the young.



Root Institute : Location: Bodhgaya, Bihar

Overview: Root Institute is a socially inclined Buddhist meditation & study center in Bodhgaya, Bihar. Besides meditation & philosophy courses, the institute runs health programs on-site and in remote rural villages of Bihar, with an emphasis on health promotion, enabling people to care for their own health, health education, and integrated health and development at the village level.

Nature of volunteering opportunities
–       Spiritual volunteers to assist with daily meditations, run short workshops, and offer general help with the spiritual program.
–       Health program volunteers to assist with program coordination and nursing.
–       Physiotherapy / Occupational therapy volunteers.

Contact: Volunteer application

Mothers Hope : Location: Dimapur, Nagaland

Overview: Mother’s Hope is a residential home for pregnant mothers and babies. Mother’s Hope provides care to pregnant girls undergoing crisis pregnancies, victims of sexual abuse, and infants needing a permanent home. They offer free counseling, a residential home for women to stay during pregnancy and receive new skill training, free health-care and psychological support to girls undergoing crisis pregnancies, and a residential home for newborn babies till they are adopted into loving families.

Nature of volunteering opportunities
–       Awareness & advocacy volunteers.
–       Volunteers for counseling & baby care home.



Sadhana Village : Location: Pune, Maharashtra

Overview: residential & educational care of disabled children, self-help groups, empowerment of rural women

Nature of volunteering opportunity:
–       teaching
–       assistance in care
–       working with SHGs



Children Walking Tall : Location: Mapusa, Goa, India.

–       provides food
–       medical assistance and educational support to local children

A minimum period of commitment: Minimum 2 Weeks

Nature of volunteering opportunity:
–       preparing activities
–       giving out food
–       teaching
–       cleaning
–       sorting
–       taking care of small medical needs for the children.


List of NGOs having different activities / Interest

AASHARA BAHUUDDESHIYA TRUST www.aashara Bahuuddeshiya
Jai jijau Mahila sabalikaran Sanstha
The Naz Foundation (India) Trust
Help Youth Foundation
VA. SA.VYA. MAHILA MANDALI (Vastavikata, Sanghadrusti, Vyaktitvam)

Service to man is service to God

What you give in charities, comes back to you multiplied many times over

When you help others, you help yourself the most, because God grants you peace and happiness